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So there is plenty to talk about. Of course, the biggest is the early collapse of the Ottoman Empire. This will have major ramifications and the mideast this ATL will be totally different than the one in OTL. The rump Turkish state still exists, however, there is internal instability. Which means civil war is likely to occur since Mahmud son at this time was an infant. So there is likely to be a major power struggle. Ottoman troops spread across the empire are now encircled and likely to be wiped out. The next is Russia taking Western Armenia. This butterflies away the Armenian genocide. And it also means Armenia has more territory. With Russia liberating the Armenian people they will be very loyal to Moscow. This also means Russia has a major foothold in Anatolia. This means Russia could potentially open another front to seize the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. Greeks may use the chaos in Anatolia to expand their territory. Megali Idea anyone?

Next is Persia. The biggest POD is Abbas Mirza not dying early. In OTL he died early in 1833 from a devastating campaign in Azerbaijan against Russia. He was very reformed minded. Wanted to reform the Persian military and institutions. With no conflict between Persia and Russia for the foreseeable future, this preserves Mirza's life. Also, he is going to succeed his father the incompetent Fath ali Shah. Also, Abbas Mirza's eldest son was reform-minded as well. So with these two ruling much the rest of the 19th century the reforms they will implement will change Persia forever.

Egypt under Muhammad Ali has now expanded its territory. However, Egypt is not truly under the Russian sphere like Persia. They are a wildcard and will act in their own interest. ANother interesting thing is that since Charles X is more focused on the wars in Haiti and Russia this leaves Algeria wide open. Hmmm I wonder what Muhammad Ali and Ibrahim Pasha will do?:p THis also means that Muhammad Ali will do his reforms uninterrupted which will do wonders for Egypt in the long run. Same with Persia. Which means the middle east will vastly be different. Will these two powers come to blows in the future? Who knows.

ANd the Balkans? Well, they will still stay the Balkans. Austria is not going to sit by and allow the fires of the Balkans spread to their territory. However, this means the war effort in Russia will suffer overall.
Questions,comments,critiques are all welcomed. :)
Russian Revolutionary War
Part 3
The Sickman finally dies

Caucasus and Middle East Front


Abbas Mirza


Sultan Mahmud II


Muhammad Ali of Egypt


Ibrahim Pasha


Ivan Peskevich

The Start of the Ottoman Empire's ending- At this time the Ottoman Empire was the sick man in Europe. They were fighting a never-ending war in Greece to put down the rebellion there. With the help Eyalet of Egypt under the command of the ever bold Muhammad Ali they were making some gains. However, things about deteriorated fast for the Ottomans. Negotiations ended and Russia and Persia came to a compromise. The treaty of Gulistan was renegotiated. The treaty of Baku was signed. Persia would get back Azerbaijan. Russia would maintain Georgia and Armenia. Also, Russia would aid in modernizing their military as well. Plus Russia would aid Persia in future wars of conquest against the Ottomans. The Shah of Persia was the incompetent Fatah Ali Shah Qajar. However, his young reformer son Abbas Mirza who was the Crown Prince and heir to the throne was the opposite. Russian Historian Veltsin said “Fatah was incompetent and a poor leader for Persia. He represented everything wrong with the Qajar dynasty. However, his son was the complete opposite. He was a military man, reformer, hard worker and a simple man. He did the negotiation with Pestel in Tbilisi. Pestel and other Russian admired him.” Moscow wanted to use the Sunni/Shia divide in the Muslim world to defeat the Ottomans and take them out the war. Moscow also figured Persia would be a future asset for Russia. They could be used to expand Russian influence in the region and get a warm water port near British India. Pestel was a forward thinker. On January 12th, 1827 former adversaries Ivan Paskevich and Abbas Mirza were now united to fight the Ottoman Empire. In the fall Paskevich was given the duty to train the Persian Army. And it was in terrible shape. “The men had no rifle discipline. The commanders were only interested in drinking teas and playing chess rather looking at maps. When it came to war they tried to use chess tactics on a battlefield. Calvary was lacking. They had numerical numbers but they were not an army just an armed mob.” The invasion was planned by Paskevich. So he planned for an invasion of western Armenia. Russia saw this as an opportunity to take all of western Armenia from the Ottomans. The Persian force was 60,0000 while the Russian forces were 100,000. The combined 160,000 force moved to Western Armenia in January of 1827. This caught the Ottomans off-guard. The first battle was the battle of Van of which a force of 30,000 Ottoman soldiers faced down the vast invasion force and was crushed. The decisive battle of Erzurum was the bloodiest battle of the campaign. 60,000 Ottoman Turks against the 160,000 man force. The battle was bloody however the Persian/Russo force prevailed. Ottoman presence in Western Armenia was near collapse. Armenian militias rose up and welcomed Russian and Persian forces as liberators. The Ottoman empire was in great shock at how quickly and this alliance moved through Western Armenia with ease. The Ottomans withdrew from the Ukraine front in order to stop the bleeding. The feared that Russia and Persia were moving to take all of Anatolia and divide up. However Russian and Persian forces stopped their offensive once the city of Erzican was taken in a bloody siege in January 30th 1827. However, the Ottoman's woes were about to worsen in the Balkans.

