Down in Dixie: CSA Victory TL

Chapter 2: Ambition and Transition
Here I start Chapter 2, this whole chapter will focus on the Confederacy’s desire for their Golden Circle and their transition from an agrarian based economy to an industrial based economy. I would also like to show the situation up North every once in a while in the chapters. As I said, any input you all have is welcomed and will be considered. I wanna make this TL as plausible as possible. This chapter will take place from the year of 1871 to 1880. With that being said enjoy!

Chapter 2: Ambitions and Transitions (1871-1880)


In exchange for Southern cotton, Breckinridge asked for the importation of industrial goods to come into Dixie. Southern historians would later look back and credited Breckinridge for giving the Confederacy the ability to be independent both domestically and militarily. They often rank him as one of the greatest Presidents the Confederacy had. the Upper South were becoming the most profitable states in the Confederacy. In the Deep South, while some industrialization was done, they still held onto their peculiar institution of slaves. Breckinridge would also oversee peace with their Northern neighbors, the Union. Both of their respective Secretary of States would finalize a trade deal between the Americas. They would then form a customs union, with both Presidents negotiating the rate. Both would come to an agreement of a 13% rate. It would be finalized on November 3, 1871. The Union would also prosper under the Seymour administration. The US also began industrializing even more than usual. As they began making more arm factories.



US President Thomas Seymour (top) CS President John Breckinridge (bottom).
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While the CSA was seeing economic and domestic stability, the Second Mexican Empire was suffering instability. Due to internal revolts at what the Mexican populace viewed as an illegitimate ruler, Maximilian I. However, any past revolt was put down due to French support in Mexico. In the late summer, France would have to withdraw from Mexico to deal with the Franco-Prussian War. Maximilian I would reach out to Breckinridge for military assistance against the insurgents. While Breckinridge would not give him Confederate soldiers. He would give the Empire, rifles and financial support. The United States would hold its election that November. George Pendleton would be elected the 18th President, following in the footsteps of the Seymour Administration. The South would breathe a sigh of relief and the Americas would enjoy more peace between each other.


Maximilian I (Emperor of the Second Mexican Empire)


French Calvary in Mexico


George Pendleton, 18th President of the United States

With campaigning season starting for the 3rd Presidential election. Alexander Stephens would put his name in for nomination of the Democrats. Without any serious challenges, Stephens was nominated on the 1st ballot. The Democrats ran on a platform of slowing the industry growth, preserving the agrarian institution of the South and restructuring trade agreements by lowering all tariffs rate to 10% to help the Deep South. The Confederate Party would nominate Breckinridge’s Vice President John Reagan. Both candidates agreed on helping the Second Mexican Empire. They agreed on everything except spending and trade. On November 4, 1873. Stephens would be elected as the Confederacy’s 3rd President. Stephens carried the Deep South, the state of Jefferson, and the state of Ozark. While Reagan carried the Upper South. The election regional differences beginning in the South. The Upper South more industrialized, while the Deep South was more agrarian.

Alexander Stephens: 79 EVs
John Reagan: 44 EVs


Alexander Stephens, 3rd Confederate States President

Alexander Stephens would get to work reforming the Confederacy the way he saw fit. After negotiating for hours with several Confederate Party who refused to have the tariff rate lowered to 10%, saying it was too low. The President and the party leaders would agree to a rate of 11.5%. Stephens would continue to assist the Mexican Imperial Forces in their fight against the Mexican Republican Forces led by Benito Juárez. Though the tide would turn in favor for the Republican Forces as on March 23 Emperor Maximilian I fled from Mexico City when he heard that Republican forces were converging onto the city to capture him. The Imperial forces guarded the Emperor out of the city and he would seek asylum from the Confederacy. Which Stephens accepted. Benito Juárez would take over Mexico as President of the Restored Second Mexican Repulbic on March 26. Alexander Stephens would demand Juárez leave the seat of power and give Maximilian I the leader position back. Juráez refused. After deliberation with his Secretary of War, Stephens would declare war on the Restored Republic on March 30.


