How's the start?

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Early Christianity was definitely a different beast compared to Medieval Christianity - extremely flexible and capable of absorbing changes when neccesary to convert a people.
indeed, early christianity was very flexible. many 'christian' traditions had their origins in pagan rites!
indeed, early christianity was very flexible. many 'christian' traditions had their origins in pagan rites!
That very true we have the Anglo-Saxons Saxons invading they worship Wodan/Odin so there is a possibility of there culture mixing with the British-Romans. Also OTL England and Wales was influence by the invasions from Scandinavia which led to the adoption of the housecarl and there attitudes to warfare favouring heavy infantry over the cavalries of mainland Europe but that was also due to the mainland continent having superior horses. Another point to make that when the Romans left the British isles the population what's 5 million it didn't reach that number again until the rule of Edward the first of England.
That very true we have the Anglo-Saxons Saxons invading they worship Wodan/Odin so there is a possibility of there culture mixing with the British-Romans. Also OTL England and Wales was influence by the invasions from Scandinavia which led to the adoption of the housecarl and there attitudes to warfare favouring heavy infantry over the cavalries of mainland Europe but that was also due to the mainland continent having superior horses. Another point to make that when the Romans left the British isles the population what's 5 million it didn't reach that number again until the rule of Edward the first of England.
indeed. Cultural assimilation and mixation is a possibility.
If the cultures that could be assimilated are Latin, Celts, Roman Britain, Anglo-Saxons, pics, Scotts, Irish, Norse and my be Normans and Franch depending on how history goes.
That very true we have the Anglo-Saxons Saxons invading they worship Wodan/Odin so there is a possibility of there culture mixing with the British-Romans. Also OTL England and Wales was influence by the invasions from Scandinavia which led to the adoption of the housecarl and there attitudes to warfare favouring heavy infantry over the cavalries of mainland Europe but that was also due to the mainland continent having superior horses. Another point to make that when the Romans left the British isles the population what's 5 million it didn't reach that number again until the rule of Edward the first of England.
The 5million will likely be reached sooner TTL you would imagine.
There was no societal collapse yet so I'd be surprised if the population actually dropped to 4 million as of yet TTL, esp. If they manage to keep the Roman administration going
Chapter 3: The Council of Lunden
Christians of the North: A Tale of Celtic Christianity

Chapter 3: The Council of Lunden


From Pryddain: A Long and Tenuous History

“Over 250 peoples are said to have taken part in the Council of Luden held in early to mid-411 AD to discuss the future of Sub-Roman Britannia. The Kings of Britannia, Roman prefects and governmental officials who had remained back in Britannia, Romano-Briton aristocrats and oligarchs of powerful families of the provinces came together to discuss the future of their home.


the historian St. Bede.

The Council of Lunden was inaugurated by Segovax, the Vexillifer of the Autemic Sect personally in one of the Amphitheaters of the former capital of Roman Britannia. According to the historian Bede who wrote Sub Britannia Romana Historia (History of Sub Roman Britannia) in the early 500s calls out by stating that Segovax opened the floor by trying to maintain unity within the new authorities of the island and Segovax reportedly implored the kings and aristocrats to remain united. From Paragraph 7 of Article 19 of Bede’s 7th chapter, he writes

……The Vexillifer came forward and opened his arms. His words calm but strong, speaking in a voice that reverberated around the small amphitheater. He attacked the belief that the new kings could go gallivanting on their own, breaking the unity of the island, and pointed out the proud kings of the Demetae, Cynwidion and Caer Went and spoke harshly about their territorial ambitions. He opened his arms wide and tall and spoke firmly “Britanni Sumus! United scelus sunt ad salutem! Nos dividitur in praedam cedent in Pcitos et Saxons Hyberniensium!” (We are Britons! United we are committed to our safety! Divided we shall fall prey to the Picts, Irishmen and Saxons!). The assembly still divided on the idea of unity looked enraptured by the man’s powerful voice and message. After that the idea of disunity was only championed by the foolish King of Demetae, Anwn Ddu who was committed to see himself carve an empire out in Cymru and Eire……..

