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Ah, yes. This is indeed more accurate to his case.
I completely forgot this trope. *facepalm*

No worries. :cool:

that would be a minor mass excintion and consirding that our current mass excintion is on track to far succed that and consiridng how much damage the workd has undergone it should probaly be higher

the smallest mass excintion was 60 percent I belive, i could be wrong

Ah, so it's like a Grande Coupure level extinction event. Mass extinctions tend to require above 50% of life to die out to be classified as such. But whatever, I'm still intrigued.

Hmm, I may need to rethink a couple of things about this extinction then. I seem to have been misinformed about a couple of different facts.

Remaining spacefighters weren't mentioned, but yeah, that makes sense now.

Maybe include a section on the space situation post-war, during the 'Final Society' period?

Yeah, I neglected to mention it. Drakia has a handful of space bombers and a larger number of space fighters.

I'll try and put something in about space in the next chapter, if I don't get to it then it'll go in the chapter after that.

I'll collect as much info as I can find together, in case anyone ends up wanting to do an infobox.

Arthur Klein
-Born to a military Reform Jewish family in 1885
-Became more well-known after serving in WW1 (1907-10) in the Battle of the Celtic Sea
-Became a Fleet Admiral some point after the war and before 1925
-Fought in the First Drako-American war (probably in the late 1920s) without the government's permission, lost in the Battle of Sinai, defected to Drakia thanks to fearing the consequences of a return to the US
-Converted from Judaism to Drakian Christianity after defecting
-High-up military advisor for the next ten years
-Fell out with Drakian leadership following the Drakian conquest of Spain in 1938, thanks to him fathering a daughter (Fortuna Stoker) with the dictator's wife
-Defected to Italy in December 1938
-Led a Jewish regiment of Italy during the Great Patriotic War when it came to Italy in 1940
-Continued leading Jewish military groups to continue the fight against Drakia for a few years after the Pan-European Pact agreed to peace with Drakia in 1946
-Klein returned to America in 1956 and got pardoned by the outgoing Nacuaa administration
-Declared the formation of the American Empire in 1984, propped up by Drakia.

Very nice! He got up to a few things that haven't been really mentioned in the TL- a foray into politics after he returned to the USA for instance- but otherwise this is very complete.

...what happened to him after the war ended? For that matter, what happened to those American forces fighting outside the US? It seems unlikely there would be the willingness or the logistical capability to return to Klein's US... perhaps they stayed where they were and became a part of the local military?

A small part of me fears, though, that the Draka made their fate one of the handful of conditions for peace...

No way the Netherlands was going to hand him or his men and women over, and no way that al-Fareed- an Arab-American whose parents fled Drakia's conquest of Arabia- would ever surrender voluntarily. He currently trying to figure out a way to get himself and his people back to the USA.

You know, for all that this is incredibly depressing, things are still probably better here than in Stars and Stripes Forever which is nominally based on the real world. The Moral of the story being, I suppose, that we better hope EBR isn't puppeting world history behind the scenes :p


I'm very excited, in a morbid sort of way, to see what has become of the world in the wake of the Final War. The scale of this conflict was insane, kudos to EBR for delivering it in a matter of fact but succinct way.

Thank you, I'll try not to disappoint.:)
I suppose it's lucky that China was the only nation with a significant arsenal of nuclear bombs (love the Look to the West naming as well), I don't think any of the other powers would have shied away from using them. And as bad as this war was, an indiscriminate nuclear war would have been far worse.

True. As destructive as biological weapons and orbital kinetic rounds are, they're more targeted and less "messy" than nuclear weapons in a few ways.

What is Drakian anthem?

I have no idea...

with non-apologies to William Blake
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon Africa's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On these boundless grasslands seen?

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded mills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Hills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold,
Bring me my Arrows of desire,
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Africa's green & fertile Land!

...but I like this!

How did Indonesia and Nigeria become a destination for British settlers ITTL?
Also Iraq for Russian settlers
Honestly it makes no sense. The coast of Syria I can understand because of a Mediterranean climate but the rest?

They weren't major destinations. There were small communities of British and European settlers in Nigeria IOTL, and similar numbers in Indonesia ITTL.

The British dominions in those places were very much under minority-rule and could never have survived as independent countries in the long-term. We're talking Rhodesia-esque demographics with the white population in the low single-digit percentages of the population.
Interlude: Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
Separated at Birth I Pic CCLXXII.jpg

Interlude: Vanity of vanities, all is vanity

Achlys spat blood, then bared red teeth in a laugh.

Typhon kicked him, but the disgraced Drakensis only laughed harder.

“Look at you!” He chortled. “You actually think you’ve won!”

His former creche-mate replied by bringing down the butt of his rifle again, this time on Achlys’ ribs instead of his face.

