Map Thread XXI

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It's a cover of a great scenario by @Mumby about the successful assassination of the Big Three in Tehran link. I'll also leave the original text below in case you don't have an account.

I also took the liberty of not showing here some moments (I highlighted them in brackets). I hope the author doesn't get mad at this :)

The World of Tomorrow​

Nazis led by Otto Skorzeny successfully assassinated Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt, but it was too late in the war to save them. However, the leadership of the three Allied Powers was radically altered, leading to a more conciliatory tone at ensuing peace conferences and in the Post-War. The Cold War never really got going, instead the Big Bad was the threat of International Nazism. The Werwulf programme was more successful, and Germany ended up being permanently divided and under military rule for a while longer. Nazis ended up going overseas and causing all sorts of trouble, helping the more disaffected colonial powers keep a hold on their colonies, or helping the white minority in decolonised states retain a grip on the reins of power. They were notably successful in installing 'crypto-fascist' regimes in the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia.

While these were international concerns, it was nothing new in the experience of those places, and the regimes in question were usually careful to couch their governments in terms which made them acceptable. The 1950s and early-to-mid 1960s are looked back upon as a Golden Age of Progress and Prosperity as the world seemed united in purpose. Atomic power was used for peace, not war, with many geoengineering projects planned to bring prosperity to arid and uncultivated regions of the globe. International cooperation saw humanity fling herself forward with a will, and a friendly Space Race took place between the US and the USSR. [This culimated in the 1964-65 New York World's Fair, at which a coalition of scientists, philosophers and engineers from across the world's Great Powers unveiled plans for the City of Tomorrow. It was to be an autonomous, international community, dreaming and building the technologies and ideas of the future. It was built rapidly over the late 1960s, and launched (it was a flying city, to ensure it was truly international) in 1969.]

But those later years of the 1960s were plagued by a rise in tensions within nations and across the world. America's streets were fought over by white supremacist and black civil rights protestors. In Europe, fascists and communists clashed once more while the Soviet satellites of Eastern Europe threatened to break away. In 1969, the Zeus-12 rocket that was to carry a crew of Americans and Soviets to land on the Moon was destroyed by Nazi terrorists. The Golden Age was ending.

The organisation that claimed responsibility for the destruction of Zeus-12 was a Latin American based organisation called ODESSA, headed by the same man who had assassinated the Allied leaders in 1945. They threatened to destroy the City of Tomorrow, to demonstrate the weakness and folly of the 'Judaeo-Bolshevik World Order'. With that threat, the City disappeared, and with it the last gilt edges of the Golden Age. There was a building reaction against the Establishment which had controlled social and cultural mores since WWII. In 1970, a new Soviet leadership violently reasserted control of Eastern Europe, leading to condemnation from the west. By 1973, the Cold War was in full swing. The Chinese Civil War, long postponed by the Soviet-American sponsored Unity Administration of the KMT and the CCP, broke apart once more. While the rise of the ideological world conflict led to the overthrow of many crypto-fascist regimes, it encouraged many more as both sides cast about for a friendly face in regions across the globe, like the Americans backing the white minority states of southern and eastern Africa against Red Kongo, or the Soviets helping out the 'Anti-Capitalist National Liberation Front' of Southeast Asia against French Cambodia and American-backed Indonesia.

Just as the global situation worsened, so did the environment. There was a series of messy atomic disasters, in both superpowers which caused widespread condemnation of the power source. Geoengineering projects had unforeseen side effects leading to the desertification of Central Asia and the American Southwest, [and most notoriously the flooding of much of the Mediterranean]. The test launch of an Orion rocket in Australia led to the irradiation of a lot of the outback. The well-funded scientific institutions of the 1950s and 60s were now turned toward devising new weapons, and renegade scientists found they often had greater freedom in their work and got paid more if they hired themselves out to some of the more unscrupulous governments around the world.

