Jehane is learning (hopefully) at the convent that she is not the only one to have been orphaned by the actions of Stalin and Beria, and she is not unique or different from the other children in that regards, just the former status of her family is special in the lengths that was taking to kill her family.
Jehane should look at the children at the convent and realized how fortunate she was in having Kat to protect her and how Marcella opened her home and heart to her.

It was very lucky that the cover story held as long as it did, I believe that if Maria Acker was in Berlin and not in Australia, she would have put everything together before Kat could finish explaining the cover story, by giving the story to Friedrich Grossman, who ran the story without any additional research, made it possible for the cover story to hold.


I think that she can be either Jehanne or she can be Gia but she can't keep tap dancing between the two. If she had embraced Gia and forgotten about Jehanne (or the reverse) then she wouldn't be in this situation and I think Kira would have accepted her choice but by fan dancing her identity and refusing to fully commit to one or the other has landed her in her current position.

This is definitely her current predicament, but she seems to be under the impression that the opportunity to decide has passed.
Maybe soon we will see an A-10 Warthog type plan for CAS?
Doubt it.

A-10 was built to go through a Soviet armored division's AA envelope, and proceed to blow up anything treaded or wheeled that was in said division. Understandably, that's not likely to happen here.
Part 54, Chapter 733
Chapter Seven Hundred Thirty-Three

1st June 1949

Pskov Oblast, Russia

When she was still Lydie Sauveterre, before she’d gotten married and the required religious conversion that required, Lidiya Ivanova could have just gone to the cathedral and lit a candle. When she had agreed to marry George, she’d known that his father had been Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia, but she also known that George himself had been considered illegitimate upon his birth and Russia had still been under the control of the Soviets. Before they could get married the war started and they had needed to wait. Then to everyone’s surprise George had emerged as a compromise candidate to become Czar Georgy, first of that name. Lidiya’s entire life had been turned upside down by the sudden change in fortunes.

Living as the Czar’s Consort had certainly brought its challenges. Georgy was considered an acceptable monarch doing his part to cement Russia’s place as a power again, helping it emerge from the long nightmare of the Soviet period and military calamity. It was different for Lidiya, she was barely tolerated by the Russian public. Briefly, after she’d given birth to the Tsarevich she’d been acceptable in their eyes but that had not lasted for long. It had a great deal to do with the girl. Alexandra Lukichna was a blank slate for people to hang their fondest imaginings on. Lidiya was the reality they had to live with. She’d only met Alexandra once. At the funeral in Saint Petersburg, a shy girl who had hid among her friends the entire time, who had only managed to exchange a few awkward sentences with Lidiya.

Now Lidiya was pregnant again and she worried about the health of the child she carried. A deformed or sickly child would have massive political repercussions in this country where memories were long. Alexei Nikolaevich and the damage his illness wrought was a specter that haunted the Royal Residence in Moscow. Going to the Cathedral in Paris and lighting a candle seemed like a small gesture but it would have been a comfort to her. Her advisor on such matters had said that if she undertook a pilgrimage it would do her public image good, Russia was amid a revival of sorts. The Soviet Union had been officially Atheistic, once the Soviet Government was gone the restoration of the Orthodox Church had been a part of the nation trying to find itself again, even if it resulted in friction with religious minorities within the vast country.

The obvious choice was the Yelizarov Convent, but the Convent’s location near the border with Estonia placed it very close to, if not within, the domain of her husband’s cousin, Kira Kirillovna Romanova, Kaiserin of Germany, who also happened to be the Convent’s Patroness. The result was that this entire trip was fraught with politics. Nothing had prepared Lidiya for what she found when she got there.

“We are used to having prominent guests here” The Abbess said as she sat down across the table from Lidiya. They had driven her from the airport to the guest house on the Convent grounds, she’d been given a few hours to rest before the Abbess had sent for her. Lidiya found herself in a communal dining room. “Every one of them has different reason for coming here.”

As Lidiya listened to the Abbess a girl was pouring tea for them. She thought nothing of it until she noticed the girl’s face…

“Alexandra’s family felt she was having personal difficulty and small men felt that she should be held responsible for many ills of the world” The Abbess said, “It was a hard adjustment for her and we figured that we could help, I understand that she is a kinswoman to your husband.”

