Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

It's pretty odd that Kaliningrad/Königsberg became part of Russia. I know why it was done (not that I agree with it) -- removing the supposed threat of "Prussian Militarism" and whatever -- but it's still odd that it became part of Russia.

Was there ever a proposal that Kaliningrad become part of Poland? Or, if it had to be part of the USSR, why wasn't it part of Lithuania?
As I recall, the original plan was to give all of East Prussia to Poland, and for the Oder-Neisse Line to serve as Poland's German Border for its entirety.
But the Soviets demanded Northern East Prussia, in part for the warm water port, and also as essentially a war trophy. Because Poland lost Koenigsburg, or should I say Królewiec, they were given the city of Stettin (now known by its Polish name, Szczecin) as compensation.
Yeah. I have seen that proposal before and that South Germany doesn't make any sense. That would had worked only if there is Southern German states and Austria. Didn't Churchill realise that Hungarian is completely different language or was he too drunken whilst drawing that?
Its not south germany, its a new austria-hungary, he was old enough to remember southern catholic german states were mostly allied with austria-hungary against prussia until bismarck united germany.
It's pretty odd that Kaliningrad/Königsberg became part of Russia. I know why it was done (not that I agree with it) -- removing the supposed threat of "Prussian Militarism" and whatever -- but it's still odd that it became part of Russia.

Was there ever a proposal that Kaliningrad become part of Poland? Or, if it had to be part of the USSR, why wasn't it part of Lithuania?
Back in the 18th century in the seven years war, russia was caiming east prussia if the allies could defeat and dismember Prussia, somebody at the soviet foreign office did their homework i think.
Russians colonizing Kazakhstan is sensible. But Khiva and Bukhara didn't have a lot of Russian immigration even after they became Soviet for a reason lol
Russia ruled Kazakhstan or parts thereof for about a century before it did Khiva and Bukhara and over the course of the twentieth century lost substantial potential and actual Slavic populations in the world wars and Russian civil war. The USSR was also designed to enhance ethnic identities that were not Russian.
Lech Walesa at one point in time proposed for Poland and Germany to unite as one country. Not too sure if he meant a political union or federalization of both nations into one (he was vague), but more likely he intended to implement the former.



Lech Walesa at one point in time proposed for Poland and Germany to unite as one country. Not too sure if he meant a political union or federalization of both nations into one (he was vague), but more likely he intended to implement the former.


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Reminds me of a time where young people like me would incorrectly assume the German Empire of WW1 was simply modern day Germany + modern day Poland.
Well, OTL it didn't survive for much longer than the Russian Empire did.... if the Empire had survived, who knows? Might have lasted for a while, so long as the Emir and the Khan didn't cause any trouble....
I remember reading (I think in one of Robert Massie's books) that the last Emir of Bukhara was especially quite well-liked by the Romanovs... the daughters especially looked forward to his visits for the exotic trinkets he would bring them. He wasn't quite as popular with his own people, especially with the Tajiks, whom he treated pretty badly.
Russians had plans to annex both khanates because they didnt serve any meaningful purpose anymore, romanovs maybe liked the khanates because they were also relics of the past but the russian bureaucracy didnt like dealing with them, anyway the world war intervened in 1914 and they ended up outlasting the empire.
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I'm not going to make a hooplah about the borders but just the name South Germany is so wrong it makes the fold between my cheeks and nose itchy 3:
Well, thats "just" Germany according to Churchill. I wonder, how would Winstons "ideal Europe" look like, if he had really free hands and didn´t need to take into account his (stronger) allies.
Are there any more proposals from Churchill?
Well, thats "just" Germany according to Churchill. I wonder, how would Winstons "ideal Europe" look like, if he had really free hands and didn´t need to take into account his (stronger) allies.
Are there any more proposals from Churchill?
I'm not sure but scrolling thru the earlier pages of this thread is honestly the first place I would go to look :)
Well, thats "just" Germany according to Churchill. I wonder, how would Winstons "ideal Europe" look like, if he had really free hands and didn´t need to take into account his (stronger) allies.
Are there any more proposals from Churchill?
I assume that the Soviets would have been the biggest losers if Churchill's proposal for post-war Europe was implemented. The Soviet Union would be much more isolated than in OTL. Hungary would not be part of the Soviet camp, and neither would East Germany since it would be part of a new North German state. Submission to communist rule would probably be lower in Poland, and the Czechoslovakia would not vote in communism.
I know that Italy when first annexing Rome offered the Pope Il Borgo in addition to the Vatican. This would have placed St Peter's in the middle of the pope's domain instead of its edge, and would have extended to Hadrian's Tower thereby offering the papacy access to the Tiber.

