(DBWI) What if the Virtual Boy failed?

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In 1995, one of Nintendo's most revolutionary devices was released to the market: the Virtual Boy! Nobody really expected much of the console (in fact, many expected it to bomb from the information available prerelease). 5 years of being the 2nd most popular portable system (behind the Game Boy, of course, and putting the nail in the coffin for the Game Gear) and countless successful games later and it's safe to say this scrappy underdog proved everyone wrong! Now, how would gaming today be different if the Virtual Boy didn't succeed? What if it flopped hard? How would that happen, and where would we be today without it?
the decision to dump the 3d aspect and just create a color game boy with better processing speed saved the device but what made it revolutionary was the mini cd function. This tech allowed the virtual boy to have more advanced games and graphics and not have to worry about weight, it also proved to be cheaper then cartrages after a couple years which gave it the price edge.

We might still be using cartrages to this day with out it.
the decision to dump the 3d aspect and just create a color game boy with better processing speed saved the device but what made it revolutionary was the mini cd function. This tech allowed the virtual boy to have more advanced games and graphics and not have to worry about weight, it also proved to be cheaper then cartrages after a couple years which gave it the price edge.

We might still be using cartrages to this day with out it.
Yep! And the great library of games didn't hurt either!
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