Battleo of Erzurum

The Balkan Spring- The Balkans has always been a restive area under Ottoman control. One of the biggest sparks for rebellion was the Auspicious Incident. Under the leadership of Mahmud II, he defeated the rebellion. However remaining Janissary rebels fled to the Balkans. These Janissary reminders met with Christian Balkan leaders to come up with a plan. The start of the revolt was in Serbia. In started on a cold January day. January 28th, 1827 was the start of the third Serbian uprising or Serbian war of Independence. The revolt started with mass rioting. Cause of the rioting is unclear. Although reports from the ground stated a rumor was spreading of Ottoman soldiers in Belgrade raping Serbian young girls. The report was that the Ottoman soldiers were not punished, instead were given promotion. Now nobody knew where this rumor started. There is only a report of Ottoman soldiers who sexually assaulted a Serbian woman in Nich, however, he was discharged. Whether the story was true or not didn’t concerned the Serbs. Another rumor was that Ottoman forces were going around drafting Serbian young men to go fight their Russian, Armenian and Greek brothers. Rioting broke out in Belgrade and Sarajevo. Ottoman forces reacting badly due to low morale, being disillusioned, unmotivated to crackdown on the mobs. This ended in failure. Ottoman troops were chased out these cities and the surrounding areas. In one of surrounding towns, Ottoman troops massacred, raped and pillage Serbian people. This further enraged Serbian citizen and soon the entire region was in rebellion. Serbian militias took over abandoned Ottoman forts and armories. The fires of insurrection soon spread to other provinces. Bulgaria, Bosnia, Wallachia, Macedonia etc. The Balkan spring spread fast and was another event that caught the Ottoman Empire and Concert of Europe by surprise. For the Ottomans, this was a forest fire of that was getting out of control. The Ottomans were now facing a myriad of crisis and it seemed things couldn’t get much worse for them or the concert. But it did.

Third Serbian Revolution

Great Middle East war- Many scholars debate whether to separate the Great Middle East War with the Russian Revolutionary war. In any case, the Great Middle East war saw the end of the Ottoman Empire. At this time Cairo, Ishrarn, and Moscow were in communication with each other. Envoys of the three nations discussed in secret how to destroy their old enemy the Ottoman Empire. It was agreed how the land would be divided. Russia gets western Armenia. Persia gets Iraq and Kuwait. Egypt gets the Levant. As Russia was rampaging in Anatolia Persia strikes first. February 12th, 1827 Abbas Mirza with a massive force of 170,000 men marched to their first targets which were Kirkuk and Irbil. The Ottoman forces there were smashed to pieces. The road to Mosul was open. The siege of Mosul lasted 2 weeks in March 7th-24th. Mosul fell on the 24th. Abbas then set his sights on Baghdad. Meanwhile, Shiites in Basra, Karbala, Najaf, Samarra were rising in rebellion. The Ottoman forces in Iraq was near collapse. Murad II could do little as his forces were stretched thin in the Balkans and Anatolia. Baghdad fell on April 10th, 1827 with little resistance. Abbas Mirza quickly swept through the Shia heartland with little resistance. The battle of Tikrit was a battle in which the entire Ottoman forces of Iraq was annihilated. By May all of Iraq was under Persian Control. He moved further south to take Kuwait. The Shia sacred shines were now under Shia rule. Abbas Mirza empowered the majority Shia Arabs while treated the Sunnis with respect. However, the Shia Arabs were given preferential treatment and privileges. However, Abbas Mirza still wasn't satisfied and looked south into the Persian Gulf. Abbas Mirza wanted to unite the Shia world but also wanted the Persian Gulf to be the swimming pool of the Qajar Empire.

