
I've been rereading the TL, and I just noticed something. Did Horst marry Nina Sojsted?

Somehow I'd completely blanked that Horst and Piers were brothers in law.
Part 37, Chapter 461
Chapter Four Hundred Sixty-One

13th May 1945

Near Nikolayevsk-on-Amur, Russia

The 3rd Marine Infantry Division had disembarked after going the long way around the North Pacific to avoid any attention from the Imperial Japanese Navy. That was when they had been briefed about what the expectations were, namely walking down an endless muddy track through forest that ran parallel to the Amur. Tilo had heard that frequently this was the experience of the Heer in the West. Walking across vast distances towards enemies that may or may not be there.

The barge traffic on the Amur river was being used to transport essential supplies that had been shipped in from America of all places. He guessed that Seattle by ship was a lot easier than all the way from Germany by train and what did that suggest that about the Marine Infantry. In the meantime, they got to walk down the road that ran from Nikolayevsk to Khabarovsk where the Trans-Siberian Railroad ran through the region some nine hundred Kilometers to the south-west. From there it was a relatively fast train ride into Vladivostok. If that was even where they were going.

Tilo could already tell that the next few weeks were not going to be fun.


“It’s not about sex, it’s about power and control” Tangeman had said, “When you struck back, your assailant tried to kill you in an attempt regain that.” And that left her with exactly what? Kat had thought to herself when she heard that.

Kat had endured the first of the long term follow up sessions. That had included listening to Doctor Tangeman and Doctor Holz explain the conclusions that they had reached. Kat, a person who hid as much as possible had revealed nearly everything about herself and that was not a comfortable realization. The whole study had so far been quite an education for her except she had the sinking feeling that it might not have helped her in the way that she had wanted. It’s a process, that is what Doctor Holz said all the time. It would be months or even years before they learned if the risky experiment that she had involved herself with had helped her. Learning that the incident that had messed up every interaction that she’d had for the previous decade had not played out the way she remembered was all she had taken from it so far.

It was basic Psychology, the mind is complex, elastic and operates on multiple levels. What did it say about Kat that her mind let her remember pain and violation but not nearly getting killed? Still, life went on. She was back to attending lectures every day. Sitting in the back of the room was as close to invisible as she had ever gotten. She managed a few hours of sleep each night but still she had that hateful voice echoing through her head. She had forgotten that little detail, now it seemed to haunt every moment.

Today one of Kat’s other problems had decided to reappear. When she had agreed to rent the house with Helene she had only thought that it put her in close proximity to the scattered buildings of the University only having to walk a few blocks and across a bridge. It hadn’t occurred to her that it would also put her just as close to the Hohenzollern Palace. Kira had requested her presence in a nice but I’m not taking no for an answer this time sort of way. Kat had sent a series of messages to the Empress for the last couple of months letting her know that she wasn’t feeling well, that was true enough after a fashion. Before the study Kat had felt like she was losing her mind and during the study she’d been scattered much of the time. Now she was just confused. At no point in all of that did she feel up to speaking with the Empress.

“I assume that you have a good explanation for your absence?” Kira asked as soon as Kat walked, reminding Kat of uncomfortable memories from school. Kira was looking at a map of the Russian Far East and Manchuria that was spread out on the table. It was Kat’s job to explain that sort of thing to her but she had not read a report or so much as glanced at a newspaper in at least a month. Had something happened in the Far East while she was out of her head?

“I’ve been trying to deal with some personal matters, your Highness” Kat said in a voice that sounded weak to her ears, “Nothing that you need to concern yourself with.”

Kat saw Kira’s expression soften and knew that she should have worded that differently. Kira always tried to offer her sympathies for Kat’s difficulties but that was not what Kat needed. For years Kat had questioned the nature of her relationship with the Empress. Occasionally Kira had reacted to something that the younger Ladies of the Court did as if she were their mother or sister. It was not the sort of empathy that Kat needed right now.

“You probably know more than I do currently about what’s going on” Kat said gesturing to the map, trying to change the subject.

“We can talk about that later” Kira said, “What could you possibly be doing that would have you of all people ignoring world events?”

Kat wondered just how much she could afford to tell Kira about what she’d been doing. “There is a research study that I’ve been involved with” She said, “Experimental therapy for treating the effects of traumatic stress.”

“That does sound interesting” Kira said, “Louis was talking with General Jodl about that just the other day. The General said that the best cure would be a good swift kick in the ass.”

