Let The Eagle Scream!

Does America enter WWI?

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Controversial Motion Picture "Birth of a Nation" Sparks Riots, Unrest in Southern Cities
  • Here's a fun tidbit for you

    Controversial Motion Picture "Birth of a Nation" Sparks Riots, Unrest in Southern Cities

    May 8th, 1925- In theaters across America, the new film "Birth of a Nation" was shown yesterday. The controversial picture revolves around the involvement of Irish-Americans in the struggle for Irish independence. This particular film is causing such an uproar because it focuses on the real-life story of Martin O'Hanlan, a mixed race man born to an Irish father and a Negro mother. O'Hanlan played himself in the picture, and did a decent job by critics accounts. However, most moviegoers weren't focused on his performance, but rather on his mixed heritage. In Northern cities, many groups have stated that it is "improper to glamorize racial mixing in film." The South had a rather more visceral reaction. Atlanta, Savannah, Raleigh, Charleston, and Mobile all exploded into riots after the picture's content became known. Negros and whites targeted each other, and many movie theaters in the area. Copies of the film have been seized by both rioters and authorities across Dixie, and have been burned. As one Negro man put it "The fact that a film can be made in this country advocating for relations between white men and Negro women is sick. It threatens the whole foundation upon which Southern social harmony rests." A white man concurred with the sentiment, stating "The day our race becomes mongrelized in this country will be the day American civilization dies." At the time of printing, National Guardsmen have been deployed to suppress the rioting. The death toll is believed to be at 37.
    Chapter 20: The National Revolutionary Army and the Chinese Civil War
  • Chapter 20: The National Revolutionary Army and the Chinese Civil War

    To understand the roots of China's Civil War, we must understand the years that preceded it. In 1912, Chinese statesman Sun Yat-sen overthrew the last real Emperor of China. With the help of his National Revolutionary Army, he established himself as the founder of the Chinese republic. However, he hadn't won alone...

    Several years prior to taking power, Yat-sen had traveled around the United States. This was not unusual for Chinese intellectuals, especially those of a democratic or revolutionary bent. Indeed, many of his most prominent officers had actually trained at West Point under an American initiative to "civilize the Noble but primitive Chinese people, and prevent another Boxer Rebellion." On July 4th, 1910, a series of events would change Chinese, and indeed world history....

    Sun Yat-sen was in Atlanta, and gathered on the street to watch the city's massive 4th of July parade. The band struck up military music and row after row of sharply uniformed soldiers marched past in perfect time. However, what most impressed Yat-sen was the detachment of former filibusters from the Jamica Incident that were allowed to march in the parade. As a man accustomed to seeing his own kind, as well as other races, prostrate themselves before European colonists, the sight of black men receiving any kind of respect was shocking to him. He wrote later in his diary:

    "The Negro-American is unique among the colored races of the world. He is not equal to the white man, this is true. However, he is not a cowering wretch like many of my own countrymen. He is a man marching towards glory and equality. In many ways, he is similar to his white American counterpart. Both have the beginning of a certain regal bearing, that is only found amongst imperial peoples. The Romans had it. The Germans and British have it, in their brutish way. Our people used to have it. Perhaps by following the Negro example, we can reclaim that pride, and become an Asian Empire of Liberty."

    After the parade, Sun Yat-sen chased down one Jeremiah King. King had led the detachment of filibusters in the parade, and had since become an incognito agent of a new US proto-intelligence agency, the Internal Security and Reconnaissance Force (ISRF). The two men immediately hit it off. Yat-sen admired the man's confidence and eloquence. King felt the "wizened Chinaman" to be an intelligent, civilized man interested in what was best for his country. They discussed the situation in China, a topic which pained Yat-sen greatly. He dreamed of leading an uprising, but had no money or men. King, sensing an unprecedented opportunity, invited the Chinese revolutionary to stay as a guest in his home. He then immediately went to telegraph Washington about "the possibility of establishing an American friendly China in the Orient." The message went straight to President Roosevelt, who was thrilled at the opportunity. In a secret, personal meeting with Sun Yat-sen, the President offered the revolutionary weapons, money, and officers to train his men. An ecstatic Sun Yat-sen agreed, and promptly set up shop in the Philippines. By March 1911, he had gathered thousands of Chinese and Chinese-Americans in his army. In April, the first shipment of American supplies came in, and so too did "China's Lafayette..."

    Boston Custer, hero of Little Bighorn, arrived to see Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary army waiting for him. The men were under-equipped, lacked proper uniforms, and did not possess the discipline of an American unit. Upon arrival, he ranted to the recruits "Listen up you Yellow bastards! Right now, you're nothing but a bunch of savages who probably think that the sun is some kind of god, and couldn't whip a bunch of Frenchmen if they gave you a lash and a map! However, if you listen to me, you'll be able to hold your own against West Point's finest!" In the beginning, there was a great deal of hostility between Custer and the Chinese, with both thinking the other arrogant and ignorant. However, as several months passed, Custer found himself respecting the Chinese soldiers as being "as tough as any white unit I've ever seen." The Chinese also began understanding the reasons Custer did things a certain way, and respecting his orders. By the end of the training in October, Custer was known as "Our Dear Commander."

    On October 13th, 1911, the National Revolutionary Army formally revolted against the Chinese Empire. Realizing that the Empire's time was up, other warlords and opportunistic officials joined the revolt. The British and French did what they could to back the Empire, but eventually bowed to the inevitable. On August 3rd, 1912, Sun Yat-sen declared victory, deposed the Emperor, and took power as China's President, after struggles within the Kuomintang. He was firmly pro-American, and the Chinese would supply the Alliance war effort and harass the Russians throughout the Great War.

    However, after Sun died in office in 1925, the Chinese nationalist party, the Kuomintang, collapsed. Various warlords, ethnic militias, and Russian backed Christian groups would vie with American backed Kuomintang factions for supremacy in the Chinese mainland. It would be a long, bloody struggle for unification....


    Chinese President Sun Yat-sen


    Jeremiah King before the filibuster in Jamaica


    Colonel Boston Custer in younger years. He would be revered by China as the "Great Blonde Commander," for generations


    The flag of the Kuomintang and Republican China. It is heavily derived from the American flag in a show of friendship and respect between the Eagle and Dragon (photo creds kyuzaoi)
    Chapter 21: The Presidency of Pierre Beauregard III , the Central American Wars, and the Haiti Filibuster
  • Chapter 21: The Presidency of Pierre Beauregard III , the Central American Wars, and the Haiti Filibuster

    In 1920, the nation received an electoral shock. For the first time since the Civil War, the American population elected a Southerner to the Presidency, and he was a conservative Democrat to boot. Pierre Beauregard III was the scion of an old Louisiana planter clan, and the grandson of Confederate general P.G.T. Beauregard. When his Republican opponent Calvin Coolidge attacked his grandfather, Beauregard famously replied "Sir, the last time I read a history book, it said the Civil War ended April 9th, 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse. Let us not try to rekindle a war that our country has already won." Promising lower taxes, a strong military, and vowing to "keep America from drowning under waves of foreigners," Beauregard was the perfect candidate for a country that wanted to get rich, stay safe, and stay away from foreign affairs (particularly European affairs). However, the supposed desire for isolationism didn't stop America from annexing some new territories in the Americas....

    The start of this new wave of American expansionism was the 1922 Haiti Filibuster. Unemployed African-American WWI vets banded together to overthrow the unstable regime in Haiti (that was essentially fighting a civil war) and spread the "light of American civilization to our Negro brothers." Their filibuster was remarkably like the Jamican Incident in many ways. However, since Haiti was a poor country, and not a colony of a vast empire, it was much easier for the filibusters to succeed. The "Negro American Expansion Society," as the group called itself, sent 3500 heavily armed filibusters into Haiti from American Hispaniola (the former Domincan Republic) in March. By August, the country was under their control. A provisional republic was established, and annexation was formalized on June 12th, 1923. This sparked a wave of expansion that would last through Beauregard's second term...

    In 1924, Beauregard stormed to a second term. The economy was booming, America was expanding, and taxes had been cut. In 1924, he also signed the Immigration Quota Act, restricting immigration from every nation on Earth (though some were more restricted than others). His second term would also be defined by the so called "Banana Wars," which saw America annex several parts of Central America...

    In the period from 1924-1928, the US invaded and annexed Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Guatemala. The pattern was the same for every invasion. A period of unrest (Central America had become increasingly unstable) threatened American political and business interests. The US would send in troops to protect their interests. After continued unrest, the Americans would declare that "in order to protect the dignity of the native peoples and spread liberty" the United States would have to take control of the region "indefinitely." Although there was plenty of violent resistance, a massive propaganda campaign combined with the possibility of economic advancement enticed many others into accepting their new place as an American territory.

    These new territories had a massive impact on American culture and society. Anti-Catholicism declined in the face of the overwhelmingly Catholic additions to America. Latin music became very popular, and the addition of Central America led directly to the formation of the New Salsa style of music. Most importantly, it furthered America's belief in Manifest Destiny, as American innovations transformed Central American life, usually for the better. After all, if the Central Americans could be transformed by American civilization, why couldn't the rest of the world?

    When Beauregard stepped down in 1928, to be replaced by extremely pro-business Herbert Hoover, America seemed to be doing better than ever. However, in the span of a year, the Roaring Twenties would end with a crash....


    President Beauregard in a campaign photo shoot


    American troops in Honduras


    African Americans filibustering in Haiti


    The popular, Guatemalan born, New Salsa band "The Latin Kings"

    Chapter 22: The Wall Street Crash and Aftermath
  • Chapter 22: The Wall Street Crash and Aftermath

    On October 23rd, 1929, the American stock market endured the worst crash in its history. This so called "Black Wednesday" saw the Dow Jones lose 15% of its trading value in one day. The next day would see it lose another 10%. Panic gripped the markets, both in America and abroad. Massive bank runs began in early 1930 and would continue throughout the early part of the decade....