Lidiya was unsure how to react, the Abbess had been imprisoned by the Soviets, spending years in Siberia steadfastly refusing to give up her faith. Not someone to make rash moves. With this simple action she was making clear to Lidiya how things were going to be during her stay. Everyone was the same here, no exceptions, regardless of their station in the outside world. Alexandra stood there her eyes downcast, not venturing an opinion of her own.

“You really should have considered bringing your son” The Abbess said, “Alexandra is wonderful with children.”

Lidiya had heard the rumors, that Alexandra had lost almost everything she’d built for herself in Berlin as more people learned who she really was. Then she’d run away. It was a bit of a contradiction towards the image that people of her. Now seeing her here Lidiya realized that she’d rejected the palaces in Berlin for this. People already described her as saintly, this would make that worse.

“You can leave us, Alexandra” The Abbess said, “I know you’ve other things to attend to.”

With that the girl left silently. Lidiya couldn’t help but notice that she walked with the practiced grace of a dancer.

“Thank you for having me” Lidiya said, unsure as to what else to say.

“The word we received was that you are with child” The Abbess said, “Is that true?”

“Yes” Lidiya said, “I’ve come to pray for a healthy child.”

That got Lidiya the first genuine smile she’d received from the Abbess “That is what we should all want” She said.


Gia felt as if her heart was going to explode out of her chest and she felt like she was hyperventilating. Lidiya, her cousin’s wife was here, she was going to go back to Moscow and tell Georgy that she was within the borders of Russia. Gia didn’t know what her cousin would do when he got that information, but experience had taught her that she wouldn’t like it. When Gia had been serving tea to the Czarina and the Abbess, she’d been fighting her rising panic the whole time. It hadn’t been until she left the room that she’d allowed herself to react. She stood there her back against the door trying to bring herself back under control.
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It looks to me that someone is going to get the wrong ideas about Jehane, and that usually leads to someone making wrong decisions, and that usually leads to someone getting a visit from the Right Hand of the Empress, and that usually leads to someone not having that much longer to live.
I actually think this could be a great opportunity and the Abbess will likely notice this one. Gihane could help the Czarina and vice versa. The former by giving an interview or three talking about the czarina positively to help bolster her reputation in Russia. The latter by telling her husband that he needs to stop viewing her as a threat or pawn, because if Gia is provoked strongly enough, she could completely destroy George's position, likely by coming out as an ardent Republican. At best, she could be TTL's Russian Lord Altrincham, with none of the positive changes to the monarchy coming in a scarred. Or she could decide its time to take her place as the rightful Romanov since no one will let her be Gia anymore.

In addition, they both feel the pain of power or heritage that neither ever imagined.
It looks to me that someone is going to get the wrong ideas about Jehane, and that usually leads to someone making wrong decisions, and that usually leads to someone getting a visit from the Right Hand of the Empress, and that usually leads to someone not having that much longer to live.
uh, oh - let's hope it doesn't come to this, our favourite Gräfin has more than enough on her plate.
Part 54, Chapter 734
Chapter Seven Hundred Thirty-Four

3rd June 1949

Cape Town, South Africa

I know that the prior months have been arduous for you, but I’ve not asked anything of you that you couldn’t handle. I’ve a new assignment for you that will take away from South Africa and might send your career in a direction more to your liking. Your replacement is already en route. You will be informed of this within a couple days as this has to work its way through normal channels. I look forward to talking to you when you arrive in Kiel.

The coded message that had arrived the day before was unsigned, but Albrecht had no doubts about who it was from. There were only a few people who knew that this cipher even existed and Grand Admiral von Schmidt was the only one who used it this way. It meant he was looking at getting transferred off Z35. It was not something that he was planning on resisting when it happened. The Z35 was scheduled to return to Kiel in a couple months anyway, it seemed that Albrecht wasn’t going to have to wait for that. He would be on a flight home and he could spend the rest of his career doing things that he was good at. As opposed to getting thrown around as a passenger aboard a cramped, tin can like he had been for the last several months on the Destroyer.

“Hey, von Richthofen!” One of the Maats yelled, “The XO wants you.”

For once Albrecht was looking forward to getting called in to see the Executive Officer. He already knew that he was going to be told to pack his bags, he was just waiting to hear it from the XO himself. This must just be what it was like for von Schmidt, to be one step ahead of everyone else. Albrecht found that he liked it.

Pskov Oblast, Russia

“I don’t care where you send me” Alexandra said, “You just need to get me out of this country before Lidiya tells Georgy that I’m here.”