“I volunteered to be a subject in the study” Kat said flatly.

The look on Kira’s face was frozen in “Oh” for a long moment.
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“We can talk about that later” Kira said, “What could you possibly be doing that would have you of all people ignoring world events?”

Kat wondered just how much she could afford to tell Kira about what she’d been doing. “There is a research study that I’ve been involved with” She said, “Experimental therapy for treating the effects of traumatic stress.”

“That does sound interesting” Kira said, “Louis was talking with General Jodl about that just the other day. The General said that the best cure would be a good swift kick in the ass.”

“I volunteered to be a subject in the study” Kat said flatly.

The look on Kira’s face was frozen in “Oh” for a long moment.

"With all due respect Herr General, in the general case that would be quite contraindicated. In this case it might be suicidal."
Part 37, Chapter 462
Chapter Four Hundred Sixty-Two

22nd May 1945


Augustus Lang was reading the latest reports from Günther von Kluge, Emil Holz, Albert Kesselring and Jacob von Schmidt. It should be no surprise that von Kluge looked at Emil with deep suspicion and Jacob’s cold manner didn’t exactly endear him to anyone. Despite that, they had been able to work together as forces massed along the borders of Manchuria and Chōsen and were in the process of shifting forces from the South Pacific to Russia. In the Lake Baikal region General Zhukov had reported that the reconstituted Russian Army would be ready when the jump off date for the operation came. It was hoped that if the Japanese got thrown out of mainland Asia then they would sue for peace and if they didn’t they could be contained. Lang was aware that sort of containment was just as monstrous as the starving of the Ukraine.

There was also another thing in the report that Jacob had sent. He had mentioned that he suspected that the Japanese were going to ignore Operation Premuniantur and go ahead with an operation of the sort that was banned under the Geneva Accords. Lang remembered Premuniantur, Latin for Warning. They had arranged the leadership of hostile nations to receive films that showed exactly what was in store for them if they dared to utilize such weapons against German forces. It had worked in Russia, when Stalin had ordered the use of mustard gas his Deputy had lost the order deliberately, sparing thousands of his countrymen in the process. Jacob was suggesting that the Luftwaffe prepare Operation Quartum and the Medical Corps be prepared, just in case.

Lang knew better than to ask how Jacob might have known about Quartum, which was one of the most closely held secrets of Germany. Jacob wouldn’t have risked revealing that he was just as capable of spying on his own side as he was on the enemy unless this was a serious matter. Quartum or Fourth referred to the Fourth Seal in the Book of Revelation, “When the Lamb broke the Fourth Seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death, and Hades was following with him.” The Generals who had planned that operation had not minced words about what it would mean if a version of it was ever implemented.

Reluctantly, Lang gave the go ahead for the implementation of Quartum and the forward deployment of assets that would require. He had read reports describing the battles that had taken place in the Pacific Theater and everything that Acidemia could come up with on how the Japanese thought. If the Japanese had the means to deploy unconventional weapons, chemical or otherwise, they would probably do it to avoid what they saw as a shameful defeat. By giving this order Lang realized that he was probably damning himself in the process.


The state of the roads was something that had defined the conduct of this war. Emil knew that they were waiting for the roads to be dry enough to not turn into a sea of mud when vehicles used them. The Pioneer Corps had been doing an excellent job of repairing and improving roads on this side of the border but they couldn’t do anything about the roads in Manchuria or Chōsen so the Armies were massing and waiting until the proper moment came.

Maria had received a letter that day from Emil’s Parents. Zella missed them but was getting old enough to understand that her Parents did important work and she was enjoying the experience of living with her Grandparents until they got back. Maria missed Zella terribly, it was the first time she had been separated from her daughter since Zella had been born. To keep her mind off that Maria had had kept herself busy with work. As one of the few journalists to make the long journey from Moscow to the Far East there was no shortage of work. Maria had learned that her articles were getting syndicated around the world and she was getting responses from newspapers all over. She had told Emil that she really felt that her career was taking off.

That’s why Emil knew that she was going to be furious with him when she learned that an order had come down that all civilians were to be evacuated from the area of operation, including Vladivostok. Maria was going back to Moscow immediately, Emil would order her hog tied and thrown onto the airplane like a bag of mail if he had to. In the past few weeks he had gotten to know Admiral von Schmidt all too well. Emil had felt like the Naval Officer looked at him like one might a dog or cat. Still, he had noticed that something had von Schmidt worried along with the ghouls from Abwehr that answered to him.

