Orion Empire.png

Is this Better?

The Shan Republic is one of the successor states to the Galactic Empire.
Although it is less populous than the Orion empire and has no worlds as prestigious as the core worlds, it is a military and political power with which it is obliged to converse both in the core and in the periphery.

The republic is one of the few democratic states in the Noto Space, at least among the great powers. It is governed by a parliament and Great Orator, who takes upon himself many powers, both military and political.
Parliament, however, controls the purse strings, so the Grand Orator does not always have the chance to put his policies into practice unless he finds agreement with the legislature.

CAPITAL: Volur - Orbits two red dwarfs and the first planet in the system.
It is a rather cold planet (an average of -5.5 C°), but the atmosphere is breathable (although only at low altitudes). It has two moons and is subject to some seismic activity.

SPECIES AND CULTURE: Humans are the majority, but not absolute (about 45% of inhabitants).
Issarians and Draedans are rare, but not unknown. The Niln are the second largest ethnic group (about 20%) followed by the Rahal (15%). Animal men and represent another 10%. The rest are divided among the other species in the Galaxy.

CULTURE AND RELIGION: The majority of the population follow the Gods of the Eightfold Path.
But minorities follow the Sisterhood of the Five Gods and the Followers of the Prophets.
Although they do not deviate too much from the standard Galactic culture, a considerable majority of the population seems to come from the far east of Earth, giving a vague Asian colouring to the entire Shan culture.

POLITICS and REVENDICATIONS: The Shan District, at the time of the Galactic Empire covered about twice as much territory, some of it in the periphery.
Its greatest opponent is the Ecclesiastical State, but claims are also made against the Tamnu-orian Planets and the Orion Empire.
2nd Greek Republik 1971.png

Possible flag for the Second Greek Republic in the timeline in what I'm working.

(a modified version of the Wikimedia's flag of Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus, yeah, I liked the eagle)
What does it say?
Hebrew is a passage from the torah leviticus 19:18, Thou shalt not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
greek is the same love thy neighbor but it quotes the bible, and the arabic is a passage from the quran 30:22 "And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. ."
View attachment 883680
I know your not supposed to write on your flags but fuck it
Hebrew is a passage from the torah leviticus 19:18, Thou shalt not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
greek is the same love thy neighbor but it quotes the bible, and the arabic is a passage from the quran 30:22 "And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. ."

If you are committing to the idea then the Greek probably ideally should fit on the green and be white rather than gold/yellow.

Maybe make the Cedar and Star of David slightly smaller and turn the triangles into lines (so more UAE then Palestine/Pan-Arab).
If you are committing to the idea then the Greek probably ideally should fit on the green and be white rather than gold/yellow.

Maybe make the Cedar and Star of David slightly smaller and turn the triangles into lines (so more UAE then Palestine/Pan-Arab).
like this?
CoaMaker_hq (1).png


  • CoaMaker_hq (1).png
    CoaMaker_hq (1).png
    158 KB · Views: 90

An alternate flag for a monarchist France that I made. The colours were inspired by the Oriflamme of Charlemagne.
At first sight I thought that was a Quebec alternate flag.

France has annexed Navarra TTL? Or is a Personal Union? I mean you used the Navarran Coat of Arms as equal-level as French CoA...
That's the OTL French Coat of Arms.
That's the OTL "Ancien Régime" COA of the late 18th century. It wasn't used during the Restoration Era despite going back to a monarchical Kingdom following the 1st Republic, Directorate, Consulate and Napoleonic Imperial era.

The Reason I mention this is that it would seem to imply either that the Capetian monarchy continued without interruption or that it was readopted during the Restoration, restoring to the kingdom of Navarre some form of autonomy within the Kingdom of France (up until 1792, it had a separate legal system and gave equal rights to Huguenots) and that the monarchy continued from then on. It might be a good idea to determine which is true if only from a narrative point of view.

Also, from a design point of view, I would advise having the 4 Fleur-de-Lys in the quarters at a 45 degree angle pointing either inward or outward.
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Monsieur Z video about state flags for an alternate division of the US into states. The original videos this follow up on I wouldn't recommend, but I do like the explanations for the choices he made: