alternate christianity

  1. What If Judas Iscariot is made/canonized as a holy saint in Christianity, especially by catholicism and/or other denominations?

    This question, idea and concept has been bugging me for a long while now ever since I've read this amazing graphic novel and it's different perspective/take of christian theology/story and lore. This...
  2. A Light Shines East: A Christian Persia TL
    Threadmarks: Establishment of the Church

    From “A History of the Apostolic Church” by Afshin Khorami While it was during the ministry of Jesus that Christianity was born, it was after His death that the young Christian community began to truly grow into something of its own. Simply due to its origins in Judea, most of the early...
  3. Kurd Gossemer

    King of Kings by the Grace of God: A Christian Persia TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Dreams are Made, Winding Through My Head

    “Shapur… Shapur my son, I ask of thee to once again free my flock.” It was that same ethereal voice again that Shapur had been hearing louder and louder in his dreams, it was a powerful but still very gentle voice and it reminded the monarch of the archery lessons with his father Ardashir...
  4. AHQ: alternate new testament

    The codification of the New Testament was a process that took three centuries and during which the inclusion or exclusion of multiple books was debated and even today there is controversy about some of the books in it, so I would like to ask if you could choose the books that were accepted and...
  5. Developments of the Catholic church in cut-off Norse America?

    In a land already on the very fringes of the Catholic world but now completely cut off from the Old World thanks to the little ice age, how would the Catholic church and its institutions develop in a successful Vinland scenario without any communication with Rome or even Scandinavia? How...
  6. Oba Cahokia

    Would I or II Enoch be most likely accepted as Universal Canon in Bible?

    The Book of Enoch is the most infamous of all the books left out of the Bible with Ethiopia and Eritrea the only churches having it in their canon. But there are also churches in the Slavic world who had the affection of II Enoch and their is evidence of this version being written in Coptic. So...
  7. AHC: Nestorian chinese

    So I've been reading about the history of Christianity in East Asia and I've been thinking, what if the Nestorian Christians were able to create a lasting community in China? It is not necessary that they convert all of China to Christianity, simply that they become an "ethnicity"* like the Hui...
  8. Oba Cahokia

    How different would Protestant Christianity be if the Deuterocanonical Books weren't removed from the Protestant Bible?

    I grew up Methodist and currently or leaning towards converting into the Coptic Orthodox Church and I've noticed that their Bible contains books that aren't in most Protestant Bibles called the Deuterocanonical Books (Baruch, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Sirach, Tobit and Wisdom). The Prayer of...
  9. Oba Cahokia

    WI Persia reclaimed it's Western domains from Rome before Jesus' Birth?

    Original Map by u/--Faris-- on Reddit How would this Effect Religion in Rome and Persia? How different would the Gospels be ITTL? How does effect religion and cultures in Armenia and Ethiopia, the oldest states to adopt Christianity? How different would Christianity be?
  10. A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia
    Threadmarks: Foundations of the Church

    From “History of the Apostolic Church” by Afshin Khorrami Even after the death(and some say resurrection) of that certain man from Nazareth, the young religion of Christianity continued to gain new members in spite of official persecution. The young church ran into increasing issues with its...
  11. PolishMagnet

    What would Western Christendom look like if the Gregorian Reforms failed?

    Let's say Pope Gregory VII dies shortly after taking office. HRE Emperor Henry IV is able to seize the day and wins the investiture controversy, and the Gregorian Reforms never happen. Notable effects: -Conciliarism reigns? Pope is not supreme and can even be opposed by Ecumenical Councils...
  12. The Way of the Righteous: An Alternate Christianity Timeline

    The sky stretched like an ocean over Damascus, deep hues of blue and purple stained pink and orange by the rising sun. The sandstone of the buildings was a muted violet, reflecting the sun. The cobblestone glistened in the light. A house, tucked away on a distant street. An oil lamp glowed...
  13. The History of the Alexandrian Creed or: The Slap Heard 'Round the (Christian) World
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: A Slap Too Far

    "The heretic is always better dead. And mortal eyes cannot distinguish the saint from the heretic." -George Bernard Shaw Chapter I: A Slap Too Far The sound of the palm of Nicholas of Myra hitting the cheek of Arius of Alexandria echoed through the council chamber at Nicaea, followed...
  14. Sarthak

    Imperator Germanorum: The Legacy of Arminius
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Imperator Germanorum: The Legacy of Arminius Prologue “The boy is something else. He will go places, just like his father.” – Flavus, Brother of Arminius I, Liberator of Germania *** Excerpts from ‘The Son of Arminius: Limits of an Empire’ by Andreas Adrikonos. “In order to truly...
  15. Sarthak

    Christians of the North: A Tale of Celtic Christianity
    Threadmarks: Prologue - Introduction

    Christians of the North: A Tale of Celtic Christianity Prologue: They Are Barbarians *** Little antlered one, little belling one, melodious little bleater, sweet the lowing that you make in the glen. Apple tree, little apple tree, violently everyone shakes you. Rowan, little berried one...
  16. Maetel

    Excerpts from the 2nd Gospel of the Russians: Nativity of the Daughter (English via Old Slavonic from Upper Permic Isolate original)

    The fires were lit in all the nations that drank of the Yellow Mother Emese, Her Love and Magnificence. Laying with Her the Crown took the Immanence offered or spurned It, alike after all in a mixture of silvery blue-grey was the Limitless Light burned into the Kingdom that was embraced in His...
  17. Ari Bellerose

    A different Biblical canon.

    As a non-religious Christian, I find it awesome to speculate the possibilities of an alternate Church from the one we know today. Obviously, the formation of the canon of the Bible is a very important part of Church history, but what if the canon we know today was so very different (larger or...
  18. water123

    AHC: Largest Possible Biblical Canon

    With a POD after the death of Christ, make the cannon of the Bible to include as many works as possible. My thought is to have it determined that the Holy Spirit inspires the text as you read it, thus what may seem like heresies might just not be inspired portions. Thus, you can throw in the...