One of the things that may lead the world in being uncomfortable with Germany is that the Allies know that the SKA/MA raided the facilities of Unit 731 and took a lot of data and samples and now the Allies want access to them.

Another question is did Germany unilaterally make changes to the agreements reached at Postdam with the "Emperors Peace", while the Allies want to end the war in the Pacific they did have certain conditions to ensure that Japan will not rearm themselves and interfere with their possessions.
Part 42, Chapter 538
Chapter Five Hundred Thirty-Eight

14th April 1946


“You’ve seen how your cousins live” Asia said, “Is that the sort of life you want?”

The previous Friday, Kat had come home furious with Gianna for being so careless. She might trust Douglas personally but the amount of money that Press Agencies around the world were offering for an authenticated photograph Jehane Thomas-Romanova was enough to tempt anyone, not to mention the prestige of having gotten that photograph. Douglas was in possession of the negatives for several and Gianna had been speaking in a language that waved a bright red flag towards her personal origins to someone who would recognize it. Kat had told her that while Gianna could do whatever she wanted when she turned eighteen in a few months, until then Kat was directly responsible for what happened to her. Kat had said that Gianna had gotten lucky in that Douglas had thought that she had been messing with him. Since then Gianna had been confined to quarters as it were. The only saving grace was that Asia was willing to keep her company even if she agreed with Kat in this matter and thought that Gianna had been reckless. The worst part was that Gianna knew that they were probably right.

“I just wanted to have some fun” Gianna replied, talking at the ceiling above her bed.

“You wanted to show off how smart and clever you were” Asia said.

“That could be fun” Gianna said back.

Gianna could feel Asia’s eyes boring in on her. If only she had different Grandparents, then she could be as free as Kat and Asia were.


Kat was back to talking to the Empress on a Sunday afternoon. This time it had nothing to do with the day’s events. Instead they were talking about the restructure of the Intelligence Agencies. The BND and Federal Internal Intelligence, the two former portions of Abwehr that had been split apart.

“How much complaining was there?” Kira asked.

“I came in during the tail end of it” Kat said, “But most of the complaints were because the idea didn’t come from in house. It is based on the British model, for a whole lot of reasons involving security and secrecy. You know how not invented here works?”

Kira smiled at that, “I’m aware of how fragile egos work” She said, “Eventually they’ll try to say that they would have come up with it on their own when the whole world knows how they react to change.”

“Speaking of change” Kat said, “If you could throw your weight behind my petition.”

“You know I can’t comment about political matters” Kira said, “And I’m surprised that you want a very profitable tenant gone from your property.”

“That tenant has worn out its welcome” Kat replied.


The last few days had been difficult for Sven Werth. The week prior an Inspector had come through asking for volunteers, preferably able-bodied bachelors, to join a new investigative Agency that was to support and coordinate the State and Federal Police. Then they had been sent to this delightful slice of Hell in the back country somewhere. Sven along with all the other volunteers had swiftly realized that they would be surrounded by super intense military types who saw them as unwelcome dilettantes in their world.

The worst of them was a Marine Recon Oberlieutenant named Dietrich Schultz, he came across like an affable dope but looking at his eyes it was wheels within wheels. He was said to come from a military family and had excelled during his long tenure in the Pacific, being there from the beginning to the end. He had a thug named Reier constantly at his side, the two of them screamed brains and muscle to Sven. They might have been considered good soldiers for the Empire, but they reminded Sven of the worst sort of criminals he might encounter.

There had been a series of pranks and more than a few fights in the shadows. These soldiers may have been among the best fighters in the world, but they were trained to fight in groups, even the SKA who were trained to work in groups of four to six. When it came to brutal close in fighting at the individual level few were better than the volunteers from the Federal Police were.

Seattle, Washington

For the last week the FBI Field Office had been in an uproar. There had a series of odd incidents over a single morning that no one had been able to get a handle on. A week earlier the brakes had failed on a parked truck and it had plowed into a car containing two Agents. Then two more had had come down with food poisoning. And that had been merely been the start. It had been one thing after another after that. Then by midmorning it had stopped. The investigation had revealed exactly nothing, just a series of unfortunate events. No one was willing to buy that, except claiming that there was an invisible saboteur preventing them from working in Downtown Seattle seemed like a good way to end up tossed down the nut hatch. The Agents still on hand had found themselves spread thin trying to cover one of the largest seaports on the West Coast.

At the same time, they were still having to deal with the backlog from that morning. There had been several low priority surveillance operations that had fallen by the wayside.
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Yes, yes, Kat only some holiday...
For a group of Not-Abwehr jokesters maybe... but the egos and bodies of some poor FBI schmucks are badly bruised because of you... :love:
Out of curiosity, how different are the two dialects?

