Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

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In 2004 John Kerry barely defeated George W Bush to become the 44th President of the United States but scandal erupted when Vice President John Edwards was forced to resign in 2006 after admitting he had cheated on his cancer stricken wife leading to a six month vacancy before Hillary Rodham Clinton was appointed first woman to be Vice President with rumors of bribery and force to get the spot.
With the American people being warned down after seven years of war the GOP nomination goes to Mitt Romney who was able to soar over John McCain.
Good idea. Although why does Mitt Romney pick Sarah Palin?
If you are looking for a female candidate to counter Clinton, I would imagine him picking Elizabeth Dole, being more experienced and coming from a more difficult region for Romney to campaign in.
Another post for my Gran Lago timeline, where a massive lake in Southern California doesn't dry up and sticks around to the modern day (with some help). This time a rather consequential election. The thread for this timeline can be found here.
So one thing that is my pet peeve on alternate history threads is when users have amazing stories and worldbuilding but then draw me out of the story by using pictures of already very famous people as a fictional character. (Sometimes appropriate like that great Sherlock wikibox above).

So if I'm allowed I've had an idea on a solution which is to use this AI which creates random faces that look very realistic (sometimes it goes wrong, just refresh)
So one thing that is my pet peeve on alternate history threads is when users have amazing stories and worldbuilding but then draw me out of the story by using pictures of already very famous people as a fictional character. (Sometimes appropriate like that great Sherlock wikibox above).

So if I'm allowed I've had an idea on a solution which is to use this AI which creates random faces that look very realistic (sometimes it goes wrong, just refresh)
How would I input said images into wikipedia perhaps?
Here's an election for a parliamentary France, I don't have the backstory entirely figured out but it involves Charles de Gaulle dying before Gaullism gains traction

Sorry if this has been asked before. Can anyone link me to a tutorial on how to make wikiboxes? I want to make one about a 2011 UK electoral reform referendum
Another post for my Gran Lago timeline, where a massive lake in Southern California doesn't dry up and sticks around to the modern day (with some help). This time a traitor. The thread for this timeline can be found here.


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POD: Ottoman forces successfully took Wien in 1683, and because of this Turkish rule in the Balkans lasted much longer. In this timeline, a large amount of Hungarian population got killed by wars and famines, and they gradually became a small minority in the Carpathian Basin. Hungarian territories slowly changed their language and ethnic identity: Transylvania is now Romanian-Saxon dominated federal republic, Upper Hungary turned into modern-day Slovakia under the Rákóczi family's rule, Western Hungary got Germanized and was part of Austroczechia for centuries, and Serbs were the one who liberated Ottoman Hungary.

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1976 Confederate States Presidential election

With President Carter winning the presidency after peaceful negotiations with US president Richard Nixon in 72 beating incumbent Miguel Del la Madrid. The first candidate from the Golden circle to run in a major party
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