
  1. MLK JFK LBJ Beatles

    What if America fell into the "trouble" like Northren Ireland in 1960s and 70s?

    Disclaimer : I'm so glad how OTL civil right movements was mostly peaceful and successful. Yes, you might probably wanna said: Bruh, peaceful? What about Harlem, Watts, murders of Chany,Goodman and Schwerner,Malcolm X and Dr King? What about Detroit during long hot summer in 67 , MLK 1968 riots...
  2. What if Oswald also shot the driver of JFK's motorcade?

    So, this is a question I've been thinking about for quite a while. What if after shooting JFK in the head, Lee Harvey Oswald decided to shoot and kill William Greer, the driver of the president's motorcade, delaying the admission to the hospital? Would Roy Kellerman try to remove Greer's body...
  3. Brazil avoids parliamentarianism in 1961?

    The administration of João Goulart (also known as Jango), which would be Brazil's last democratically elected one for more than two decades, was engulfed in turmoil from the get go. Jânio Quadros' resignation kicked off a crisis that nearly led to a civil war, and Goulart only took office thanks...
  4. Historyman 14

    John F. Kennedy assassinated...during his second term?

    More of a thought experiment, but what if JFK is never gunned down in Dallas, lives and wins the 1964 United States presidential election, only to be instead kill in say 1967 in a manner that mirrors his OTL death. So...what next? Would LBJ be President, or would Lyndon B. Johnson been...
  5. TheGovernor

    In The Shadow Of Selma I

    Governor Wallace sat idly by, listening as his chicken-shit lawyers and confidants gave him a spew of nonsense. The only things Wallace could glean from the empty words of these men was simple, a march would be conducted by a bunch of uppity pastors. Some Negro queers were going to be making...
  6. Music, Hippies, and Pop Culture of an alternate KMT-ruled China during the 1960s

    In my revised alt-timeline scenario, KMT-ruled China of the 1960s is a Western ally that possesses a nuclear arsenal. As of 1967, it has a large GDP of 500 billion USD and a population of 700 million. Its territory spans OTL China, Taiwan, the Diaoyu Islands, and Western Xikang Province...
  7. Alternate History Timeline: China the Superpower (The Drug Wars of Southeast Asia)

    Hi! I am currently writing an alternate history timeline in which the KMT defeated the Communists and re-united China (including Taiwan and the Diaoyu Islands but not Mongolia and Tuva). In this timeline, Tibet is a Chinese protectorate, as China chose to vassalize Tibet instead of annexing it...
  8. Joseph Weaver

    Dark Skies Over Goldsboro: A TLIAW

    Hi so me and @PrezZF have decided to come together and do a little collab of a Timeline between the two of us. Sort of like the collabs between @Vidal and @Enigma-Conundrum, me and Prez have decided upon the POD and we have a rough outline of Presidents but for the most part, we're improvising...
  9. Taunay

    AHC: More stable Brazilian 1960s

    With a POD of 1959, your challenge is to make the Brazilian 1960s a more stable decade instead of being a recurring sequence of unstable events (such as an attempted coup in 1961 and a successful one in 1964). This also implies that you must keep Brazilian democracy alive, even in the context of...
  10. Enigma-Conundrum

    TLIAW: Camelot Lost
    Threadmarks: A Foreword

    ***** When it comes to the men on white horses who dot American history, John Fitzgerald Kennedy ranks highly among them. There’s plenty of reasons why this might be the case. Maybe it’s the seminal moments of his presidency: his steady leadership through the Cuban Missile Crisis, his...
  11. Neue Sonne Uber Europa: Timeline of events in the Americas, 1939-1985

    Neue Sonne Uber Europa is my personal take on an Axis victory scenario, spanning from 1939 to 1985 and depicting a five-way Cold War between Germany, Italy, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the United States. This final part will be covering the Americas, the last bastion of freedom in the world...
  12. WI: Storm Thurmond accidentally kills Ralph Yarborough during their wrestling match on July 9, 1964 (Wrestling match did actually happen)

    https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/pinned.htm Not exactly a very well known event but after the civil rights act Strom and Ralph wrestled over a vote about the community relations service. Strom got him onto the ground but let go after Ralph eventually yielded when the head of...
  13. Neue Sonne Uber Europa: Timeline of events in Asia and Oceania, 1939-1985

    Neue Sonne Uber Europa is my personal take on an Axis victory scenario, spanning from 1939 to 1985 and depicting a five-way Cold War between Germany, Italy, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the United States. This first part of the timeline will be covering events in Asia and Oceania, a region where...
  14. Neue Sonne Uber Europa: Timeline of events in the Middle East, 1939-1985

    Neue Sonne Uber Europa is my personal take on an Axis victory scenario, spanning from 1939 to 1985 and depicting a five-way Cold War between Germany, Italy, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the United States. In part one, we covered the timeline of events in Europe, which can be found here...
  15. Neue Sonne Uber Europa: Timeline of events in Africa, 1939-1985

    Neue Sonne Uber Europa is my personal take on an Axis victory scenario, spanning from 1939 to 1985 and depicting a five-way Cold War between Germany, Italy, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the United States. In part one, we covered the timeline of events in Europe, which can be found here...
  16. Neue Sonne Uber Europa: Timeline of events in Europe, 1939-1985

    Neue Sonne Uber Europa is my personal take on an Axis victory scenario, spanning from 1939 to 1985 and depicting a five-way Cold War between Germany, Italy, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the United States. This first part of the timeline will be covering events in Europe, a relatively peaceful...
  17. Pop Culture Sans Vietnam

    For the sake of a concrete POD, let's say around March 1965. Operation Rolling Thunder still commences, but LBJ decides against putting boots on the ground, instead sticking to the current policy of military "advisors" and slowly winding down the amount of US troops in the region over the next...
  18. Potential "Libertarian" Republican canidate in 1976 after two terms of Henry "Scoop" Jackson?

    My scenario is following: Nixon wins 1960 election and initiates a full-scale invasion of Cuba in 1961 after a Tonkin-like provocation instead of IRL Bay of Pigs. Soviets still errect the Berlin Wall, but utilize it as a convinient response to the American invasion. The lack of Cuban Missile...
  19. Hubert Humphrey wins in 1968 : how does the Vietnam War end ?

    If Hubert Humphrey had won the 1968 election, how would the Vietnam War have ended? Would it have ended earlier than OTL, or rather at the same time? How would the peace negotiations have gone?
  20. Retiarius

    AHC/WI: Estes Kefauver for President in 1960

    Before the 1960 election, the frontrunner was Senator Estes Kefauver, who'd run twice before and been nominated for Vice-President. He had a knack turning the Senate into his own personal soapbox, with the unfortuate side-effect of pissing off everybody else in the room. He was a natural...