The slave trade will unfortunately still take place in some way (the meat grinders *cough* plantations need to be fed somehow), but West Africa's gold won't lose value almost overnight like IOTL.
Sadly there was always a slave trade across the world at that time and it makes sense the plantations would still be operating as such; but yeah hopefully with West Africa's economy not crashing overnight and the colonies being smaller than OTL, it will maybe not be as nightmarishly large.

Also I guess that's a no to Abubakari of the Mali Empire 2, electric boogaloo? XD
Nope. 😆

I do want to write something on the Songhai though.

Oh. My. GOSH!

I love the Songhai, they are so incredibly fascinating, especially at this point in history as there's a really strong mix of traditional faiths and Islam over the later Islamic dominance in the region, I'll be super intrigued to see what you do there!
Thanks for the maps, they are great.

I'm starting to think that mesoamerica will be in a similar situation to india after the islamic conquest. With Christianity (or in the case of India, Islam) being the second largest group. In addition, we have the kingdoms of the Mayans, Aztecs and Purepecha managing to remain independent. Unless the Spanish advance on the nomads I don't see much change happening in the future. Other than that, the Caribbean is a Spanish lake and Florida has grown a little. This century and the beginning of the next will be difficult for these peoples with the various epidemics, external and internal disputes. But after these unstable times things will start to calm down and in theory they are in the green.
Well, apparently, in addition to the Portuguese, we have Spanish and even Danish colonies on the coast of North America (poor England, if they only try around 1620 it will be a continent with little space for colonies). With denmark, spain, portugal and the confederation, the region will be a powder keg in the future. Denmark has a certain advantage in my opinion in relation to a population more adapted to colder climates. North America is looking like it's going to be OTL South America with several countries. The biggest difference is the different languages that will be spoken in the region.
Right in South America we have the Incas who, in theory, are at their peak. without having much interaction with Europeans at the moment. So no European epidemics and infections at the moment. Only the raids made by the Guarani using the trail (the bandeirantes learned about the trail from them). Furthermore, if I'm not mistaken, the Incas were at war or seriously competing with the Mapuche in the southernmost part of the empire. In general, everything is ok. Things will complicate with more interaction with Europeans (with epidemics, Christianity and incursions), but the greatest danger is the internal division between the richest families and their hereditary system, which was terrible. Preventing new kings from accessing the predecessor's treasury (among other things).
We also have the confederacy of the Muisca pressed between the Spanish and the Incas (which is horrible for them). But they have no choice, they'll have to juggle the Spanish and the Incas. Ideally, play against each other until they are strong enough to survive without needing to juggle or ask for protection.

The spanish are in venezuela and soon they will try to expand to otl colombia. The ideal for them is for the Incas to fall into civil war or implode due to the more influential families being a detriment to the empire. Other than that things are going well, sugar is being produced and gold is going to Spain (more gradually which is great in the long run). While they are having problems in Europe, the Americas are safe for the moment.

The french decided to send the protestants to the new world, which will do wonders for france ( no horrible civil war), and for the colony, which will have a literate group to help build a productive middle class. This will strengthen the colony, with in the OTL +- 10% of the French population being Protestant. Assuming that about 4% or 5% go to the new world the colony will be the most populated in the americas by a good margin. In addition to immigrants from France that depend on how much % of the population go to the new world. They may have at least about +300 thousand immigrants in this century alone, if immigration is at a rate similar to that of Portugal, it would be above 700 thousand ( in the 16 century). Other than that the colony will produce coffee sooner due to France (in addition to sugar, cattle, precious minerals and various other things). So everything is working for them.

The Portuguese colony in South America (which is +- in the Argentinian region) will be important for doing business with the natives and livestock production. But other than that it won't be worth it, I think it's probably a good comparison being Quebec or Louisiana which, due to the lack of commercial incentives, has not grown in population. In OTL with all the incentives to protect the Rio do Plata for the flow of silver and gold the population of the colony in 1650 was 300 thousand only reaching the mark of 500 thousand in 1800. So this colony is in a very bad situation. With the French on its future border and with little economic value, it could become something like Quebec in Canada or be completely absorbed by the French colony if the Portuguese crown is not very careful.
The Portuguese colony in South America (which is +- in the Argentinian region) will be important for doing business with the natives and livestock production. But other than that it won't be worth it, I think it's probably a good comparison being Quebec or Louisiana which, due to the lack of commercial incentives, has not grown in population. In OTL with all the incentives to protect the Rio do Plata for the flow of silver and gold the population of the colony in 1650 was 300 thousand only reaching the mark of 500 thousand in 1800. So this colony is in a very bad situation. With the French on its future border and with little economic value, it could become something like Quebec in Canada or be completely absorbed by the French colony if the Portuguese crown is not very careful.
IIRC the silver trade in the River Plate was technically illegal IOTL, which won't be the case here. Plus the Spanish had lots of other places to take care of.
poor England, if they only try around 1620 it will be a continent with little space for colonies
Who knows, the first English colony was stablish in 1580 in North Carolina(though it failed) and that spot is still open, Jamestown is a goner though, and the OTL pilgrims were actually aiming for the Hudson River and only accidentally landed in Massachusetts, and the Hudson seems Dane to me.

Then again, it's not like every colony is bound to succeed, New Amsterdam didn't, neither did New Sweden(in southern New Jersey, which is still open), who knows maybe Albion can be perfidious and steal someone's work, not an unprecedented thing as far as Britain goes lol. I specifically doubt the longevity of Portuguese North America personally, they are bound to have a miniscule population and a weak economy.
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Who knows, the first English colony was stablish in 1580 in North Carolina(though it failed) and that spot is still open, Jamestown is a goner though, and the OTL pilgrims were actually aiming for the Hudson River and only accidentally landed in Massachusetts, and the Hudson seems Dane to me.

Then again, it's not like every colony is bound to succeed, New Amsterdam didn't, neither did New Sweden(in southern New Jersey, which is still open), who maybe Albion can be perfidious and steal someone's work, not an unprecedented thing as far as Britain goes lol. I specifically doubt the longevity of Portuguese North America personally, they are bound to have a miniscule population and a weak economy.
tbf I'd rather the Danes take everything and for North America to be Danish (and we'd get a Danish Empire ruled from otl New York lol).

I'd rather perfidious albion take over South Africa and Australia and Java.
A bigger number of smaller colonies would generate quite the interesting scenario, Brandengurgian/Prussian small colonies maybe. Colonial efforts could even become an earlier unifying factor for the German States and Statelets, which wouldn't be able to do much alone but together could share colonial possessions. France fcused on South America leaves Canada open to Scandinavian (Viland, cmon is right there Vini) and/or possible German colonies.
A bigger number of smaller colonies would generate quite the interesting scenario, Brandengurgian/Prussian small colonies maybe. Colonial efforts could even become an earlier unifying factor for the German States and Statelets, which wouldn't be able to do much alone but together could share colonial possessions. France fcused on South America leaves Canada open to Scandinavian (Viland, cmon is right there Vini) and/or possible German colonies.
Thing is, Vinland (Newfoundland) is already taken by the Portuguese. By the time I decided to show some love to the Danes, it was too late. 😆
I'm kinda happy Portugal has two colonies ITTL. Yeah, they lost Brazil, but they gained a well-located region in South America which will be used to trade minerals and also have the northeastern tip of the US, which is very fertile and can have a very high population growth due to its pleasant climate, helping its future expansion.
Extra Map: The Spanish East Indies
Extra Map: The Spanish East Indies

filipinas 1592.png