Quite important for native french speackers : as said Québecois french is close to old french and mosellan (and alsacian) are german dialects. But Giannia cover is she's from Metz which maintained an important french speacking population. At this point, I think a Metz french accent will be mid-way between the otl lorraine accent and alsacian accent (because of the longer german presence).

Point is, no french speacker could mistake her accent from Québec with any other french accent.
Quite important for native french speackers : as said Québecois french is close to old french and mosellan (and alsacian) are german dialects. But Giannia cover is she's from Metz which maintained an important french speacking population. At this point, I think a Metz french accent will be mid-way between the otl lorraine accent and alsacian accent (because of the longer german presence).

Point is, no french speaker could mistake her accent from Québec with any other french accent.

Yes and no, Jehane is a bit of a chameleon. She's from British Columbia, her Mother and Aunts were Russian, spoke Metropolitan French and English. Her Father was from Montreal and her Grandmother was Hessen. The result is that no one can really tell where she's from depending what she is choosing to place emphasis on. Believe it or not, I'm actually basing that aspect of this character on someone I know.
Excellent story progression @Peabody-Martini ,one thing i have to point out, because it, to my knowledge, hasn't come up:
The term used to describe the german state in this timeline would still be the otl discredited "Reich", not Bund or Federal anything, thus it should be RND(Reichsnachrichtendienst), not BND. Without the negative association of the 3rd Reich OTL, this is unlikely to change.

Also: What will the new Counter-Intelligence Agency be named? I personnaly am favoring "Staatssicherheit/Stasi", just for the irony:biggrin:
Excellent story progression @Peabody-Martini ,one thing i have to point out, because it, to my knowledge, hasn't come up:
The term used to describe the german state in this timeline would still be the otl discredited "Reich", not Bund or Federal anything, thus it should be RND(Reichsnachrichtendienst), not BND. Without the negative association of the 3rd Reich OTL, this is unlikely to change.

Good points, I did think of that. However, I wanted to depict how the German State ITTL was collectively moving away from the idea of an Empire. Plus these Agencies, particularly the one that does Domestic Intelligence would need to be operating in the Subject Kingdoms; Poland, Slovakia, Bohemia and the Baltic States. Reich anything might complicate matters. Also the German Federal Foreign Office was founded under that name in 1870 so the idea had been around for awhile.
Part 42, Chapter 539
Chapter Five Hundred Thirty-Nine

15th April 1946


Peter realized that it was actually a disturbing aspect of America that Kat had ruthless exploited. Kat had apparently traveled there and because she didn’t want to be bothered by anything resembling officialdom she had waged a campaign against the very people who might be sent to look for her. It had only been a few hours, but she’d not been interrupted by any FBI Agents during her stay in Seattle afterwards. The obvious question had been how she’d done it? Moved about on city streets without being noticed?

Kat had discovered that in the United States there are some people who are pointedly ignored and overlooked. She had posed as several people who would fit that description, moved swiftly and hit targets of opportunity as they presented themselves with a rather large arsenal of dirty tricks. It was only after she’d known that they would be otherwise occupied that she had approached her friend. The funny part was everything she had done had been learned on the streets of Berlin long before she’d gotten involved with Abwehr and the SKA.

“That was all well and good” Peter said, “That was a serious risk on your part.”

“Perhaps” Kat said, “I consider it more of a calculated risk.”

“I’m worried you’re falling into old habits Katherine” Peter replied. She hated it when he called her that, in fact only Kat’s Aunt Marcella, Doctor Tangeman and the Empress were allowed to do that without angering her. Peter did it when he really wanted to get her attention. “And I think you did it because for you it was fun.”

“What’s the big deal” Kat replied in a flip manner.

“It was reckless and if you got arrested for espionage it would be a big deal” Peter said, “You’ve gotten to a high enough level that you can no longer afford to be the suicidal girl volunteering for one-way missions anymore, you have people who are depending on you. You would find yourself a bargaining chip in the game of International politics.”

It was clear that she didn’t like any of that.

“And one thing that you haven’t considered” Peter said, “The sort of individuals you posed as are actually difficult to pull off convincingly, I’ve worked with them here in Germany on many occasions. To act like one, you’d need to be one of them on some level.”

That caught Kat short. Peter hadn’t mentioned it, but it had been observed that while Kat was far better than she had been in the past, she wasn’t completely well in certain respects. Instead she was just really good at going through the motions. Gräfin von Mischner and even Kat herself continued to be masks she wore. Peter had seen what was underneath and discovered that it was about protecting the last shreds of personal innocence she had left.