    Predictably, this led to a spiral of bankruptcies. Factories and farms collapsed from sea to shining sea. Unemployment skyrocketed, and bread lines formed across America. Formerly wealthy and middle class people were forced to sell cars, radios, newfangled appliances, and jewelry, among other valuables. People were getting desperate...

    The Hoover Administration did little to help. President Hoover believed that government intervention would hurt the economy. Instead, he took limited actions to aid farmers, and tried to strike up an optimistic face, insisting that "Prosperity is on its way." This did nothing to win him favor with the public. The Bonus Army Incident, where Hoover dispatched the US Army to force an "army" of WWI veterans demanding immediate payment of their bonuses to disperse, made things even worse for the beleaguered President. Americans were enraged by his "flagrant disregard for the troops," and many demanded he resign. The 1932 Election saw Hoover get thrashed by another Roosevelt....

    Overseas, the Crash hurt many nations even worse than America. Most notable among these, were the UK, France, and Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary had been on its last legs for over a decade, as ethnic violence and nationalism ripped the nation apart throughout the 20's. Germany constantly intervened in the country throughout the decade, and by 1929, the country was a shell being propped up by German forces. The Crash spelled the beginning of the end, and the nation would break apart in 1933. Germany would use its immense power to reshape the entire region...

    Britain and France had also suffered throughout the 1920's. The Irish War for Independence, reparations, populist anger, and economic stagnation had plagued the defeated Entente powers. Things had started turning around towards the middle part of the decade, but the Crash shattered this weak recovery. Hyperinflation plagued Britain, and it became cheaper to burn money than firewood. The streets were filled with clashing political parties, as Communists, Theocrats, and the new far-right Unitists violently battled for dominance. The Unitists would win this struggle....


    A Pittsburgh newspaper detailing the market's dizzying collapse


    Members of the Bonus Army clashing with police


    A bread line outside Detroit


    British soldiers deployed to contain unrest in Liverpool
    Chapter 23: The Rise of Unitism
  • This will probably be long. It's describing the rise of alt-fascism and its derivative ideologies, as well as the unique flavor each nation is adding to it.

    Chapter 23: The Rise of Unitism

    To understand the rise of Unitism, it is important to understand the countries where this ideology took hold. Britain, France, Spain, Serbia, Greece, Portugal, and Japan all fell to Unitism and its derivatives. But what is Unitism?

    Proto-Unitism, or the archetype of the ideology, arose out of the ashes of WWI, and is defined by a few things. The most obvious is an obsession with national unity under a strong man leader. National unity is defined not just in ideological terms, but also cultural/ethnic terms, as everyone who belongs to a certain culture or ethnicity should be united into "one Fatherland." The next key attribute is a cult of power and strength. The weak of the world are nothing but worthless parasites, and deserve oppression or annihilation. The third common attribute was a cult of national greatness and mythology. Every Unitist regime reached into the past to find a mythic "Golden Age" where their people were uniquely powerful and righteous. Finally, Unitism was explicitly religious. In Catholic nations, a popular saying was a variation of "God in Heaven, the Father in Rome, the Leader in (insert capital)." In Japan, Shintoism was heavily used by Unitist military officers. This obviously enraged countries who shared these religions, who claimed (rather accurately) that the Unitists were bastardizing religion for political purposes. Nonetheless, the Unitists often received widespread support from the clergy of their own nations....

    In France, the nation fell to the "French Unitist Action Party," under the command of WWI hero Maurice Pujo. Pujo was a charismatic figure, who promised France a "national renewal" and to spread the "glory of French culture" across the world. His regime was an explicit Bonapartist revival, and used Napoleon's eagle motif everywhere. The Napoleonic era, according to Pujo, was the only time in French history that the nation took its "rightful place" as master of Europe and the world. Another key attribute of French Unitism was its lack of racism compared to most other movements. The movement was cultural, not racial, and as long as someone learned French, adopted Catholicism, and generally assimilated to French culture, "it matters not whether they be a Negro, a North African, or a White." This caused tension with their fellow Unitists...

    Portugal was a Unitist power along French lines. In 1932, the rather unique "Natural Portugal Movement" took over under the control of Oscar Salazar. The Age of Discovery was celebrated as the origin of "Portugal's unique greatness." However, what sets Portugal apart was its attitude towards the colonies. According to the Movement, the Portuguese were the world's best colonizers because their mix of cultures, and the climate they originated from made them more adaptable and friendly towards native peoples. The movement was explicitly pro-miscengation, encouraging Portuguese men to marry women in the colonies. This sparked an uproar across the world, but ultimately, no one did anything more than crack crude jokes...

    In Spain, the authoritarian Falange under Fransisco Franco established itself in power after a bloody civil war. Promising that Spain would "revive the glory of the Golden Age," when Spain's colonial empire dominated the Americas, the Falange made revanchist demands on much of America's colonial empire, which was comprised of former Spanish territory. Eyewitnesses in the States remember that when news of these demands reached the Homeland, "you could tell where the newspaper stands were because people were laughing at the Spanish so hard, you could hear it a street away." Closer to home, Franco began crushing Basque and Catalan culture to prevent separatism....

    In Serbia, Unitism took power under the totalitarian "Serbian Unitist Committee," led by Dimitrije Ljotic. The Committee looked to the medieval Serbian Empire as their period of "rightful national splendor," and were violently committed to forming "Greater Serbia," and ethnically cleansing those that were considered undesirable....

    The Greeks fell to Unitism in 1931, with the backing of the Greek Monarchy. Greek general Ionnia Mextas promised a revival of "Byzantine, Hellenic, and Ancient greatness." Greek and Hellenic culture would be revived by the formation of "Greater Greece," after all areas colonized by ethnic Greeks "rejoined the Fatherland." From there, Orthodox Christianity, "Hellenic Values," and the power of the Greek nation would spread across Europe...

    Britain would be unique among the Unitist powers for several reasons. First of all, it can be accurately claimed that Britain gradually slipped under the ideology's sway, over the period from 1918-31, rather than suddenly succumbing to the ideology like others. This is due to a variety of reasons. The shock of the World War and Britain's defeat nearly shattered the Nation and Empire. The 1919 India Rising did little to help. In the aftermath of the Armistar Massacre, where British authorities opened fire on protesting Indians, killing 125, the subcontinent exploded into unrest. Thousands of soldiers were deployed, and poison gas was dropped on the revolters, killing tens of thousands. Eventually, the rebellion ran out of steam as British brutality intensified, with the RAF starting to drop poison gas bombs on whole villages. In London, screaming crowds of nationalists demanded that the "despicable, ungrateful Hindoos" learn their place. When Ireland successfully separated from the UK, riots erupted. Irish people living in Britain were lynched by the hundreds, and American businessmen and tourists had to flee to the (heavily guarded) US embassy. This potent mix of nationalism, paranoia, and anger, once combined with the economic collapse, meant that Unitism quickly became extremely popular. Throughout the 1920's and 30's, the "English Nationalist Party" (IngNat for short) under the leadership of George Orwell (born Arthur Eric Blair) steadily gained influence. The English Nationalist Party was described as a "Unitist movement with English attributes." The IngNat movement idolized the Arthurian myths of old, as well as the Victorian era, as times of "unquestionable British dominance." The movement was extremely monarchist and aristocratic. They envisioned a future where a "super race" comprised of Britain's aristocracy ruled over a nation of "racially pure Britons," who in turn dominated the "lesser races." The other peoples of the world were there to be slaughtered and exploited as the British chose, as the whole world was destined to be ruled by the British Empire. In the 1931 general elections, the IngNat movement successfully allied with the Tories, and swept Parliament. The monarchy and aristocracy approved of Orwell, and he was promptly appointed Prime Minister. A new era was dawning.....

    Japan was also unique among the Unitist powers, and not just because they were Asian. Rather than falling to a Unitist party, the Japanese came under the influence of an ultra-nationalist clique of military leaders influenced by Unitist ideas. This group seized power (unofficially) in the late 1920's, and began completely reshaping Japan. The ancient Samurai code of Bushido was warped and idolized into essentially a cult of death and sacrifice for the "good of the nation." The cult around the Emperor Hirohito grew even more intense. In Japan's colonies oppression became truly horrific, as Korea and Formosa became a testing ground for new methods of population control, forced labor, and cultural "Japan washing." In 1931, the Japanese kicked off the Second Sino-Japanese War, and some would argue the Second World War, by invading Manchuria...


    French leader Maurice Pujo. Note the prominent eagle motif, derivative of Napoleon


    Portuguese leader Salazar


    The flag of Unitist Spain


    The flag of Unitist Serbia (photo creds AlexanderAbelard)


    The proposed borders of "Greater Greece"


    The flag of the IngNat movement


    The RAF preparing to drop chlorine gas on an Indian village


    Prime Minister Orwell in uniform, receiving a fascist salute from supporters


    Japanese soldiers press into Manchuria


    A colorized image of a Japanese "New Samurai." These elite forces were the most fanatical soldiers in the IJA, and were famous for wrapping the "sacred Japanese flag" around their heads before charging into battle.
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    Austro-Hungarian Empire Officially Dissolved, New States Created in Balkans and Elsewhere
  • Austro-Hungarian Empire Officially Dissolved, New States Created in Balkans and Elsewhere

    May 13th, 1933- It's official ladies and gentlemen. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was proclaimed dead in Berlin this morning at 10am. The crumbling nation had been facing severe turmoil since the end of the Great War, with German soldiers frequently intervening in the nation. Finally, Kaiser Wilhelm has pulled the plug, with the consent of the Austro-Hungarian government, and the House of Hapsburg. New borders have been drawn in the region.