Abbas Mirza marching with his men to Mosul

Muhammad Strikes- Muhhamd Ali saw that the Ottomans were hemorrhaging territory he saw it as an opportunity to attack. He sent his son Ibrahim Ali to take the Bilad al-Sham. Ibrahim quickly took Palestine with little resistance. Th Egyptian forces numbered 80,000 but rose to 100,000 as defections from the Ottoman army switched sides. The only battle in Palestine was the battle of the Acre which had a powerful fortification. It was a bloody battle and took 17 days for the town to fall. In Syria, there were multiple engagements. The battle of Daraa Ibrahim won handily. He moved quickly in Southern Syria and set his sights in Damascus. The battle of Douma near the Outskirts of Damascus ensued on March 20th which the Ottman forces were handily crushed, He marched up north and took Homs at the Battle of the Orontes River. Homs fell on March 29th. Hama fell on April 5th. Aleppo April 15th. Ibrahim set his sights to southern Turkey. His forces engaged Ottoman forces near the battle of the Nezib River. He gave the Ottomans a devastating loss. He took over the provinces near Syria. Muhammad Ali then gave him orders to stop advancing. The loss of Southern territory would be a buffer for Ali. Mahmud II died of a massive heart attack after hearing the loss of Nezib River on May 10th 1827. His untimely death led to chaos in the remnant Ottoman rump state. The Ottoman Empire officially collapsed. This sent shockwaves all over Europe. Now Persia and Egypt were the major powers of the Middle East and were allies of Russia. Great Britain was greatly disturbed by this event. The fall of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of the Qajar and Pashian Dynasty would forever change the Middle East and the world.

Ibrahim Pashia commanding his forces at Nezib River.

Made a few changes and edited the update.
Wow, Egypt stronk.
Perhaps Russia helps him build a Suez canal, owned by Egypt, for Egypt.
Egypt isnt really is under the Russian axis like Persia. Muhammad Ali wants to reform the military and is willing to switch sides to do so. We will see in the following updates when the war is over. Egypt saw the Ottoman Empire tottering and exploited the Ottoman reverses in West Armenia and Mesopotamia. At the end of the day the Alid dynasty only look at their best interest. Remember he still wants to reform the Navy. This is an opening for any strong naval power.
Egypt isnt really is under the Russian axis like Persia. Muhammad Ali wants to reform the military and is willing to switch sides to do so. We will see in the following updates when the war is over. Egypt saw the Ottoman Empire tottering and exploited the Ottoman reverses in West Armenia and Mesopotamia. At the end of the day the Alid dynasty only look at their best interest. Remember he still wants to reform the Navy. This is an opening for any strong naval power.
#wemustbuildacanal :p
Ice,Fire and Steel Russian Revolutionary War Part 4 The Great Russian Counteroffensive of 1827
Ice,Fire and Steel
Russian Revolutionary War
Part 4
The Great Russian Counteroffensive of 1827

