american revolution

  1. Loyalist Middle Colonies timeline
    Threadmarks: Part 1 - The Revolution

    Unlike Canada or the Maritimes, during the American Revolution there was a serious chance of the Middle Colonies breaking off from the British Empire and joining America. Especially considering neighboring New England and the South, the Middle Colonies staying under British control is quite...
  2. Civil War if America had all British America

    POD is that Britain treats all it's colonies as bad as the 13 colonies. Instead Britain prioritizes Native American rights and Prevents any settlement in their lands from colonists. Along with 13 colonies the delegates from Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island...
  3. iatecreepypasta

    US border at St Lawrence River

    During the American Revolution suppose the Nova Scotia joins by the Americans not raiding on Nova Scotia villages and the 14th state joins which included New Brunswick now with the help of Nova Scotia the Americans successfully invade up to the St Lawrence river and holding till the end of the...
  4. durante

    If the "South" won the American Revolution

    Nope, not having a stroke. Sketching out a hypothetical TL, not sure about the exact PoD but the idea is that the the British are more successful in the northern states during the ARW but less successful in the south (or, I guess, as successless) with the end result being an alt-treaty of Paris...
  5. RangrimRumneheim

    The Fox and the Eagle - A Transatlantic Timeline

    18 May 1778 - Walnut Grove Manor, Philadelphia, Colony/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania There are a lot of things on William Howe's mind, most of them to do with the week facing him, his last week in America. Why what will they make of him back home? Why he may have conquered New York and seized...
  6. WI All british america joined american revolution

    What if all of british america joined american revolution ? The POD is Caribbean and Guyana don't have absent landlords but settled ones. Quebec act is not passed causing it to join the 13 colonies in revolution. Nova scotia and Newfoundland join due to the increased proximity to the rebels...
  7. Had Whig Supremacy continued, would the American Revolution have been prevented?

    The Whigs maintained control over British politics until 1760, and the Tories didn't really have a strong grip on power until North came to power in 1770. Considering that North's policies largely led to the American Revolution, would continued Whig supremacy prevent the American Revolution, or...
  8. French Victory in Seven Years’ War: No American Revolution?

    French Victory in Seven Years’ War: No American Revolution? I have sometimes seen that a French victory in the Seven Years’ War or French and Indian War would have prevented the American Revolution. The logic behind this is that with a French potentially enemy presence so close to the American...
  9. durante

    American Ontario

    What would it take for the Americans to win OTL Ontario, south of the 45th parallel, as part of the Treaty of Paris? I'll assume it's not transferred until the Jay's Treaty with the rest of the Ohio country. Once won for the Americans, how does impact the development of Ontario? Using the...
  10. Would a British North America be more, or less developed than the United States OTL?

    I'm inclined to say that there would be better social and economic development if they remained loyal to the crown, as slave owners are likely to have their influence curtailed much sooner and much more dramatically, however I am not knowledgeable enough about this topic to isolate the flaws of...
  11. America Without a Bay: A Divided Country
    Threadmarks: Prologue: An Old Colony with New Challenges

    Prologue: An Old Colony with New Challenges For several decades, Massachusetts was regarded as one of, if not the outright most important of the English colonies in North America. Massachusetts was the site of one the first permanent English settlements in North America outside of Virginia...
  12. Onedotman

    Washington sympathized with Democratic-Republicans

    Despite being a non-partisan man, George Washington's political views were largely in line with that of the Federalist Party, which favored a strong federal government, protectionism, industrialization and friendly relations with Britain. So what if his views are more similar to that of the...
  13. Butterflies in India Following Failure of the American Revolution?

    I understand that a commonly discussed topic here is the failure of the American Revolution. Usually, the discussion centers around North America and Europe. However, I feel like India is overlooked as a source of potential butterfly effects from a failed American Revolution considering the...
  14. ParasaurEwan

    WI: What if the Newburgh Conspiracy had succeeded?

    The Newburgh conspiracy was an attempt by a few Revolutionary war officers and Soldiers to stage a Mutiny to seize Philadelphia, possibly overthrowing the Continental congress. What would have happened if it had succeeded in this?
  15. AH: Hamilton Runs for President

    Hello! My name is AlecFanatic and I’m going to be attempting a AH fictionalization of Alexander Hamilton’s life. I'll be starting from his journey to America as a 17 year old and finishing with Hamilton as President. I’m going to be aligning as closely as possible with all available records and...
  16. What if the USA lost the American Revolution?

    How much would 2023 be different?
  17. WI: British Defeat Continental Army at Brooklyn Heights

    IOTL, the Continental Army was able to escape to Manhattan just a few days after the Battle of Long Island in late August 1776 thanks to a fog on the East River and British General William Howe refusing the advice of his officers to attack the Americans. However, what if Howe listened to his...
  18. mspence

    The Sons Of Revolution

    WI the revolt against the 1765 Stamp Tax (the first of the infamous "Intolerable Acts") had led to an earlier American revolution-say, Parliament doesn't repeal the Act. How does an earlier American revolution play out, is it successful, etc?
  19. TheDoofusUser

    Charles Lee, or another Continental General, is Commander-in-Chief

    So, a question that I haven't seen asked much despite it's potential and ramifications. Who were the candidates for Commander-in-Chief of Continental forces outside of Washington (such as Lee and Hancock) and how might they have fared compared to Washington when in command of the Patriots? What...
  20. luxtaythe2nd

    WI: George Washington died in 1779?

    I was wondering today about what could have happened if George Washington died in the middle of the Revolutionary War in the autumn of 1779. The rebels had already received aid from the French and Spanish, however on the other hand the British were gaining ground in the South and the winter of...