    The Kingdom of Italy has acquired Istria and the Croatian coast up to Dubrovnik. This is to be "late compensation" for Italy's efforts in the Great War, and the German Kaiser said in a public statement "A strong Italy is good for Germany." Parts of the nation in Eastern Europe have been broken off into the Provisional West Ukraine Republic, and a timetable for integration into Ukraine proper has been set. The nation's concession in Tianjin has been ceded to Germany. Hungary has been spun off as an independent Kingdom, as has Czechoslovakia. The remaining Balkan territories, comprised of Croatians, Bosnians, and Slovenians, have been united into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Austria proper has been annexed into Germany proper, with the House of Hapsburg agreeing to swear fealty to the House of Hollenzollern. Eventually, the two families plan to unite in marriage, as Princess Sofia of the Hapsburgs shall marry Prince Eitel of Hollenzollern.

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    Chapter 24: Quentin Roosevelt's First Term, and the New Freedom
  • This man's entire life and Presidency is designed to A.) Show butterflies and B.) Screw with you

    Chapter 24: Quentin Roosevelt's First Term, and the New Freedom

    In 1932, Theodore Roosevelt's youngest son Quentin was elected President of the United States.... as a Democrat. Although originally a Republican like the rest of the Oyster Bay branch of the Roosevelt clan, Hoover's treatment of the Bonus Army led him to change his party affiliation while he was still Governor of New York. This initially didn't go over well with TR (who was alive and kicking at the age of 73 in 1932) but he ultimately supported his son's campaign, and gave roaring speeches across the country, to the surprise of many. After all, as he said after an assassination attempt in 1920, days before he left office "You don't just stop a Bull Moose."

    Quentin was already an American icon. His unit in WWI had been crucial in capturing Winnipeg, and he won a chestful of medals for his efforts in the war. He then went on to be the first Governor-General of Indochina, where he vastly improved sanitation and education for the native peoples, earning him great respect. Finally, before winning the Governorship of New York, he published the revolutionary "Implications of Air Power in Modern Warfare," which became required reading at West Point and the Naval Academy.

    In his inaugural address, Quentin promised America a "New Freedom." Freedom from fear, want, tyranny, and stagnation were all things he promised. The most famous quote from his address was "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself!" However, domestic and world events would test that that theory...

    Quentin came into office at the worst part of the Great Depression. In 1933, 25% of Americans were unemployed. Banks and farms were still collapsing. In 1934, the so-called "Dust Bowl" began, during which massive wind storms swept the Midwest and carried millions of pounds of topsoil with them. Some of these storms were so powerful that they carried clouds of dust as far as New York. Thousands of farmers packed up their possessions into any automobile they could find and fled to California. The stress of all of these crises began to wear on people, and many joined the American Unitist League, which would remain somewhat prominent until America's involvement in WWII...

    Abroad, Unitism was gaining ground. Britain, France, and Greece all fell to the ideology in 1931. Japan, which was now dominated by a Unitist inspired junta, invaded Manchuria and established a puppet state. In 1932-33, Spain, Portugal, and Serbia all fell. As these aggressive, ultra-nationalist, expansionist regimes established themselves, Americans were terrified. Many of the Unitist leaders, particularly Orwell, appeared to be absolutely psychotic (which most were) and omnipotent (which they weren't)...

    However, Quentin fought against these crises as hard as he fought against the Canadians in the War. In his first 100 days, he created federal deposit insurance, which gradually ended bank runs. He also created the Immediate Emergency Relief Administration, which spent money on food, clothing, blankets, and employment scheme's for the poor. The Federal Works Administration (provided money for public works to employ people) the Agricultural Protection Bureau (helped farmers get back on their feet) the Civilian Conservation Corps (dedicated to improving and protecting the environment) the Tennessee Valley Authority (devoted to electrifying the Tennesse Valley) and other agencies were all created in the span of 100 days. These programs provided much needed jobs for millions of unemployed Americans and prevented the Depression from deepening. They also inspired the future American "workfare" stare, and the public works created a strong base for modern infrastructure. More importantly, Quentin's can do attitude, tireless work, and famous "Fireside Chats" gave an unimaginable psychological boost to the nation. The American people rallied around him as a symbol for hope in dark times, and he made sure to tell the American people "Soon, it will be morning in America once more."


    Quentin Roosevelt


    A poster advertising the CCC to young men


    A dust storm in Oklahoma
    Chapter 25: The March To War
  • Another long chapter detailing the Unitists shenanigans before WWII, and will cover the catalyst of the war. This isn't pretty....

    Chapter 25: The March To War

    The period from 1931-1939 was one of explosive, violent growth for Unitist regimes around the world. Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East all convulsed from the insanity of the Unitist powers, and the ensuing power struggles. Whether it was intensified oppression from the current overlords, or an invasion by new ones, the Unitists made sure that they were making someone miserable somewhere....

    In Europe, Britain, Greece, and Serbia all made moves to enhance their empires. In the British Isles, the Irish accidentally set themselves up for invasion. The period after the War for Independence had been characterized by constant, low intensity border skirmishes between Protestant and Catholic militas. On March 1939, a radical group of the IRA made the fatal mistake of escalating the conflict by bombing a Presbyterian church in Ulster. The British declared this act a "Clear example of Irish barbarism destroying the lives of good Britons." The British mobilized for war, and the Germans vowed to respond if Britain invaded. The Irish might have been the aggressors, but a strong willed new Chancellor had vowed to stop the Unitists. British soldiers stormed into Ireland on April 3rd, and obliterated the Irish military in a few weeks. The Royal Navy established a blockade around the island (the Royal Navy still outclassed the German one in Europe) to prevent supplies from getting to resistance fighters, and then began an anti-guerilla campaign that made the Black and Tans look civilized. Demoralized, under equipped, and cornered, resistance began running out of steam by mid 1935. From there, the Irish were used as a supply of cheap labor to fuel the war machine. The Irish were also subjected to religious persecution, as Catholic churches were shuttered and clergy arrested. To prevent a widespread revolt, and to give Britons additional jobs, Orwell deployed the Internal Security Service (ISS), who promptly created "Compliance Squadrons" to comb Irish communities and confiscate contraband. This included weapons, ammunition, Irish flags, unapproved Bibles, pictures of saints, and "materials better suited for the war effort." Those who resisted these units were arrested or executed. However, the British were never able to fully crush Irish resistance...

    Meanwhile, on the European continent, Serbia and Greece made big moves for territory. The Greeks decided that their best target was the crumbling Ottoman Empire. After the Great War, the Empire experienced a brief rejuvenation, followed by a series of bloody power struggles and fundamentalist uprisings. This caused Berlin to heavily distance itself from the "Sick Man of Europe," and the Empire slowly collapsed without support. In 1936, the Greeks invaded the Ottoman Empire in conjunction with the British in North Africa. The Greek invasion was notable for being seaborn, as the Bulgarian acquisition of Macedonia left Greece without a land border. The most stunning triumph was the Gallipoli Campaign, where Greek and British forces routed the outgunned Ottoman troops. The coalition pressed on to Istanbul, capturing the city Christmas Day, 1936. The Ottoman Empire shattered, and the British and Greeks gobbled up the pieces. The Greeks were able to take Eastern Thrace and Ionia, two key parts of Greater Greece. The British gained Palestine and the Arabian territories, while Turkey and the new states of Kurdistan and Iraq were spun off. The British tried to exercise dominance over these newly created nations, but found the task easier said than done. Meanwhile, Serbia peacefully annexed the Serb majority region of Yugoslavia in the Bosnian area of the country in 1935. Both sides were happy with the exchange. The Yugoslavs got rid of a troubled region that had already been the scene of ethnic violence in the span of the nation's 2 year history. The Serbs got one step closer to their "Greater Serbia." If the annexation was peaceful, the occupation was bloody. The Serbs began forcing out Bosnians and Croats. When many refused, death squads began roaming the new territories, slaughtering Bosnians and Croats by the thousands. After all, no effort could be spared in creating a "pure Mother Serbia..."

    Africa also experienced a new wave of imperialism and brutality in Unitist territory. The only invasion to occur, however, was Britain's 1933 Invasion of Ethiopia. The invasion was considered a "warm up" for the British military, and ended in a resounding Ethiopian defeat thanks to British "lightning warfare." The native Ethiopians soon found themselves swamped by British settlers, who were racist and exploitative. Further south, the Dominion of South Africa was rapidly becoming even more violently racist. The Black and Colored majority was forced to get ID cards from the government and to be able to present them on demand. Failure to comply could be a capital offense. The South Africans became a prototype of the Irish model, when the ISS began deploying Compliance Squadrons to Colored and Black communities in 1936, where they were much more vicious and trigger happy than in Ireland (where fear of more well armed revolts put something of a muzzle on superfluous brutality). Meanwhile, Britain's fellow Unitist powers Portugal and France began using their colonies as testing grounds for new social theories.

    In Angola, the Portuguese government began sending thousands of able bodied young men to the colony to marry local women. Sometimes these marriages were forced, but many native women jumped at the opportunity to increase their social standing. All in all, Portuguese rule didn't degenerate into the same tyranny that other Unitist regimes did. Conversion efforts became more forceful, and the government kept a closer eye on the natives who weren't in mixed marriages, but by in large, widespread atrocities didn't occur.

    The French also started assimilating their colonial subjects, albeit much more brutally. In North Africa, especially Algeria, the French resorted to truly horrific means to stomp out Islam. Clerics were executed in public, Korans were burned, and mosques were bombed or burnt by the French authorities. This predictably led to violent rebellions, which the French stamped out with ruthless efficiency. Following the British model, revolting villages were bombed with poison gas. While this worked for a time, and did cause thousands to convert to Catholicism out of fear, there would be consequences later on. In the meantime, the French started aggressively posturing near its former colonies in Tunisia and the Ivory Coast, among other places....