Alexandra had been asking to speak with the Abbess for the last two days. Those were the first words out of her mouth. Kira Kirillovna had mentioned that Alexandra had good reason to fear her cousin’s ambitions, it was useful in fact. The truth was that if any move was made against the Convent to force the girl to do anything, she would be across Lake Peipus and in Estonia before it was noticed she was gone. Alexandra didn’t need to know that though.

“You’ve commitments here” The Abbess said flatly.

“I know” Alexandra replied, “But you must understand…”

“I understand perfectly” The Abbess said, “You were sent here because of your own immaturity and selfishness. Now you see a means of escaping.”

“It’s not like that, Georgy has been looking to marry me off to help secure his own hold on the throne.”

“You need to look at the Russian Constitution” The Abbess said, “It makes the separation of Church and State rather explicit. While the Authority of the Czar is recognized, he has no power to enforce his edicts here and elected Government can rein him in at any time.”

It was a bitter lesson that the Orthodox Church had learned. Before the Bolsheviks seized power after the revolution they had been seen by many as too beholden to the Czars. When that Government had collapsed they had been delegitimized as well. Going forward, they were planning on holding both the Czar and the Russian Government at arms-length.

“I studied that constitution” Alexandra said, “Such documents are only as powerful as the will of government institutions to enforce it. In this country, democracy is still new, and that will might not exist.”

“So, that education of yours was good for something after all” The Abbess replied, “Best not to chance it by staying inside the Convent and try to recognize the opportunities that have been afforded you.”

Alexandra stared at her, trying to figure out what the Abbess was getting at.

After a long uncomfortable, moment of silence the Abbess broke it. “You want your cousins to see you as your own person, don’t you? Not as a pawn to their ambitions?” She asked, “Or a potential threat?”

It was noticeable that the Abbess had used plural terms. Georgy, Vladimir, Kira and several others. That German Countess had faked Alexandra’s death when she was a child to shield her from them AND the Soviets.

“Your cousin’s wife is here because she’s worried that the child she’s carrying will be unhealthy when it’s born and is seeking solace” The Abbess said, “It’s a worry that every mother has ever had.”

“Oh” Alexandra said, the Abbess was hoping that made her own fears about Czar Georgy sound a bit trite.

“I know it’s a lot to ask for on top of your responsibilities here, but please put in the effort to befriend Lidiya” The Abbess said, “You might be uncomfortable with the sort of figure you’ve become but imagine if you faced what she is. Lidiya is lonely and is not necessarily what people want in a Czarina.”

As the Abbess watched different emotions rippled across Alexandra’s face. She wasn’t good at concealing her thoughts, it said a great deal about the people who had taken her in after her family had perished. They were said to be very open and honest, they had also taken an orphan into their home and gave her love without reservation. She’d seen it reflected in how Alexandra had poured herself into the care of the orphans here in the Convent. The Abbess just hoped the girl could bring herself to extend that compassion and empathy to Lidiya.
Your cousin’s wife is here because she’s worried that the child she’s carrying will be unhealthy when it’s born and is seeking solace
If anyone should be praying for healthy offspring for Georgy it is Gia. Each additional heir is an other body between her and the throne. Also Gia should prepare herself to be the Godmother of the newborn.

the Convent
Best put up some additional dormitories, for with the patronage of Kaizerin Kira, pilgrimage of the Czarina Lidiya, and 'membership' of Saint Jehane this is going to be the religious hotspot for R.O.C. Even more so for any newcomers to the top of Russian society.
If anyone should be praying for healthy offspring for Georgy it is Gia. Each additional heir is an other body between her and the throne. Also Gia should prepare herself to be the Godmother of the newborn.

Not really. If it comes down to it, the actual granddaughter of the czar has far more claim to the throne than a bastard child, or his offspring. That of course only applies if she tries to get the throne. She's considered something of a saint, she's the actual granddaughter of Czar Nicholas...if she came out and asked for the throne, no amount of children would be enough to keep Georgy on it.
Not really. If it comes down to it, the actual granddaughter of the czar has far more claim to the throne than a bastard child, or his offspring. That of course only applies if she tries to get the throne. She's considered something of a saint, she's the actual granddaughter of Czar Nicholas...if she came out and asked for the throne, no amount of children would be enough to keep Georgy on it.

Hmm. Could she use that as leverage over Georgy? I can imagine a come-to-Thrognar meeting with him where she threatens to use her status as Jehane Alexandra Thomas-Romanova, The Sainted Last Romanov to get him to back off.