Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

BP Booker

Get your Ron Paul gifs out people, cause we're going all the way.

Jackson’s personal aide and political protege, Purple Heart recipient and interventionist activist John Kerry became a tireless campaigner for Johnson, and announced his own candidacy for the House in his native Massachusetts’ third congressional district.
Damn. I should have suggested this when the idea came to me. In a hypothical scenario where Jackson leaves the Senete in the early 70s (either to become VP or become Sec of State), I wanted to suggest Kerry winning his old seat via special election. He would have been old enough in 1974.
Truman finally did what President Kennedy had been reluctant to do, and gave his endorsement to LBJ via a written statement to the delegates in Miami. The statement, which was met by thunderous applause when read by Congressman Wilbur Mills (D - AR) on the floor of the convention, was the death knell for the campaigns of the other candidates, and everyone at the Convention Center knew it.
This is a real "From Hell's heart I stab at thee" moment, considering Truman did not want Kennedy to become President
Congresswoman Chisholm was already being drafted as a potential VP candidate by her delegates, and a black woman from the north on the ticket could go a long way toward helping counter claims that Johnson wasn’t progressive enough
Those delegates where out of their fucking minds if they really tought putting a far-left black woman from NYC was going to win the day in 1972, specially on a year that was all about re-installing the Democratic one-party-states in the South via a poor white coaliion with AA population. And Im the guy over thinking Andrew Young 88 is an actual posibility
LBJ won't even be alive for the Inauguration.
Just give me two more years, LBJ can drop dead January 1975 and I will die a happy man.
John Glenn? Sterling choice.

Go LBJ! If he can convince '70s Tennessee to support him on an openly anti-Jim Crow platform like that, he can convince the country.

Truman's last hurrah is awesome.
Those delegates where out of their fucking minds if they really tought putting a far-left black woman from NYC was going to win the day in 1972, specially on a year that was all about re-installing the Democratic one-party-states in the South via a poor white coaliion with AA population. And Im the guy over thinking Andrew Young 88 is an actual posibility
Yeah, Chisholm was fucked OTL as well, but that she could win any primaries at all is a huge bellweather. It looks like race relations are healing more quickly TTL. Hopefully that rat bastard Reagan will be kept out of office so that things stay that way.
Just give me two more years, LBJ can drop dead January 1975 and I will die a happy man.
Two years of LBJ? I'd hate to be a Senator on the fence for those two years.

BP Booker

Mean Democrats:

So the candidates are now set: LBJ/Glenn vs George H.W. Bush/Reagan. I think in all honestly it's going to come down to whether the US joins the Rhodesian War and whether Reagan blows it and ends up screwing things up for Bush. Either could play a huge role in giving the Presidency to LBJ (the later much more than the former though, considering LBJ is the Democratic Candidate and he doesn't seem so anti-war), but as of right now, the ball is in Bush's corner.
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I know it's been mentioned a few times, but I'd like to reiterate for those in the cheap seats:

LBJ's OTL death is not going to line up with his death ITTL.

LBJ had four years of Vietnam, nationwide protests, constant fights to get every piece of legislation passed, the Six-Day War and the sinking of the Liberty, riots in major cities, JFK, RFK and MLK all being killed, a fight to elevate Abe Fortas that failed....he had been through the wringer, and then he went home, smoke and drank himself to death.

In this timeline, he's taken better care of his health, had some time out of office, no Vietnam, no protests hounding him, none of the stressors that made him keel over. While he may not have a strong heart, he's not on the verge of death either. He was a pretty young man when he died, relatively so, a mere 64, and that was after eight years of abuse hurled upon his body. I think he's good until about 70, though a lot of that would depend upon whether he won the Presidency, and if so, how divisive and ugly it were.

That being said, I had a feeling things were going to go here, that Democrats were gonna fight Texas with Texas, and I'm sure you're gonna hear a lot in this campaign about a carpetbagger being in the Oval. ;)
Well, that was some dirty politics right there, but now we've got LBJ finally having a chance to achieve his dreams. Of course, that will be an uphill battle, considering the united feeling of rallying under the flag for the GOP. There would have to be a very nasty scandal to combat it.

Also, interesting to see Bobby become more passionate due to losing to LBJ. President Bobby for 1980!


Monthly Donor
Mr. President, wonderful update as always! I might just have to jump on the LBJ bandwagon if anyone can come up with a compelling argument as to why I should.

Will [Pinochet] feature in the TL? I don't think he'll come to power ITTL.

Oh dear god please no

On the suggestion of Senate Majority Whip and faithful ally Russell Long, Johnson finally made the offer to Ohio Senator and former Mercury Program Astronaut John Glenn. A no nonsense moderate with a strong reputation for deal-making, common sense, and good natured governance since his arrival in the Senate in 1964, Glenn also had the added benefits of starpower, being from a crucial swing state, and a personal friend and close ally of Bobby Kennedy. Though not satisfying to everyone at the convention, especially hippies and anti-war activists who demonstrated outside the convention center despite the Florida heat, the ticket was the result of a long and tumultuous struggle. “The finest steel,” Johnson said in his acceptance speech when talking about the race ahead. “Is forged in the hottest fire. Senator Glenn and I had to fight to earn this nomination, but it has shown the American people that we've been through the fire and we can take the heat! Let our opponents in November claim the same, and we’ll prove ‘em wrong!” The arena filled with chants of “LBJ! LBJ!” and Bobby Kennedy, forlorn, hid his face from the television cameras by kissing Ethel’s cheek. The race for the White House was on.

Depending on how things go, I might get my wish for President John Glenn after all. I won't make any other wishes, since right now I sort of like both candidates and parties.

Also no helicopter memes forty years down the line

Unless we reach peak irony and have Pinochet either fall from one or die in a helicopter crash, this is probably for the best.

John Glenn? Sterling choice.

I second this sentiment.
A shame Muskie lost, and would not cooperate with LBJ, despite the nasty things LBJ did - Muskie/LBJ would have been a killer ticket.

Chisholm strikes me as someone to watch out for in the future.

Is Glenn becomes VP does he have any influence over NASA's development, budget and chief Admin? That could change the 70's.

Given Star Trek got season 4, then that should air just as the show got VERY popular on syndication- I could see a movie, and Season 5+, but also a change of personnel. If it comes out Roddenberry was stealing and selling film cels for example he's out. Shatner or Nimoy might walk in fear of stereotyping. Is it too soon for a Captain Sulu to take the Big Chair?
I think LBJ's foreign policy (if he wins) will be even more of a calamity than OTL. If he survives one term, he will lose re-election and give down as one of the worst Presidents of all time as there is no Great Society.

No one can really disagree that Vietnam, which was massively escalated by LBJ, was a catastrophe. In BSiC, there is the potential for him to intervene in Rhodesia, Laos, Vietnam and go back into Cambodia. The only thing which kind of saved his Presidency was the Great Society and the CRA, which JFK has already done. Oh and an economic crisis is on the way. I hope he learns from William Henry Harrison and we get President John Glenn.

This of course assumes that he somehow beats Bush.