Map Thread XVII

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Did a cover of the Reverse Sea Lion timeline, basically switching a lot of countries' role in the war to fit real combatants of WW2.
Reverse Sea Lion Cover.png


-England as Nazi Germany
-Kent as the Saar Protectorate
-Wales as Austria
-Scotland as Czechoslovakia
-Belfast as Danzig
-Ireland as Poland
-Germany as the UK (Austria is Scotland, Mecklenburg is Wales and the Sudetes are Northern Ireland)
-Czech Republic as Ireland
-Iceland as New Zealand
-Greenland as Australia
-Portugal as Finland
-Spain as the USSR
-Navarre as Lithuania
-Euskadi as Latvia
-Cantabria as Estonia
-Italy as Yugoslavia
-Yugoslavia as Italy (with Ancona as Zadar)
-Greece as Romania
-Romania as Greece
-Russia as the USA
-Sweden-Norway as the Empire of Japan
-East Prussia as Manchukuo
-Poland as China
-Estonia as French Indochina
-Latvia as Siam
-Lithuania as British Malaya
-Denmark as the Dutch East Indies

The rest of the countries follow same
-Wales as Austria
-Spain as the USSR

-Estonia as French Indochina

The rest of the countries follow same
“Only in Wales did soldiers throw down their arms and proclaim ‘I’m Welsh,’”
-General Secretary Francisco Largo Caballero
(Based off a quote from Stalin during the occupation of Germany and how to divide it)

Also, French Estonia makes me sad.

This map here specifically shows the territory that Cuba has gained (or at least has claimed) in the years since the ISOT.

Who’s part of the U.S.C.A?

How far north does Mexico extend beyond the scope of this map?

Roughly how many Cubans have moved to the new territories?

And politically are they still communist? Because the Castro's will be long dead.

Whats their foreign relations like? Who are their best friends and who are their rivals?

Excited for the world map!

And a nitpick to finish off: The blue coast border line seems to be missing from Grand Turk and the Cayman islands, and an island off the Yucatan peninsula.
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I remember when I was a kid, I thought the US was the youngest country in the world. Got to thinking what the world might look like if that was the case, so I gave every country that declared independence from another country after the US did and gave it back to that country. I wonder what this world would be like.
Germany shouldn't exist.


View attachment 361242
U.S. States replaced by countries of similar population. And ISOT to a virgin earth to top it off.

Made for this thread.

Here's a 15-minute mockup of how I see it in 25 years:


Hong Kong and Panama have become an alliance of Pacific city-states. All the "western" EU countries + Macedonia in the Rockies have consolidated into a Newropean Union, and the two fairly contiguous blocks of democracies on the East Coast have as well, with Azerbaijan and Swaziland both collapsing after a negotiation process. The vast swath of African and Middle Eastern countries have become known as Afrar and are one of the three dominant powers along with the East Coast and New European Union. Mongolia, Singapore, and heavily Asian Guyana also have consolidated, as have Djibouti and Guinea-Bissau - but some foreign troops in Djibouti have formed a breakaway republic that's essentially a plains pirate state. Bhutan (not seen) is beginning to expand into Asia but they don't really have the manpower to do much.
I also didn't say anything about countries unifying. Just declaring independence. Since that was my definition of how new countries were created.
You did say that you wanted to make a map of the world if the USA was the youngest country, which does technically mean Germany shouldn't exist. If you really wanted to be technical about it a case could be made that Germany declared independence from Bavaria, Prussia, Hesse, etc.


Or that Prussia conquered all the other German states and then changed its name to Germany. Same with Italy.
Or that Prussia conquered all the other German states and then changed its name to Germany. Same with Italy.
Prussia did not conquer all of the German states, many were independent when the German Empire was proclaimed. Good catch on Italy, it shouldn't exist either. However its your map so its moot.
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