Map Thread XVIII

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Here's a map of a post ww3 New Mexico


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Quick TL 191 Map and Scenario

It's 1862, and a Confederate soldier picks up a peculiar looking cigar package. Within contains a copy of Special Order 191. The soldier rushes back to his headquarters.

History Happens

Confederate Independence brought with it chaos and uncertainty. But, in spite of early troubles, the Presidencies of Beckridge, Toombs, and Jackson would bound Dixie together through agriculture, settlement, industry, and railroads. Cuba would be brought into Richmond's arms through hook and crook while Confederate intervention in French Mexican adventures would bring with it a coast on the Pacific. Yet, looming overhead was always the matter of the Confederacy's northern neighbour.

Relations with the union were tense from the beginning, voter fraud in the Kentucky referendum, the issue of the Indian Territory, and the always thorny issue of runaway slaves. Tensions would culminate in the shortlived Sequoyah war in 1870 beginning over the issue of Indian raids and ending with British mediation; a peace that would leave both Richmond and Philadelphia[1] equally unsatisfied. The Confederacy soon sought an alliance with either Britain or France, only to met with non-committal replies in London and a France collapsing under the weight of Prussian arms.

With no foreign allies, Dixie under Jackson pursued a path of (limited) industrialization and military buildup, hoping to make a conquest of the Confederacy to costly for the North to sustain. Britain would assist in such measures Disraeli's successors interested in a counterbalance to a belligerent America[2], giving rise to an Anglo-Confederate "entente" to contain Philadelphia. For its part, America soon sought ties with Germany, always eager to give Britain a poke in the eye. Slavery was abolished in 1898 under heavy international pressure in spite of fierce domestic resistance.

Outside of North America, the world continued on much the same course. There was no Spanish American War, but Japan's conquest of the Philipines served to mark Spanish decline all the same. German unification, however, was not averted. Prussian military rigour and Bismarckian machination brought victory over Austria and France. German bellicosity would bring Anglo-French rapprochement and Franco-Russian alliance. Russian modernization and Ottoman weakness would mean that some damn fool thing in the Balkans would kickoff the Great war in late September of 1914.

A larger BEF[3] and a slightly more competent French general staff[4] would bring Schlieffen to a bloody halt well short of OTLs extent while Russian offensives into East Prussia given more time to prepare with a less critical situation in the west avoided total disaster. But, the entry of the United States into the war would soon tip the balance firmly in favour of the Central Powers.

The extension of the Great War to North America was something that Britain was desperate to avoid. With a near stranglehold on the British food supply and potent military one could see why. London's efforts, however, would be in vain. Roosevelt's bellicosity and his willingness to disregard the British blockade coupled with Wilsons stubbornness and decades of pent up tensions would mean that when President Wilson issued his ultimatum Roosevelt could not, and would not back down.

In spite of American intervention, it would still take almost three long bloody years for the Entente to throw in the towel. French and British resolve proved formidable as did a (slightly) more competently run [5] Russia with access to the Mediterranean [6]. It took until mid-1916 for the Confederacy to break under the strength of Union arms and early 1917 for the people Russia of to finally explode into revolution. With Britain on the verge of starvation and its tenuous trade links to South America severed by the USN at the battle of St' Helena, coupled with renewed German offensives pushing the French to the Aisne, London and Paris sued for peace.

The Treaty of Geneva left all vaguely unsatisfied. Germany gained control of a reforged kingdom of Poland, a United Duchy of the Baltic, and Lithuania, but France would cede only colonies and Germany would receive the Congo only by allowing Belgium freedom. German Pacific possessions were to be handed over to either Japan or America shutting the Kaiserreich out of Asia. America would gain control of Canada, several border states, British possessions, as well as crippling the Confederacy militarily and economically but, it would not destroy the Confederacy as some had hoped. Even as the ink was drying Russian diplomats received word of the collapse of the Provisional Government; peace it seemed would not return to the world.

