I expect that VW will take command during some crisis moment being who he is. And yes one should expect a wild and crazy ride in tanks or on horseback. I am thinking a horseback ride through the enemy line to get to the Schweres Panzer Brigade that got cut off and then fun will be had by all.

And as his loyal Aide-de-Camp Kurt Knispel came with him, fate is going to put him in a Tiger Tank and then the things he will do to the Red Army Tank corps will be unspeakable. The 23 kills he made in 3 days in OTL are going to look like chump change compared to the damage he can do against Russian BT-7 and T-26 tanks with rookie crews.

The standard practice of Red Army tank divisions of traveling in columns, because only one man knew how to read a map, is not what I call a survival trait with Kurt on the loose.
I have just caught up with this story, and I have to say Peabody-Martini, it is great fun reading it! Yiur writing style is great, and I like the switching of character POV. how far are you trying to take this?
Part 22, Chapter 235
Chapter Two Hundred Thirty-Five

28th July 1941


“I do believe it’s what you signed up for” Peter said, it was the first time he had caught up with Kat since everything had happened “You and your friends are official confidantes of the Empress and that includes having her yell at you. Even you said you deserved it.”

Kat and Doctor Holz were walking across the bridge towards northern tip of Museum Island. A middle-aged businessman came walking the opposite direction and did a double take when he saw Kat’s face. That was the sort of thing that actually worried Peter. Kat had once said that she didn’t mind being deaf for several days because in meant no one tried to talk to her. She would never be anonymous again. She was back to wearing old, shapeless clothes but was still recognizable.

“I understand that” Kat said, “But that doesn’t make it any easier when it happens.”

“How did your friends take it?” Peter asked.

“Helene has a contentious relationship with her parents already, so that sort of drama she can live with.” Kat said “Gerta didn’t do anything wrong, she just happened to be there with us. That wasn’t fair.”

“I’m sure I wouldn’t be the first one to tell that life isn’t fair” Peter said, “You found yourself alone against six armed men, was that fair?”

Peter had been looking for a way to bring that up with her. The death of César Sauvageot at her hands had torn her up. This time she didn’t seem to be bothered by the fact that she had killed six men.

“Was it fair that they were about to wipe out another family because an insecure little man is afraid of his own people?” Kat asked, Peter could hear the anger in her voice when she said that “These were the same people who shot Jehane, you think they would have a problem with killing any other children.”

“You didn’t need to be the one who took them on though” Peter said, Kat’s Aunt Marcella had said that she worried that Kat was actively seeking these situations out. He knew from watching his brother over the last few decades that there was a rush in being at the center of the storm and it was highly addictive.

“I didn’t see anyone else there” Kat said.

Peter held his tongue for a few seconds. Kat had rushed to the Swiss border and then rushed back straight into the Palace. Never once did she pick up a telephone.

“Here’s something you need to consider Kat” Peter said “One day someone might come after you directly and it will be more than you can handle on your own. In the military, soldiers seldom fight alone, support structures exist for a reason. Even the Abwehr agents you trained with typically work in a team. You need to start considering that or else you’re a danger not just yourself but to everyone around you.”

Peter watched as Kat stared down the river, her face unreadable.


Grossmann couldn’t believe what he’d stumbled across. By God, she’d been a busy girl hadn’t she. No wonder Katherine Mischner had been in a position to confirm the deaths at Tumbler Ridge, she’d been in Montreal talking to the investigators on behalf of Empress Kira. When Katherine’s picture had run on the front page there had been a flood of letters of readers curious about her. It had mentioned that she had fought off gunmen with a knife. The story had made her sound like a courtier but what his source in the Palace had told him that she was actually an agent working directly for the Empress. Yes, she had killed two of the presumably Soviet gunmen with a small knife, it had actually been a Filipino designed knife made for dirty close in fighting. Then she had gunned down the rest with one of their own submachine guns.

Grossmann remembered Kat, the quiet, prickly assistant of Maria Acker and had a hard time reconciling that she was the same person. For him it was a question as to how much he could afford to put in the paper. Drawing the wrath of the Empress by stripping the use from her favored right hand would cost him access to the Palace even if the Editor didn’t spike the story first. Still he needed to come up with something, the war that had just broken out was the big story but already people were inured to it. Grossmann found himself doing a Human-interest story.

Then he saw an angle that he could use. Katherine was one part of what was jokingly referred to as three furies. In the files, there was a blurb about Katherine being seen frequently in public in the company of the daughters of two famous Generals and were Ladies of the Imperial Court in their own right. When he looked in the archives he saw what they had on Helene v. Richthofen and Lagertha v. Wolvogle he saw a story that would practically write itself. Three personalities who seemed to neatly dovetail together. Katherine, fiery but very private. Helene, rebellious and outgoing. Lagertha, insightful but frivolous.

Grossmann rolled a fresh page into the typewriter and began.


When Kat got home she tripped over a package that had been left in the hall along with a massive pile of mail all addressed to her.

“I want that trash out the hall, Kat and that package, I want that thing out of this house” Marcella said, “Before you even think of doing anything else.”