Russian Winter Offensive of 1827-While the Balkans were burning and the West Armenia offensive was taking off, the Russian winter offensive started on January 26th, 1827. Russian commanders were planning for a long time for this offensive and had the manpower to finally push back the invading force. The manpower in this offensive was numbered 800,000. It started on the Ukraine front. The idea was to attack the massive line near the Dneiper River. The battles of Odessa, Cherkasy, Chernobyl were all devastating Russian victories. The alliance was now on the run in Ukraine. In the Baltics, Russian forces launched an offensive to retake Moscow. Now Moscow at this time was under alliance control. The city was in chaos. Daily food riots were a problem. The harsh tactics of Alliance and Russian royalist alienated the populace. The government was weak and unable to exercise control beyond the walls of the city. Partisans attacks on Alliance wagons made food supplies into the city non-existent. So, Concert forces would loot in the city. Which further alienated the populace. The battle of Moscow was a bloody battle. Coalition command wanted to withdraw from Moscow to better positions. However Russian royalist led by Czar Micheal refused. Czar Micheal famously said, “How do I look like to my own people that their ruler fled again instead of standing to fight?” This division led to great tension. Coalition forces knew morale was low for their men. They wouldn’t last in a siege. However, if they withdrew and left the royalist on their own it would create a fissure in the Concert of Europe. So begrudgingly they stayed in Moscow. This decision would be a fatal one.

Battle of Moscow February 6-February 13th 1827- After inflicting heavy losses to Coalition forces in the Psov region attention was to Moscow. General Yermovich was given command to a large force of 345,000 to retake Moscow. Coalition forces had a force of 164,000 men. They were depleted from disease, hunger, ambushes, and the Russian cold. Morale was near a breaking point. Plus, the populace was hostile. Harsh crackdowns on alleged revolutionaries, looters, and citizens protesting created a tense environment in the city. Food supplies were critically low. General Yermovich plan was to encircle the city then assault through various points in the city. Czar Micheal wanted instead to fight the battle on the open. He figured the revolutionary forces were inferior. Many of Coalition high command agreed. A siege would be a disaster. Especially with a hostile populace. So the plan was to meet the forces east of the city near the town of Shatura. The area was heavily forested wilderness even in the middle of winter. The battle was from February 6-7th 1827. The fight lasted much of the day and into the night. Heavy cold rains didn’t help in the situation. The battle was a bloody mess. The Russian forces numerical size was proven to be a liability as confusion occurred. The battle became a stalemate. It ended inconclusively. Coalition losses were 12,000 while Russian losses were 17,000. The losses of the battle were heavier on the Coalition. They then retreated to a small town of Ramensky. The battle of Ramensky occurred on February 10th. The battle started in the evening with light snow. As the night went on the snow turned a blizzard. The battle was a disaster for the Coalition. Loses for them were 24,000. 10,000 dead with 14,000 wounded. The final battle in Moscow was the bloody battle of Domodedovo. Czar Micheal himself led the Coalition forces. He said before the battle to a Prussian general “We cannot afford to lose this battle. We must win. If not this was a waste and the war is over.” The battle of Domodedovo was a typical bloody intense affair. Coalition forces put a strong defense. Repulsing 6 Russian charges. The battle lasted 3 days. The battle rivaled the battle of Borodino in losses. 85,000 casualties in total. 40,000 on the Coalition side. And 45,000 on the Russian side. Czar Micheal was mortally wounded in the battle. He would die 5 days later. With the Czar wounded the army depleted from 3 consecutive bloody battles. It was high time to retreat. Moscow was abandoned. Coalition forces were now preparing to enter Belarus and prepare defenses there to blunt the massive Russian offensive. However, the Coalition army in the middle army group lost half its manpower. The Russian royalist army was just a ragtag militia force of 10,000. General Yermovich entered Moscow on February 15th as a liberator. Moscow was now back under Russian revolutionary control. However, work wasn’t done.

Battle of Domodevo

Bashing through the Baltics- With Moscow retaken Coalition forces had to rethink their strategy now. And the idea that was the creation of a Russian royalist government that comprised of the Baltics, Belarus, Poland and Parts of Ukraine. This, of course, was the resurrection of the Polish-Lithuania commonwealth. Minsk would be the capital. The idea was to create a powerful buffer between the monarchies and Russia. The downside of that plan was that Polish guerillas were being supplied by Russia in occupied Poland. Under the command of General Mikail Arseniev Russian forces marched through the Baltics in late February 1827 with little resistance. Prussian Commander Prince Augustus who was the supreme commander of the Coalition forces ordered a withdraw of forces from the Baltics. The reason was that supply lines were at a breaking point. Plus in Poland, there was a mass uprising that was spreading fast. They needed all the manpower available to put down the revolt. There were only three battles in the Baltics. Battle of Kaunaus which was a short battle. Battle of Tartu which was the most intense one in the region resulted in a total Russian victory. And the siege of Vilnius which lasted for a week. By March 3rd all the Baltics were under Russian control.

