Hadrian's Consolidation - reboot

Wasn't mine I'm afraid, when I looked at the data I had the impression that Sylphium had already died by the time of Hadrian and so I could not save it... :(

Does that mean that the chapter at post #558 (page 28 of this thread), at least for the part concerning silphium, is no longer canon? :eek:

Leaving that aside for a moment, what did you think about my proposal about Ginseng?


Does that mean that the chapter at post #558 (page 28 of this thread), at least for the part concerning silphium, is no longer canon? :eek:

Leaving that aside for a moment, what did you think about my proposal about Ginseng?
oups, I'd forgotten that post, and it seems not to be in my master file because when I looked for the word it did not find it... so yes silphium is saved !
Domus Augusta, Rome, September 175


Domus Augusta, Rome, September 175

The woman was bent over a stool, legs wide open, her dress open and her private parts in sight to anyone entering the room. Behind her a man was holding something white and slimy which he seemed to be pulling out of her, letting the mass drop in a bassin held by a disgusted slave.

The lady was obviously in great distress, her face contorted in a grimace of pain while the man had an air of concentration as he took the next few centimeters of the thing out of the woman. Finally the last of the horror came out, its head a vision of nightmare.

Gallienus, imperial medicus, washed his hands in the water of another bassin that another slave had brought. “And here is the last of it, Domina. The infection has now gone from your entrails and you should be able to eat normally again and to regain your strengths”.

The empress was setting her robes straight with the help of one of her woman, still feeling unwell and getting worse when she looked at the segmented body writting in the bassin. The tapeworm was two meters long, and an horror to look at.

“So medicus, you say this was in my body ? How can that be ? I never ate anything like it nor have I felt any such creature get inside my bowels... “

“Well I don’t have all the information yet, and I intend to study this specimen under the magnifying lens to try to understand it, but I fear it grew into this monster inside your body like a baby first grows into the womb.

This I have understood from the varying status of worms I found in bodies I dissected. I do suspect it is something with tainted meat that may cause it to come into the body of men.

You can see here what seems to be the monster mouth, which he uses to cling to the inside of the intestine, and to suck the energy of the food instead of letting it go into your own body, like a leach does with blood.

When looking at it under a microscope it seems that the body segments have a kind of spore such as the one found under mushrooms, so it might be they are some kind of eggs that help reproduce the creature but… What I can’t understand yet is how it is transmitted because nothing in animals I’ve dissected looks like that…

Is it like the butterfly that goes from caterpillar to the beautiful creatures we know ? Changing form so completely that none that has not seen the phenomenon believe it at first ? If so were does it come from initialy ? This is really a mystery that I hope to one day solve.”

While saying this the imperial medicus looked at a slave that was packing his instruments and the creature. He’d be working late in his laboratorium today...
With better medicine more people will survive to adulthood and there will be a population explosion. Rome is gonna adopt human wave tactics like China used in the Korean war. The difference being these human waves will also be well equipped and well trained so no one stands a chance.
Population explosion will also mean that expansion in the eastern planes will be almost mandatory and idea to start founding colonies on new land will probably start to grow inside intellectual circle... So maybe early colonialism XD
Population explosion will also mean that expansion in the eastern planes will be almost mandatory and idea to start founding colonies on new land will probably start to grow inside intellectual circle... So maybe early colonialism XD
Or Rome meets the plains nomads at the Volga............


Or it triggers a domino effect - the outlying peoples get CIVILIZED and then the newly-civilized decide to do the same to their neighbors and on and on until it gets to the proto-Mongols, eternally rekting china's influence
I would like to point out that there is still a husge amount of unsettled land within the empire and if I am remembering correctly one of the early European population booms before the black death hit caused a lot of internal colonization to happen.
I wonder how the regnum bosporum is doing I hope the wall was a good investment
*checks on kingdom*
The wall caused the nomads to invent flying machines and they promptly bombed the bosporan kingdom, How is this even possible.
And that kids is called foreshadowing.
On a serious note what is the kingdom up to?
I would like to point out that there is still a husge amount of unsettled land within the empire and if I am remembering correctly one of the early European population booms before the black death hit caused a lot of internal colonization to happen.
Well depends. Population in Hungarian kingdom was depleted by Mongols so later for example Vlach and German colonists were called.


