The Footprint of Mussolini - TL

not to mention the explicit mention of the Junta's "enjoyment" of doing all this shit to a region that should stop existing and be erased from the map for its and it's peoples good. Thus, another question arises: What does this "enjoyment" imply? Who enjoys destroying Syria time and time again? The Junta? Turkish people? Turkey's Military-Industrial Complex? Or is it because they believe that if they don't re-invade Syria,they'll
My reading of ‘enjoyment’ is that Turkey enjoys the fact that they’re the dominant power in the Middle East again (well, one of - Iran being the other one) and their treatment of Syria is meant as a ‘see what happens if you oppose us?’
P.S. I find the fact the Arabs since ITTL 21st Century hate Turks more than both Jews and Italians half-astonishing. Sure,Arabs and maybe Ex-Arabs may hate Israelis/Jews less thanks to Anne Frank, them not hating Italians more is astonishing since they were the ones who NUKED THEM, in addition of orchestrating mass expulsions,mainstreamed Arabophobia/Anti-Arab sentiment and the created the Ciano Plan. If anything,Arabs would hate Italy and Turkey equally in a back-n-forth fashion because they see Italy as teacher of its student Turkey (it brought the Junta to power in the first place and continues (with China) to enable Turkey's actions).
I imagine it’s also to do with how Turkey has become the ‘head’ of the (Sunni) Muslim world to a certain extent - see their influence on the Holy Places and how Imams in Jerusalem and Mecca IIRC have to preach in Turkish not Arabic. That can’t sit well with religious Arabs…
My reading of ‘enjoyment’ is that Turkey enjoys the fact that they’re the dominant power in the Middle East again (well, one of - Iran being the other one) and their treatment of Syria is meant as a ‘see what happens if you oppose us?’

I imagine it’s also to do with how Turkey has become the ‘head’ of the (Sunni) Muslim world to a certain extent - see their influence on the Holy Places and how Imams in Jerusalem and Mecca IIRC have to preach in Turkish not Arabic. That can’t sit well with religious Arabs…
There you go: Turkey is South Africa with better PR ("TRY me, you puny bitch!" vs "Hate me and see if I care!"); two peas in the pod that are made for each other, with eventual trade between them of diamonds for advanced weaponry. Armenia could've become Turkey's second Syria were not for Armenia's swift accession to ITO,and I bet Turks seek it towards Armenia; plus Armenia's neighbors' embargo on Armenia itself (there are several countries who openly oppose Turkey like Greece).

That's another obvious factor,them demanding imams to preach in any language but Arabic. Doesn't change the fact that Turkey's control over Holy Sites was made possible by Italy.

If Eric Cartman was a country, that would be TTL Turkey (tt is as much over-emboldened as it is spoiled).
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Someone needs to rewatch South Park.
I have been watching south park for years. The main villain is human stupidity. Cartman is at most a vehicle to show off or instigate the plot for it but he is not the main villain. Maybe you should do a rewatch.
I have been watching south park for years. The main villain is human stupidity. Cartman is at most a vehicle to show off or instigate the plot for it but he is not the main villain. Maybe you should do a rewatch.
Eric Cartman is a clear psychopath/sociopath and he is the one you should root against. He is the villain of the story. That's kind of the entire point of South Park...
Eric Cartman is a clear psychopath/sociopath and he is the one you should root against. He is the villain of the story. That's kind of the entire point of South Park...
That's what I was trying to say when I was referencing FoM Turkey, yet it was taken out of context. Perhaps I shouldn't have done it.
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6. Why the hell are Arab States (with the exception of South Egypt and the Alawite Republic) in the CIS,an alliance which express total contempt for them?
They didn’t have much choice. Mussolini either frog-marched them into the old Roman Alliance at gunpoint as in the case of the territories that then-South Iran had occupied militarily and others, or bribed their traditional leaders who got restored after the UAR went down, as in the case of Oman. If you recall, it was all part of his master plan for the Roman Alliance to dominate global oil production.

Also, not all joined. The former Trucial States stuck with Britain, for example.
Are they opt for deliberate insularity or are they trying to put the lowest possible profile so as to not incur local provocation?

Huh, yeah I do wonder what happened to the people living abroad who came from these countries that were devastated or no longer exist. (Sorry if this was discussed before on this thread)

Some Arabs would have a case for asylum as returning them to their countries of origin (or their successor states) would result in loss of life, be compelled to convert religions and speak another language, or face persecution to erase their cultural identity.

Arabs could still face discrimination while living in other countries, with some people equating Arab cultural heritage with supporting Aflaq and the UAR.

There wasn't much sympathy for Arabs after the UAR but with time and with the fall of fascism I could see Arab activists bringing attention to unfair and collective punishment.

They didn’t have much choice. Mussolini either frog-marched them into the old Roman Alliance at gunpoint as in the case of the territories that then-South Iran had occupied militarily and others, or bribed their traditional leaders who got restored after the UAR went down, as in the case of Oman. If you recall, it was all part of his master plan for the Roman Alliance to dominate global oil production.

Also, not all joined. The former Trucial States stuck with Britain, for example.