Benito Juárez, President of Mexico.
With Kentucky’s secession, Lincoln relieved grant of duties in the West and fired Frémont from command as well. Lincoln appointed William Sherman as commander of the forces in the West. Sherman would capture Paducah, Kentucky giving the Union control of the Tennessee River on February 12th. Sherman would continue his streak of victories on April 8th, capturing Fort Henry. Meanwhile, Admiral David Farragut down south in Louisiana captured New Orleans on April 25th. Things in the east were not going well as McClellan’s plan to capture the Confederate capital was repulsed by Lee’s Army of northern Virginia. The bad luck continued as on June 5th, Sherman’s assault on Fort Donelson was foiled by Simon Buckner and and an aggressive Felix Zollicoffer forcing Sherman’s army to fall back to Fort Henry. While his army was recovering, Sherman received word from Washington that a force of Confederates was starting to gather an invasion of Southern Indiana on July 8th. Shermans forces withdrew from Fort Henry to prepare for the assault. However this was planted by Confederate General Albert Johnston, so he can move an offensive into Northern Missouri, Jefferson Davis also sent P.G.T Beauregard to reinforce the invasion . This tactic worked. The Battle of St. Louis resulted in a Confederate Victory and yielded to state of Missouri to the Confederacy on August 15th. Lincoln took a hit politically as in the midterm elections of 1862, Peace Democrats gained control of the House.

That’s it for 1862. Tell me what y’all think and where I should go from here
Nether Freemont, or Grant could invade Kentucky without Lincoln's approval. Confederate forces were too weak to take Missouri, most of the State was pro Union. As in Missouri, Kentucky was more pro Union. A faint at Indiana, might draw away part of the Army of the Ohio, but not Sherman's Army of the Tennessee. What was Albert Sydney Johnston doing between February, and July? What forces crossed the Mississippi into Arkansas, and what did they risk losing by doing it? By July 1862 the Union Army was deep inside Arkansas, so a CSA counter attack has to start from there. The time involved in shifting thousands of men, and their supplies hundreds of miles would be weeks. Marching North from the Little Rock area would take many weeks to reach St Louis, giving the Union ample time for counter moves.

Juárez would authorize Republican raids into Texas lead by Republican General Porfirio Díaz as soon as war was declared by the Confederacy in March of 1874. Major General Sam Houston Jr and the joint Confederate-Imperial forces would push the Republican forces back out of Texas and take the battle to them. Thanks to Breckinridge’s innovation of the Armed Forces of the Confederacy they will were able to push back the Republicans back at ease, within the end of 1875 the Republican forces were on life support and the joint forces were on their way to Mexico City. On the domestic front, Stephens admitted the state of Sequoyah as the 15th state.


Republican General Porfirio Díaz

January 27,1876: Joint Confederate-Imperial Forces converse onto Mexico City. The Republican Force hold a strong defense of the city. The Battle of Mexico City begins.

January 30, 1876: After a 3 day siege, the capital falls to the joint forces. Juráez attempts to escape the capital, but is caught by a Confederate Infantry private.

February 4, 1876: Peace talks between the joint forces and republican forces begin.

Confederate-Mexican War
(March 30, 1874-January 30,1876)

April 5, 1876: The Treaty of Mexico City is signed by all parties. The terms are as follows.

-The Second Mexican Empire is restored.
-Ceding of Sonora, Chihuahua, Baja California (renamed Baja Territory) and the states of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas (renamed Durango Territory) to the Confederacy.
-Payment of $12,000,000 to the Mexican Empire from the Confederacy for the ceded lands.

With the Confederate-Mexican War over. the country would transition to peace time. Stephens would become immensely popular with the success of the war. Stephens would then meet with Maximilian I and they would establish trade relations and he would give the Mexican Empire weapons for their self defense.
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Stephens would appoint four territorial governors for the newly acquired Confederate territories of Sonora, Chihuahua, Baja, and Durango. However, raids would occur in the territories by banditos. Stephens would send volunteers and the Texas Rangers in the territories to quell the raids. While another famous outlaw Jesse James would rob trains in Texas. Thus, the Outlaw War would begin in the territories.