This week's release is somewhat early due to a very busy schedule both at work and outside, also their might not be an update next week and the week after due to the local election campaign, for which I'm a candidate and which requires quiet a bit of time and efforts.

About population and settlement, my views are currently as follow :

- a lot of land is availlable and the demographic boom's main consequence has been that the rural areas that actually suffered somewhat in the 2nd century from depopulation to the profit of the cities will see less of this phenomenon, especially in the west (Gaul, etc.).
- This has interesting consequences as it has been speculated that the more romanized locals lived in the cities, leaving only the more change-adverse and somewhat rebellious people in the campaigns, helping to explain some of the "nationalist" revolts of the 3rd century. Here it is thus less the case because their live more people in the rural areas, who have more interractions with town people, and more towns grow more and show thus more advantages of romanization.
- there is currently enough room in the empire to have everyone get land when one wants

About the Bosphorean kingdom, it's currently growing nicely along, nothing special to mention for now
On the road between Vesunna and Augustoritum, Gallia, April 176


On the road between Vesunna and Augustoritum, Gallia, April 176

The road was not the most travelled of Gaul. There were many reason that explained it, but two were that it did not connect two very important cities and nor was on a major way, and it was riddled with bandits.

Some were escaped slaves, other poor villagers trying to improve their revenues, other were simply living in the woods to escape taxes. In any case they were brigands, highwaymen, criminals and legitimate target for the century of local militia dispatched to secure the road.

The unit was new, and it was its first real operation outside of Vesunna. Most of its men were urban dwellers unused to the nature that surrounded them, and all of them had held their first gladius only five months before. Their training was far from anything their centurion would have called sufficient, given that the man was a former auxiliary cohors centurion... He had spent most of his demobilization benefits on wine and whores and fallen on hard times, forcing him to look for a job, but he did not have the time necessary to make his force a strong unit.

If he was honest with himself Titus Caelius Avitus would be the first to say that he himself was far from the standards he had upheld for so long in the 1st thracian cohors, but he did not want to confront his shortness of breath and the pain in his legs and so kept hitting his men with his vine stick at regular interval…

They had been tasked with rooting out two dozens villains hiding in the ruins of an old oppidum that had to have been abandoned at the time of the divine Caesar, if not earlier. Smoke had been spotted by travellers on the hilltop and Caelius Avitus’ force had been sent to make sure none of the thieves survived.

Locals had reported around twenty bandits in this location, so his unit a hundred men should be enough to handle them. Asking in the last farm, he’d been made aware of a path leading to the back of the oppidum, so he’d divided his command in two, taking the main force toward the front road and putting four contubernia, 32 men, in ambush in the back under command of his optio, a former legionary who’d been promoted to the rank at enlistment in the praesidiis force.

He’d also ordered three contubernia to hang behind the main group, out of sight but close enough to come quickly in case of trouble, and was thus walking with only fifty men. The rear guard were not to come to the main group unless they heard battle sounds or saw some threat to the main group.

The woods were rather quiet as the men walked along the path leading to the top of the fortification. The farmer had told him the walls were decayed and no gate was left that might be barred, but Caelius Avitus had taken no chance and sent two of his men ahead to spot any ambush against his force : he was no fool and knew there was a good chance the bandits had seen him coming…

It took about an hour from the main road to the small clearing in front of the fort. The locals had not lied, it was a ruin. A former murus gallicus of stone and wood was now collapsed in part, the wood rotten, and no door blocked the gate although some beams had been hastily assembled to prevent passage.