“You delusional little worm!” He was losing his temper now, and that was not the way that this was supposed to go. Not the way at all. He had been looking forward to this, eager for the chance to force his worthless “brother” to realize that the Empire he had betrayed had broken the handicappers Achlys chose to side with. But now he was here, with a dozen others of the Master Race looking on, and the, the, the creature at his feet refused to be broken.

“Coward! Traitor! Weakling! You never had the strength to be Drakensis! You ran from us!”

“’m not the one who’s weak.” The words were choked out, but the smile with them refused to go away.

“Cocksucker! Queer! Inferior piece of shit!” Typhon punctuated each word with a hit or a kick. “You aren’t worthy to lick my boots!”

“Then why are you so afraid of me?”

This time one of the other Drakensis caught Typhon’s arm.

“He’s trying to bait you into killing him.” Lucan hissed. “And he’s succeeding.

“Get the fuck off me!” Typhon rounded- the defector monetarily forgotten. If there was one thing he had learned in the creche it was to never give an inch. Never compromise, never admit failure, never concede to a mistake, never apologize, fight for ever scrap of authority you could muster and never yield an iota.

“Did you just lay hands on a superior officer, sergeant?” He was yelling now, but that was just how you showed you had power. He didn’t even realize he’d hit Lucan until after his backhand connected with the other Drakensis’ face.

Typhon comprehended belatedly the trap that he had fallen into. Not that he had hit Lucan- no one would care about that- but that Lucan had known that he couldn’t possibly take advice from a subordinate, and so now the captain (lieutenant until recently) had no choice but to kill the traitor. To do otherwise would be to lose face, to seem to take direction from someone junior to him, to admit that he had been about to make an error.

And this no Drakensis ever did.

But killing Achlys… that he would get in trouble for. What was left of the Imperial High Command wanted to make an example out of the first member of the Master Race to ever defect to the handicappers, the minor celebrity who had brought disgrace to himself and to the Country of the Dragon for the public statements he had made, lies he’d uttered about the Agoge and the Master Race (Typhon might, when he was alone in the silence of the night, admit to himself that most of what his erstwhile creche-mate had said was true- but that wasn’t the point, was it? The point was that he had betrayed them, that he had left), and the broadcasts he’d recorded urging others to defect (a couple had). Important people would angry with Typhon, and Lucan had witnesses that he’d tried to convince him not to do it and been struck for his trouble.

The twenty-three-year-old captain briefly contemplated killing the twenty-two-year-old sergeant- just out of spite- but settled for shoving him back and snarling;

“Remember your place!”

The noise was equal parts mirth and sobbing and it took Typhon a few seconds to recognize it for more laughter.

“You’re so afraid!” Tears ran down Achlys’ cheeks but that fucking smile was back. “So afraid of looking weak that you’ll kill me out of fear! Even if you destroy yourself doing it! Even if it means they replace you with Lucan, fear will make you do it!”

His brother was right, and the knowledge of how trapped he was awakened something dark and hateful inside of Typhon. He was Homo Drakensis, the Master Race, the next step in Human Evolution, destined to rule the world! How dare they? How dare they trap him, manipulate him, laugh at him?!

The captain crouched down.

“Is there someone you care about?” He asked. “Someone among these handicappers that means something to you? I want you to know that I’m going to find that person, I’m going to make them beg me to spare their life, and then I’m going to tell them ‘no’.”

He unbuttoned the flap over his sidearm.

“I’ve had more people to care about than you can imagine.” The defector held his gaze, unflinching. “I’ve been loved and cared for in ways you will never experience. I have an army of loved ones, and you will never find them.”

Achlys did not mention an informal wedding in a bunker whose walls shook from distant impacts, a moment seized when it had seemed to him and her that they could die at any time. He didn’t mention the positive pregnancy test, or the tearful good-bye, a decision made with the knowledge that the Empire would come for him- but not someone it never knew existed.

He did not mention these things, and Typhon remained unaware of them.

“Oh, I’ll find them.” The captain vowed, though he was unsure how he might even begin to go about doing so. “Now you can die knowing that your side has been defeated, your ideology has been disproved, you personally failed to protect your loved ones, and the Final Society will rule forever.” He drew his sidearm and looked for something, some sense of fear or shame or even uncertainty, but the gaze before him was as blank and pitiless as the sun.

“I may have lived to see the Empire victorious,” Achlys Veturia Caesar uttered his last words in this world “but you will live to see the Empire beaten.”
His brother was right, and the knowledge of how trapped he was awakened something dark and hateful inside of Typhon. He was Homo Drakensis, the Master Race, the next step in Human Evolution, destined to rule the world! How dare they? How dare they trap him, manipulate him, laugh at him?!
This is how the Final Society dies.