The end of nuclear power as the fuel supply of the future led to a rise in consumption of fossil fuels and the assent of the Middle East as a bloc of oil-producing powers. Linked to the crypto-fascist network of ODESSA, the Middle East has exerted disproportionate influence on the world due to it's dominance of the fuel supply. Anyway, an alternate version of the oil embargo takes place in the 80s as a detente breaks out between East and West, and they try to unseat the more unpleasant crypto-fascists. This worsens matters economically around the world, with coal becoming the fuel source of choice for many states, with all the nasty effects that that implies.

Anyway, Argentina tries to get the Falklands in the mid-80s and the British fight back, but the Americans apply lots of pressure to find peace which doesn't go down well. Argentina's junta collapses, and while British advisors try and build a stable parliamentary democracy in Buenos Aires, in the countryside, Werwulf cells seize control of much of the country. Violence spills over the borders into Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. But the early 90s, a swathe of South America is essentially ruled by the self-acclaimed Fourth Reich. Chile is dangerously close to collapsing completely and Bolivia and Paraguay hardly look much safer. Most of Argentina has already gone, and Patagonia is pretty much under British occupation. Britain and America bicker with one another about the Monroe Doctrine, while the USSR and China argue about coal and minerals.

An isolationist government comes to power in America, and slashes at military spending and foreign aid, withdrawing to the Western Hemisphere. But this doesn't concede everything to the Soviets, as they too are overstretched by military spending and can only just hold their own country together. The Fourth Reich in Latin America is clandestinely supported by the Integralist dictatorship of Brazil, the elimination of Argentina and her alliance with isolationist America now making her the dominant power in South America. She has an alliance with the 'Burden' the alliance of white minority dictatorships in Southern and Eastern Africa. While America withdraws back to it's pre-WW2 sphere of influence, Britain tries to take up the slack and is desperately trying to form an international coalition to fight fascism but isn't having much luck. Much of Europe is in a poor state economically [ever since the Mediterranean Deluge], and has little to spare to go on foreign adventures. France is genuinely terrified that Germany might have a go at Round Three. Baathist fascism has united much of the Middle East, while the Saudis and Iranians are awkward outsiders, with the latter being a Soviet ally. There is a Third World Alliance led by India, trying to forge an independent path away from Capitalism, Communism or Crypto-Fascism, but her reach is weak. She is challenged by the crypto-fascist states of southeast Asia, and the Black Socialist states of western and central Africa.

Global warming, pollution, desertification, man made disasters have ruined this world more than any war that has been fought. Solutions have been mooted, but there is a general distrust of big geoengineering projects. After all, that's part of what got them into this problem. There are scientists who have taken the resources given to them by unpleasant dictators or government agencies and gone freelance, trying to find the scientific solutions to dwindling fuel supplies, and a wounded planet.

[Somewhere out there, is the City of Tomorrow. Around the world, there are those who would take it as their own. Agents of the Fourth Reich believe they could use it's advanced technologies to conquer the world. Renegade US generals think they could use it to defeat America's enemies. Bright-eyed scientists believe that it might just save us.]
Is the City of Tomorrow run by Men Of Science(TM)?
Lake Tulare restored! WIP

So I started a new game in CK2 as Roussel de Bailleul and that is the result of 50 in-game years campaign. As I had no opportunities to expand west at start I decided to make a custom kingdom after conquering Cilicia, and named it Galatia.

So I started a new game in CK2 as Roussel de Bailleul and that is the result of 50 in-game years campaign. As I had no opportunities to expand west at start I decided to make a custom kingdom after conquering Cilicia, and named it Galatia.

Are you going to make some kind of Catholic, Latin Empire...or something?
Are you going to make some kind of Catholic, Latin Empire...or something?
Not really. Maybe Catholic Armenia? I think I'd try to stay independent and not create any sort of Empire or expand everywhere, if I decide to continue to play (which is unlikely).
It is more that I like the idea of Normans ruling random parts of Europe/Middle-East, like England, Normandy or Sicily.
During the interwar period, the artist Paul Toplis (1857-1942) tried to prove that the island of Brecqhou (or Brechou) is not part of the Fief of Sark, because Brecqhou was not mentioned in the letters patent establishing the fief, and therefore, the Seigneur had no rights to it. Yes, basically Toplis just believed in an imminent second Great Flood and wanted his own island, yet sixty years later, this story became relevant again.