King Andwn Ddu had been given his title by Magnus Maximus, the Roman Emperor before Honorius and he held massive prestige within the court, and despite the fact that he remained the sole proprietor for disunity, he was strong with his words, and his opposition to unity was very powerful according to old scripts. According one script, King Corotius of Dumnonia is said to have threatened Demetae with war and 10,000 spears to fall upon his kingdom if Andwn Ddu did not stop with his folly. King Meirchion Gul of Rheged promised the same if the foolish Cymrian [1] King did not stop in his endeavor for disunity. Faced with the prospect of armed resistance and opposition from two of the five great kingdoms of Britannia, Andwn Ddu stopped and settled down and reluctantly agreed for Briton unity within the isles.



The next topic after this was the idea of the government and how it would function. Britannia was riddled with subkingdoms and without the authority of Rome to settle matters and to rule over them, there came a need to keep the internal peace through a proper way of governance. Many kings raised the notion of an Emperor of Britannia, replicating their former Roman overlords, however this was rejected by the more conservative faction of the council, as they pointed out that Rome had betrayed Britannia, and as such Britannia would not imitate a betrayer of Briton interests. The leader of this faction was the ever slippery and the ever charismatic Vortigern. Vortigern was a wealthy Briton aristocrat, and had held titles of public office before the collapse of Roman rule in Britannia, and he was known for being a rapid traditionalist and conservative. However despite this, he was open, had a powerful talent for orating, and was very charismatic and many people fell to his charisma easily according to historical accounts.


a painting of Ambrosius Aurelianus

His point well taken the idea of a High King (like in Hibernia) or Grand Duke was also raised to become the head of the nation. However there was one problem for this. Who would become High King or Grand Duke? Choosing one king would alienate the other kings of Britannia. One Romano-Briton aristocrat, Ambrosius Aurelianus, a very wealthy Romano-Briton aristocrat who had previously been Procurator [2] of Britannia rose up and pointed out that it would futile to choose a High King or High Monarch for the isles, as it would simply alienate and anger the kings of Britannia who would felt slighted by the omission for their own choices. This was well recognized by the council. As such, Aurelianus brought forward a new idea. The idea of creating a title called the Consul of Britannia, who would be the head of the nation. Vortigern immediately attacked this idea, stating again that it would not be prudent to follow a Roman model. Aurelianus smoothly is said to have rebutted the statement by stating that in Rome, the Emperor was the highest authority unlike the Roman Republic which had been ruled by Consuls. He pointed out that by creating a Consul position in Britannia that would be the head of the nation, it would be slighting the now hated Romans. Vortigern accepted this. Aurelianus went on to explain further, stating that it would be prudent to set a term limit and an election procedure for the Consul. He advised that the Consul’s position be nominated by the Vexillifer, who would nominate a group of nominees from within the council. Then the council would vote on these nominees and the one which received the highest vote would become Consul of Britannia for a period of 7 years.

Aurelianus’s idea was well liked by many in the Council of Lunden. It would ensure that the Council, which now seemed that it would be a repeated affair, to retain their power. The Aristocrats, Oligarchs and Royals would all have their chance to rule, and the clergy were happy that they would be choosing the nominees, thus gaining indirect political authority in the new budding state. Aurelianus had maneuvered his idea to be politically acceptable to all sides within the council, a testament to his political acumen.

As the proposal was accepted by the Council of Lunden, Segovax was asked by Aurelianus to choose a total of 8 candidates among the ~250 to ~300 members of the council to be voted upon to become the first Consul of Britannia. According to Bede,

……..The middle aged Brigante Vexillifer looked around the amphitheater and began to mumble the names of prominent members within the council. After deliberation with some of the clergymen the Autemic Clergymen, he coughed into his fist and began to state the names that he nominated. He nominated King Cunneda of Gwynedd, King Corotius of Dumnonia, Vortigern, Constans, the son of the ill fated Constantine III, Ambrosius Aurelianus, Sextilius, the old Procurator of Eburacum, Cynbel, oligarch of Powys, and Owain, the Bishop of Dubris were spoken by the Vexillifer to be his favored nominees…….

