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A former board member and moderator from Argentina who in his time on created a diverse folio of work, many of which is still on the servers.

He was banned after making several mistakes whilst attempting to “improve” the board, which resulted in the permanent loss of several threads. By that point he was getting increasingly frustrated with the board and so wished to wipe all record of his time on off the servers. This led to him deleting many of his own threads, breaking one of the main rules Ian had laid out to his moderators (see the original banning here for more information.) This incident became known as the Maverick Mutiny.

Maverick remains a member of and Between Two Waves so thankfully this talented Argentinian has not totally left the wider alternate history community.


a.) Timelines

Argentina-based timelines

Fuego en el Magallanes - What if the Beagle channel crisis of 1978 had led to war? (lost)

La Larga Y Oscura Noche - What if an Argentinean civil war had taken place in 1955? (complete)

The Japanese Trilogy

The Dragon Rises High - What if Tokugawa Ieyasu had died three years earlier? (complete)

The Realm of the Mountain - What if Takeda Shingen had not died in 1572? (in progress)

Sands of Kanagawa - What if Japan and the United States had collided differently in the 1840s? (original thread lost; recovered thanks to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and available as a preview snapshot here)

The Alternate Presidents Trilogy

Kings of Camelot - What if Joseph Kennedy Jr. had not died in 1944? (original thread lost; recovered thanks to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and available as a preview snapshot here)

The High and the Mighty - What if John Wayne had entered into Politics in 1964 and had become President in 1972 ? (almost complete; original thread lost; recovered thanks to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and available as a preview snapshot here)

Various timelines

Sol de Austria - What if Don Juan of Austria had married Mary, Queen of Scots ? (lost)

The Fallen Prince - What if Napoleon had died at Aspern Essling on May of 1809 ? (complete)

A Red Eagle Rises - An alternate life for three German figures and a People's Reich (lost)

Times of Trouble - What if the Little Rock Crisis of 1957 and several other events of the Cold war had gone horribly wrong? (original thread lost; recovered thanks to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and available as a preview snapshot here)

Araremos en el mar - A 19th century South American timeline, originally created for the 3rd Timeline Contest.

Secondary, old or to be completed works

The Writer - What if H.G. Wells had gone into politics? (original thread lost; recovered thanks to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and available as a preview snapshot here)

The Fall and Rise of the Whig Party - What if Henry Clay had won the election of 1844? (original thread lost; recovered thanks to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and available as a preview snapshot here)

b.) Stories

The Lost Republic

The Good Peace

A bunch of short stories that need sorting out…

The Shadow of the Knight - What if Bruce Wayne was not Batman? (original thread lost)

Notable AH cliché killing

In maverick's own words : “I've started a trend to kill known cliches in my TLs.” So far:

-Bland United India: Averted in Sol de Austria, A Red Eagle Rises & The Dragon Rises High.

-Boring Little Switzerland: Averted in The Fallen Prince.

-Nothing ever happens in South America: Averted in Fuego en el Magallanes, Times of Trouble & La Larga y Oscura Noche.

-Minor misconceptions about Japan in random threads and major misconceptions about Argentina whenever I feel like it.

-Premodern Japan as a Great Power: Averted in The Realm of the Mountain, played straight and subverted in The Dragon Rises High.

-Kazakh Border: The Soviet Union often survives one way other other past 1991 (Kings of Camelot), or the Russian Empire is never overthrown (The Fallen Prince).

-Ninja vs Samurai: In open battle, the Samurai crush the Ninja, but by this point Samurai use Firearms almost exclusively and swords are beginning to be seen as antiquated In-Universe The Realm of the Mountain.“

Maverick in politics

-Member of the EVIL Party (2007)

-Minister of Vengeance (2007)

-Member of Parliament (2009)

-Deputy Prime Minister of AH.Com (April-August 2009)

-Prime Minister of AH.Com (August 2009)

offtopic/maverick.1407757233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:15 (external edit)

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