In 1987, Leonard Joseph Matchan, Tenant of Brecqhou since 1966, died and left the island to his partner Sue Groves, but Seigneur Michael Beaumont refused to recognize this inheritance, so she decided to revive the idea of Brecqhou independence.

Things got even more complicated when, in late August 1990, an unemployed French nuclear physicist named André Gardes, armed with a semi-automatic weapon, launched an invasion of Brecqhou…​
I've decided to take a break from my usual bizarre maps to make something a bit more sane.

The Dominion of North America

So, we have timelines involving the British retaining New England (TFS) and the American South (Dominion of Southern America) The logical conclusion to this is world where the British keep control of the Midatlantic, while the colonies to the north and south gain independence.

- George Washington dies while rallying his men at Princeton on January 3, 1777. His army falls apart and the large number of colonists with loyalist settlements in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware assert themselves and by the end of 1777, the British have reconquered them. Washington's death causes butterflies that lead to a more assertive Burgoyne being victorious in his march from Canada to New York City.
- The British occupation of the Hudson and Delaware Valleys leads to the patriots being cut off in New England and the south. Starting in the 1778 campaign, the British army begins to display some of the incompetence of OTL and is unable to take much more land, excepting Georgia. France eventually enters the war, seeing an opportunity, but even with French aid, the Midatlantic remains in British hands.
- After an unsuccessful French invasion of Britain in 1782 (which is repulsed by Thomas Gage, who recovers his reputation as a result of his victories over the French) the war comes to an end. Britain recognizes the United States, holding the OTL states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts (including the southern portion of Maine), Rhode Island, Connecticut, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Britain holds onto Canada, the Midatlantic states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, as well as Georgia. The British manage to hamstring the Virginians by holding onto the Eastern Shore and various islands in the Chesapeake, which they will use as naval bases to intimidate their newly-independent neighbors.
- Not everyone is satisfied with the peace and patriot resistance continues in the British territories for years and the Hessians are required to put down revolts in Pennsylvania several times. In the far north, Ethan Allen fights on for several more decades as the warlord of Vermont before dying of old age.
- Because it is split in two pieces with hostile territory between the two halves, the United States collapses within five years of its foundation. The New England states go one way, establishing a tight confederacy, which they call Fredonia. The southerners call their country Columbia. There's little bad blood between the two successor states. They were wartime allies but have no obligation to each other after the cessation of hostilities.
- Fredonia has big problems. It is divided between centralizers like John Adams as well as Americans of a more radical strain, exemplified by Sam Adams and Daniel Shays. Because of the presence of the British to the west, preventing migration, there is no outlet for impoverished farmers, who are forced to stay in Fredonia and join the growing industrial workforce. The Fredonian navy fights several wars against the Barbary States and taxes levied to support these wars see agrarian resistance. In the 1830s, civil war breaks out. The radicals of New England, a cross between the French radicals and the Jacksonians, rise up in the 1830s, establishing a new regime in Fredonia that will last forty years. Their repression of big business and merchants associated with Britain further impoverishes the state. In 1876, a military coup establishes the Central Republic, which remains as a despotism led by the military and industrialists.
- Columbia ultimately becomes Greater Virginia. Columbia attempts to appease the south and west by giving them outsized representation in the legislature and even establishes a new capital at the central location of Seven Hills (OTL Lynchburg) but in the 1820s, the western provinces (OTL Kentucky and Tennessee) secede and are followed ten years later by the Carolinians. The rump Columbia (Virginia) abolishes slavery and becomes a minor colonial power while the Carolinas become slavocratic backwaters.
- Loyalists from across the US end up being the first white migrants to the Ohio Country, which is filled with names like New Charleston and Dunmore. Many Hessians decide they like America and the highlands along the Ohio see German settlement. In the following decades there is massive immigration, initially from just Britain, but later from all Europe, and these immigrants populate the Ohio Country and beyond. The British have better relations with the natives of the region and client states are established in parts of the continent. Somehow, Louisiana ends up British and the north is populated by the aforementioned migrants. The Dominion of North America is later established, including the territory of the OTL midatlantic US states.
- British Georgia sees settlement by the OTL Black Nova Scotians and later on the Black Poor of London. Georgia, the Floridas, and southern Louisiana become the Dominion of Georgia, a black-majority polity, though majority rule doesn't come until the end of the 19th century. The Civilized Tribes end up staying in the east and become autonomous regions of Georgia. As the non-native population of Georgia grows, there is considerable intermarriage and cultural fusion between natives and black Georgians. There are some areas settled by whites in the Ozarks, but the dominion of overwhelmingly populated by Afro-Georgians.
- Mexico succeeds in revolting from Mexico. The post-revolution government seeks out a European monarch and ultimately selects Karl Theodor, son of Elector Maximilian I of Bavaria. King Carlos of Mexico is a figurehead around which centralists can rally and throughout the 19th century, Mexico grows to become a modernized great power with a massive immigrant population from both Europe and Asia. Though states across Mexico have many foreign-born, including Anglos, there is no serious movement for secession anywhere. The Mexicans are not content to remain a continental power and waged a war against Spain from 1882 to 1883 in which they took most of Spain's colonial possessions, using them as a springboard to establish colonies even further afield in Africa.