With a heavy sigh, Kat started sorting through the lot. This was a lot like the job she’d had at the BT except she wasn’t getting paid for this. Lots and lots of people who assumed that she had money with their hands out. Kat cheerfully shoved those into a paper bag, perhaps one day they’d get a clue when they noticed that she never responded. Jehane came in and tried to help as Kat continued to open the mail. She opened a letter that was obvious crank, then another from someone carrying on about how she was such an inspiration. Kat wasn’t sure which unnerved her more.

“This one looks important” Jehane said handing her a letter.

Kat opened it and saw that it was from the Mayor of a village that she’d never heard of that said that they were a very well run community and they were very happy to have her stay in Berlin, preferably forever. Kat threw it on the crank pile. Eventually Kat made it through the pile and got to the package, it was heavy for its size. There was no address but a note from the head of Palace security;

Freiin Katherine

With the investigation having concluded we have decided that you should have this. You know what they say about not discarding a proven weapon.

When it was delivered, they must had told Aunt Marcella what it was. Kat would have to make arrangements to store this unwanted artifact elsewhere. When she unwrapped the package, she saw the wooden box, someone had gone all out and it was polished walnut with red velvet lining. Inside was the same machine pistol that she’d grabbed in the Palace fight. They had even been so kind as to include a copy of the operation manual, MAB38A, whatever that meant.

“What’s that?” Jehane asked trying to peer over her shoulder.

“An echo of sorts” Kat said.

Jehane saw what it was “But you're good with that sort of thing” She said.

“Being good at something doesn’t mean it’s who you are” Kat said.
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More great stuff. I'm looking forwards to seeing how the air action plays out. Even more, the battles in the Pacific should be interesting when they kick off. What do the carriers and carrier based aircraft of the major powers look like compared to OTL? Is the Zero going to be a nasty shock to the Fleet Air Arm? Does Germany have any worthwhile carrier based planes?
Great update. With regards to the Italian submachine gun, I assume someone studied it before handing it to Kat? What is the standard infantry firearm at this point?
Great update. With regards to the Italian submachine gun, I assume someone studied it before handing it to Kat? What is the standard infantry firearm at this point?

The G31 is the standard rifle of the OKW. The carbine version K31, which has an under-folding stock and shorter barrel. Both use the same 7.92 x 38k cartridge.
The standard SMG is the MP40 used as a PDW by vehicle crews and support personnel chambered in 9mm Luger.
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Great update. With regards to the Italian submachine gun, I assume someone studied it before handing it to Kat? What is the standard infantry firearm at this point?

They had six of them, so there's no need to delay before handing it to Kat.

Coroner, "What happened to these guys? They're messed up pretty bad."

Officer, "Just something the Kat dragged in."

In the USA, one agent reporting to a superior, "Hey Boss--looks like the NKVD had another Katastrophe."
They had six of them, so there's no need to delay before handing it to Kat.

Coroner, "What happened to these guys? They're messed up pretty bad."

Officer, "Just something the Kat dragged in."

In the USA, one agent reporting to a superior, "Hey Boss--looks like the NKVD had another Katastrophe."

Meanwhile, silence falls over the room as Peabody comes out from behind the bar armed with a seltzer bottle in the time honored manner of responding to puns.
The G31 is the standard rifle of the OKW. The carbine version K31, which has an under-folding stock and shorter barrel. Both use the same 7.92 x 38k cartridge.
The standard SMG is the MP40 used as a PDW by vehicle crews and support personnel chambered in 9mm Luger.
Didn't you have a few chapters About assault rifles? Or is this paratroopersbonly?
Then he saw an angle that he could use. Katherine was one part of what was jokingly referred to as three furies. In the files, there was a blurb about Katherine being seen frequently in public in the company of the daughters of two famous Generals and were Ladies of the Imperial Court in their own right. When he looked in the archives he saw what they had on Helene v. Richthofen and Lagertha v. Wolvogle he saw a story that would practically write itself. Three personalities who seemed to neatly dovetail together. Katherine, fiery but very private. Helene, rebellious and outgoing. Lagertha, insightful but frivolous.

Grossmann rolled a fresh page into the typewriter and began.

Bold, or stupid. Or perhaps both.

Either way there is most likley an edge he is about to cross over0 or fall off with this story...
Does Germany still have Alsace-Lorraine and did the fighting create a version of Zone Rouge?

Since France allowed the Heer (and its supply line) passage for the Spanish Intervention it seems as if the revanchist fervor was somewhat subdued at the time (with no guarantees that it would remain so, of course.)
Does Germany still have Alsace-Lorraine and did the fighting create a version of Zone Rouge?

Since France allowed the Heer (and its supply line) passage for the Spanish Intervention it seems as if the revanchist fervor was somewhat subdued at the time (with no guarantees that it would remain so, of course.)

Interestingly the Frenco0German relationship is an odd one here.

The French did seem to throw out all of their undesirables, but at the same time if they are incredibly pissed off at Germany, well, they did allow the Germans through to attack spain, and they completely bent over backwards after the Reichstag got blown to pieces to disavow Sauvegnot (or however you spell his name)
Interestingly the Franco-German relationship is an odd one here.