Polish Uprising- When Coalition forces took Poland back in 1826 there were Polish guerillas that kept the fight alive. However, in 1827 a mass revolt occurred. It started after Prussian officials ordered that the Polish language was banned. Russian royalist forces went on with the plan to Russify the populace. This backfired badly. The cities of Krakow, Warsaw, and Lublin rose up in rebellion. Coalition forts and armories were seized. The crisis was reaching critical mass. Polish rebels chased out Coalition forces in the major cities. It was at this point Prince Augustus ordered Half the Baltic garrison(60,000) to withdraw and be headed to Poland to put down the revolt. When these new reinforcements came the polish rebels received a series of defeats at the battles of Now. Then on the west Warsaw was retaken. It looked like the revolt was about to be crushed. However massive Russian forces of 180,000 led by General Arseniev marched in occupied Poland on March 8th. This was a massive shot in the arm for the polish rebels as the revolt was near total collapse. The battle of Chelm was a memorable battle as it was combined Polish/Russian army of 80,000 defeating a coalition force of 45,000 in a bloody contest. The battle of Chelm also was the battle that destroyed the Coalition as an effective fighting force. The army was in total retreat. Nothing seemed to go their way. Prince Augustus bitterly wrote “This whole damned affair has been a disaster. We never prepared for a war this massive. Poor planning led to this.” The greatest fear was creeping into the minds of the Prussian and Austrian empires. The Russian Revolutionary forces were slowly reaching the borders. What were they planning next? By March 15th Warsaw was retaken in the battle of the Vistula River. Four days later Krakow was retaken. All of Poland was liberated. However Polish forces along with Russia were not done yet. Pestel promised Polish revolutionaries that Russia will aid in the liberation of all of Poland.

Battle of Chelm

Western Ukraine- The Ukraine front was under the command of Georigi Emmanuel. His force was 250,000 men along with 100,000 cossacks were defeating coalition forces all over Western Ukraine. The battles of Odessa, Lutsk, Lviv, Zhytomyr were all Russian victories. Ukraine was soon abandoned by Austrian forces. The Ottoman Turks left them by themselves. By mid-March, all of Ukraine was liberated in a brief time. Belarus was left isolated and surrounded. The royalist government in Minsk saw this and begged the concert to not abandon them. By this time so much life was lost and treasure. Russia had retaken most of their territory. Many were calling for peace with Russia. However, many monarchists were not happy about this. A revolutionary Russia with a massive army was a major threat. Metternich called for a conference in Berlin on how to limit Russia in the spring. As Russia was closing unto the borders of the Austrian and Prussian empires there was a massive mobilization on both nations. They were preparing for the eventual invasion by Russia. However, Pestel and the council had bigger things to deal with. Many hardline Russian officers were enraged when Pestel gave up Azerbaijan to Qajar Iran. He stemmed their anger by taking all of Armenia from the Ottomans. Now the next step was the festering wound of the Ottomans which was the Balkans. The entire region was in revolt. Primed for Russian intervention. The man to lead the assault was Georgi Emmanuel a Russian of Serbian descent. Russia was excited to expand the empire at the expense of their ancient enemy. They already gutted them in Anatolia. General Georgi Emmanuel orders were to cross into Molodiva to aid the Moldovan rebels. Moldova was nearly under the rebels hands so this was the easy task. After that Wallachia would be next. Russia wanted to expand much into the Balkan as they could. The beginning of the Balkan offensive began on March 27th 1827. This offensive would change the shape of European history forever.
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Sorry for the long wait guys had a really stressful semester and other personal issues as well. However, I am in vacation and will post more often. In my drafts, I am well more advanced into the story of this timeline. The Russian revolutionary war is nearly done so I will go back and focus on the waning days of the Haitian-French War. I will post every day for the next three weeks.
The Bear has awakened, and it is !!HUNGRY!!
Indeed it is. The heavy casulties is really hurting the Concert of Europe. They underestimated their capabilities also Russia's capability to spread the war in Anatolia,Mideast with the help of Persia has done significant damage to the Ottomans. With the Ottomans teetering to collapse the Balkans is having major power vaccum. And Austria is looking at this nervously.
Indeed it is. The heavy casulties is really hurting the Concert of Europe. They underestimated their capabilities also Russia's capability to spread the war in Anatolia,Mideast with the help of Persia has done significant damage to the Ottomans. With the Ottomans teetering to collapse the Balkans is having major power vaccum. And Austria is looking at this nervously.
And it's also stirring up domestic pressure, I bet, to get out. The common man is seeing that Russia is standing up for themselves, and looking at their sons dying for what, some Tsar who couldn't lead worth spit?
And it's also stirring up domestic pressure, I bet, to get out. The common man is seeing that Russia is standing up for themselves, and looking at their sons dying for what, some Tsar who couldn't lead worth spit?
That is very true. This will especially true in France. Fighting a quagmire in Haiti and sending troops to aid the Concert of Europe forces against Russia will create disillusioned veterans coming back home. Let us say King Charles X is going to be in a sticky situation when the wars end.
The Russian Revolutionary War Part 5 The End of the Old Order and Rise of a New One
The Russian Revolutionary War
Part 5
The End of the Old Order and Rise of a New One

Balkan Offensive March-August 1827

By March 1827 the Balkans was in fire. Revolts and armed insurrection was everywhere. The Ottoman army was stretched thin. Fighting in Anatolia, fighting in Greece and also token support to the Concert of Europe led to this. Europe was struggling to defeat Russia. Persia and Russia were now allies which meant the Ottoman Empire is on its heels. Georgi Emmanuel crossed into Moldova with ease as most of Moldova was under rebel control. The next step was Wallachia which was a bloody stalemate. The situation in each province in the Balkans were different. In Serbia, Bosnia, Moldova the rebels were winning. In Wallachia,Greece,Thrace it was a stalemate as the Ottoman army in those areas were regrouping. Russia entering the mix changed things for the rebels. In Wallachia a series of victories in April led to Rebel victory. A British ambassador wrote that “Russia is moving into the Balkans like a hot knife in butter. With the Balkans under their control it will have severe implications for the security of the Continent.” The decisive battle of Bucharest which the Russo/Romanian force of 150,000 encircled and completely destroyed a 70,000 Ottoman army rocked the half of power in Instanbul. It was a colossal victory for the Russians. The Ottomans were in retreat on all fronts. The new leader of what was left of the Ottoman empire the Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy Koca Husrev Mehmed Pasha. He was desperate for a victory to halt the Russia juggernaut to secure his own power. He ordered the withdrawment of troops from Serbia,Greece,Bosnia,Albania. Essentially giving up control of those areas and sending them to Thrace also known as Bulgaria. With these troops entering Bulgaria they were pushing back rebel gains all over the country. The Bulgarians were able to survive total defeat by inflicting a series of inconclusive draws to the Ottomans in May 1827. The total Ottoman Force in Bulgaria was now 197,000 men. A massive force. Both sides knew that a major victory in Bulgaria would decide the fate of the Balkans. The Ottomans were throwing everything they got in Bulgaria. The strategy was to blunt Russian with consecutive bloody noses. Force them to give up in taking the Balkans. And hopefully a foreign power would aid them. Russia knew the Ottomans were putting all their eggs in one basket and if they lose once it would be over for the Ottomans in the Balkans. Koca pleaded with Austria and Britain to aid him against the Russians. Britain was alarmed with what was going in Europe. However Prime Minister George Canning despised the Concert of Europe. He called it “the Concert of musty royals who wear the same underwear for weeks!” And he despised the Ottoman Empire even more. For Canning he saw a Russian republic better than a Russian empire. He wrote “There is an opportunity for Great Britain that we may find an ally with Russia.” British aid to the Ottoman was not coming. And the Austrians were fighting both a Polish uprising and a Russian invasion at home. The Ottomans were alone to face the wrath of the Russian bear.