    In the Middle East, Britain found itself fighting theocratic Russia and its old German rival for influence. The Russians desired to create a "theocratic Bloc." They might have despised the Muslims, but buying their loyalty was easier than invading and converting them. The British wanted dominance over the region to ensure the safety of India and gain control of oil reserves. The Germans also desired the region's oil and to keep the British and Russians from expanding their power. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire vastly intensified this conflict, as Britain gained the upper hand. In 1936, the Fourth Anglo Afghan War began. The British began a massive invasion of the country to secure India and advance farther into the Middle East. They were countered by Russian backed Islamic fundamentalists, who wound up eventually crumbling under the sheer onslaught the British subjected them too. Massive bombing runs dropped hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of explosives and poison gas on the small nation. Thousands of soldiers rampaged, burning villages and massacring everyone over the age of 10. It's estimated that up to 1/3 of Afghanistan's population perished in the war and ensuing occupation. However, Russia stopped the British advance in Iran. Supreme Director Joseph Stalin organized a coup against the established monarchy, and allowed Islamic fundamentalists to establish a pro-Russian dictatorship. The Russians kept the "Islamic State of Iran" happy by providing weapons and ammo. In return, the Russians received oil, and we're allowed to station troops on the Iran-Afghan border.

    Meanwhile, the Germans were messing around in Turkey, Kurdistan, and Iraq. British control over these new regimes after the Fall of the Ottoman Empire was weak. Capitalizing on this weakness, the Germans funded nationalist rebels, and generally destabilized the region. They did the same in British Arabia, which was less effective since it was directly under Britain's genocidal boot. Most importantly, the Germans capitalized on the ideology of "Zionism" to destabilize British power in Palestine. Germany gave thousands of Jews from their nation and their Eastern European clients weapons, training, and transportation to Palestine. There, they fought Arab and Brit alike, causing massive headaches for the British. However, by late 1939, the Germans had almost been forced out of the region. This was because, unbeknownst to the outside world, the so-called "Chamberlain-Gorbachev Pact" had been signed by Russia and Britain. Clear lines of influence were delineated. The British would have power over Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, and Afghanistan. The Russians would be allowed to control Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, and Turkey. Britain's desire to own the whole region would later prove to be fatal.....

    Asia was a hotbed of tension between America, Britain, and Japan. The American empire in Asia had grown to be both impressive and crucial. The Philippines had become heavily industrialized and Americanized, with one observer remarking "Manila is as developed as Cleveland." Hong Kong was an invaluable naval base and trading city. Indochina had a wealth of labor and natural resources, which helped fuel the boom of the 1920's. Quite simply put, the US couldn't afford to lose Asia. Their desire to protect what was theirs clashed directly with Japanese and British expansionism. When the British invaded Thailand in 1938, war nearly broke out, as thousands of American troops poured into the country. Not wishing to antagonize the Americans (yet) Orwell had his men promptly pull out. However, this had the effect of permanently putting the Thai in the American sphere. Meanwhile in the south, the British were eyeing up Dutch Indonesia from their Australian territories. The Royal Navy conducted exercises right off Indonesian shores, and the Dominion government in Australia began drafting men for a possible invasion....

    The Japanese were extremely ambitious. They wanted the Philippines, Indonesia, Indochina, and China. This put them in direct conflict with the Americans. They concluded that the US, while powerful, was weak willed. If faced with the possibility of a long, bloody war rather than a quick and easy victory, the Americans would at least allow the Japanese some of, if not all of, their desired concessions. In 1931, the Japanese invaded Manchuria after local warlords had to send their forces elsewhere to counter various threats. From there, the Japanese waged a brutal, genocidal campaign of conquest, murdering hundreds of thousands. The most infamous incident was the Rape of Nanking in 1938, where angry, undisciplined Japanese soldiers murdered somewhere between 100,000-350,000 people in a matter of days. The Americans were horrified, and began stepping up efforts to help the Kuomintang regain control if the situation. A storm was coming.....

    When war was declared in 1939, the world was prepared for a bloodbath. The experience of WWI had ended illusions of a war that would be "won by Christmas." However no one was ready for the intensity of the conflict.....


    British tank operators in Ethiopia


    The area of Bosnia annexed by Serbia (blue and green)


    French soldiers in Algeria


    British bombers prepare to drop poison gas over Afghanistan


    A German military advisor in Kurdistan


    Afghan fighters equipped with outdated gear by the Russians


    Japanese soldiers marching through Manchuria


    The USS Colfax on patrol near Indochina
    Presidential Briefing: United Kingdom
  • Ok folks! Here's my attempts to get back into the groove of writing after my break:

    Presidential Briefing: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland


    Introduction: Mr. President, as you obviously know, the United Kingdom is the most dangerous threat the United States faces today. With their unmitigated aggression in Afghanistan, Iran, Arabia, Iraq, Ethiopia, Turkey, Ireland and Thailand, John Bull has been an alarmingly belligerent bastard these past few years, and things only seem poised to get worse.

    Politics: The dominant force in British politics is the English Nationalist (IngNat for short) and Tory alliance. This is best demonstrated with the close relationship between IngNat leader and Prime Minister George Orwell and First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. Out of all the Unitist movements, these IngNat freaks are by far the craziest. Picture an aristocratic KKK with the resources of the world's largest Empire. Until the IngNat poison is expelled from the British political system, the UK will continue to be a threat.

    Economy: Orwell may be a bastard, but his warmongering streak is certainly good for employment. The British economy is recovering quite well from the Crash thanks to the conscription of thousands of young men into the armed forces, along with the revival of the arms industry and large public works. How long this can last is anyone's guess, but it has certainly boosted his popularity. However, the British war machine is a ravenous beast, and their aggression in the Middle East is in large part due to a craving for oil. If we can target key resources in a potential conflict, the British economy could collapse overnight.

    Military: Britannia does still rule the waves, albeit not as securely as she used to. The Royal Navy is still the largest on Earth, with the good ol US of A in a somewhat close second place. Luckily for us, in the event of a total war our navy can expand much larger than the Royal Navy could ever hope. The Royal Air Force is a new invention, and something to look out for. We have yet to devise anything similar, which is a national security risk. The RAF is cool, collected, and experienced. More importantly, they are absolutely ruthless, and have accumulated truly staggering quantities of chemical weapons. Countering the RAF should be priority #1.

    Racial Policies: Even by Unitist standards, British racial policies are.... extreme. The government has committed itself to ethnic cleansing where possible and exploitation where practical. So, in India for instance, things haven't gotten too much worse for the average Indian, due to the sheer numbers involved. In South Africa, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, and Rhodesia, government encouraged ethnic violence has exploded, especially in South Africa and Ireland. Estimates of innocent casualties in these massacres reach into the tens of thousands. There are also ridiculous rumors circulating that Orwell's government has a "Final Plan" to deal with large swathes of the Empire's colored population via planned famine and starvation. However, no civilized people could be capable of such barbarity, could they?

    Alliances: The British are currently the de facto leaders of an informal alliance of Unitist powers around the world. They are certainly the closest with the Japanese, who they view as "Asian Britons." The Brits also get on well enough with the Greeks, Serbians and Portuguese. The relationship with Spain is cordial, but not particularly close. The French and the British are having a bit of a tough time, as the two powers are jockeying for position in the Unitist world. More alarmingly, reports have indicated that the Russians and British have entered into secret dealings and pacts. If true, this means that the two most repressive regimes in the world have gone into cahoots. Given the amount of resources and people these two regimes control, even the specter of an alliance is terrifying. We can only hope that their competing ambitions drive them apart.

    British Goals: The ultimate goal of the British is to restore their Empire to its 1914 borders, and seize more territory. It is currently believed that if the Brits got their way, the 1914 colonial territories would be restored, Germany would lose its African holdings, they would dominate the Middle East, regain their colonial territories in the Western Hemisphere, and possibly take a bite out of Argentina. Needless to say, this would be unacceptable.

    Basic War Plan: A condensed vision of any potential conflict of Britain is simple to understand. Priority #1 would be removing Canada from the picture. The first stage of this would be eliminating any RAF assets in Canada. They are well within bombing range of Boston, New York, Chicago, and even Washington itself. After these assets were destroyed, an invasion of the country has to commence. If done correctly, Canada can be under American occupation in 6-8 months. Priority #2 is squeezing India. India is a massive source of labor and material for the British war machine. The Brits also have a deep emotional attachment to owning the subcontinent. Threatening British power there will be a great way to bog down resources that could be used elsewhere. Plus, in the event India breaks away, the Empire would be severely crippled. Priority #3 is strangling British trade. The Home Isles are densely populated and small. They depend on massive imports of food and other materials to survive. If these are eliminated, the British will be forced to sue for peace, or starve to death. While this might seem cruel, it is the easiest way to conclude a war quickly and easily.


    Picture of First Lord of the Admiralty Churchill and Russian Supreme Director Josef Stalin meeting for reasons unknown
    Presidential Briefing: The Union of Orthodox Christian States
  • Presidential Briefing: The Union of Orthodox Christian States


    Introduction: The Russians are Public Enemy No. 3, only exceeded by Great Britain and Japan, and are somehow even more despicable. In the years since their "Holy Revolution," the UOCS has become a terrifyingly violent, totalitarian state. Containing the spread of Russian power must remain a top priority.

    Politics: Today's UOCS is run by a theocratic Supreme Director who also functions as the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. The current Supreme Director is, as you well know, Josef Stalin. A vicious, paranoid little bastard, Stalin has been rounding up thousands of suspected "heathens, traitors, Bolsheviks, and sodomites" and placing them in gulags. Although there are plenty of generals fed up with Stalin, they're too scared to rebel. The only hope we have of weakening the nation's political structure would be to sow division among the old loon's probable successors. Until then, Russia will be a terrifying totalitarian menace to all mankind.

    Ideology: The Russia of today is guided by the ideology of "Stalinist Orthodoxy." The ideology is part Russian nationalist/revanchist, part radical religious fundamentalist, and part personality cult. The official line holds that the Russian people are God's Chosen People, and that it is their divine right to spread their "uniquely Christian" culture across the globe. Stalin is essentially viewed as something of a "Russian Christ" who will lead the nation to a holier, greater existence. There is quite the crusading element to Stalinist Orthodoxy, with state media fantasizing about "removing the Jews, Masons and Mohammedeans from the Holy Land."

    Economics: Stalin might be crazy, but he isn't stupid. When he isn't busy murdering thousands in fits of paranoia, he has deftly used his power as an absolute autocrat to modernize backward Russia. While they are certainly not as modern as the US, their heavy industry is nothing to sneeze at. This also serves to allow the Ruskies to equip a sizeable standing army, which is good for absolutely no one.

    Military: The Unionite Military is formed of a backbone of well trained and equipped Russian soldiers, combined with massive numbers of conscripts. These conscripts are treated as completely disposable, but we'll be damned if there aren't millions of em. The UOCS Navy is unimpressive, and will likely remain so for the near future. A helpful note is that thanks to "Holy" Stalin's paranoia, most of their best officers are 6 feet under.

    Alliances: The UOCS has essentially alienated everyone. Most of their "allies" are Islamic puppet states that they have a mutually beneficial relationship with. There are frightening rumors of Anglo-Russian cooperation, but they remain unsubstantiated. For the most part, Russia stands alone against the world.

    Russian Ambitions: The end goal for the Orthodoxers is simple, yet enormous: Eurasian hegemony. In their vision, Russia would reclaim it's former territories in Eastern Europe, including Poland, Finland, Ukraine, the Baltics, and more. The rest of Europe would be placed under a variety of puppet regimes, who would report to Moscow. The Middle East would be under direct control, with the eventual hope of destroying Islam, if not the actual Arabs themselves. Asia would be drawn into a variety of alliances and client state arrangements, except Manchuria (which would be annexed outright). Needless to say, confronting the Russians as they try and spread should keep them hemmed in.

    Basic War Plan: In the event of war with the UOCS, our top priority should be mobilizing as many troops as we can. The Russians are unafraid to throw millions of disposable soldiers at a problem, and if we don't have sufficient numbers, they could easily succeed. Gaining total control of the Bering Strait is also key. The Ruskies will likely try to invade Alaska out of revanchism, and destroying their invasion fleet will be a great way to cripple their war effort. If an invasion is required to end the war, it would be best to invade at the end of winter, and to seize as much Siberian oil as possible. Without that precious resource, Russia grinds to a halt. Attacking their supplies of oil in the Mid East should also be a priority in this case. Advancing on to Moscow, however, should not be. The Ruskies are fanatical, and taking Moscow has never worked for anyone.


    A portrait of Stalin produced by the Kremlin for propaganda. The unseen caption reads "Holy Supreme Director Stalin Leads Russia Towards A New Christian Era!"
    Presidential Briefing: The German Empire
  • This chapter is going to mess with you a bit.

    Presidential Briefing: The German Empire


    Introduction: The German Empire as of today is the most powerful nation in Europe, and the world. Luckily for us, they're also a pretty dependable friend.

    Politics: Today, Germany is under the control of one Chancellor Adolf Hitler, in conjunction with the aging but still kicking Kaiser Wilhelm. Hitler is the Austrian born, Munich raised son of an Army Sargent and a Vienna Jew. He was a bona fide hero on both European fronts, earning the Iron Cross. He then went on to marry minor Prussian nobility. Politically, he's moderately conservative, pro-Imperialism, and extremely anti-Unitist. He was sounding the alarm about Orwell when the rest of the world thought appeasement might work. Keeping Herr Hitler happy is a priority for the indefinite future, even though we don't want to get involved in the current war. For small talk, ask about his highly renowned watercolor landscapes or his Indian travels.

    Economy: The German economy is a force to be reckoned with. With control over vast tracts of rich African and Asian lands, the Germans have plenty of cheap raw materials. Even better, their Eastern European "allies" (clients) are essentially a captive market for German goods. In many areas, the Germans actually outperform us (for now). They're also our biggest single trading partner, so keeping them happy is a good idea.

    Military: The German military is a powerful, well oiled machine. Currently in possession of the world's 3rd largest navy, the extremely powerful Luftwaffe, and quite possibly the most elite and powerful army in world history. Taking down Germany in a potential conflict would be a nightmare.

    German Ambitions: The Germans are currently a people riding high on imperial grandeur. This means that many Germans have ambitions of further conquest. The most radical visionaries would see Germany colonize its Eastern clients, annex most of the Middle East, seize India, and break off chunks of South America. The last part of that list is the most concerning. Chancellor Hitler has assured us that Germany will not interfere in the Western Hemisphere, but German migration to Argentina in particular is troubling. The more popular (and realistic) plans for expansion include seizing Egypt and the Sudan from Britain, Algeria from France, and perhaps Korea or Formosa from Japan.

    German-American Friendship: The German-American alliance is the most important political relationship in the world today. This bond is forged on blood ties and cultural values. Indeed, our supposed "Teutonic Character" is used by the German government as proof of the supposed superiority of the German people. Culturally, we admire them and they admire us. American conservatives, admire Germany as an orderly society, where everyone works hard and knows their place. Southerners have heavily romanticized the Prussian aristocracy in much the same way that they romanticized their planter class, as "a race of gallant knights, fierce warriors, proud matrons, and beautiful fair maidens." German liberals view America's less rigid social system and ethnic harmony as an ideal future for Germany, while German conservatives admire our "typically Teutonic" patriotism and military prowess. Let's hope this mutual admiration stays around for a long while.

    Basic War Plan: In the unlikely and unfortunate event of a war with Germany, the Joint Board has drawn up plans for the sake of preparation. The key would be crippling the German navy would be our best shot. The US Navy is still larger than the German one, and could quickly expand in a total war. Another key component would be getting Liberia on board so they could attack German colonies and funnel weapons to disgruntled natives. Beyond that, there isn't too much we can do, short of invading Africa.


    Chancellor Hitler before a speech. The Chancellor is wearing his signature armband, which bears an Indian symbol for good luck. He adopted the symbol after a talisman bearing it stopped a bullet meant for him.
    Presidential Briefing: The National Republic of France
  • Presidential Briefing: The National Republic of France


    Introduction: The France of today is not the liberty loving nation the world once knew. Thanks to Pujo and his cronies, today's France is a violent menace to itself and the world, hell-bent on "Frenchifying" the world.

    Politics: Pujo and his Unitists have managed to exert total power over France, destroying the previous republic. In its place is the new "National Republic" a Unitist dictatorship that grants Pujo tyrannical amounts of power. However, there is a great deal of infighting among the brass, which can be exploited.

    Ideology: France, alongside a few other Unitist powers, is not terribly racist. Instead they are "cultural supremacists." The French believe that if they convert their heathen subjects to Catholicism, make them learn French, and forget their old culture, then skin color is irrelevant. To go along with this attitude is a worship of Napoleon as the "Ultimate Frenchman." His neo-Roman aesthetic has been appropriated by Pujo, and the crazed dictator talks of building a new Napoleonic empire.

    Economy: The French economy has seen better days, but it's still stronger than you'd think thanks to military buildup. Plus, since France is still somewhat more self sufficient than say Great Britain, it has been somewhat less affected by it's loss of territory. However, attacking trade in the event of War is still a good strategy.

    Military: The French military is very large, but relatively inexperienced. The French Army is the centerpiece of the modern French military, being one of the largest in Europe, as well as being well equipped and led by Great War veterans. Avoiding land battles with the French is probably a good idea for the time being.

    French Ambitions: The French, like the rest of the Unitists have some pretty grandiose imperial ambitions. They want all their old colonial territories back, as well as Thailand, Liberia, Alsace-Lorraine, and Belgium. They also desire to turn all of Europe (aside from their Unitist allies of course) into puppet states, ala Napoleon. So, needless to say, the French really dislike us and the Germans for "stealing their space."

    Basic War Plan: In the event of war with France, the key to the whole thing will be Africa. Utilizing our Liberian brethren to make French governance of their African lands hell will be an easy way to drain their resources. Utilizing our naval advantage would also be wise, and strangling trade will definitely hurt them. Another thought to keep in mind about war with France is it's unifying potential. While former French colonies, such as Indochina, are generally content with our more benevolent leadership, racial and cultural tensions are still an issue. In the event of war, use propaganda that depicts the "Family of American Races" battling the "despicable cheese gobbling imperialists."


    Maurice Pujo preparing to make a speech
    Presidential Briefing: The Empire of Japan
  • Presidential Briefing: The Empire of Japan


    Introduction: Let's be blunt Mr President: the Japs are resource starved, heavily armed, and supremely convinced of their superiority. That means these folks are trouble with a capital T.

    Politics: Technically speaking, Japan is a constitutional monarchy with a Parliament and whatnot. In reality, it is controlled by a clique of ultranationalist/Unitist military officers who have made Emperor worship an official state ideology. Our best hope of subverting the totalitarian structure of the Japanese government is to exploit the deep rivalry between Army officers and Navy officers.

    Ideology: Today's Japan is under the sway of a toxic ideological mix that is in many ways crazier than both the Brits and Ruskies. The Japanese believe in a mystical corruption of Shintoism that states that the Japanese race has been uniquely ordained by the gods to rule mankind, and Asia specifically. A corruption of the Samurai code of Bushido has also become prominent, as the government has transformed an ancient honor code into a jingoistic death cult. Millions of Japanese are being brainwashed to believe that suicidal resistance is better than surrender to the "Western devils." Essentially, the whole nation has been made to be a form of self-worshiping cult which will annihilate anyone who "humiliates" it.

    Economy: The Japanese economy is efficient, but resource starved. In fact, their current aggression can be explained by a need to achieve autarky, and reduce vulnerability to resource shortages. However, the Japs are an ingenious bunch of rascals, and their economy still punches above its weight. Like with most other foreign powers, targeting trade routes is a great way to squeeze em till they squeal.

    Military: The Japanese military is heavily navy based. In fact, they have the world's 3rd largest navy, although maintaining that is starting to strain resources. The Japanese army is also surprisingly large, although their equipment is inferior to our own. What the Japanese might lack in quality or quantity of equipment, they make up for in ferocity. Japanese troops are possessed of suicidal courage, and will engage in insane "Banzai" charges, even when on the verge of annihilation. Even crazier, sometimes the bastards actually succeed in these charges. Regardless, our boys should shoot first, and ask questions never.