Jesse James

Some Mexican republic soldiers would move out of Mexico to fight with the Cuban rebels against the Spanish. But the migration of former Republic soldiers would not be enough to bring internal stability to the Maximilian I’s empire. He would face riots and fights. But with weapons supplied by the Confederacy, they would keep the revolts at bay. The hawkish Secretary of War proposed to Stephens to go to war with the Spanish and aid the Cuban rebels. Stephens had told his Secretary “We will simply bid our time for provocation to sever Cuba from the Spanish Kingdom under the guise of liberation to annex it and it’s upper class to the citizenry of Dixie”


Cuban and Mexican republic soldiers fighting against the Spanish.
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The Little War began in Cuba, the rebels would fight the Spanish once again. The Cubans would put up a fight against the great European power. Stephens began sending arms to the rebels in May. The Spanish King Alfonso XII soon found out the Confederacy supplying the Cuban rebels. Alfonso XII demanded that Stephens withdraw his support of the rebels, not wanting to risk war with Spain, due to not having enough troops to fight the Spanish. Stephens accepted. The Little War became a hot topic of the 1879 presidential campaign season. The Confederate Party met at their convention in Richmond, Virginia in June. Jabez Curry of Georgia would be nominated and for his running mate would be former general James Longstreet. The Democrats would meet in July and nominate Robert M.T Hunter of Virginia, the former President pro tempore of the Confederate States Senate. Both candidates would take different issues on the stance of Confederate involvement in the Little War. Hunter had expressed support for the Cuban rebels, but would fall short of giving them arms. Curry said if provoked, the Confederacy should intervene the war for “liberation” of Cuba against Spain. Curry also called for an expansion of the TransConfederate railroad that Breckinridge made by connecting the lines to the recently newly acquired western territories. He would also propose a Homestead Act in which he would allow free passage of poor whites into the territories. This would have an effect of the Confederate Party’s voting bloc as he assured the Confederate Party would have their votes for decades after. Hunter would call Curry’s spending “fiscally irresponsible”. Hunter supported gradual movement of poor whites into the territories, but didn’t want it right away, due to the outgoing Outlaw War; he considered it too dangerous. On November 4. The Confederate populace would met and vote for their preferred choices. Jabez Curry would claim the presidency. By holding the traditional Confederate states of the Upper South, the state of Jefferson, the state of Sequoyah. Georgia and South Carolina broke away from the Democrats grasp, due to Longstreet’s popularity and Curry’s home field advantage. Alfonso XII’s reaction to the election of Curry would set him off as ordered more troops into Cuba in the inevitable event of war between the two nations.

1879 Confederate States presidential election
Jabez Curry: 80 EVs
Robert Hunter: 44 EVs
63 EVs to win


Alfonso XII, King of Spain.


Jabez Curry, 4th Confederate States President (February 22, 1880- February 22, 1886)

That’s 1879 everyone!, I have question for everyone reading this thread though. Who should be the US President for 1880, it needs to be a Republican. So let me know everyone! Thanks for reading my TL.
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The Little War began in Cuba, the rebels would fight the Spanish once again. The Cubans would put up a fight against the great European power. Stephens began sending arms to the rebels in May. The Spanish King Alfonso XII soon found out the Confederacy supplying the Cuban rebels. Alfonso XII demanded that Stephens withdraw his support of the rebels, not wanting to risk war with Spain, due to not having enough troops to fight the Spanish. Stephens accepted. The Little War became a hot topic of the 1879 presidential campaign season. The Confederate Party met at their convention in Richmond, Virginia in June. Jabez Curry of Georgia would be nominated and for his running mate would be former general James Longstreet. The Democrats would meet in July and nominate Robert M.T Hunter of Virginia, the former President pro tempore of the Confederate States Senate. Both candidates would take different issues on the stance of Confederate involvement in the Little War. Hunter had expressed support for the Cuban rebels, but would fall short of giving them arms. Curry said if provoked, the Confederacy should intervene the war for “liberation” of Cuba against Spain. Curry also called for an expansion of the TransConfederate railroad that Breckinridge made by connecting the lines to the recently newly acquired western territories. He would also propose a Homestead Act in which he would allow free passage of poor whites into the territories. This would have an effect of the Confederate Party’s voting bloc as he assured the Confederate Party would have their votes for decades after. Hunter would call Curry’s spending “fiscally irresponsible”. Hunter supported gradual movement of poor whites into the territories, but didn’t want it right away, due to the outgoing Outlaw War; he considered it too dangerous. On November 4. The Confederate populace would met and vote for their preferred choices. Jabez Curry would claim the presidency. By holding the traditional Confederate states of the Upper South, the state of Jefferson, the state of Sequoyah. Georgia and South Carolina broke away from the Democrats grasp, due to Longstreet’s popularity and Curry’s home field advantage. Alfonso XII’s reaction to the election of Curry would set him off as ordered more troops into Cuba in the inevitable event of war between the two nations.

