
  1. Chapman

    WI: No Duvalier, Fignolé Instead?

    Recent events in Haiti have made me take a closer look at the history of this small Caribbean nation, and while I'm far from any sort of expert on Haitian history, I would consider myself decently well read. In particular I've spent a lot of time studying François Duvalier aka "Papa Doc" the...
  2. From Cape Tiburon to Cape Samaná - A United Hispaniola Timeline
    Threadmarks: 1. Background, Saint-Domingue Before the Revolution

    From Cape Tiburon to Cape Samaná - A United Hispaniola Timeline Foreword From a young age, the story of Haiti fascinated me, a republic of slaves who broke the shackles of the French Empire, and seized their freedom. Unfortunately, such idyllic romanticized scenarios of a republic of...
  3. AHC: Stable Haiti

    With a 1900 POD how can Haiti develop into a stable nation state with an economic living standard at minimum comparable to it's neighbor Dominican Republic? While Haiti was never really been stable it's entire existence things have recently gotten particularly bad since 2021 when their president...
  4. Candidates for succesful slave revolutions?

    In all of human history there has only ever been one succesful slave revolution: That of Haiti. What were some other slave revolutions that came close, or had the potential for success, had things played out slightly differently? The first examples that come to mind are the 3 Servile Wars during...
  5. AltoRegnant

    WI: US Takes Haiti?

    The expansion of the US was tied in every way to slavery. The south wanted to expand it, so the north needed to expand so they wouldn't be overrun commercially with the system. The war with Mexico was in part because the Republic of Texas had hazy borders with Mexico, so when they joined the...
  6. AltoRegnant

    What Does A Strong Spain Mean At The Congress Vienna?

    So, in my Failed Constitutional Convention TL, Godoy is forewarned about napoleon's intent to double cross Spain given the chance and believes it (i figured that with ~11 countries all having embassies in pairs, intrigue makes such secrets much harder.) as such, spain and Portugal do not fall...
  7. Haiti not internationally isolated after independence

    Haiti’s crippling debts was partly enforced by French threats (and a native elite eager for legitimization and the protection of their holdings at all costs) that were aided by complete isolation. The U.S. certainly was hostile to them and has isolated them multiple times. So what if Haiti...
  8. Options for Haiti after 1800

    Haiti became the second country in the New World to become independent from a colonial power, and was the first largely Black society to do so. But, that independence was rocky in the early years and was hindered by the refusal of France to recognize Haitian freedom until crippling reparations...
  9. Effects on Napoleon's Plans in Europe if the Quasi-War Turns Hot

    In OTL, during the presidency of John Adams, the U.S. was involved in naval skirmishing with the French that could have effectively made the U.S. party to the War of the Second Coalition. Assuming Adams takes the country to war, and the Americans successfully secure what would have been the...
  10. DBAHC: Screw the Empire of Haiti

    Thought it's not exactly a great power in the traditional sense, the Empire of Haiti is nevertheless one of the most overall successful and well-off nations of the Caribbean. Your challenge is to have it fare much worse.
  11. DBAHC: Screw Haiti

    When you look at Haitian history, it's amazing to see how far the country's come. But of course, its success was by no means inevitable. Your challenge is simple: screw Haiti.
  12. Mini Cold War between Haiti and Dominican Republic
    Threadmarks: Intro and Map

    This is just a small idea I've had bouncing around in my head for a while, about a mini-cold war between the Dominican Republic and Haiti based around the years of conflict both countries have had OTL and how especially during the racist rule of Trujillo, the Haitians would grow to really oppose...
  13. WI Haiti has to pay no reparations?

    What if France never forces absurd punitive reparations on Haiti for its slave revolution? Haiti would still have lots of troubles and posible develop a cashcrop monoculture like other caribbean nations but its less likely to devastate their forests and nature and by extension the only...
  14. WI: A reconquest of Haiti by Restoration France?

    This is something I've became interested in after reading about Napoléon's attempt to reconquer Haiti and the expedition send by Charles X to force the Haitians to pay a 150 million indemnity. So in the early years of the Bourbon restoration Haiti was divided into two nations, the northern...
  15. AHC: Could a united Hispaniola (Haiti+Dominican Republic) prosper in the 19th century?

    From 1801 to 1809, and again from 1822 to 1844, the Dominican Republic came under Haitian rule. The first time, Haiti lost control of the Dominican Republic because of the English taking control of the island. The second time, it was a mix of uprisings and independence movements that led to the...
  16. Odinson

    Bring the Jubilee: Filling the Gaps
    Threadmarks: Aftermath of the War: United States

    Hi there! I was a big fan of the novel Bring the Jubilee, but I’ve always wondered what happened between Gettysburg and 1950, so I thought that I’d write a timeline to fill in the gaps so to speak. Anyhow, I present Bring the Jubilee: Filling in the Gaps 1860-1885 Abraham Lincoln, first and...
  17. GameBawesome

    AHWI: Toussaint Louverture not Captured by the French

    What if François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, the “Black Napoleon” was not captured by the French and sent to France? What if he remained in Haiti? Would he fight along side of his fellow Blacks? Would he retire from the Revolution?
  18. House of Orange

    AHC/WI: Napoleon flees to the New World

    What if, after escaping his exile in Elba, Napoleon Bonaparte finds himself not back in France, but in the Americas? Perhaps his plans change and, not wanting to risk recapture by gambling his freedom on the continent, he decides to escape to the Americas. Or, he gets on the wrong ship, and by...
  19. AHC Communist Haiti

    Make Haiti go communist. You can decide a POD. How would Haiti being communist affect Haiti in the short term aswell as in the long term? What would communist Haiti look like? - Demographically - Economically, for example would Haiti be richer? - Politically - Diplomatically - Culturally
  20. Davis J.

    What if the world recognized Haiti after it's independence?

    I was bored when I wrote this but I saw a Vox video about Haiti and the DR which stated that Haiti faces racial segregation and abuse from it's only neighbor, the DR, and even in it's earlier years European countries and the US were hostile or uninterested in Haiti as the first black republic...