    Japanese Ambitions: The Japanese desire complete hegemony over Asia. They essentially want to turn the entire region into colonies or puppet states. Japanese colonization would then begin, and the native populations would be exploited, before "disappearing." Needless to say, this conflicts with our current Asian empire, and future ambitions.

    Alliances: The Japanese are very close with the British and French, and share an alliance with them. The other Unitist powers are treated with respect, but not kept very close. They also have a wonderful rivalry with the UOCS, which could be useful to exploit.

    Basic War Plan: The Joint Board has concluded that war with Japan is essentially inevitable. There simply isn't enough room in Asia for both our ambitions. Therefore, these preparations and plans should ideally be taken under immediate advisement. Our first priority must be rallying our colonial natives in the Philippines and Indochina. Make sure that they know the Japs are nothing but trouble, even if they are Asian. If there's a revolt against our authority in these places, we're screwed seven ways to Sunday. Priority #2 will be fortifying these territories. We can't allow the Japs to seize them by force, which is a possibility due to the lack of troop concentration in these places. Priority #3 is destroying the IJN. Without their navy, the Japanese go from being an efficient empire able to transport goods and soldiers to isolated pockets of Japanese control. Priority #4 is removing the Japanese from as many territories as possible, to tighten the noose and decrease morale. Finally, we have to be prepared to literally starve these people to death via blockade. It's sad, but short of some sort of wonder weapon, our strategists don't see how we can make the Japanese understand they can't win without literally starving them to death.


    Japanese soldiers in China
    Presidential Briefing: The Kingdom of Italy
  • Presidential Briefing: The Kingdom of Italy


    Introduction: Italy might be the nation everyone least expected to become a Great Power, yet here they are. In the wake of the Great War and the dissolution of Austria-Hungary, Italy is larger and more powerful than it has been since the Roman days.

    Politics: Italy is a constitutional monarchy under King Antonio I and Prime Minister Guido Meloni. Mr. Meloni is very similar to his German counterpart, being a moderate, somewhat expansionist conservative who hate Unitism. However, there are some major differences. Whereas Chancellor Hitler is against government intervention in the economy, Mr. Meloni has wedded the Italian government to big business, and major businessmen wield considerable clout in the government. More alarmingly, there are rumored ties between Meloni and the Italian mafia. While disappointing, this is not unexpected, as there is a history of mafia involvement in Italian politics. Meloni is notoriously stubborn as well, but our people think that threatening to reveal his extramarital liaisons to his wife ought to make him more pliable.

    Economy: The Italian economy is in pretty good shape, partially due to the close relationship of government and business. The territories they've acquired from both the War and the collapse of Austria-Hungary have been a small but helpful boost as well. While not exactly an economic powerhouse, the Italian economy is stronger than many might first assume.

    Military: The Italian military has historically been a bit of a laughingstock. Corrupt, incompetent, and ill equipped were the words used to describe the Italian military for years. Even during the Great War, some of these traits were still evident. This is not the case today. Today's Italian military is an efficient and effective fighting force under the command of a young, nationalistic, German trained officer corps. In fact, the modern Italian military might well be the least corrupt, most effective institution in the nation's history. The Italian Navy dominates the Mediterranean, and is helping keep the Greeks at bay. The Italian Army is world renowned for its desert fighting capabilities, honed in the Great War, as well as its skill at keeping the Serbs away from their Croatian lands.

    Mafia Connection: A key concern to both our government and the Italian one is the connection between the Sicilian Mafia and the American one. The Italians are smuggling quality wine to their American brethren in return for American firearms, which are much better than most of what can be bought in Italy. We lose tax revenue, they have a more violent Mafia. Plus, since organized crime isn't exactly picky about who they sell too, we could see Japanese or Russian troops with American firearms. This is obviously unacceptable, and harsh (some would say authoritarian) measures must be taken to crush this threat.

    Alliances: Italy is the junior partner in Germany's world straddling empire. They have very close relations with their Teutonic neighbors, and also exercise a fair amount of control over German satellite states in Europe. In the future, Italian desires to break free of Germany's shadow could be useful. For the time being, they're Germany's allies, and our allies too. Keep em close, and for God's sake, make sure they don't do something stupid.

    Italian Ambitions: The Italians have grown more ambitious in recent years, thanks to their wave of expansion. They desire France and Spain's North African lands, as well as Corsica. However, their real ambitions lie in the "Near Orient" (the Middle East), as well as Greece. The Italians desire to turn Turkey into a puppet state, and begin colonization schemes in Greece. They envision a "Greco-Roman" race taking hold there and uniting with Italy. The Italians also have designs on Arabia, Iran, and Palestine. None of these are terribly threatening to the United States, so they aren't a concern.

    Basic War Plan: In the unlikely event of war with Italy, the first goal must be to convince the Germans to stay out of it. That alone is the difference between a massive global slugfest vs us just grinding the Italians to dust. If that is impossible, see the Basic War Plan for Germany. If the Germans agree to stay out, things become easier. Using Liberia as a base, we can deploy large invasion forces to Sicily and North Africa. Destroying the Italian Navy should not prove too difficult, as long as appropriate force is utilized. From there, invading the Italian mainland shouldn't be too problematic.


    Prime Minister Meloni in his military dress uniform.
    Presidential Briefing: The Greater Serbian Empire
  • Presidential Briefing: The Greater Serbian Empire


    Introduction: As Otto von Bismarck once said "One day the Great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans." Seeing the actions of the Great War and of present day Serbia, it is easy to see why he felt this way. The Balkaners are indeed damn fools, and the Serbs are the most foolish among them.

    Politics: Today's "Greater Serbian Empire" is under the totalitarian rule of one man: Dimitrije Ljotic. A vicious Serbian nationalist with grandiose dreams of conquest, his Serbian Unitist Committee controls everything in Serbia. Although Ljotic is unpopular with the general staff, he's revered by the population, meaning a coup is unlikely in the near future.

    Ideology: The Serbs are hellbent on first "gathering" all of the Serbs outside their borders into Serbia, and then pressing on to recreate the borders of the medieval Serbian Empire and cleansing the land of non-Serbs. They're also violently Orthodox Christian, and believe the Serbs have been chosen by God to save humanity from sin. To top it off, there is a massive cult of personality around Ljotic as the "God-ordained Savior of Serbia."

    Economy: The Serbian economy is rather small, but sufficient for a country of its size. However, without outside economic aid, the Serbs are unlikely to achieve their grandiose imperial visions. Which is good for the rest of the Balkans.

    Military: The Serbian military isn't terribly well equipped, thanks to Serbia's limited economic capacity. Corruption in the army is also a problem for the Serbian military, as officers skim resources to build mansions for their mistresses. Nonetheless, it would be unwise to underestimate the Serbian military for one reason: the Serbian soldier. Raised into a culture that has a long, violent history of conquest and resisting foreign invasion, the average Serbian was practically born with a gun, and is fiercely loyal to his homeland.

    Alliances: The Serbs are rather isolated from their fellow Unitist powers. Relations with Britain, France, and Japan remain cordial. However, Serbia is better known for having frighteningly close ties to Moscow. The two nations have rallied around their shared Orthodox faith and hatred of Jews and Masons. The Serbs also share a violently contentious relationship with the Greeks, since the Serbs view portions of Greece as "rightful Serbian land." Manipulating this rivalry with the Greeks is a useful way to distract the two.

    Serbian Ambition: Beyond the old Serbian Empire, the Serbs don't have any major ambition to speak of. That being said, their desire to recreate the Serbian Empire is bad enough. The amount of warfare and ethnic cleaning that would be required will destabilize the region to an unacceptable degree. Working with German client states should be a top priority.

    Basic War Plan: The Serbs are landlocked and far away from the United States. In the event of war, just let the Germans and their clients take care of it. We can contribute troops to the effort, but invading the Balkans to deal with one pissant country is ridiculous.


    A rough approximation of the medieval Serbian Empire, which Ljotic wants to recreate.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 26: And So It Is War!
  • It's back!

    Chapter 26: And So It Is War!

    By 1939, the world was a tinderbox waiting for a spark to set the whole thing on fire. Tensions between the Unitists and the German sphere were at an all time high. American paranoia didn't help anything, as the US began rearming and making bellicose statements about its willingness to "take extreme measures to preserve our sovereignty and civilization." Ireland would finally cause the tension to explode...

    March 28th, 1939. A Presbyterian church in Londonderry is bombed by IRA radicals who want the Ulster-Scots out of Ireland. 25 die, and 33 are wounded. In London, Prime Minister Orwell takes to the airwaves to demand that the "illegitimate Irish Republic surrender to British authority by April 4th, or face dire consequences." The Irish obviously refused, and the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland began to see a build up of troops. In Berlin, Chancellor Hitler declared that "an attack on Ireland is an attack on Germany." The Italians quickly rallied to the side of their German allies. In response, Serbia began threatening an invasion of Germany's client state, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The French and Japanese also rallied to the side of the British, claiming that "the rampaging Teutons must be stopped." The rest of Germany's clients and allies made sure to rally to Berlin's side, pledging to "defend our civilization from authoritarian marauders." The Russians remained eerily quiet about the whole thing, and seemed more focused on consolidating power in Central Asia and the Middle East. The Roosevelt Administration, while privately pro-German, remained publicly neutral and bellicose, claiming that "any attempt to exert pressure on the United States or its allies will be considered an act of war, and we will respond in kind."

    On April 3rd, Orwell launched a surprise attack on the Irish, as he knew the country was still attempting to fully mobilize. 200,000 British troops crashed across the border into Ireland, overwhelming the surprised defenders. Germany declared war on Britain and France, and began a joint invasion of France with Italy. Serbia then attacked Yugoslavia's Bosnian region, which in turn caused Germany's Eastern European and Scandinavian allies to fully join the war effort. In Asia, Japan quickly stormed German and Dutch possessions in the region, and claimed that "the liberation of Asia from imperialism is at hand." By April 5th, the entire European continent was embroiled in war, and quickly mobilizing for a war effort more total than even what was seen in World War I....