It had occurred the Jacob that he needed to reinvent himself, so long as he did it on his own time no one seemed to mind. He had reached the absolute top of the career ladder but that had hardly satisfied his own need to find a way forward. It hadn’t been that bad when he’d been ensconced aboard the SMS Preussen. Now with his promotion to Grand Admiral and the Preussen in for refit his mind was growing restless again. After the first week in Kiel boredom had caused him to dig up his notes for the super cypher that he had come up with decades earlier and set about recreating it, his hope was that he would be able to do a practical demonstration this time. One simplified version was in use by the Fleet for daily communication and another had become the programing language used by the computers used throughout the Wehrmacht.

His Aides were surprised by his ability to perform his duties as the Commander in Chief of the Kaiserliche Marine and do this work on the side. The old fire control systems that had been removed from the SMS Preussen and the SMS Rhineland and had been placed in a warehouse near to Jacob’s office along with the reams of paper that were his notes from the last time he’d first attempted this project. The computers themselves were going to be declared surplus. Jacob had diverted them, so he could put them to his own uses.

Jacob had several ideas of how he could repurpose the computer as he refurbished and upgraded it. He needed basic operating system to be as small and transparent as possible, the work of George Boole suggested that there was a surprisingly simple way to go about doing that. Then he would be able to start working on programing his cypher into the higher functions of the computer itself. This was something that he’d been working on for the last twenty years, if he could do it then there might be some interesting possibilities. There was also the prospect of unforeseen applications presenting themselves.

The problem as he saw it was that he might have enough computing power to do this with the two computers combined but it might be too much for either of the machines by themselves. If only there was a way to harness them together and program them to communicate. That was one of the areas where the human brain beat out computers every single time, Jacob could pick up a phone and place a call with ease. If only it were that simple with the machines.
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Good points, I did think of that. However, I wanted to depict how the German State ITTL was collectively moving away from the idea of an Empire. Plus these Agencies, particularly the one that does Domestic Intelligence would need to be operating in the Subject Kingdoms; Poland, Slovakia, Bohemia and the Baltic States. Reich anything might complicate matters. Also the German Federal Foreign Office was founded under that name in 1870 so the idea had been around for awhile.
Gotta correct you there, while today it is translated into english as "Federal Foreign Office", "Auswärtiges Amt" by itself has no "federal" anything associated with it. While it was, briefly the "Auswärtiges Amt des Norddeutschen Bundes"/Foreign Office of the North German Confederation, after unification it was "Auswärtiges Amt des Deutschen Reiches", the federal part came in 1951, when it was reestablished as the foreign ministry of the BRD. The term "Reich" also has no intrinsic imperial connotation (linguistically) in German, the Weimar Republic was still officially the "Deutsches Reich", which better translates as "Realm of the Germans", than German Empire, that would be Deutsches Kaiserreich.
But it's your story, and an immensily entertaining one at that, that nitpicking is just my "Germanness" asserting itself.:openedeyewink:
Jacob had several ideas of how he could repurpose the computer as he refurbished and upgraded it. He needed basic operating system to be as small and transparent as possible, the work of George Boole suggested that there was a surprisingly simple way to go about doing that. Then he would be able to start working on programing his cypher into the higher functions of the computer itself. This was something that he’d been working on for the last twenty years, if he could do it then there might be some interesting possibilities. There was also the prospect of unforeseen applications presenting themselves.

The problem as he saw it was that he might have enough computing power to do this with the two computers combined but it might be too much for either of the machines by themselves. If only there was a way to harness them together and program them to communicate. That was one of the areas where the human brain beat out computers every single time, Jacob could pick up a phone and place a call with ease. If only it were that simple with the machines.

Did Herr Schmidt just think up the concept of a modem? Or the first inklings of a primitive internet?

Modem-like multiplexing units were used in the 1920s for connecting teleprinters over ordinary telephone lines. These were used by news services, giving rise to the term "the wires."

If Schmidt is connecting a limited number of machines together in a relatively limited area (in the same room or building, forex) he could use a null modem cable.

(I dinked around with this Once Upon A Time but I really wanted to assert Ring Indicate and could never figure out how. Black Box had a null-modem unit with a ring-indicate pushbutton but by the time I could afford one they'd been discontinued.)
in german "Jacob's ladder" would Jakobsleiter. And Leiter can also mean conductor in the technical sense.

Another thing, the current German military counterintelligence service is called MAD ( Militärischer Abschirmdienst).
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Did Herr Schmidt just think up the concept of a modem? Or the first inklings of a primitive internet?

Did schmidt just invent the internet?

Not really. What he has are the components of a two-node ARPANET. Once he has it kinda-sorta working then there'll be other computer nodes who'll want to join.

Computer techniology is currently in the mainframe 0.2 era (card readers and punches, line printers, tape and disk drives) with all the components of Mainframe 1.0 in the wings. Mainframe 1.0 is dumb terminals (directely attached (IBM 327x) or dial-up (KSR 33)); 2.0 is "smart terminals"; 3.0 is "The Cloud."