Bloody Varna-Great The Battle of Varna(June 3rd-6th ) was the largest and bloodiest land battle in all the Ottoman-Russian Wars and one the largest in European history. Bloody Varna as it was called was since so many casualties took place. 197,000 Ottoman remnant soldiers facing 260,000 Russian soldiers was a bloody contest. In the three days of fighting 90,000 men were lost. The Ottomans nearly won the battle after repulsing Russian counterattacks in the first and second days. However intense Russian artillery slaughtered the Ottoman cavalry. The Ottomans were encircled and loses were heavy. The battle of Varna broke the back of the Ottoman Empire. The Balkans were lost and now under Russian influence or control. After Varna Russia swept through the rest of the Balkans with ease. By the Fall of 1827, the entire Balkans were under Russian control. Russian troops also aided Greek rebels to destroy the Ottoman garrison in Hellas. The death and destruction of Varna haunted highlighted the brutality and ferocity of the fighting. Georgi Emmanuel wrote "There were so many bodies on the ground that the smell death could be smelt throughout the entire region. It took us a whole week to bury the dead. Everything was dead. The trees, grass, even the birds were nowhere to be found" Varna would be the inspiration of folk songs, novels, and later movies.

Battle of Varna

Great Polish Uprising- After Poland was liberated Russia wasn’t done. Pestel wanted to send a message to European powers that there were consequences to invading Russia. He encouraged Polish agents to stir up rebellion in Prussia and Austria controlled Poland. In May 18th, 1827 riots broke out in Lwow. Polish soldiers in the Austrian Empire defected to the side of rebels and aid them to sieze control of the arsenal. Soon in Prussia riots and rebellion broke out in the Polish areas. Torun, Lwow, Poznan, Krolewlec, Elblag, Breslau all rose up In rebellion. Polish soldiers and officers defected to the militias and formed the Polish Republican army. They were able to stave off total defeat by conducting guerrilla warfare tactics and end battles in draws. Seeing all of this a Russia/Polish forces of 125,000 marched to Austria to aid the rebels on June 4th. In Prussia the same. The orders were for Russia and Polish forces reach the insurgents. Aid them and train them. Then liberate all the Polish areas. Prussia’s response was brutal. Polish towns were pillaged. Just like what was occurring in the Balkans Russian aid gave a shot in the arm to the rebels. The battle of Lvov ended in a Russian victory. Another battle that broke the back of the Austrians in Poland was the battle of Przemyl which ended in Polish/Russian victory. In the West Prussian forces engagements with Russian/Polish forces were draws. The war in the western Occupied areas of Poland was going to be a tough contest. The battle of Jan Bork was a bloody affair but the Prussians won on June 28th. Then another battle the Prussians won is an important contest in the battle of Plock which halted Russo/Polish advancement. It was obviously clear that Prussian occupied Poland was not going to fall easily. The Prussians were still committed to the war. It was also at this time anti-Polish sentiment was brewing all over Prussia. The Polish were seen as Russian agents and not trustworthy. There were calls to ban Polish citizens from joining the Prussian army. The front in Prussia was a stalemate and would remain so for the remainder of the year.


Great Polish Uprising

Growing Unrest In France
- Charles X was a true believer of absolutism and the Concert of Europe. Hence why France was a loyal member of the Russian war. Also, he sent his son Louis Antoine to lead the French contingent of the Coalition as a sign of his commitment to the war against Revolutionary Russia. However, as the war dragged on and heavy French losses started to mount the war was getting unpopular. Charles X in late 1826 passed a levee en masse to have able bodies French men 18-30 to fight both Haiti and Russia. This act proved very unpopular and led to conscription riots. The other issue was the French economic state was in bad shape. The wars in Haiti and Russia was bankrupting the treasury. The French government had to take loans from Great Britain, Prussia, United States and private banks to keep the nation afloat. However, this worsens the debt burden of the nation. So on January 18th, he passed a new tax law which placed taxes on all merchant items. This was vastly unpopular and led to unrest in the nation. Daily riots and protest rocked cities across France. Seeing that unrest was spreading in major cities like Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Paris, and Nice. And that Russia was advancing in its winter offensive Charles withdrew his forces from the war in Eastern Europe on February 11th 1827. The returning soldiers were battle-hardened and grumbling soldiers.