All of the nominees were prominent members of sub-Roman Britannia and were powerful names in their own rights. However the ones which stood out, besides the royals, were Ambrosius Aurelianus, Constans, the son of Constantine III and Vortigern, all three powerful sections of the power factions within the council. Vortigern represented the conservative faction of the council whilst Ambrosius Aurelianus represented the pro-Roman and pro-Latin faction of the council whilst Constans represented the moderate faction of the council.

It is funny to note that in the following vote, Constans was voted in to become the first Consul of Britannia by the council, much to his own surprise according to historical texts. According to Bede,

……Vortigern was deemed to traditionalist and a hardliner and was undesirable in that regard. Ambrosius of House Aurelianus was regarded to pro-Rome for the growing anger against Rome to be comfortable with, and Constans showed a third path. Despite his fallen prestige due to his father’s ill fate in the mainland Constans was a powerful name in Britannia, and he held sway over much of the lands around Eburacum and he was adept both as a military commander and administrator. For many in the council, he was the best choice for a middle path in Britannia………


a bust of Constans I of Britannia

Constans became the first Consul of the ‘Kingdoms of Britannia’ and was named as Constans I of Britannia. The first day of the council of lunden ended on this high note, and it is said that Segovax dismissed the council and asked them to reconvene the next day and to lay in for the night. The next day the council reconvened. The council alongside Segovax and Constans I was going to decide the governmental structure of the Kingdoms of Britannia.

Constans I renamed the council which was decided to become a permanent feature to be the Senate of Britannia, with 70 seats reserved for the Kings of the prominent royals of the kingdom, around 120 families were represented in the council and as such was the number of seats reserved for aristocrats in the new senate. The new senate also represented around 60 prominent oligarchic families and as such was expected to reserve 60 seats for them. Around 15 seats were made for the clergy, headed by the Vexillifer. Around 100 appointed seats were arranged to be appointed by the Consul as well. Thus the first Senate of Britannia is said to have had around 360 members. The Senate’s sides expanded and contracted and vice versa a lot of times during history before being set in a single number centuries later after Constans I declared the Council of Lunden to be the Senate of the Kingdoms of Britannia.


a painting of the early Briton Senate

Constans I chose to become the patron of Autemic Christianity in the early days of the Kingdoms of Britannia. After the death of his father, and his disastrous attempt to gain the throne of Rome, he had been brought back to normal by the comfort that the Autemic Sect had managed to give him, and his patronage of the Autemic Church would go on to become a major reason as to why the Autemic Church became extremely powerful in Britannia later on.”


Structure of the new Briton government.

From Autemics: A Church with Historicity

“Constans I was a very religious man from all accounts. He was engaged in the growing Autemic Church and was very powerful in its early development. Pagans in Britannia, of the Druidic and Roman pagan faith, both, were happy to see Roman rule gone, as they believed that they would have a chance to regaining religious rites once again within the country, and Constans I, who is rumored to have been born to a pagan mother himself, was very conciliatory towards them as well. His conciliatory approach to the pagans served as Segovax’s 2nd Briton Ecumenical Council in late 411 AD. The 2nd Autemic/Briton Ecumenical Council laid down the following theological points in the growing Autemic faith:


a painting of the 2nd Briton Ecumenical Council.
  • The debate regarding the Holy Trinity entered the debate in the 2nd Ecumenical Council and the clergymen of Britannia soon became embroiled in the debate of the interpretation of the Trinity within the Autemic Church. At first many heretical ideas, such as propogating the greatness of the Son over the Father, or other such ideas, began to form within some of the clergymen, however Segovax quickly stamped down on it and instead reaffirmed the Autemic Sect's followship of the traditional interpretation of the Holy Trinity.
  • Dealing with the Autemic Church’s interpretation of Adam and Eve and the story of the Garden of Eden, the 2nd Ecumenical Council declared that the sin of Adam, as chronicled in the Book of Genesis had harmed only himself but not all of humanity. The ecumenical council reaffirmed the free will of humanity thus stating that god gave the power of free will to all men, not just Christians, in such a way that no one was forced into sin, and that they only did so due to their lapse of judgments or due to the whispers of Satan.
  • Though while the council did not openly and explicitly give permission to clerical marriage, it did speak in favor of it. Like its greek orthodox counterpart, the Autemic Church stated that It believed that Lust remained a great sin, however pointed out that every man and woman had the right to experience the ‘godly’ gift of love and being a parent. Though clerical marriage was only explicitly allowed by the Autemics in the 14th Ecumenical Autemic Council, the 2nd Council’s words in favor of clerical marriage was used by majority of the Autemic priests of Britannia who received ordinance to marry and have children and families of their own.

a statue of Segovax in the Chapel of St. Pelagius in Lunden

Like its predecessor, the 1st Briton Ecumenical Council, the second was just as much as a success. It further solidified the growing theological divergences between traditional Catholic Christianity and its own interpretation of Christianity. Whilst Innocent I remained tenuously allied with the Autemics, future Popes would soon take a hardline stance against Autemic Christianity due to its increasing divergent path from traditional catholic Christianity.”

From Briton Consuls: A History

“Constans I rule was met with immediate international problems. The first and foremost was that the Irish pirates were increasing the intensity of their piratic actions in the Ire Channel [3] and port cities in the west were being raided with frightening intensity and were disrupting Briton trade with some of the more calm Irish tribes in Hibernia. The Picts under the authority of Drest I had managed to re-instate a Pictish Confederation and were beginning to escalate their raids over the Hadrian’s Walls and were destroying northern Britannia with their raids. King Drest I made it an open promise that it was his intention to conquer Eburacum.


A painting of Drest I of the Picts.

Saxon raids into eastern Britannia and the coastline in the east had managed to burn down several coastal outposts and the leaders of Armorica [4] had taken the example of the Britons and had overthrown their roman officials and had entered open rebellion against Rome, without the luxury of having a channel between them and the Romans. Many Armorican leaders and tribe leaders, many of whom were Brythonic in origin and had Briton roots called out to their relatives in Britannia to aid their rebellion with some minor petty kings in Armorica swearing allegiance to Britannia if the Britons secured their independence. Unfortunately for the Armoricans, the issue with the Saxons, Picts and Hibernians took precedence and Constans I only managed to give aid to the Armoricans with some 5000 gold coins.

Constans I turned his attention against the coastal raiding conducted by the Hibernians and Saxons and decided that a proper navy was needed to defeat the raiders. Old decaying roman fleets some of which were still in Britannia were seized by Constans I and converted back to seagoing ships and were manned by armed sailors who were deployed in the Dead Sea [5] to fight against the Saxon raiders and the Ire Channel to fight against the Hibernian raiders. The early fleet was very ineffective and only managed to slow down the raiders for a few days at most, however it would lay the foundation for the third Consul of Britannia to expand them and create a proper fleet around three decades later.

Constans I tried to turn his attention against Drest I of the Picts, however he could not do so properly. Britannia did not have a proper monetary system anymore to pay the troops, and the troops who were disorganized and ill-managed, were not willing to fight for free. As such, Drest I managed to raid as far south as Cataractonium and looted the city and its riches, precariously close to Eburacum before the personal forces of the King of Rheged and King of Bryneich [6] drove Drest I out of the region and over Hadrian’s Wall once again.


Arian coins.

Constans I’s greatest achievement was to convince the Briton Senate in 412 AD to create a new monetary system in Britannia instead of using the Denarii remnants and simple weighted gold. The system of the Arian was established as the coin of Britannia which consisted of 80% Copper, 15% Tin and 5% silver. This mixture of metals was encouraged into the coinage to reduce the effects of inflation and preventing the depletion of coinage value. A proto exchange system was also arranged by Constans I who regulated the economy at 100 Arian which would equal 1 Aur. Aurs were coins made of 97% gold, made of North Britannian gold and Cymrian gold. This new coinage system allowed Britannia to have a coherent economy again. However the benefits of this new economical investment would only be found out after Constans I was deposed from power. Unfortunately for him, court intrigues were starting to crop up in the Kingdoms of Britannia.”


[1] –name of welsh ittl

[2] – chief financer of a province in the Roman Empire

[3] – Celtic Channel ittl

[4] – Brittany

[5] – North Sea ittl

[6] – Bernicia ittl
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The 5million will likely be reached sooner TTL you would imagine.
There was no societal collapse yet so I'd be surprised if the population actually dropped to 4 million as of yet TTL, esp. If they manage to keep the Roman administration going
Societal collapse hasn't happened. I guess you could say the fall of Britannia ittl happened in a manageable format.
Ok, I admit I'm not an expert of this time period, though so what exactly is the main POD that caused things to not end up like OTL?
Ok, I admit I'm not an expert of this time period, though so what exactly is the main POD that caused things to not end up like OTL?
It's more of a theological timeline with theological pods spirnkled in. As with the case of any religion, it has aftereffects on the local politics
Will Britannia call themselves Romans after the Western Empire falls? Also what effects will the new state among the beleaguered Romans on the continent? The pseudo return to Republican esp. might encourage some to try their luck rather than wait on the ineffective succession of Emperors.
Will Britannia call themselves Romans after the Western Empire falls? Also what effects will the new state among the beleaguered Romans on the continent? The pseudo return to Republican esp. might encourage some to try their luck rather than wait on the ineffective succession of Emperors.
It's a mixture of republican and monarchical rule. The kings and subkingdoms still exist and are very autonomous as evidenced by the fact that the king's armies pushed the Picts out. Kings can also become consuls. So really it's a mix. Not truly monarchical neither truly republican.
As for your question, no. The idea being spread is that Rome abandoned Britannia and betrayed it. They will not consider themselves Roman after the empire falls.
hm, how do you guys think these events will affect the Western Roman Empire?
A more nostalgic view of the Republican era? Stronger and more flexible Senate? Secession of Hispania along the Britannia lines without crowning a rival Emperor?

I think the greatest example Britannia enshrines is the inability of Rome to provide protection and that territories have to take in into their own hands.
A more nostalgic view of the Republican era? Stronger and more flexible Senate? Secession of Hispania along the Britannia lines without crowning a rival Emperor?

I think the greatest example Britannia enshrines is the inability of Rome to provide protection and that territories have to take in into their own hands.
perhaps. usurpers ittl may like the prospect of an independent kingdom for their own,
Will we have a situation with consoles will be regularly deposed at the same time we would also have leader who will be in power for decades. Or can the console be deposed by a vote of no confidence or his critical opposition can Ghana enough support to have them removed.
Will we have a situation with consoles will be regularly deposed at the same time we would also have leader who will be in power for decades. Or can the console be deposed by a vote of no confidence or his critical opposition can Ghana enough support to have them removed.
a mix of both.
no there is no system of vote of no confidence.
the Son was declared to be greater than the Father
This makes no theological sense. The One begotten of the Father before all ages cannot be by definition greater than the One who his origin, they are of one in essence (homoousios) and as such Christ would while being a separate person be just as much God as the Father is God as the Holy Spirit is God. To reduce the Father in Stature is to reduce the Godhead to an Illogical morass.

This goes against all agreeements found in the Council of Nikea which Pelagius and all British Bishops would have had to affirm in order to be confirmed a bishop in the first place. This isn’t just Celtic Christianity in Schism with the main branch like was advertised, its a blatant Heresy that would have been condemned by multiple different Bishops both without and within the British Isles.

This is really disappointing because there had been a perfectly good branch of Christianity on the isles that could have been used rather than this heretical hodgepodge that would have been condemned even as it was first proposed.