Their arrival also caused a great cry followed by the “tunk” of an arrow striking wood. Raising his shield, Caelius Avitus let out a great roar of his own and started to run toward the entrance : at worst he’d be pinned down against the wall but out of range of any arrow…

To their credit his men followed at once : arrows were not falling in great numbers, and they did not want to be proved as coward on their first action… They were not trained well enough to form a tortuga but were still bright enough to hide behind their scutum as they ran. The trunks in the gate were not a great obstacle, being there only to slow down any passer by, and they entered the compound readily enough.

Behind waited twelve men, all armed and visibly rather determined to make a stand. They all wore a lorica hamata, one of them displaying military decorations on his armor. Four of them also had helmets, and all held a spatha.

The centurion immediately dispatched five men on each side of the gate to clear any archer from the top of the wall while he and his remaining men stopped and waited for the bandits to attack. Yet the attack did not come, it seemed the leader wanted to parley first…

Taking three steps in front of his men, Caelius Avitus took the opportunity to let his men catch their breath. The leader from the brigands came forward of his own line : “Well met centurion. I’m optio Gaius Camunnius, formerly of the I Lucensium cohort.”

“Centurion Titus Caelius Avitus, I century praesidiis vesunarum. Tell me, optio, what are you and your men doing in arms in this place ? And why do so many complain that they are robbed on the road below when you seem to be the only armed force around ?”

“Ah well centurion you seem to have misunderstood me, I’m no longer under military oath. My commander made it clear it would be best for my health that I disappear when he sent me time and time again in patrol against the barbarians in the new provinces… So some friends and I came here, and we simply found occupation as guardian of the place, only taking from travellers what is fair for our work…”

“So you mean to say you are a coward, a deserter and a thief, all in one, despite the torc awarded to you during your stay in the army”

“Well when you put it like that it doesn’t seem like I’m someone nice, is it ? But it is true, I can be quite unpleasant at times such as now !” On this the man made a sound and a dozen more felons appeared through the derelict gate, having been hidden in waiting alongside the clearing and coming out of their hide when the soldiers sent to clear the wall had come back down and joined with their brothers as the leaders were talking. Caelius Avitus and his men were now surrounded by men less numerous but more experienced and better equipped than they were…

“Ah well optio, I must recognize your skill in planning our meeting, but… maybe you should like to look behind you, for I think you may discover you are not alone in planning a surprise !”

At this Camunnius turned around, only to discover the naked blades of twenty more praesidii. Scowling, he looked back toward the centurion and was dismayed to see other soldiers come through the gate behind his second group of men. It was clear he’d lost the game.

Yet he knew the sentence for desertion and decided to attack in order to at least take the fat centurion with him to hell.

The fight was short although intense, the bandits fighting at one against four odds and never having any chance of success, but they still managed to kill twelve of the unexperienced recrues before being swamped by the numbers. It was a grim centurion Caelius Avitus that looked at the scene a few minutes laters while one of his men poured wine on a thick wound on his arm and set about bandaging it as others soldiers were searching the ruins for bounty to bring back to Vesuntio.
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As always a well written update. Some minor things:

...Their training was far from anything their centurion would have called sufficient, given that the man was a former auxiliary cohors centurion that had spent most of his demobilization benefits on wine and whores and fallen on hard times, forcing him to look for a job.

So the fact the centurion has fallen on hard times makes their training insufficient? Somehow I don’t think you meant that ;-)

The wood was rather quiet…

The actual wood or the forest ;-)

So some friend and I came here, and we simply found occupation as guardian

Missing plural s right?

..... Caelius Avitus and his men were now surrounded by men less numerous but more experimented and better equipped than they were…

Experienced rather. Or you’re building a real alternate history? ;-)
Vote for Hecatee! Nice update, good luck.

Seriously, you seem like a very knowledgeable candidate that will actually work for your constituents.