    Ireland fell to British invasion rather quickly as new "lightning warfare" tactics tested in other areas of the world were employed. Furthermore, the ability of the British to totally blockade Ireland meant that food and supplies quickly began running out. By the end of the month, Ireland had surrendered and Britain felt confident in their bargaining position. They attempted to strike a deal with the Germans, hoping that the quick win in Ireland had demoralized the German public. Instead, the defeat of Ireland (and the brutal occupation it was subjected to) galvanized the German public. In a famous speech delivered to his supporters, the Chancellor swore "We will fight on the beaches, we will fight in the cities.... We will NEVER surrender!" Indeed, the Germans would fight on, as they waged grueling campaigns in the Balkans and France against their Unitist foes...

    The Balkans had quickly degenerated into a hellstorm of ethnic and religious hatred, as the Serbs and Yugoslavians perpetrated atrocities in retaliation for atrocities, sparking a vicious cycle. Making matters worse was the fact that the Serbians were receiving weapons and ammunition from the Russians, as Moscow felt that "backing our Orthodox brothers" would be a surefire way to gain Balkan hegemony. The Greeks managed to stay neutral in the war, as they had accomplished most of their goals following the collapse of Turkey, and rightly expected that getting involved in the war would be a disaster. Nonetheless, they did send some weapons and aid to their fellow Unitists in Serbia, viewing them as preferable to the Germans. By December 1940, hundreds of thousands of people were dead on the Balkan Front, and Bosnia was rapidly becoming a wasteland...

    Meanwhile in France, the Germans and Italians faced incredibly stiff resistance. French and British troops pushed back against the German advance with lightning war, and the Germans would respond in kind. The war became a constant back and forth of assault and counter-assault, but the massive Italian-German war machine slowly ground down the French forces, especially given the devastating defeats the French army endured in North Africa. To compensate, heavily armed French partisans began wreaking havoc behind Allied lines. The war in France would be long....

    In North Africa, Italy flexed its muscles to a tremendous degree. The remaining French colonies were quickly captured in late 1939 by the brilliant Rodolfo Graziani, who earned the nickname "The Desert Fox." The British attempted to push back against the Italians via Egypt, only to find Graziani crashing over into Egypt. While the British were to heavily entrenched for him to have a hope of taking Cairo or the Suez, Italy had de facto control over the western part of the country, and used its foothold to harass British forces in Sudan. The constant pressure on Egypt and Sudan caused the British no small amount of harm and fright, resulting in the expenditure of precious resources in the region.

    The rest of Africa was a nightmarish slog of jungle warfare, as German forces and their Liberian backed native allies fought against British and French aggression. Liberia itself actually considered joining the war on the side of the Germans, but was quickly brought to heel by Washington. Nonetheless, the Liberians made sure to rise hell on the continent, sending food, weapons, cash, and volunteers to anti-Unitist African militias. Despite a roaring onslaught by the British and French, the Germans held their ground by co-opting native support with a new propaganda campaign aimed at promoting "pan-German identity" and claiming that "all loyal subjects of the Kaiser are true Germans!" This worked well enough that the Germans had a decent amount of support among the natives, as opposed to their Unitist foes, who were dealing with frequent rebellions, and were forced to pressgang locals into labor or special "Native Divisions."

    The Middle East was a part of the world where the Unitists were doing splendidly. Thanks to the secret alliance with Russia, Britain ran riot over German backed Kurds and Jews, quickly claiming the region's vast oil wealth as its own. This put a serious strain on German military efforts, with oil being somewhat scarce.

    Asia also saw major Unitist advances, as Britain invaded China, enabling Japan to push further south. This became a major point of contention with the Americans, who started sending massive amounts of support and some discreet volunteers to the Nationalist Chinese. In fact, America's involvement in Asia would drag them into the war....

    For a time, with the Unitists gaining in Asia, and dominating the Middle East's oil reserves, they appeared to have a chance at winning. The Germans were fighting on multiple fronts with limited oil reserves, and facing stiff resistance in their invasion of France. However, the Unitist bloc's arrogance would come back to haunt them. In October 1940, the British invaded Russian aligned Iran "in order to secure the Raj." The UOCS was furious at this violation of their sphere, and declared war on both the Japanese and the British. This put the Germans in the awkward position of allying with the "despicable Russians." However, they had oil and warm bodies to throw at the war, so in the end, Hitler swallowed his pride and sent diplomats to Moscow. The result was the Molotov-Ribbentrop Alliance, which saw the Germans and Russians ally against Unitist aggression. The Americans were still undecided but had clear preferences on who should win the war. This would soon change....


    British soldiers prepare to fire on a crowd of Irish protestors


    German troops use extreme measures to rout out French partisans


    Rodolfo Graziani "The Desert Fox"


    British soldiers in Palestine


    A village in Bosnia


    Japanese soldiers marching past Chinese forced to kneel to them


    Italian forces in Northern Sudan
    Chapter 27: American Entry into WWII
  • Chapter 27: American Entry into WWII

    When war broke out around the globe, the United States was both terrified, and determined to stay neutral. However, this neutrality was never as strict as Washington claimed. Billions of dollars in American weapons, food, and other supplies were given to the Germans, Italians, Chinese, and even the UOCS. Furthermore, public opinion in the States clearly favored Germany over Britain and France. Despite sympathizing with the German led Allies, the vast majority of the American public was determined to stay out of the war, and deal with the Depression at home. Unfortunately, other powers had different ideas....

    The Japanese were tired of "sharing their rightful space" with the "Yankee Bastards." Plus, American oil embargoes were starting to hurt the war effort. At the direction of former philosopher and current junta leader Ikki Kita, the IJN formulated a plan to launch a sneak attack against the Americans. Their thinking was that if the Americans were overwhelmed by a massive show of strength, they would be cowed into submission. After much deliberation the IJN decided on an overwhelming attack on Manila in the Philippines....

    On December 5th, 1940, the IJN 1st fleet conducted a vicious sneak attack on the American fleet in Manila. 4 battleships, 5 cruisers, and several other ships were sunk. 3,000 sailors died in the initial onslaught. Immediately after the attack, Japanese troops stormed Luzon, making a mad dash for Manila while American authorities were still disoriented. The Japanese cut down whites and locals alike as they marched to secure the island, and the rest of the Philippines...

    When news reached the Homeland and the rest of the Territories, the reaction was explosively violent. President Roosevelt denounced the attack as "an unprovoked act of war" and called December 5th "A date that shall live in eternal infamy." Congress unanimously voted to declare war on the Empire of Japan. Around the nation, from Maine to Honduras, angry Americans of all races and religions poured into recruiting offices. Rhetoric painted the war against Japan in apocalyptic terms, as the ultimate battle between good and evil. Unfortunately, this surge of patriotism had an ugly side. In response to widespread hatred and hysteria directed against Japanese Americans, President Roosevelt reluctantly gave into public pressure and signed Executive Order 9005, detaining all persons of Japanese descent for the duration of the war. This would come to be viewed as an eternal black mark on both his Administration, and the nation as a whole.

    Shortly after the US declared war on Japan, Britain and France also declared war on the United States. The British crashed into Thailand, hoping to cut through the pro-American nation to seize American Indochina. In Africa, both the British and French attempted a joint invasion of Liberia. The Liberians, with help from their American, Italian, and German backers, boldly and defiantly stood their ground against the Unitist aggressors. Furthermore, the Liberians gave even greater aid to African freedom fighters in Unitist territory, and Liberia's new American-financed industrial base began turning out quality weapons and vehicles for the Allies. Nonetheless, the Liberians were never able to fully keep the hyper-aggressive British out of their territory, with raids being frequent.

    The Americans responded with the most furiously concentrated war effort ever seen in human history. The Office of Public Information practically hijacked the media, which blared out anti-Unitist propaganda (albeit mostly grounded in truth). WWI style rationing was back, and even more stringent. The arms industry exploded overnight, practically ending the Depression. Hundreds of thousands of American men were drafted into the Armed Forces, determined to avenge Manila, and protect from Canadian invasion. Across the territories, formerly ambivalent or even hostile colonial subjects rallied to the Stars and Stripes, fearing Unitist takeover. Put simply, America was united and determined to win. How determined they were would soon become apparent.....


    A picture of a bombed out building in Manila


    The USS Theodore Roosevelt after being hit in Manila


    US Propaganda in the aftermath of the Manila Attack


    African American soldiers in Liberia


    British soldier fighting in Thailand


    Women working at a munitions factory in Cleveland


    Japanese Americans interned due to a wave of paranoia
    Chapter 28: The North American and Western Fronts
  • This chapter will have kind of a dark ending, but will also show how far TTL has diverged from our own...

    Chapter 28: The North American and Western Fronts

    After entering the war, the United States realized that Canada was its #1 security threat. Millions of Americans lived within bomber range of the RAF forces in Canada. To counter this threat, the new technology of radar was deployed across the nation, and massive anti-aircraft batteries were built. While this did discourage most RAF efforts to bomb the Homeland, an invasion or chemical attack was still possible. Thus, the US prepared to invade Canada for the second time in less than 30 years....

    Beforehand, the Americans decided to soften the Canadians up a bit. This was done by funding and equipping an increasingly large, dissatisfied, and oppressed Quebec nationalist movement. Under the leadership of priest Lionel Groulx, the Quebec Liberation Front began bombing British military posts and murdering officials in March 1941. As the terror campaign continued, and even intensified, the British became increasingly brutal in their dealings with the Quebecois people. This in turn bred more violent nationalist sentiment, and the cycle would begin again. Things got so severe in Quebec that the British and Canadians were totally distracted by 1942, figuring that the "Cowardly Yanks" didn't want to risk their safety fighting in Canada. Oh how wrong they were....

