
  1. A Christian State formed during the Indian Partition?

    As Jinnah and the Muslim League were granted the nation of Pakistan, could anything similar have been provided for the Christians? It's a really interesting scenario which popped up in my head a while ago, and I'm guessing this Christian nation would most likely be carved out of Northeast India...
  2. TheDoofusUser

    AHC/WI : Germanic Northern Branch of Christianity before Great Schism

    In OTL, there was never a Germanic Branch of Christianity until, if you count it, the Protestant Reformations came. The challenge here is to have a Northern Branch of Christianity be distinctly Germanic and independent of Eastern Greek Christianity and Western Latin Christianity and have it...
  3. WI: Pinochet Starts his own Church

    After the 1988, rather than surprisingly accepting it as otl, Pinochet refuses to step down and starts a white terror campaign to cement his rule and wipe out further opposition. The Catholic Church goes from criticizing the dictatorship to actively opposing it and does everything short of...
  4. The Hammer and the Cross (A Norse & Carolingian tl)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Denmark has always been on the periphery of Europe and only on a few occasions have this minor power had decisive influence on the chain of events that were to shape the fate of Europe. However one of these occasions happened in 810 and this event would reshape the entire history of Europe and...
  5. The_Persian_Cat

    AHC: Ethiopian-normative Christianity

    Christianity has its origins in Roman-occupied Judaea, and became a global cultural force largely because of the Roman Empire. Constantine the Great made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire, and he also convened the First Council of Nicaea to standardise Christian doctrine and dogma for the...
  6. How will a fiercely polygamous Christianity really have been for many Europeans?

    How will a fiercely polygamous Christianity really have been for many Europeans? So let's just say that there was some sect of Christianity before and after the Roman empire converted to Christianity and this sect was fiercely polygamous meaning the males practicing it typically take more than...
  7. AltoRegnant

    AHC: Independent, Native Ran Catholic "Morocco"/Berber Kingdom

    Morroco and West Africa are the western edge of today's muslim world (given who founded the settler colonies in america I don't think anyone is surprised.) However, prior to Islam spreading under the arabic conquests, the region was a mix of christianity from rome and native paganism. Your...
  8. St. Thomas conquers Indonesia and the Malay Peninsula and establishes a Christian Kingdom

    St Thomas, disillusioned with the prospect of converting the Tamil kings of South India to Christianity, takes his followers in five hundred ships and a professional mercenary company paid for by sympathetic local kings. He comes upon Indonesia and the Malay Peninsula and sets upon himself to...
  9. DBWI: What if Jesus of Nazareth's teachings became a religion.

    What if, instead of Baptist John's teachings, Jesus of Nazareth's teachings became the main tenets of the west.
  10. Paul senator apostle

    What if Paul became senator ? Since he was a Roman citizen How would this affect the spread of Christianity ?
  11. Jesus senator

    What if jesus became senator ? Lawyer-politician-senator How would this affect the spread of Christianity?
  12. Question about the ramifications of alternate europe

    In my timeline, by the year 1550, the ottoman empire also controls italy and estern iberia since they allied whit Hungary and Venice since both of them fought against expentionist France which now unified and became the Angevin kingdom. I know this lacks context but I was wondering how religion...
  13. WI: Christian Arabia

    The question is short and sweet, Muhammad never founds Islam so if the Arab tribes were to unify under a branch of Christianity, which form was the most likely for them to adopt? I personally think Nestorianism was the biggest candidate bit I'd like to know the odds for the other options as well...
  14. Duke Andrew of Dank

    DBWI: Church of England lives past Henry The Eigth

    The Church of England was never really taken seriously during its brief existence under Henry the Eigth. Even many elites and some bishops saw it as just a "Church of Political Punditry", and not helping matters is that to hear most modern historians put it, Henry simply just saw it as a quick...
  15. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI... A truly Russian Slavic Christianity

    What if Kievan Rus decides against importing the Orthodox faith but instead opts to create its own ‘brand’ of heavily Russified/Slavified Christianity incorporating many indigenous pagan ideas? In other words a centralized but indigenous ‘Christianity’ with its roots deep in ‘Slavdom’ as...
  16. Chapman

    AHC: Christianity for Africa, Islam for Europe

    The idea of the challenge is fairly simple - with a POD(s) anytime after the founding of Islam, have Europe become majority Muslim while Africa becomes majority Christian. To be more specific - the area of Europe i'm referring to should include at least areas OTL known as Italy, Spain, France...
  17. WI: Changed Greek and Norse Mythologies

    I was just watching OverlySarcasticProductions' video on Loki and reading some Percy Jackson fanfiction and I have an question/POD: What if the mythologies, or at least the manner in which we remember them, were slightly changed? - What If 1: Basically what if Christianity saw Loki, the Aesir...
  18. If Christianity were just one religion among many, in what areas would it be more widespread? In urban and rich areas or in rural and poor areas?

    A few days ago I had an idea for a CK3 mod, an alternative history with many point of divergence (Like a much more Hellenic Roman Empire more weak and less extended but more resistant, Celtic and Scythian migrations instead of germanic, Kush still ruled by queens, a more successful and...
  19. phil03

    WI/PC: A Christian Japan

    As it says on the title. I am far from an expert on either element of the topic (History of Christianity and History of Japan) but the sheer contrast between the significant headway made by the Jesuits in Japan compared to the overall poor results (to the best of my knowledge aniway) in the rest...
  20. Mr_Fanboy

    In the absence of Islam, which religion becomes the primary competitor to Christianity?

    Let's keep the point of divergence simple: imagine a world where Muhammad had simply never been born. In such a scenario, what religion is most likely to be the most significant competitor to Christianity in terms of number of followers by the year 2021? Said religion does not have to garner...