Map Thread XVIII

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I always like my Peru with that special Acre seasoning, adds a really nice flavor in an already interesting dish, 2nd for sure
Brazilians often joke that there is nothing of notice in Acre other than forest and dinosaurs roaming the streets of Rio Branco. Would it have been any different if Acre was Peruvian instead?
I mean, Peru is a smaller country, so the dinosaurs would have easier access to puny human land for ravaging.
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Based on one of the best memes to have ever come from Brazil:


União das Repúblicas Socialistas da América Latina
Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas de América Latina


Capital: Guayaquil (Legislative), Montevideo (Presidential Rancho)
Type of Government: Federal Union of Socialist Republics
Head of Government: General Secretary José "Pepe" Mujica
Motto: Nuestro Norte Es El Sur/Nosso norte é o Sul (Our North Is The South)
Anthem(s): Canción Con Todos (short version), The Internationale
Languages: Spanish, Portuguese (Official), many others recognized
Population: 645.000.000 (est., 3th)
Area: 22.222.000 km2 (est., 1st)
GDP: $3,6 trillion (est., 4th)
Internet TLD: .lat
Currency: Latinum
National Animal: Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
The Union of Socialist Republics of Latin America, better known by its Portuguese/Spanish acronym URSAL, is the largest country of the world, and only third in population and fourth in GDP (though quickly growing). Stretching from the deserts of Sonora to the South Pole, it encompasses a staggering diversity of peoples, enviroments and cultures, joined together in socialist brotherhood.

The origins of the URSAL, ironically, can be traced to a ultra-right wing politician. In late 2018, Cabo Daciolo, a presidential candidate for the Brazilian elections, claimed that there was a conspiracy to form a union of socialist Latin American republics. After a flurry of memes on Brazil and neighboring countries, a majority of people in Brazil and other Latin American nations were overcome by a deep feeling that they best described as "Hey... that actually sounds pretty awesome, why don't we do it?". The presidential elections in Brazil were replaced by a constitutional convention that proclaimed the country as a socialist republic on the path to communism. Similar events happened in other countries, where the people organized and overthrew their corrupt and incompetent governments. In 2019, a general convention of leftists movements and governments proclaimed the URSAL, with the beloved 'Pepe' Mujica as General Secretary. Since then, the new nation has experienced a dramatic growth, aided by widespread social programs and vigorous national industries.

The details of governance of the URSAL are obscure for many political scientists, except that 'It just sorts of works'. Technically, it's composed of Socialist Republics united by a treaty, but as the economies are unified and there are no borders, they seem to be mostly ceremonial. Most administration, both politically and economically happens locally in autonomous republics, provinces, municipalities, tribes, communes, etc. the General Assembly of the URSAL paradoxically exists for only the highest matters and political theatrics. Pepe Mujica has extense powers as General Secretary, but he mostly uses them to give ocassional speeches and general advice, and rarely leaves his humble farm (the Presidential Rancho) in the outskirts of Montevideo. Membership is still open to nations that are not traditionally Latin-American, proving they know how to live socialistically AND how to party. The URSAL has no nuclear weapons, and only limited military capabilities with a single aircraft carrier, but so far its possible rivals are so dumbfounded by its sudden rise that there are no plans to expand the military at the expense of much needed social reforms.

Of note is that the URSAL is, beyond any doubt, the largest football superpower of the world. While individual national teams still exist*, the URSAL has (retroactively) won 9 world cups, and the URSAL (inter)National Football Team has stars such as Messi, Neymar, Sánchez and Ochoa on its roster, and most of the greatest players in Europe and elsewhere have been born in the URSAL. FIFA has debated just to preemptively hand out the Qatar 2022 cup to them, but they seem eager to compete nevertheless.

*(maybe THAT'S why the countries themselves still exist)
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Just a quick question: which Peru looks better? Thank you.
I think the second one is prettier and makes more sense if Brazil is divided but the first one seems like it would make for a more interesting geopolitical situation; plus I feel bad when Bolivia gets further screwed over
Based on one of the best memes to have ever come from Brazil:
União das Repúblicas Socialistas da América Latina
Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas de América Latina

Capital: Guayaquil (Legislative), Montevideo (Presidential Rancho)
Type of Government: Federal Union of Socialist Republics
Head of Government: General Secretary José "Pepe" Mujica
Motto: Nuestro Norte Es El Sur/Nosso norte é o Sul (Our North Is The South)
Anthem(s): Canción Con Todos (short version), The Internationale
Languages: Spanish, Portuguese (Official), many others recognized
Population: 645.000.000 (est., 3th)
Area: 22.222.000 km2 (est., 1st)
GDP: $3,6 trillion (est., 4th)
Internet TLD: .lat
Currency: Latinum
National Animal: Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
The Union of Socialist Republics of Latin America, better known by its Portuguese/Spanish acronym URSAL, is the largest country of the world, and only third in population and fourth in GDP (though quickly growing). Stretching from the deserts of Sonora to the South Pole, it encompasses a staggering diversity of peoples, enviroments and cultures, joined together in socialist brotherhood.

The origins of the URSAL, ironically, can be traced to a ultra-right wing politician. In late 2018, Cabo Daciolo, a presidential candidate for the Brazilian elections, claimed that there was a conspiracy to form a union of socialist Latin American republics. After a flurry of memes on Brazil and neighboring countries, a majority of people in Brazil and other Latin American nations were overcome by a deep feeling that they best described as "Hey... that actually sounds pretty awesome, why don't we do it?". The presidential elections in Brazil were replaced by a constitutional convention that proclaimed the country as a socialist republic on the path to communism. Similar events happened in other countries, where the people organized and overthrew their corrupt and incompetent governments. In 2019, a general convention of leftists movements and governments proclaimed the URSAL, with the beloved 'Pepe' Mujica as General Secretary. Since then, the new nation has experienced a dramatic growth, aided by widespread social programs and vigorous national industries.

The details of governance of the URSAL are obscure for many political scientists, except that 'It just sorts of works'. Technically, it's composed of Socialist Republics united by a treaty, but as the economies are unified and there are no borders, they seem to be mostly ceremonial. Most administration, both politically and economically happens locally in autonomous republics, provinces, municipalities, tribes, communes, etc. the General Assembly of the URSAL paradoxically exists for only the highest matters and political theatrics. Pepe Mujica has extense powers as General Secretary, but he mostly uses them to give ocassional speeches and general advice, and rarely leaves his humble farm (the Presidential Rancho) in the outskirts of Montevideo. Membership is still open to nations that are not traditionally Latin-American, proving they know how to live socialistically AND how to party. The URSAL has no nuclear weapons, and only limited military capabilities with a single aircraft carrier, but so far its possible rivals are so dumbfounded by its sudden rise that there are no plans to expand the military at the expense of much needed social reforms.

Of note is that the URSAL is, beyond any doubt, the largest football superpower of the world. While individual national teams still exist*, the URSAL has (retroactively) won 9 world cups, and the URSAL (inter)National Football Team has stars such as Messi, Neymar, Sánchez and Ochoa on its roster, and most of the greatest players in Europe and elsewhere have been born in the URSAL. FIFA has debated just to preemptively hand out the Qatar 2022 cup to them, but they seem eager to compete nevertheless.

*(maybe THAT'S why the countries themselves still exist)
"Ursal" sounds a bit like a broken Portuguese translation of "bear-ish", which explains why there are so many communist bear jokes on my Facebook feed right now.
How do you go about uploading a map properly?
Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, I'm new here.

Click on "Upload a File" under the text box, then select the file from your computer. If you want it to show up in full size, you may have to click on the file after it uploads and shows up in the area under the text box.
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