    By 1943, Canada was totally consumed by the ongoing Quebecois insurgency, and some minor artillery exchanges on the US-Canada border. During this period of distraction and skirmishing, the Americans had built up a truly massive invasion force, kept just far enough from the border to avoid detection. Finally, on April 1st, 1943, Operation April Fools was initiated. 2 million troops stormed over the Canadian border, quickly overwhelming the Canadian forces. The reorganized US Air Force outmanned, outgunned, and outfought the RAF in Canada. In Quebec, ecstatic nationalists made yet another violent push against British forces, while also laying out a hero's welcome for their American backers and liberators. Despite the Americans overwhelming firepower, Canada didn't give up easily. Although both Toronto and Vancouver were captured by July 1944, pockets of resistance still existed until the end of 1944.

    The capture of Canada by the Americans was a devastating blow to the British Unitists, and the whole Unitist Bloc. Not only was it a huge loss of territory, but Canada's oil reserves were taken for the American war effort. More importantly, the loss of Canada had a horrendous effect on morale. It was the only white Dominion to be captured during the War, but fear of other invasions sparked panics and ration riots in Australia and New Zealand. This wasn't helped by America's behavior in the Pacific....

    The Western theater of WWII was not terribly eventful, until the world changing year of 1945. After the Americans got involved in the War, they joined up with Italian forces in the South under the command of "Blood and Bones" George Patton. Patton was the scion of an old military family, and regularly described by his men as a "Brit hatin, Frog stompin, cigar puffin, pistol shootin son of a bitch." His larger than life character, combined with his harsh but fair discipline and tactical brilliance made him a hero amongst his men. Under the orders of General Eisenhower, Patton and his men brilliantly out fought the French. Combined with their sheer numbers, this meant that France was occupied and pacified by 1943. Pujo was lynched by his own people, and the French greeted the Allied forces in much the same way their Quebecoise cousins greeted American troops. Britain was next up...

    Originally, German High Command drew up "Operation: Sea Lion," a plan to invade Britain. Hitler and the Kaiser took one look at this plan and laughed. It was utterly ludicrous, and would cost too many lives even if it did succeed. Instead, Hitler called for "The Ravaging." As the Allied naval forces whittled away at an increasingly strained Royal Navy, the Luftwaffe and USAF would work together to make life in Britain hell. At first, the Allies were at a distinct disadvantage. The RAF had incredible fighters such as the Spitfire, and battle tested pilots. However, sheer numbers would soon overwhelm the beleaguered RAF, especially as new generations of fighter planes became better than the Spitfire. Yet, this wasn't enough to break Britain. Despite hardships and bombings, the British government and people were determined to maintain a stiff upper lip and soldier on. This resolve wouldn't hold forever....

    American and German scientists had been collaborating on a project to build a "Wunderwaffen" or "Wonder Weapon." The work of American scientist Julius Oppenheimer and German physicist Albert Einstein wound up producing such a weapon: the atomic bomb. In 1944, the first A-Bomb was tested in the New Mexico desert. Witnessing the awesome destruction of the bomb, Oppenheimer turned to Einstein and said "Today my German friend, we have become Death, destroyer of all. May God save humanity." Unfortunately, the weapon would be used 4 times by the war's end....

    The first two times, it was the Germans deploying the bomb. On July 7th, 1945, the Germans dropped an A-Bomb on Londonderry in Northern Ireland, with Hitler proclaiming "A bombing there started this war. Perhaps another one will finish it." Although there was great panic amongst the British government and people, Orwell and Churchill managed to barely hold things together. Then on July 10th, Liverpool went up in smoke. That was enough for Britain. Even as Orwell announced Britain's unconditional surrender, riots broke out across the UK and Occupied Ireland. Nonetheless, the war in Europe was over....


    American soldiers in Canada, November 1943


    French Canadians helping liberating GIs read French


    Pujo and his associates, lynched in Paris


    General George "Blood and Bones" Patton


    German bombers over Britain


    Londonderry is destroyed by an atomic bomb

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    Extra! War Fear Grows as German-American Split Widens, Russian Tensions Escalate
  • It's not a chapter (sorry!) but here's a preview of things to come after the war to hold y'all over. Basically, see America's first "Shadow War" freak out about nuclear Armageddon

    The New York Times

    Extra! War Fear Grows as German-American Split Widens, Russian Tensions Escalate

    September 3rd, 1953

    (Washington)-Paranoia has seized the nation and its capital today, as the anti-American rhetoric of the German Empire intensifies in the wake of Washington's condemnation of continued German Occupation in India. President Rockefeller stated yesterday that "The continued oppression of the authoritarian German Raj is unacceptable in this day and age. The United States can not just sit idly by and watch as the nation most heavily victimized by Orwell's insane "End Plan" is now being brutally exploited and bombarded by another European power. It is time for the Germans to admit defeat and head home." Chancellor Ulbricht fired back "Now that the war is over, the United States should do what it has always done; cower behind the oceans and let the world solve its own problems, without Yankee intervention." Around the world, leaders aligned with both superpowers are fortifying in the event of a possibly catastrophic conflict. Shared colonial borders between the US and Germany have become increasingly tense as well. Italy has so far stood fast with their German patrons, which is believed to be the cause of Washington's cancellation of trade talks. Liberia has stood fast beside our Union, which has resulted in several border skirmishes with Italian and German troops. President Rockefeller has declared that any substantial attack on Liberia by Italo-German forces "Will be treated as if it were an attack on Vermont."

    All the while, the Russian double headed eagle prowls the world, looking for weaknesses to exploit. Indeed, the German-American split might be their biggest opportunity to gain ground in this new global age of "superpower rivalry." Having secured parts of the Middle East, Manchuria, Northern Korea, and Serbia for their "Christian-Islamic Bloc," the Ruskie menace now turns towards the rest of Asia and Eastern Europe. Supreme Director Stalin declared "The Union of Orthodox Christian States will soon spread the light of true Christendom across the world! No more shall the papists, Protestants, Hindoos, or primitive ancestor worshipers prevent the coming of Christ!" As tensions in Korea and India reach a boiling point, the world is on edge as war appears inevitable.

    Around the Union, citizens have been spotted buying food and supplies, as the Civil Defense Agency's warnings about a possible "Atom War" seem to have been taken seriously by the public. The most we can do at this point is pray....


    Shoppers clear out the canned food aisle at a Des Moines area grocery store in preparation for what the CDA calls "Absolute Atomic Annihilation."
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    Chapter 29: The Middle Eastern and Balkan Fronts
  • Here you get to see the Germans and Russians really butt heads while America sneaks in and influences certain countries..

    Chapter 29: The Middle Eastern and Balkan Fronts

    The Balkan and Middle Eastern fronts of WWII were among the most consequential ones for humanity's future, as they helped set the stage for the three-way "Shadow War" that would pit the world's superpowers against each other. Here, world straddling empires would marry their wartime necessities to native animosities and feuds...

    In the Balkans, the Russo-German-Italian Alliance backed Hungary and Yugoslavia against Anglo-French supported Serbia. Bulgaria played both sides, which would eventually lead to its downfall. When the war had started, Serbia took the opportunity to invade Yugoslavia's Bosnia region, with the intention to force the local Bosnian Muslims out and colonize the territory. This predictably caused massive bloodshed, as Serbian troops waged a concentrated campaign of ethnic cleansing against their ethnic rivals. Particularly notorious was Milan Nedic, the so-called "Butcher of Sarajevo," who led his troops in a razing of half of the Bosnian city. However, by 1942 the tide of war turned against the Serbians and their allies. The Russians switching to the Allies in 40, combined with the wearing down of Serbia's reserves saw the nation occupied by the UOCS in 1943, after brutal fighting and so called "human wave charges." The nation was turned into a puppet state that essentially recycled the Unitist's old propaganda, minus the territorial ambitions. Shortly after Occupation was established in August, the UOCS crashed into Bulgaria after accusing the nation of harboring Serbian war criminals. This was completely false, but no one was willing to jeopardize the newly regained peace in the Balkans on account of the "perfidious Bulgarians." By 1945 Bulgaria was Russia's newest Balkan puppet, and began eyeing Greece up for annexation....

    Meanwhile in Greece, the US began funding anti-Unitist rebels to eventually replace the regime. The Greek government knew what was happening but failed to take action against America, correctly assuming that such an action would be used to justify invasion. However, as the war wound down and the Russians pushed their sphere of influence to Greece's borders, Washington took a different tune. The Greeks agreed to gradually liberalize their nation, and in return the Americans would protect them from Turkish reprisals and Russian aggression.

    The Middle East was a complicated mess of ethnic and religious rivalries, that the war only exacerbated. Once the shock of Britain's massive impromptu invasion of Iran wore off, the Russians and their allies gave the Brits a walloping. Russo-Iranian forces wound up pushing the Brits out of Afghanistan, and began bumping up against India. The UOCS actually did invade part of Northern India, only to get violently rebuked by the British who not only pushed them back, but nearly retook Afghanistan from the over-extended Russian forces. Meanwhile in the rest of the Middle East, German allied Kurds and Russian backed Turks invaded British holdings in Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula. Increasing anti-British sentiment among native populations aided this cause immensely. However, pushing the British back in many ways just opened up a can of worms no one was expecting. Formerly cooperative tribal leaders turned on one another and their patrons, jockeying for power. Religious violence exploded in Palestine as a direct result of Germany's encouragement of Jewish settlement, prompting a massive wave of reinforcements to back the already 100,000 strong occupying army.

    As the Middle East exploded in flames, President Roosevelt and his staff saw an opening for American influence. The Iranians were increasingly upset by Russian concessions to Sunni Arabs in an attempt to woo them from the Germans. The US smoothly came in at the rift's worst point right before the end of the war in '45 and promised that "the United States of America will always guarantee Shi'ite religious liberty and Persian dignity." Combined with a promise of protection and a substantial cash gift, this was enough to make Iran the only staunchly pro-American nation in the region. Battle lines were being drawn....


    Sarajevo after being devastated by Serbian forces


    Members of the Red Star Brigade marching through Bulgaria in the winter


    British soldiers repel a Russian attack on the border between India and Afghanistan


    Ambassador Eisenhower with the Iranian shah, circa 1950