1879 Confederate States presidential election
Jabez Curry: 80 EVs
Robert Hunter: 44 EVs
63 EVs to win


Alfonso XII, King of Spain.


Jabez Curry, 4th Confederate States President (February 22, 1880- February 22, 1886)

That’s 1879 everyone!, I have question for everyone reading this thread though. Who should be the US President for 1880, it needs to be a Republican. So let me know everyone! Thanks for reading my TL.
I say go with John Sherman.
Wasn't Jesse James becoming an outlaw IOTL a result of having been a member of the pro-confederate bushwhackers guerrillas, who, after ending up on the losing side of the Civil War, couldn't find their way back into civil society and went on to become ordinary criminals. Wouldn't being on the winning side pave an easy way for him to built a legal existence for himself and his family.
Curry would set out to complete his ambitious agenda, he would first push through the Homestead Act of 1880, in which it would allow poor whites into the new territories free of charge. Within two months of debate in Congress, it would pass. Next, he would authorize more rail lines to be built connecting Austin, Texas to the Durango Territory through the Baja Territory. He wouldn’t get the approval funding for it though as it fell short in Congress. Curry then turned his attention to Foreign policy to Cuba as the Little War was going on, he would resume the policy of arming the Cuban rebels that Stephens did. Alfonso XII would notice the Confederacy arming the rebels again and would demand Curry halt his shipment of arms, Curry refused. Alfonso XII ordered any Spanish Navy ships to shot down any Confederate ship that is suspected of hoarding weapons. On July 25, 1880, a Confederate civilian ship would explode outside Cuba. Though Confederate historians would debate what actually caused the explosion, what wouldn’t be debated is the Confederacy’s calls for war against the Spanish Kingdom. Seizing the opportunity, Curry got the declaration of war against the Spanish on July 30, 1880. The Spanish-Confederate War had began. Confederate troops would land on Cuba and fight alongside Cuban rebels and shockingly Mexican republic troops. While skirmishes happened between the Confederate Navy and the Spanish Navy with battles being inconclusive and several ironclads being destroyed. After the summer had passed the war was going pretty good for the Confederates. Up North, the South would be unsettled by news of the election of a Repulbican. John Sherman, the brother of US General, William Tecumseh Sherman; would be elected the 19th US President, the first Republican since Abraham Lincoln.


John Sherman, the 19th US President (March 4, 1881-March 4, 1885)

That’s the end of Chapter 2, I’m gonna take a two week break from this timeline, as I have other things I have to work on. Thanks for reading this TL and God Bless You All and Be safe.
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Chapter 3: Baptism by Fire
Chapter 3: Baptism by Fire (1881-1890)
On March 4, 1881, Sherman would be inaugurated as the 19th US President. He would get to work setting about his domestic by passing the first antitrust legislation with the help of a Republican controlled Congress. He would also oversee an amendment being passed in which slavery was abolished in the Union.


A group of freedmen and women and their children celebrating their emancipation.

