He pulled his coat tighter around him. He had noticed that his body had a harder time retaining warmth the older he got. While he fortunately hadn’t lost any mental acuity, he had noticed that he wasn’t so fortunate physically. Old injuries were coming back to haunt him and a bout of pneumonia that he’d kept quiet the previous winter had come closer to killing him than he was prepared to admit. In recent days, he had made a big show of having Emperor Louis Ferdinand pushing him out but that was for the men. They needed him to be this bigger than life figure and he’d always be able to oblige until now. But he still had a couple more turns before he quit for good. He still had a city to take and an Emperor to beard in his den. Then he could retire with the satisfaction that he was leaving on his own terms this time.

When Wolvogle finally retires either the sensible diet and lack of stress causes a decline and some random flu carries him away or he spends a couple of years as the Wise Old Wolf with metaphoric wolf cubs (Obersts and Generals) sitting at his feet, completing a second version of his autobiography, writing "On Cavalry" (The Mission of Cavalry is to close with and destroy the enemy using fire, maneuver, and shock effect. This is a philosophy and mindset, independent of whether the Cavalry is using horses, tanks or helicopters), and consulting with the Heer's historians documenting the war. One morning he just doesn't wake up.
Old wolvogle is a walking pneumonia, alcohol Tobacco etc. makes his last recovery a miracle. IIRC he is now in his seventies and oddly enough his lifestyle tend now to have the opposite effect from an epidemiological perspective: if he were likely to die from vascular diaease he already would have. Cancer, still a good possibility, but declining.
Old age frailty+infection is very likely.
And both parties would say 'Really, now?'.
If Molotov is lucky, he'll just spend a few decades in Torgau or Germersheim. He's too high rank to get out of the mess, and after nearly half a decade of war and hundred of thousands of casualties, Germany and the Soviet Union's neighbors would want their pound of flesh. I think Finland, for example would greet Molotov with open arms, a length of rope and a bar of soap.

Perhaps, but from his perspective it might be the difference between a quick, clean death and going out like Beria.
Perhaps, but from his perspective it might be the difference between a quick, clean death and going out like Beria.

IIRC Beria's death was a spectacle because he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the gallows. A hanging with the proper drop is usually quick and clean.

I remember reading that a common practice in some US prisons was to beat the condemned about the legs and body far enough in advance of the execution that the bruises would stiffen up and hurt too much to resist.
IIRC Beria's death was a spectacle because he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the gallows. A hanging with the proper drop is usually quick and clean.

I remember reading that a common practice in some US prisons was to beat the condemned about the legs and body far enough in advance of the execution that the bruises would stiffen up and hurt too much to resist.

Right, but I'm sure he's wondering what exactly the Germans did to him to make him go like that...
With the German elections coming up soon, the KPD on the left and the nationalist parties on the right are both discredited and this may lead to some unforseen consequences.

Chancellor Lang in running the nation during wartime, may have neglected to keep an eye on the SDP party infrastructure and this may allow former members of the KPD to try to infiltrate and take over the local and state party committees and run former communists for office.

OTL Konrad Adenauer welcomed former Nazis into the CDU/CSU and ITTL there is no reason not to make overtures to members of the nationalist parties.

This will force both sides to go to the extremes and may hamper the efforts to transition back to a peace time economy and bring about the reforms that Chancellor Lang want to implement.
Right, but I'm sure he's wondering what exactly the Germans did to him to make him go like that...

Kat told him that a member of the Romanov family survived. And the Brits found out who leaked the Romanov's location and turned that network. Plus his German spy network was a fake. He already knew that she killed his assassination team.

"Yeah, you're a fucking failure, asshole. Enjoy your trip to hell."
Kat told him that a member of the Romanov family survived. And the Brits found out who leaked the Romanov's location and turned that network. Plus his German spy network was a fake. He already knew that she killed his assassination team.

"Yeah, you're a fucking failure, asshole. Enjoy your trip to hell."

I don't know as Molotov knows that though
Ugh I know there's no way Stalin gets captured alive (going out like Hitler or killed by his own cronies) but man oh man would I love for that mass murdering thug to get to meet our little Kat.
Ugh I know there's no way Stalin gets captured alive (going out like Hitler or killed by his own cronies) but man oh man would I love for that mass murdering thug to get to meet our little Kat.

I don't think it would be a good idea for Kat's emotional or mental well-being for her to kill him with her trusty karambit. Let his cronies have the honor or let him stumble into an S-mine attached to a black cat.
I don't think it would be a good idea for Kat's emotional or mental well-being for her to kill him with her trusty karambit. Let his cronies have the honor or let him stumble into an S-mine attached to a black cat.

I wasn't saying let Kat take him out. Just let her be the one to tell him while he's sitting in his cell prior to execution that she was responsible for foiling all of his and Beria's plans.

"I was the supreme leader of one of the most powerful nation's on Earth but this 120 lb girl played a big part in bringing me to my knees." - J. Stalin
I wasn't saying let Kat take him out. Just let her be the one to tell him while he's sitting in his cell prior to execution that she was responsible for foiling all of his and Beria's plans.

"I was the supreme leader of one of the most powerful nation's on Earth but this 120 lb girl played a big part in bringing me to my knees." - J. Stalin

Oh, okay. Kinda like what she did with Beria.
I Think Cat is possibly getting more credit than she deserves now. She didn't run the spy rings, and didn't kill the assasination team. She took a bullit (maybe thats more impressive but still).
I Think Cat is possibly getting more credit than she deserves now. She didn't run the spy rings, and didn't kill the assasination team. She took a bullit (maybe thats more impressive but still).

I'm pretty sure she uncovered the Soviet spy ring in Britain and I'm positive she uncovered and killed every single member of the assassination team that was sent to the palace.
Except for the nanny that was a Russian spy.
I'm pretty sure she uncovered the Soviet spy ring in Britain and I'm positive she uncovered and killed every single member of the assassination team that was sent to the palace.
Except for the nanny that was a Russian spy.
Uncovered Yes, run it, no.
Assasination team, granded, one of them. So that is killing an assasination team+taking a bullet.. I did not say she didn't do a few things
Overall though, it was good news. Better than some of the things that were crossing his desk. The effort to determine the lessons of the war were already being discussed in Wunsdorf and there was to be a preliminary draft report on the recommendations for changes to the equipment and doctrine of the Heer. When Lang had been notified of this he had also been informed that the implementation of those recommendations would take years and it wasn’t going to be cheap. There was this business of wanting to replace every rifle and uniform.

Um, why replace the rifles and uniforms? Or is this another instance of "Perfect is the enemy of 'good enough?'"