Well, they ought to have left the RA/CIS after the Fall of Fascism and stayed neutral like South Egypt, especially when Turkey is in it. Or maybe create TTL version of the Non-Alignment Movement whose members consist of CIS members who hate Turkey, China and Italy, and neutral countries who seek to join an org who neither mandates Democracy as the main condition (ITO) nor an "Alliance of Thugs" (the label for CIS by its detractors) who, as former Fascists, inflicted pain and suffering upon countries which can be called "Victims of Fascism" like how OTL Eastern Europe and South Korea are "Victims of Communism". -> The NAM's main leaders would be Brazil, South Egypt, Ethiopia and Korea.

The only Arab/Ex-Arab states that make sense in being in the CIS are Saba/Yemen who openly detests and deems Arab States inferior, hates being called "Arab" and is perhaps the only Pro-Turkey Arab state in this World due to it benefitting from its relations with the RA before Berlinguer; and Lebanon whose Christianity and Falangists caused their country to be on Roman Alliance's good side, although Lebanon could join a new alliance I mentioned above due to the unknown Mount Lebanon Famine. ->
Huh, yeah I do wonder what happened to the people living abroad who came from these countries that were devastated or no longer exist. (Sorry if this was discussed before on this thread)

Some Arabs would have a case for asylum as returning them to their countries of origin (or their successor states) would result in loss of life, be compelled to convert religions and speak another language, or face persecution to erase their cultural identity.

Arabs could still face discrimination while living in other countries, with some people equating Arab cultural heritage with supporting Aflaq and the UAR.

There wasn't much sympathy for Arabs after the UAR but with time and with the fall of fascism I could see Arab activists bringing attention to unfair and collective punishment.
Foreign Syrians are the special case among the FoM Arab diaspora since they couldn't care less about their own reputation and they'd rather jump into volcano than set their foot on the dystopian desolace that Syria had become. At the same time, they're the angriest, most rabid and most radical (because of the reasons I wrote on my main paragraphs) who advocate for extreme and downright genocidal means of dealing with those who destroyed them.

Or zero discrimination if some Arabs happen to be living in Greece, Kurdistan, Armenia, Serbia and Ethiopia which understands them in the sense of "We feel your pain." as the five were themselves victims of Fascism and hate CIS via the CIS leading members. And yes, Arab rights activists do exist across many parts of the Globe.

This is one issue I have for Operation Samson; it would've made sense to launch it only if the chemical attack on Tel Aviv killed 30000 or more people or destroyed it entirely and not 3000, or if the leak of Aflaq's ODESSA shelters (and that Hassan al-Bakr's son was alive all along) happened before the Yom Kippur Attacks rather than after, cause nuking someone BEFORE the fact is infinitively worse than after it. As for the lack of sympathy towards Arabs after the SAW, it's not like Arabs haven't paid the price during Operation Samson. Normally, within this circumstance most of the World except Italy (and Menachem Begin and Israel Shamir) would've seen Samson as a punishment enough (whilst not wanting to like them) and that Arabs have had in fact learned their lesson to "never again" deny Jews their own state nor exterminate them for the sake of sating their own bloodlust. When the German States in AANW faced forced balkanization and deindustrialization of what was Nazi Germany and the mass-nuking of Berlin and Nuremberg upon Allies' advance into the Nazi black heart, as well as their own reputation wiped out, it was because the Nazis killed 200 million people, nearly succeeded in erasing Jews (leaving them with 4-digits of the amount of its survivors) during the longer Holocaust, greater depopulation of Slavs as the result of longer Generalplan Ost, and the devastation of Europe alongside European heritage (especially in France); by contrast, Arabs were nowhere near as impactful nor numerically murderous towards the World as ANNW Nazis were and yet one single chemical attack on a city was enough for Italy to pull the ANNW Allies' nuclear wrath upon them. But alas...

The only Arabs who not only are directly associated with the UAR but are outright nostalgics for Aflaq are Syrians (again). Why? Because behind all the fake unifying construct that was the UAR, its driver and brain was ultimately Syria and Syria alone. Its lividness and grievence is rooted in the loss of Latakia and Tartus and not on Israelis annexing Jordan and expelling 80% of its inhabitans who happen to be Muslims (minus Muslim Bedouins who weren't deported); for if not for the loss of its coast, Aflaq wouldn't have couped Shishakli in the first place. All non-Syrian Arabs on the other hand are unfairly associated with Ba'athism because they allied or joined Syria in form of UAR. Decades after the SAW, every non-Syrian Arab state might despise Syrians for forcibly dragging them into chaos and misery, especially by Omanis who believe Syrians have deliberately took advantage of their civil war by commiting the Blood Libel in Oman in order to suffer and then lose Muscat (although it was soon rebuit by 90s). Some Arabs would go as far as requesting Turks to let them do the crushing against Syria and not the latter, thinking Syria is UAR without UAR and that all Syrians are bunch of lost-cause demonic freaks. In that context, Syria is the most hated Arab country in the FoM World.

While the chance of an unified Arab state are now beyond gone, a new World could emerge from the grave of the former Arab World in the post-2020 FoM; the Semitic World, made up of all Semites and not just Arabs exclusively. As De-Arabization succeded in rump Algeria, Libya and North Egypt whose peoples won't revert to the pre-1956 period, there's a possibility of Arabs, Berbers, Copts, Ethiopians, Somalis and Phoenicians to unite with Israel and create their new World together (thus, instead of Pan-Arabism, Pan-Semitism would be a thing), alongside the progressing road of the Arab Redemption which could end by late 21st century.
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