Eight years on and it seems the alliance of Anti-Bolshevik socialists, the military, and the moderates has finally triumphed over Lenin and his reds. While, London, Paris, and Berlin look on with great interest. In the Far East, Japan looks to consolidate its position in China and limit the influence of the Russians while internally attempting to rein in the IJA and IJN. Only time will tell if she manages to avoid the excesses of OTL. China finds itself divided between those loyal to the morbid Emperor and his Zhili masters and the rising Republican movement who have entrenched themselves in Guandong.

Germany is in turmoil. The new chancellor appears intent of liberalizing the country and loosening Berlin's hold in the east, much to the chagrin of Conservative elements and the Kaiser himself. But, with the nation's place in the sun secured and the economy booming few are willing to stick their neck out for the Kaiser and the Junkers. For his part, the new chancellor is looking at forming a new organization prevent another Global War a perhaps a "League of Nations"? A "Union of Nations"? Still requires some thought…

Britain is split between those who want to challenge Germany at every turn and those who wish for a return to "splendid" isolation. British ties with France preclude the latter with London and Paris to intertwined economically to think about such a withdrawal from the continent. This is especially apparent considering the stresses placed upon the British economy in modernizing its battlefleet and maintaining a sizable expeditionary force. For now at least PM Law and the Tory government is firmly intent on not giving Germany continental hegemony without a fight.

France is still smarting from not beating the Boche. In spite of fighting the Heer to a bloody stalemate for the better part of three years and digging its heels into Southern Alsace events elsewhere forced a (slightly) unfavourable peace. The new French military government was swept into power following an aborted revolution by radical elements of the French left. Coupled with a stronger French right[7] and an army with more prestige meant that in the end, the French Chamber of Deputies would dissolve itself "democratically"[8] in favour of a military-led government.

Across the pond, the Confederacy is sinking into political turmoil and economic depression. Burdened by massive reparations, and militarily crippled by egregious restrictions on its armed forces many in the Confederacy are turning to radicalism none more apparent than Jake Featherston "Freedom" Party which looks poised to contest the 27 Confederate elections. The United States, under the recently elected President Hiram Johnson, looks to return to isolationism. Weakening ties with Germany and increasing public opposition to affairs in Europe would sweep in Johnson and his Progressives into the Whitehouse. Looking to Asia and at home, it appears the American giant is going back into her slumber.

After years of military defeat and political instability, the Sublime Porte looks to be on its deathbed. Infighting within Constinaple has reached an all-time high while Arab rebellion and minority revolt afflicts the Empire the from all sides. As a British naval group sets anchor at Basra, the Bulgars mass on the borders of Adrianople and a Greek expeditionary force sets sail for Izmir, and as telegraph from Berlin reaches London it appears the world stands on the precipice once more.

[1] Washington was deemed to close to the Confederacy. While remaining the de jure Capital most of the work of government is done at Philadephia with departments in Chicago, Boston, and Milwaukee.
[2] Sponsoring Fenian raids, backing the Riel rebellions, generally being might unsporty
[3] The need to possibly reinforce Canada meant that the BEF was running roughly 50% larger than OTL. Not much but enough to make a difference. Unfortunately, the fact that the forces slated for Canada were fighting on the Ostend meant that the Canucks were left out to dry.
[4] General Victor Michel FTW
[5] No Rasputin but, Nicky II is still as feckless as ever
[6] The Italo-Turkish War took place later than OTL which meant the Balkan Wars took place later as well. All in all, it meant that the Ottomans were in no mood pick a fight until the final stages on the war
[7] No Dreyfus
[8] As Democratic, as you can get with most the socialists either having been harassed into not attending or are voluntarily participating in the revolution
TL191 Thing.png



Teddy Roosevelt in Dublin be like

I sincerely believe that your destiny lies, not as a peaceful island in a sea of troubles, but as a maker and a shaper of world peace- for self-determination can no longer mean isolation, but rather withdrawing from the old status, only to return to the world stage with a new one.

