Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

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Welcome back! Hope we here FIFA World Cup updates ITTL :)

Funnily enough I just updated my TL just a few hours Happy Burns Night to you across the pond!
The king is back! Remember folks, in this time.... nothing bad TRULY ever happens to the Kennedys!

This guy gets it!
List of Topics I Plan to Cover Soon
In order to at least provide some evidence that I've been thinking about where to move next with Blue Skies, here's a brief list of the topics I plan to cover in the next round of updates:
1. Iran (Sort of the Elephant in the Geopolitical Room ITTL, huh?)
2. Terrorism around the World, as political violence flares up.
3. The 1978 Midterm Elections
4. 1978 in Pop Culture
5. The President's Health
Hope you all are looking forward to some of these topics. :) As always, I welcome suggestions and feedback!
Will be interesting covering an Iran that might be different. Weird thing to think that had the white revolution during that time happened over a much slower time then a large number of the population wouldn't have gotten involved with the revolution which if that somehow doesn't happen then expect one hell of a massive butterfly across the Middle East...

Need to think of a Shah of Iran TL which doesn't see him do such stupid things...
While I don’t think I am as excited as I should be with a new post from Lincoln in this thread after several weeks, especially with how long 2020 and 2021 (so far) have both felt, I think it hasn’t really sunk in yet, I remembered back to the reason why I loved this timeline and my favourite parts that I really liked, loved, enjoyed, and just in general made me happy or feel inside. But regardless, I feel like this week, and this month in general, has just gotten a little better.

I’m glad you’re getting the time you need Mr. President. I’d knew you’d eventually get back into this timeline, and you did it!
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While I don’t think I am as excited as I should be with a new post from Lincoln in this thread after several weeks, especially with how long 2020 and 2021 (so far) have both felt, I think it hasn’t really sunk in yet, I remembered back to the reason why I loved this timeline and my favourite parts that I really liked, loved, enjoyed, and just in general made me happy or feel inside. But regardless, I feel like this week, and this month in general, has just gotten a little better.

I’m glad you’re getting the time you need Mr. President. I’d knew you’d eventually get back into this timeline, and you did it!

Oh my god! I'm very new to this timeline's community but I can't help but get excited by your return! Stay safe, mister president, and keep being awesome.
Thank you both very much. :) I'm thrilled to be back! @TheDetailer, I'm glad I could make your week even just a little bit better. I definitely relate to how you're feeling. If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to PM me.
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