nazi germany

  1. Can the Enabling Act be blocked? If so, what are the consequences?

    The Enabling Act of 1933 was the signaled the death of democracy in interwar Germany, by granting extensive powers to the cabinet (and therefore chancellor Adolf Hitler) over the Reichstag. With these new powers, Hitler and his allies silenced or exiled the rest of their opposition (the...
  2. A Tale of Two Eagles
    Threadmarks: 1946: The Ashes of Victory

    1946: The Ashes of Victory “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” - Charles Dickens The Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan At last, the shooting had finally stopped. The corridors and hallways of the emperor’s residence had been defiled with bullet holes, rubble, small fires, and...
  3. Basileus_Komnenos

    Impact of a Restored Austria-Hungary/Habsburg Dynastic Rule on WW2.

    During the Interwar Years, there were quite a number of attempts to restore the Habsburgs to their thrones in either/both Austria and Hungary. In the 20's Blessed Karl I of Austria and IV of Hungary personally tried to take over Hungary in the 20's. In the 30's Chancellor Engelbert Dolfuss took...
  4. Hitler,Lenin,Trotsky,Stalin,Mussolini killed before WW1

    In 1913 Hitler,Trotsky and Stalin were in Vienna. They visited the same cafe. What if Lenin and Mussolini also went there while got blown up a revolutionary ? I guess the October revolution fails. So Russia remains in WW1 preventing the Spring Offensive. No CCP either. While communism remains a...
  5. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    Opinions on the fall of France in 1940 are greatly divided. The two main camps, as far as I can see, are as follows: Camp 1 holds that the fall of France was a pure fluke. Manstein's plan even being implemented and the Ardennes offensive happening at all were rather unlikely, and it was only...
  6. Operation Unthinkable goes ahead - how much longer does the war last?

    I have been looking into a number of threads about Operation Unthinkable as the idea has quite taken me, though something barely anyone seems to touch on is just how long a war between the Western allies and the Soviet Union in 1945 would last... Regardless of whether people believe it would be...
  7. TheDoofusUser

    No US Involvement, No Africa Front, Hitler focuses South, How does WW2 turn out?

    I'm currently writing a TL which has 1940 go to a Contingent Election due to a successful third party challenge against the interventionist Willkie by Isolationist Progressives and against FDR (and later HAW) by Dixiecrats John Nance Garner and other individuals who disliked FDR's third term bid...
  8. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    AHC/WI: "De-Hitlerize" a victorious Nazi Germany

    Generally, when discussing the aftermath of an Axis victory, there are three ideas that are generally thrown around: Nazi Germany achieves total domination over all of Europe, executes Generalplan Ost, and becomes more and more indoctrinated, ideological, and generally bizzare and evil, and...
  9. What if Hitler sacked Goebbels after the Baarova Affair?

    Dr. Joseph Goebbels was a notorious womanizer with a multitude of affairs, with the most infamous example being with the Czech actress Lida Baarova. Now Hitler has excused bad behavior from his close subordinates before, particularly with Julius Streicher and Hermann Esser. But there were two...
  10. AHQ : What would be the primary consequences of an even worse Barbarossa for Nazi Germany?

    Specifically, what if the only managed to arrive to the outskirts/limits of cities such as Rivne, Vilnius, Minsk, Odessa and others but never conquer them but don't manage to "go beyond them" and take the same territory they managed to do so in our world ? What would be the consequences with the...
  11. The unholy Alliance
    Threadmarks: Chapter I:Introduction

    Chapter 1: Introduction When the NSDAP and Hitler came to power in 1933 in Germany everyone expected that the 3rd Reich would never ally with the Soviet Union founded in 1922 following the Russian civil war. Moscow which was isolated during The 1930s and 20s saw rapid industrialization under...
  12. Lehi-German Alliance

    Lehi was a terrorist Zionist paramilitary organisation created by Abraham Stern in 1940. There goal was the creation of a Jewish state composed of Palestine and Jordan they were very Anti-British and believed that they weren't better than the Nazis. They have tried to collaborate with the third...
  13. Need help with story about aftermath of SS-GB show

    I am planning on uploading a story that continues after the end of the SS-GB show. It would focus on Archer’s efforts to further undermine German occupation of Britain as well as international developments. Will explain more soon, but I have ideas regarding the situation of British Jews, the...
  14. WW2 with independent Ukraine,Belarus,Caucasus

    After WW1 Ukraine and Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia became independent along with Finland and Baltic states but got conquered by the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war and incorporated into the Soviet Union which invaded by Nazi Germany in WW2 but what if Ukraine and Belarus and...
  15. AltoRegnant

    The World Struggle: A Nazi Cold War Story
    Threadmarks: Chapter One; New Masters

    July, 1944. We finally made it home to Boston. God, 3 years away… Everything looks different, even if it’s the exact same. My old Superman comics, are right where I left them. Always wanted to be like big blue, guess I am now. We ran into Betty. Haven’t thought about her, what, since Taipei...
  16. Al-Za’im

    Feasibility of revolt in NDSAP Germany?

    Essentially a (set of) question(s) of to what extent the NDSAP commanded the loyalty of the public; how likely would the prospects be of a large-scale protest moment against the regime; or alternatively revolutionary or prolonged armed agitation? What would the political character of this...
  17. Ryker of Terra

    Reichsreform - why didn't Hitler abolish the Länder/states?

    When the Nazis came to power, they moved to Nazify the country at every level, which included the administrative system, but in doing so, they created a sort of redundant double system in the Old Reich (pre 1938 borders). Party-wise you had the Gaue, which became the main administrative division...
  18. Ryker of Terra

    Axis Victory Kirchenkampf - religion in Nazi Germany if they win?

    Kirchenkampf is basically the situation that Christian churches found themselves in under Nazi rule. Hitler wanted to nazify the whole country in all aspects of society and the churches were one of the very few institutions that were capable of resisting, which naturally caused tension and...
  19. Gabingston

    Cultural Evolution of a world without the Nazis

    It is no secret that Nazi Germany and WW2 have had a massive impact upon the direction Western and even global culture has taken in the last 80 years. In fact, it may not be an exaggeration to say that the Third Reich has become the Satan figure around which Western political and cultural...
  20. 継続戦争 (The Continuation War)

    "They say the sun never sets on the British Empire. They will soon learn a lesson that Icarus knows all too well." -Tomoyuki Yamashita Buildup Following their successes in China, the IJA decided to temporarily rest and upsize their military rather than continue a rapid expansion. Military...