Anti-imperialists in Dublin be like

Yo you made the Caribbean a sea of troubles dog


I liked your scenario so much I made a little tribute hope you're not angry with me for hijacking your scenario. Can be seen here on dA

Not really mad ofc. Just amused at this little ASB piece. At least I'm glad I got your creative juices flowing.

BTW, "Greenmount" was actually how I anglicized Vermont. I'll go into the specific details in this world once I release the whole thing.
Not really mad ofc. Just amused at this little ASB piece. At least I'm glad I got your creative juices flowing.

BTW, "Greenmount" was actually how I anglicized Vermont. I'll go into the specific details in this world once I release the whole thing.
I Russified most of the city names as best as I could as some were untranslatable so it's a double translation I guess between us haha

Isaac Beach

First of all thanks for all the questions! I really quite adore them as it's a strong indicator that the map's engaging people.

Lovely! So, ice age civilization in the Sahara, but now the Sahara is drying as the world warms again, plus an earlier New World civilization. One question: are the Free Cities the green area in *Mauretania, or the red area in *Morocco?

Thanks! Yes that is exactly right, we’d probably find some evidence of such a civilisation but the concept of an advanced bronze age society getting buried beneath the sand and jungle is pretty neat to me. Both, there’s a little multicoloured ribbon above and below the name of the group in question which includes all the colours of those coastal entities (I probably could’ve made the ribbon clearer or thicker, admittedly).

Man, how did I miss a cool-ass ultra ancient POD map right under my nose? Like, that's my thing, man. But damn dude, this is great! I like how the ancient species all kind of live together. For one, that the Neandrethols are very much able to stand up on equal footing to Homo Sapiens. Where did you get the basemap?

What kind of human languages emerged? Are there any like weird ancient "orphan cultures" around? And btw, if you ever need help with any more hella ancient stuff or wanna collab, I'm totally down.

They're certainly pretty damn fun to make, thanks a bunch! The base map is an Ice Age Worlda that I modified to be less blocky, I'll attach it below.

Well languages aren't my strong suit, but the languages of at least Wahlimarz would be somewhat like the Berber languages, but without a noun-case (or potentially any case). So there'd be no distinction between 'I' and 'me', one word would suffice in both instances. Given the theory of Berbers becoming Basque becoming Irish I'm tickled by the prospect of them sounding like Irishmen thousands of years before they came to exist, but that'd be a bit silly. Also some very prototypical Semitic influences, as I'm going with the idea that Egypt and such would be at least partially proto-Semitic, so Irshan probably speaks some variation of that. I'm more or less of the opinion that written language doesn't exist, though some early hieroglyphics among the priesthood may be extant, though they'd be wiped out by the Sahara's desertification before it can become a proper written language.
You'll have to explain to me what you mean by orphan cultures, I don't quite grasp it? And I'll certainly keep that in mind my friend!

kinda weird and racy question here- what's the ethnicity makeup of Akal here? We know neanderthals are separate so I imagine it'd be more like modern Berbers? Or is just the culture similar and the pigmentation similar to OTL Bantus?

I've been going with Proto-Berber, more or less, but realistically probably some completely extinct and unknown ethnocultural groups. The culture is purposefully very alien, for a multitude of reasons (I'm not going to assert that the ancestors of the Wolof people, for instance, engaged in coprophilic rituals as that might be taken rather poorly) with the only hint of a link to modern Berbers being such things as the Equus patrolling holy megaliths. There's also the hint of Ananse, an Akanese spider god, in the form of Issiy which may hint at there being a relation to modern Bantus, but this is more incidental than correlative. If I play up the Basqe-Irish link, Todd presupposed that they might have a rather Caucasian facial morphology while being dark skinned, tall and thin, but I didn't think too much beyond them being definitely dark skinned (which is just about visible in the pixel art).
first post here, be nice :v

here's a map i made today off a timeline i've been working on on and off for around a year centered around the burgundian colony of septimania. i'm most interested in worldbuilding at the level of the individual, and i find these Atlas of Prejudice-esque 8 Ways... maps are a good way to characterize the culture of a world.