The French did seem to throw out all of their undesirables, but at the same time if they are incredibly pissed off at Germany, well, they did allow the Germans through to attack Spain, and they completely bent over backwards after the Reichstag got blown to pieces to disavow Sauvegnot (or however you spell his name)

It seems strange because the French Government collapsed in the early 20s ITTL, so you are seeing the actions of different successive governments. The current French government has no real love for the Germans but understand that they are economically and militarily chained to Germany.
Part 22, Chapter 236
Chapter Two Hundred Thirty-Six

31st July 1941

8,500 meters over the Caspian Sea

It had already been a long flight, JG-1 which included Jasta 10 had been transferred en masse to airfields in Greek Anatolia along with the squadrons of Do-19C Bombers. In the early morning hours they had departed for the oil refineries on the Absheron Peninsula. Possibly the easiest target to spot from altitude but it pushed their airplanes to the absolute limit. They expected to be on fumes when they landed back in Romania and in the mission briefing they had been warned that they would only have a matter of minutes before they had to turn back or else they could look forward to a swim in the Black Sea.

For Lenz, it meant hours in the cockpit of his FW with his body roasting under the canopy while his feet froze on the rudder pedals. He could only imagine what this was doing to his face. Between the helmet and oxygen mask only a thin strip around their eyes was exposed and it got sunburnt and/or tanned while the rest of the face remained pale. During the training missions to Italy jokes had flown around about how the pilots of JG-1 looked like raccoons. The sunlight was even more intense here.

The big bombers they were escorting circled over the Caspian Sea and were lining up on the target. Lenz could see puffs of black smoke as antiaircraft fire intensified, at this altitude most of it went wide but he could still see that bombers were being damaged…

There was close explosion and his plane rocked but didn’t seem to be effected. As he watched black smoke started pouring from the engine of one of the bombers and then another just exploded. Bombs started falling, Lenz watched as they turned to black specks and vanished. The anti-aircraft fire slacked off.

“HERE THEY COME!” Lenz heard Joachim yell over his headphones.

Lenz saw a half dozen airplanes flying in for a head-on pass on the bombers. As he pushed the throttle all the way forward he thumbed the switch dropping the auxiliary fuel tanks. The supercharger kicked over and the engine had a burst of power. He flew right at the Russian planes, between heartbeats he twitched the trigger and six streams of tracers leaped out and the engine of the Russian plane blew apart. Lenz didn’t see where it went as the opposing airplanes flashed by at over 1200 KM/H. He pulled up sharply into a half loop and rolled back to level. He pushed the FW into a shallow drive rapidly gaining speed.

He caught up with one of the Russian planes and scored a hit on the wing root. The other plane’s wing broke off and it spun away. Then Lenz heard what sounded like hail hitting a tin roof and realized it was bullets hitting his own airplane. Lenz did a snap roll diving away cursing himself for being careless. Flying level after a target made you the target. How many times had that been drummed into his head? How many times had they been warned by intelligence that some of these Russian planes could outstrip them at altitude? He rolled back upright in a tight turn looking for the Russian plane just in time to see it tumbling in fragments away.

“You owe me Six-Ten” Joachim say over the radio as they resumed their position flying parallel to the stream of bombers. How can he be so calm? Lenz thought.

“Yeah” Lenz said, “I’ll return the favor sometime.”

“You got two of ‘em” Joachim said, “But I thought you said this was a team effort.”

Damn, Lenz thought to himself. The first time he sees Russian planes and all his training went right out of his mind.

“Piss off, Six-Twelve” Lenz said. He’d have to do better next time but there was no way he was going to tell Joachim that.

He checked the gauges, the engine and fuel tanks seemed to have been undamaged. He needed only to get back to Anatolia and all would be forgiven.


Kat bit back a word that would have earned her some more dirty looks from the fussy bureaucrats she was meeting with. She was now the proud owner of a couple thousand hectares of forest straddling the border of Thuringia and Bavaria. Somehow the people who lived around there had learned of this before she had and had written their requests that she not stick her nose into their business, that was not the real problem.

It was the presence of the elite Abwehr training faculty whose lease had been grandfathered in. She owned the ground they were on, they had a ninety-nine-year lease and that generated most of the income from that property. When she’d first seen the income figures she’d realized the reason that Helene and Gerta never seemed to think about money. She’d thought she’d be truly free of the skullduggery and manipulations of Abwehr forever. Then she’d seen that they would be her tenants until at least the year 2034. She’d never be rid of them.

There was also the matter of the profile that Grossmann had done on Kat, Gerta and Helene. Not one word about any of Kat’s clandestine activities. Just details like Kat working her way up from a working-class background or her brother Hans being a career Noncommissioned Officer in the Panzer Infantry. Helene’s desire to be an aviatrix. Gerta’s acting career. All the mundane details. It was glowing, incipient and woefully incomplete, Kat instantly hated it.

Kat had finally concluded that July couldn’t end fast enough to suit her. This month had radically upended her life and she just wanted it to be over.
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