In the South, the war was still in their favor as Confederate troops would land in Havana but they were pushed off the island by the Spanish. Repulsing them back to naval engagements. While on a goodwill journey, a US ironclad would be blown up on the shores, Sherman was stunned by the news and he tried to ignore the calls from the Republicans to go to war. Some Republicans agreed with Sherman to work out the incident diplomatically with the Spanish, while other Republicans howled for war with Spain not only to claim its territories, but to limit the South's sphere of influence in the Atlantic. The Republicans would become divided over the issue of how to deal with Spanish. The War Republicans would ultimately win out as the Democrats sided with them mostly to get Cuba as they saw as a commodity. Both groups would pass a resolution for a declaration of war against the Spanish. Sherman would continue to ignore the calls, with an overwhelming majority however. Sherman would have no choice but to go to war with Spanish on October 23, 1881. While the Union and the Confederacy were fighting the same enemy, didn't mean the soldiers from the different nations were friendly with each other. Multiple reports from generals from the separate countries reported squabbles between Union and Confederate soldiers. Generals would enforce friendly treatment between the other countries soliders. They would their disdain for each other through dirty looks
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The US and the CS would have joint naval engagements against the Spanish Navy. Tye Battle of Guantanamo Bay wouls take place on April 8, 1882; With an allied American victory. Joint troops would land on the mainland alongside the Cuban rebels and overwhelm the minimal Spainsh Infantry presence. The joint army would advance to the other end of the island within 3 months. On July 29, 1882. Alfonso XII would get word of the situation in Cuba and would call for a ceasefire and would call for negotiations with both American countries.


Union troops fighting the Spanish on the island of Cuba.

Representing the Confederacy in the negotiations were General Robert E Lee Jr and the Confederate Secretary of State, Augustus Maxwell. Representing the US was General George Crook and Union Secretary of State, Benjamin Harrison. Sherman would give his terms to the his representatives and Curry to his. The US wanted Puerto Rico, The Philippines, and Cuba. The Confederacy just wanted Cuba, To help the Spanish let go of their Atlantic provinces, the US would pay 10 million to the Spanish for the ceded lands. The Confederacy would pay 5 million for Cuba. Negotiations came to an end in August and The Treaty of Havana was signed on Septmeber 15 with the following terms.

Spainsh-American War (July 30, 1880- September 15, 1882)

-Spain would cede the Philippines and Puerto Rico to the United States.
-Spain would cede Cuba to the Confederacy.
-The US would pay reparations to Spain for the ceded lands of 10 million dollars.
-The CS would pay reparations to Spain for the ceded lands of 5 million dollars.

The Confederacy and the Union would be back into peacetime, but it would be clear that the Union would enjoy more stability in peacetime than the Confederacy. As the South would deal with a domestic crisis that would wreck havoc on King Cotton.
Finally, a CSA victory timeline that doesn't have the CSA and USA as bitter enemies for all eternity and becoming allies fairly early on.
III: 1883: A Time of Crisis
Josh Johnson, a cotton farmer in rural Texas, would wake up one morning on May 3, 1883 and notice all of his cotton buds eaten by a bug which he had never seen before. He wasn't the only one however; with the same problem. As others began reporting the same problem all around the state of Texas. This problem would not be just statewide in Texas, but the infestation would soon make it's way into the Deep Southern states in the mid summer and the Upper South in late summer. News would reach Richmond and Curry would call on emergency session of Congress on how to ease the crisis. Many members of Congress were cotton farmers themselves and were quick to answer Curry's calls. After several days of intense debating it was ultimately decided to pass a relief package for the cotton farmers that were hit by the Boll Weevil invasion, totaling $300 million relief package would be passed for to provide for payments to people whose crops were eaten and research into how to stop the Boll Weevil.


Boll Weevil feeding on a Cotton bud.
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Alexander Stephens would get to work reforming the Confederacy the way he saw fit. After negotiating for hours with several Confederate Party who refused to have the tariff rate lowered to 10%, saying it was too low. The President and the party leaders would agree to a rate of 11.5%. Stephens would continue to assist the Mexican Imperial Forces in their fight against the Mexican Republican Forces led by Benito Juárez. Though the tide would turn in favor for the Republican Forces as on March 23 Emperor Maximilian I fled from Mexico City when he heard that Republican forces were converging onto the city to capture him. The Imperial forces guarded the Emperor out of the city and he would seek asylum from the Confederacy. Which Stephens accepted. Benito Juárez would take over Mexico as President of the Restored Second Mexican Repulbic on March 26. Alexander Stephens would demand Juárez leave the seat of power and give Maximilian I the leader position back. Juráez refused. After deliberation with his Secretary of War, Stephens would declare war on the Restored Republic on March 30.