I've decided to take a break from my usual bizarre maps to make something a bit more sane.

The Dominion of North America

So, we have timelines involving the British retaining New England (TFS) and the American South (Dominion of Southern America) The logical conclusion to this is world where the British keep control of the Midatlantic, while the colonies to the north and south gain independence.

- George Washington dies while rallying his men at Princeton on January 3, 1777. His army falls apart and the large number of colonists with loyalist settlements in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware assert themselves and by the end of 1777, the British have reconquered them. Washington's death causes butterflies that lead to a more assertive Burgoyne being victorious in his march from Canada to New York City.
- The British occupation of the Hudson and Delaware Valleys leads to the patriots being cut off in New England and the south. Starting in the 1778 campaign, the British army begins to display some of the incompetence of OTL and is unable to take much more land, excepting Georgia. France eventually enters the war, seeing an opportunity, but even with French aid, the Midatlantic remains in British hands.
- After an unsuccessful French invasion of Britain in 1782 (which is repulsed by Thomas Gage, who recovers his reputation as a result of his victories over the French) the war comes to an end. Britain recognizes the United States, holding the OTL states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts (including the southern portion of Maine), Rhode Island, Connecticut, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Britain holds onto Canada, the Midatlantic states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, as well as Georgia. The British manage to hamstring the Virginians by holding onto the Eastern Shore and various islands in the Chesapeake, which they will use as naval bases to intimidate their newly-independent neighbors.
- Not everyone is satisfied with the peace and patriot resistance continues in the British territories for years and the Hessians are required to put down revolts in Pennsylvania several times. In the far north, Ethan Allen fights on for several more decades as the warlord of Vermont before dying of old age.
- Because it is split in two pieces with hostile territory between the two halves, the United States collapses within five years of its foundation. The New England states go one way, establishing a tight confederacy, which they call Fredonia. The southerners call their country Columbia. There's little bad blood between the two successor states. They were wartime allies but have no obligation to each other after the cessation of hostilities.
- Fredonia has big problems. It is divided between centralizers like John Adams as well as Americans of a more radical strain, exemplified by Sam Adams and Daniel Shays. Because of the presence of the British to the west, preventing migration, there is no outlet for impoverished farmers, who are forced to stay in Fredonia and join the growing industrial workforce. The Fredonian navy fights several wars against the Barbary States and taxes levied to support these wars see agrarian resistance. In the 1830s, civil war breaks out. The radicals of New England, a cross between the French radicals and the Jacksonians, rise up in the 1830s, establishing a new regime in Fredonia that will last forty years. Their repression of big business and merchants associated with Britain further impoverishes the state. In 1876, a military coup establishes the Central Republic, which remains as a despotism led by the military and industrialists.
- Columbia ultimately becomes Greater Virginia. Columbia attempts to appease the south and west by giving them outsized representation in the legislature and even establishes a new capital at the central location of Seven Hills (OTL Lynchburg) but in the 1820s, the western provinces (OTL Kentucky and Tennessee) secede and are followed ten years later by the Carolinians. The rump Columbia (Virginia) abolishes slavery and becomes a minor colonial power while the Carolinas become slavocratic backwaters.
- Loyalists from across the US end up being the first white migrants to the Ohio Country, which is filled with names like New Charleston and Dunmore. Many Hessians decide they like America and the highlands along the Ohio see German settlement. In the following decades there is massive immigration, initially from just Britain, but later from all Europe, and these immigrants populate the Ohio Country and beyond. The British have better relations with the natives of the region and client states are established in parts of the continent. Somehow, Louisiana ends up British and the north is populated by the aforementioned migrants. The Dominion of North America is later established, including the territory of the OTL midatlantic US states.
- British Georgia sees settlement by the OTL Black Nova Scotians and later on the Black Poor of London. Georgia, the Floridas, and southern Louisiana become the Dominion of Georgia, a black-majority polity, though majority rule doesn't come until the end of the 19th century. The Civilized Tribes end up staying in the east and become autonomous regions of Georgia. As the non-native population of Georgia grows, there is considerable intermarriage and cultural fusion between natives and black Georgians. There are some areas settled by whites in the Ozarks, but the dominion of overwhelmingly populated by Afro-Georgians.
- Mexico succeeds in revolting from Mexico. The post-revolution government seeks out a European monarch and ultimately selects Karl Theodor, son of Elector Maximilian I of Bavaria. King Carlos of Mexico is a figurehead around which centralists can rally and throughout the 19th century, Mexico grows to become a modernized great power with a massive immigrant population from both Europe and Asia. Though states across Mexico have many foreign-born, including Anglos, there is no serious movement for secession anywhere. The Mexicans are not content to remain a continental power and waged a war against Spain from 1882 to 1883 in which they took most of Spain's colonial possessions, using them as a springboard to establish colonies even further afield in Africa.