At some point, I forget exactly when, there was a proposal (mostly from the Italian side IIRC) for the Papal State to comprise all of the territory of Rome within the Leonine Walls, which would have basically doubled the Vatican's area.

Actually did a map of that once.

And then I realised that given the eventual demands for democracy, it's likely that at some point the Mayor of the Leonine City becomes the de facto Head of Government.

Here's a Medieval one: the Tripartite Indenture
During the 1400s Welsh Rebellion, the Welsh leader Owain Glyndŵr, along with his two English allies, agreed on dividing the Kingdom of England was Henry IV to be deposed by them.
Wales was to be fully united and annex some of the Marches along its borders, while the rest of England was to be divided between a resurrected independent Northumbria and, well, England.
The rebellion was put down by the English monarch, but it left us this interesant proposal


QBAM Version of that map:
Actually did a map of that once.

And then I realised that given the eventual demands for democracy, it's likely that at some point the Mayor of the Leonine City becomes the de facto Head of Government.

Kinda makes me wonder if there was anyone among the Cardinals before or after the annexation of Rome who would've agreed to the proposal had they been made Pope.
It's pretty odd that Kaliningrad/Königsberg became part of Russia. I know why it was done (not that I agree with it) -- removing the supposed threat of "Prussian Militarism" and whatever -- but it's still odd that it became part of Russia.

Was there ever a proposal that Kaliningrad become part of Poland? Or, if it had to be part of the USSR, why wasn't it part of Lithuania?

Yes, but accounts vary:

"Originally, Germany was to retain Stettin, and the Poles were to annex East Prussia with Königsberg.[31] Eventually, however, Stalin decided that he wanted Königsberg as a year-round warm water port for the Soviet Navy and argued that the Poles should receive Stettin instead. "

"Some historians speculate that it may have originally been offered to the Lithuanian SSR because the resolution from the conference specifies that Kaliningrad's border would be at the (pre-war) Lithuanian frontier. "
Here's a Medieval one: the Tripartite Indenture
During the 1400s Welsh Rebellion, the Welsh leader Owain Glyndŵr, along with his two English allies, agreed on dividing the Kingdom of England was Henry IV to be deposed by them.
Wales was to be fully united and annex some of the Marches along its borders, while the rest of England was to be divided between a resurrected independent Northumbria and, well, England.
The rebellion was put down by the English monarch, but it left us this interesant proposal

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QBAM Version of that map:
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Heh, its nice to see my old map finally make its way back to the forum, and this thread, via somebody else!
Here's a Medieval one: the Tripartite Indenture
During the 1400s Welsh Rebellion, the Welsh leader Owain Glyndŵr, along with his two English allies, agreed on dividing the Kingdom of England was Henry IV to be deposed by them.
Wales was to be fully united and annex some of the Marches along its borders, while the rest of England was to be divided between a resurrected independent Northumbria and, well, England.
The rebellion was put down by the English monarch, but it left us this interesant proposal

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QBAM Version of that map:
View attachment 863293
Wonder how the linguistic situation would develop with a permanently divided England. Especially the situation of Scots and the English dialects in now Wales.