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2018 Turtledove Awards Winners

The Turtledove Awards for 2017 were held in February and March 2018.

SargentHawk introduced new designs this year, retroactively applying them to the 2017 awards as well.

A new ASB category was introduced, for the many derivative timelines and other AH-fics of the A Song of Ice and Fire book series. This was done due to the large number of ASB timelines based on that particular piece of fiction in the preceding years. While ASOIAF-fic popularity lasts in the “based on fiction” writing projects, the category will serve to collect those and avoid cluttering the ASB category for “based on fiction” works.

I. General Alternate History Timelines

(Timelines from the Pre-1900 and Post-1900 forums.)

Best Ancient Timeline (“Before 1900” Forum)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Medieval Timeline (“Before 1900” Forum)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Early Modern Timeline (“Before 1900” Forum)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Colonialism and Revolutions Era Timeline (“Before 1900” Forum)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Early 20th Century Timeline (“After 1900” Forum)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Cold War Timeline (“After 1900” Forum)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Finished Timeline (“Finished Timelines & Scenarios” Forum)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

II. Future History/Science Fiction/Fantastical Timelines

(Timelines from the Future History and Alien Space Bats forums.)

Best Future History Timeline
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Original Alien Space Bats Timeline (The SergeantHeretic Award)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Based on Fiction Alien Space Bats Timeline
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

III. Stories, Short Timelines and Flash Timelines

(Stories from the Writer's Forum and short-format timelines from various forums.)

Writer's Forum Story
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

IV. Shared Worlds Games

(Projects from the Shared Worlds forum.)

Best Shared Worlds Map Game
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Shared Worlds Nation and Modded Game (The Kaiser K Award)
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Shared Worlds Election Game
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Shared Worlds RPG
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

V. Alternate History Artwork

Best Flag
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Map
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Graphic/Artwork
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

VI. Alternate History Features

Best Featured Character
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best Quote
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

Best POD
2018_winners by offtopic - award plaque

VIII. Personal Awards

The Newcomer Award
offtopic - award plaque

Robert P. Perkins Award for Outstanding Contributions to Alternate History
offtopic - award plaque

2018 Turtledove Awards Introduction - A general look at the minor changes and additions effective from this contest year onward.

2018 Turtledove Awards Chat and Clarification (The Lounge) - The main discussion thread for the awards. Do not post nominations, seconds or corrections of the previous two things in this thread. There are separate threads for that (see below).

2018 Turtledove Awards Nominations Directory - Rather than a single nomination thread, this contest year introduces several nomination threads, all linked to from this single directory (similar to the voting thread directory that comes later).

2018 Turtledove Awards Poll Directory - Single directory collecting all voting polls.

2018 Turtledove Awards Winner Announcements, Acceptances, & Congratulations - The general thread for the results of this year's awards.

See Also

alternate_history/2018_winners.1522150806.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:17 (external edit)

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