Very creative! Like all of your works
Cover I made of the HBO Confederate series that never got made. Some Notes to go along with it. (Credit to Mr. Bubbles for the Golden Circle Borders)

-The map is set in 1963 rather than the 2010s. Slavery is still maintained, as that was the basis of the series, and the Confederacy somehow manages to maintain this system up until 100 years after the Civil War. The British back them to keep the US distracted.
-The US is slightly more authoritarian than IOTL, and the CS is basically like the Mockumentary Confederacy, but nerfed in terms of territory. The Confederates are attempting to boost their failing economy with Oil. So basically, a mix of Saudi Arabia, Apartheid South Africa, and the American South in the 60s on steroids.
-Mexico sees old school plantations set up by whites, with some mexicans who are deemed white being given equal priveleges, while the rest are second class citizens. The rest of latin america is the site of proxy wars between the US and CS
-Neither Americas join the First World War and Germany wins, only to get dogpiled in round two. Germany today is split into many states, but Russia splits from the west and enters a cold war with Britain and France. The US is vaguely friendly with them out of opposition to Britain. Russian Germany is still under the Hohenzollerns. France is starting to regain a distaste for Britain
-Germany created mittelafrika, but lost it to France. The Europeans are starting to find out that colonies are actually really expensive. South Africa is still apartheid, and the only real friend of the Confederates, seeing them as a convienient place to sell dissidents to.
-China is under an isolationist empire, but the US president is planning on giving a visit to Peking as part of a plan to encircle Japan for China and show solidarity against Britain. Meanwhile, Japan is undergoing a political crisis.

Confederate Cover.png
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Just how powerful and hard to kill are Game of Thrones dragons anyway?
A scorpion bolt can do the trick.
ETA: Although the psychological terror of a flying fire-breathing monstrosity in OTL can't be really understated IMO at least for the first century.
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