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Note the two e in the name.

Veteran member of the board, having been on since the days of the Old Board, where he was known as Scott Blair. He has written several timelines: On the old board “La Serenissima” (as he in the end titled it, but most commonly known as “Mustafa the Pretender TL”), and the Prince of Peace and Answers for Milinda (the latter unfinished) on the new board. He also has nother timeline going, Perpetual Brightness, but it is on hiatus. The latter three TLs were/are done in story format, something with which he himself causes several problems.

However, on the board Faeelin is best known for his alltogether too dry sense of humour and too much sarcasm, something that already has often led him into trouble when people did not notice he was not serious. It does not help, either, that he usually responds in very short, abrasive posts. While he is a gaysexualist, he does not partake in homoendo, but instead usually banters jokes with and at the expense of Abdul Hadi Pasha.

Also a board expert on all things Chinese, along with Hendryk.

offtopic/faeelin.1196094506.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:15 (external edit)

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