Into this was von Kluge, the Field Marshal was acting like this was a conventional battle against a determined enemy like the Soviets had been. Had he not been paying attention when the Generals in charge of the Marine Infantry Divisions or the 13th Corps spoke? They had mentioned incidents of Japanese soldiers blowing themselves up with their own grenades, among other things, rather than surrender. What did an entire Nation or Army Corps collectively blowing themselves with a grenade look like? Emil was afraid he was about to find out.


Lang knew better than to ask how Jacob might have known about Quartum, which was one of the most closely held secrets of Germany. Jacob wouldn’t have risked revealing that he was just as capable of spying on his own side as he was on the enemy unless this was a serious matter. Quartum or Fourth referred to the Fourth Seal in the Book of Revelation, “When the Lamb broke the Fourth Seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death, and Hades was following with him.” The Generals who had planned that operation had not minced words about what it would mean if a version of it was ever implemented.

Reluctantly, Lang gave the go ahead for the implementation of Quartum and the forward deployment of assets that would require. He had read reports describing the battles that had taken place in the Pacific Theater and everything that Acidemia could come up with on how the Japanese thought. If the Japanese had the means to deploy unconventional weapons, chemical or otherwise, they would probably do it to avoid what they saw as a shameful defeat. By giving this order Lang realized that he was probably damning himself in the process.

We always like to quote what Oppenheimer said when it happened, but obviously that would be butterflied away. Instead, I am going to suggest a passage that I think is far more profound in this situation (it happens to be just four verses later):

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Maria had received a letter that day from Emil’s Parents. Zella missed them but was getting old enough to understand that her Parents did important work and she was enjoying the experience of living with her Grandparents until they got back. Maria missed Zella terribly, it was the first time she had been separated from her daughter since Zella had been born. To keep her mind off that Maria had had kept herself busy with work. As one of the few journalists to make the long journey from Moscow to the Far East there was no shortage of work. Maria had learned that her articles were getting syndicated around the world and she was getting responses from newspapers all over. She had told Emil that she really felt that her career was taking off.

Just on this Emil and Maria marriage thing.....any chance of another kid? I mean, he is 45ish and she is 35, IIRC, career wise or not they are still able.

This doesn't sound atomic...this sounds either vegetarian or Sarin galore. What an incredibly ominous name for an operation.

Death is death, by Sarin or by radiation. That said, since there is more peacetime research into nuclear energy/weapons, they may actually understand ITTL that radiation is dangerous.
Survival rates in (say) Hiroshima or Nagasaki could actually be higher OTL following an A-Bomb explosion than in a TL where a well planned and executed (studies of meteorology and prevailing winds, dispersal bombing to allow for dissipation rates etc.) nerve gas bombing took place instead.
OTL the dominant trope post 1945 in apocalyptic thinking was that the Bomb would destroy civilisation and bacteriological, viral and chemical weapons were virtually ignored despite the fact that they could be as nasty or even worse. Another TL could have a much more balanced perspective
Survival rates in (say) Hiroshima or Nagasaki could actually be higher OTL following an A-Bomb explosion than in a TL where a well planned and executed (studies of meteorology and prevailing winds, dispersal bombing to allow for dissipation rates etc.) nerve gas bombing took place instead.
OTL the dominant trope post 1945 in apocalyptic thinking was that the Bomb would destroy civilisation and bacteriological, viral and chemical weapons were virtually ignored despite the fact that they could be as nasty or even worse. Another TL could have a much more balanced perspective

Actually, it's entirely possible that nerve gas and germs get the extreme taboo and nuclear weapons for a time get seen as more civilized.

Something else will be a difference in the speed of death on skin contact with Sarin vs even extreme radiation. It's almost like booby trapping the whole city and then some.
Part 38, Chapter 463
Chapter Four Hundred Sixty-Three

14th June 1945

Moscow, Russia

Peter walked through the hotel to the lounge. Maria was staying here and he figured that if he was headed the other way he should check on her for Emil. In the telegram that Emil had sent he had said that Maria had been threatening to divorce him when he’d last seen her as she was being loaded onto an airplane. Considering what had been said in the briefing that had been given to the high-ranking Officers of the Medical Corps about what they anticipated in the Far East when they had been mobilized then Emil had very good reason to have her be as far from there as possible. Maria hadn’t returned to Berlin yet. Instead she’d stayed in Moscow with the other reporters covering the war and the upcoming events that were going to happen in Russia over the Summer.