They put all their hopes and all their aspiration on such an inhumanely human foundation, and it's about to shrug.
EDIT:They put all their hopes and all their aspirations on the shoulders of such inhumane humanity, and they're about to shrug.
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Now what about TTLs ideas of how and where humans developed?
In all seriousness it's probably the modern hybrid Out of Africa theory, but I could see some horrible scenario where Drakia pushes a creationist "Sons of Noah" version of the theory as an argument that they are the heirs of human civilization while the AfD stresses the multiregional hypothesis both to give everyone a sense that they're contributing and also to contest the Dragon using such petty things as "facts" and "empirical evidence".
Goddamn that's some powerful stuff. You've done a fantastic job of morphing Drakia into the monster every alt historian fears
Now what about TTLs ideas of how and where humans developed?

In short, it's going to be screwy

Let me explain: It's because of hominids, specifically species like Australopithecus africanus. If they are discovered and if they are confirmed to be millions of years old (via carbon dating), then the Drakans can score a cultural propaganda victory by stating that the world came from Africa and from Draka.
Three things happen
1. The rest of the world ignores the bullshit and continues to seek ways to destroy Draka
2. They accept the scientific discoveries (they'll have to once the carbon dating comes in) and deals with the ego of Draka being larger than the sun.
3. The rest of the world tries to deal with a revived creationist movement that is explicitly anti-Drakan.

Just my two cents
@Walter Rodney Kinghorn -

4. The Draka suppress the evidence due to their homegrown creationist official doctrine, and nobody else ever hears about it.
5. The AFD insists that the Draka faked it - and because the Draka would never actually give out any of the bones for outside confirmation, there's no reason for anyone else to believe otherwise. If the "evidence" is the word of a totalitarian state who's quite happy to lie when it suits them, it's not real evidence.
@Walter Rodney Kinghorn -

4. The Draka suppress the evidence due to their homegrown creationist official doctrine, and nobody else ever hears about it.
5. The AFD insists that the Draka faked it - and because the Draka would never actually give out any of the bones for outside confirmation, there's no reason for anyone else to believe otherwise. If the "evidence" is the word of a totalitarian state who's quite happy to lie when it suits them, it's not real evidence.

I do wonder about the idea of no. 4. I mean, anything to boost their own egos, I guess. "Who cares if they predate the concept of Draka, They're fucking Drakans and that's that!" - A propaganda official to some religious officials prior to the rewriting of religious canon.

Number 5 would be funny, given how the AFD want to get every edge possible against the Draka. Only to then give up on hominid archaeology. "Oh yeah, we'll take the ability to make faster rockets and better spaceships and you can have the ability to see some bones that we reckon aren't prehistoric bones, okay?" - The Protracted Struggle in a nutshell if the AFD chose number 5.
Well, there's still fossils in the Old Confederation and the Americas, to say nothing of the neanderthalensis in Europe and denisova in China and Tibet.

If anything though, it may just make the concept of non-Terran origins of humanity possible. From whom did we come from again, Lilith?

Well, the Drakians sure are finding Adam and an Angel to merge with him!
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Hmm, I may need to rethink a couple of things about this extinction then. I seem to have been misinformed about a couple of different facts.
Well one thing that may be worth considering is that the flooding of the Congo probably already knocked 10 to 20 percent of life off the planet (I don't know what percentile of the species Congo rainforest has, but as a rule rainforests contain the lion share on Earth) and from there the extra 40 to 30 percent of life could come from the Final War.
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i juat found aomething that would be perfect for the draka

to give you example of how bad this is
Oxidising agents are vital in rocket fuel and it was Chlorine triflouride’s extremely effective oxidisation properties that made NASA look into it as a potential rocket fuel. That was until in the early 1950’s a tank ruptured and spilled 900 kilograms of Chlorine triflouride over a concrete floor. The substance caught fire (as it inevitably does- it was a miracle it didn’t just explode) and proceeded to set fire to the concrete. The fire was so fierce it burned through 30 cms (a foot) of solid concrete and then, as a finale burned through 90cms (about three feet) of gravel. Under any other circumstances gravel doesn’t burn, it can get scorched, melt under immense temperatures, but it takes a very special kind of chemical fire to make gravel burn.

In the words of Dr. John Drury Clark (an expert in rocket fuels for NASA)

“…the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes.”
I think that Drakia is simply going to ignore paleontology wholesale, the same way they've been largely ignoring theoretical physics. Since Africa and the Middle East (and Russia, the Balkans, Iberia) are going to be totally inaccessible or mostly so to Free World scholars, knowledge of human evolutionary history would be a lot spottier than what we have IOTL. Some form of multiregionalism would likely be the consensus based on available material evidence, though the parallel genomic clues would challenge that and AfD scholars would be puzzled.
I think that Drakia is simply going to ignore paleontology wholesale, the same way they've been largely ignoring theoretical physics. Since Africa and the Middle East (and Russia, the Balkans, Iberia) are going to be totally inaccessible or mostly so to Free World scholars, knowledge of human evolutionary history would be a lot spottier than what we have IOTL. Some form of multiregionalism would likely be the consensus based on available material evidence, though the parallel genomic clues would challenge that and AfD scholars would be puzzled.

Would The Snakes even accept evolution has a science? I have a feeling they would be creationists
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