Treaty of Prague-Throughout the rest of 1827 the war was a stalemate. Russian forces met their limit finally in the Balkans, were checked by Prussian forces and couldn’t make moves into Austria as the Austrians barely held on to their territories. All sides were exhausted and tired of war. Peace negotiations started in January of 1828. The peace talks took place in Prague. In it, the countries involved in the war went to discuss how to end the war. Russia was in a superior position in the negotiations. One of the reasons why peace talks took so long was the fact the other powers did not want to accept this. However, it didn’t matter. The treaty of Prague was signed in February 18th, 1828 which is celebrated to this day in Russia as victory day. The details of the treaty were as such:

Western Armenia was under Russian control.

Poland was a free independent state.

Bosnia,Albania,Serbia,Croatia,Bulgaria,Walachia,Moldova were “free nations.”

Russian troops were only allowed in Walachia, Bulgaria, and Moldova.

The revolutionary government in Russia was recognized.

Russia must promise not to aid Polish separatist in Prussia and Austria.

Greece Independence was recognized.

Persia and Egypt would keep their territorial gains in the Middle East

Russia to withdraw troops out of Prussia, Austria and Poland.

Russia promises not to expand their revolution to parts of Europe.

The treaty favored Russia and its allies. Russia came out of this war stronger than ever. And the war solidified the legitimacy of the revolutionary government in Moscow. However, there was work left undone. For one was the Finnish issue. Russia was determined to retake it back from Sweden. Polish fighters still wanted to liberate Prussia and Austrian controlled Poland. However Polish society was divided. There were a pro-Russian faction and the pro Concert factions. This would sow the seed of the Polish Civil war. What was left of the Ottoman Empire was a rump Turkish state. Greece was hungrily looking at Anatolia and calls for Greater Greece was rising up. In Moscow, this was the next plan of action. Getting Greece to take the Dardanelles and Bosphorus would be a boon for Russia. Russia created an alliance system called the Western Republic Alliance. Austria was very uncomfortable with Russian troops near its borders. Plus there was the Finnish issue. So, in essence, the Treaty of Prague temporarily stopped the fighting. These sticking points would lead to more devastating wars. The Prussian and Austrians were very unhappy and felt it was their duty to right this wrong. For them, a revolutionary Russia was not to be trusted and as long it existed it threaten the monarchies in Europe. However, another revolution was brewing on their western borders. The treaty of Prague only delayed the inevitable wars that were coming in Europe.
WHEW! Well, finally the Russian revolutionary war is finally over. As you can see Russia came out on top and will dominate Eastern European politics for the foreseeable future. The Ottomans have been reduced into a rump Turkish state. However, this does not mean peace will remain. If anything more conflicts will start boiling up. The Balkans will be more of a headache than an asset for the Russians. The Concert of Europe's power has been crushed. And with rumblings of unrest in France, the balance will be tipped out of the favor of the monarchies. Prussia and Austria will not accept the Russian Republic and will uses wars and proxy wars to blunt Russian influence in the region. The coming updates will be the conclusion of the Haitian-French war and the post war years. The next major events in Europe will change events in Latin America. Latin American history is going to be much bloodier at this time period than. Let us say Old World issues in the New World.
Wow, how does the US view the now newly mint greatest Republic on earth.
Well the US views a Russian republic with great excitement and will try to establish diplomatic relations with the Russians. They see Russia as a sister nation. However with the distance of both nations it will just be friendly relationship between two powers. No direct trade or agreements will be able to happen. This will remain so as in TL American expansion out west will be aborted some time in the mid to late 1830s and lead to further disintegration.
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