Maria was seated at a table with notebooks spread out on it. A meal sat forgotten on its plate having gone cold, she had only taken one or two bites. She was writing furiously before pausing and flipping through her notebooks for something.

“Hard at work I see” Peter said to his sister-in-law as he sat down across from her, “Avoidance?”

Maria looked up at him in annoyance. “I hate how you do that Peter” She said, “Not everyone needs or likes your analysis.”

“Very well then” Peter said, “I’m just here as your husband’s brother.”

“You can’t just turn that off” Maria said as she looked him right in the eye, “You are measuring my responses right now, what I’m saying and doing. Probably gauging my own personal health from what you can observe on top of it.”

“I can observe that you are still angry with Emil” Peter replied.

“That is hardly a secret” Maria said, “He gave me an hour to gather my things and shoved me on a cargo plane bound for Volgograd.”

“He did have a good reason for his actions” Peter said, “Intelligence thinks that the Japanese may be about to do something extremely stupid and you were hardly the only…”

“I don’t want to hear it” Maria snapped cutting Peter off midsentence, “When Emil’s actions have a direct impact on my career then it’s a problem for both of us.”

Peter could understand that. “Are you still going to divorce him when he makes it back home?” He asked.

Maria laughed at that. “No, but he really pushed his luck this time” She said, “I’m planning on making his life pure Hell when I get the chance. He'll eventually find a way to make up for it though.”

Peter smiled. In spite of the strain that Emil’s own career put on their relationship Maria saw a future with him.

Maria took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, she looked tired and pale.

“Didn’t we talk about working excessively long hours?” Peter asked, “Eyestrain, back problems and the other issues you’ve had.”

“I guess this means that Doctor Holz is back” Maria replied.

“You said it yourself, it’s not something I can turn off” Peter said.

“I had only been working for an hour or so when you showed up” Maria replied. With her glasses off Peter saw that she had yellow tinge to her eyes.

“Perhaps you should use this as a chance to get some rest” Peter said, “At least eat something.”

Maria looked at the plate of food that she had been ignoring. “I’m not hungry” She said, “I don’t know why I ordered that, it’s going to go to waste.”

Fatigue, signs of anemia and lack of appetite, Peter knew better than to say what he was thinking aloud. There were several possibilities but the most likely… Maria had said that she hated it when he did this.

“Is there anything that you want me to say to Emil when I see him?” Peter asked.

“Just that I’m going back to Berlin next week and remind him that I’m not the sort that needs to be wrapped in tissue paper” Maria said.

Peter pulled his notepad out the out of the pocket of his coat and wrote the phone number and address of Doctor Tangeman on it before tearing it off and handing it to Maria. “There’s a colleague of mine, Erma Tangeman, who you might consider seeing” He said.

“Colleague, as in another Doctor?” Maria asked.

“Yes” Peter replied.

“Is there something going on between you and this Lady Doctor?” Maria asked suggestively.

“We’re professionals” Peter answered, “And that happens to be the same question that my mother asked.”

Maria smirked at that, she would probably go see Doctor Tangeman out of curiosity. Just as well. Peter didn’t really understand why his personal life always drew so much speculation.

“I notice you didn’t answer the question, Doctor Holz” Maria said, “Evasion?”

“Touché, Frau Acker” Peter said.

Classified location, Southern Germany

Bright late Spring days are hardly the stuff that screen writers of Horror movies are likely to include but far below the ground weapons far beyond their worst imaginings were carefully stored. Multiple authorizations were required to access or transport such things. Specialists in protective suits opened the heavy steel doors of reinforced concrete vaults taking care to document the breaking of the seals. Glass lined, stainless steel tanks were inspected. Any signs of corrosion resulted in the container’s incineration. These might have been only one of the precursors of binary agents but no one was taking any chances. The tanks were loaded onto a series of specially designed rail cars on a train that was to head east in the greatest secrecy.

Elsewhere, similar trains were being loaded. They had been put on standby in the final days of the Soviet War but nothing had come of it. The elements of Operation Quartum were moving towards forward deployment.
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Oh god, I can imagine the Japanese army doing something stupid and the end result is that Japan turns into a tomb when Germany retaliates.