if you have any questions, please ask :)
first post here, be nice :v

here's a map i made today off a timeline i've been working on on and off for around a year centered around the burgundian colony of septimania. i'm most interested in worldbuilding at the level of the individual, and i find these Atlas of Prejudice-esque 8 Ways... maps are a good way to characterize the culture of a world.

if you have any questions, please ask :)

This is based on that one Vic2 mod, correct? I forget what it’s called but I love the lore in it so I’m intrigued how you’ll expand on it
Here's a little WIP I've been working for the past week or so. Try guessing the world it's based on: [map]
Ah, so this is a timeline where a surviving (Cromwell) Commonwealth resulted in a British monarchy-in-exile in the New World! I’m literally in the process of developing a graphic timeline like this at the moment, guess I should pause and/or revise it and see how your TL plays out!
That's a weird way to spell blessed

I remember David Brin's not-too-distant-future SF novel Earth, in which an international coalition invades Switzerland to force them to disclose all the secret knowledge in the form of illegal bank accounts, dirt on everyone under the sun, Game of Thrones spoilers, etc. that they've been hoarding, and only through the intervention of a Swiss general with a conscience is the Swiss leadership prevented from setting off their secret stash of cobalt-wrapped nukes and taking the rest of the northern hemisphere down with them.

if you have any questions, please ask

A few!

Presumably Septimania doesn't have a colony of Orcs in the Appalachians, so what is "Black Speech?"
Does *Long Island have no nationality?
What makes Plantagenets more traitorous than other French-speakers? Was that are initially colonized by the French-speaking subjects of a British monarchy that split up France with the Burgundians?
Is Burgundy this Burgundy?
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Ah, so this is a timeline where a surviving (Cromwell) Commonwealth resulted in a British monarchy-in-exile in the New World! I’m literally in the process of developing a graphic timeline like this at the moment, guess I should pause and/or revise it and see how your TL plays out!

You can certainly, but I guess it's your call.
China, 21 July 1945, the de facto beginning of the post-1945 phase of the Chinese Civil War.

Blue = Nationalists
Red = Communists
Orange = Japanese
Teal = Western Allies

Bright colour are areas fought over that day

This is based on that one Vic2 mod, correct? I forget what it’s called but I love the lore in it so I’m intrigued how you’ll expand on it
yes, i've been working on a TL up to the modern day based off my playthrough as Burgundy for a long time. here's a glimpse of what's happening on the other side of the ocean:

Burgundy/Lotharingia (proclaiming itself as the successor to the medieval Lotharingia) is the hegemon over western Europe. the HRE still exists at this time, though it's largely a vessel for Burgundian power projection at this point, with the King of Lotharingia being the head of state for all the German states within its boundaries. the United Republics have largely been neutered by years of war against the Burgundian-Scandinavian alliance, eventually resulting in the abolition of the monarchy. this abolition of the monarchy, however, has led to cooperation and understanding between the French, English and Anglois minorities against their common enemies in Burgundy. in Iberia, the communist regimes of Navarre and Spain remain strong after 20 years of classical Marchesist rule, and seek to export their revolution to neighboring countries. Italy-Aragon is a newly united state, but remains tethered to Burgundy in the King's rule over northern Italy.

some of my other maps in this universe: the elections in Septimania in 2008, liberals retain control of parliament but a growing nationalist movement in the Restorationist party sparks worry in every wing of government the Athesian Workers Republic, a Venetian-colonized communist Florida founded by a Marx-analogue exiled to North America the Republic of Lusitania, a small Portuguese-speaking Texan state unfortunately snuffed out in the chaos of the Great Arcadian War of the late 19th century
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