Benito Juárez, President of Mexico.
Why didnt the US support Juarez more, so the confederates can get their butt kicked and to enforce the monroe doctrine? And how did they win against the Mexican Republicans. Republicans outnumber Maximilian's forces 3 to 1. The Imperialistas cannot hold without French support IOTL. And Maximilian is a leader placed to the mexicans at gunpoint by the french
Why didnt the US support Juarez more, so the confederates can get their butt kicked and to enforce the monroe doctrine? And how did they win against the Mexican Republicans. Republicans outnumber Maximilian's forces 3 to 1. The Imperialistas cannot hold without French support IOTL. And Maximilian is a leader placed to the mexicans at gunpoint by the french
The US recognizing the Second Mexican Empire was in the terms for the peace treaty with the Confederacy. As French and British ambassadors oversaw the negotiation process with the two American nations. Another reason is because the US is not going to go to war with Mexico as the country was not in war mood and going to war over Mexico? When you recognized the Empire is a bit hypocritical for the US to go back on their word and fight the Imperial Army. The reason the Imperial Army won against the Republican Army is because they had increasing Confederate support and finally direct intervention under Stephens and my Confederacy is industrialized more in my TL.
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IV:1884: Republicans Ripping, Tensions Rising

Republicans meeting in their convention to nominating their choice for President

Not all Republicans were happy with the Treaty of Havana, as Republicans like Roscoe Conkling, Levi Morton, and Chester Arthur were howling for Sherman to acquire Cuba in the negotiation process to spite the Confederacy. Sherman let the Confederacy have Cuba for two reasons. 1. He didn't want war with their Southern neighbors 2. Cuba wanted to be independent and the poor locals would not take to kindly to being in the Confederacy due to their love of slavery, it would've caused a headache for the Union to quash local rebellions, let it be the South's problem. Nevertheless, as the voices in faction of the Republican party grew louder in the months and year, spewing hatred and contempt for the Confederacy. As two factions began to show in the GOP, War Republicans led by Roscoe Conkling who wanted war with the South and reconquer them and annex them back in the Union. Peace Republicans led by the President John Sherman, who wanted to maintain peaceful relations with the South. Curry was becoming nervous at the talk of the War Republicans, but the Boll Weevil Crisis had his attention, so he put to the side. With the election of 1884 approaching, Sherman went into Republican National Convention, not sure of his nomination as his party was divided among foreign policy lines. Sherman would lose the nomination to Levi Morton, a War Republican from New York, due to Conkling's backing. They choose his vice president to be Mark Hanna, the chairman of the Republican National Committee from Ohio.



Levi Morton (top) Mark Hanna (bottom)

Following this, the Peace Republican faction would walk out and hold their own convention, they nominated John Sherman by unanimous consent and his vice president James Blaine also.



John Sherman (top), James Blaine (bottom)

The Democrats were generally in favor of peace with the South, they meet at their convention and nominate Thomas Hendricks for President and Thomas Bayard for Vice President.



Thomas Hendricks (top) Thomas Bayard (bottom)

Following the summer during the campaign season, The Confederacy would introduce fees for the Mississippi River trade waterway Union to help pay for their relief package. Morton attacked Sherman for not doing anything about and that he had violated the Union's honor by paying for it and violating the Treaty of Washington ratified 17 years earlier. Sherman fired back saying that the South was in a time of need and was just doing what he said he was going and allow Peace between the two nations. On November 4, 1881. Both Sherman and Morton would await the results at each of their residents. Sherman at the White House, Morton in New York City. By midnight, Morton was awakened to be informed that he had won, while he had celebrated his victory, Curry would begin preparations for the upcoming war with the Union, ready to defend itself from its hostile Northern brethren.
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