Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

That WOULD be fun to see.

From what I've heard there is a photo of the two together at a convention in 87.

Another reason I like Orson Welles as Vader is because Welles' career was in decline by that point (he was doing commercials for cheap wine). Star Wars could give him a bit of a comeback even if he only has 8 years to enjoy it.
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After seeing "Mank" on Friday (I highly recommend it) in no way should GL allow Orson any kind of suggestions or imply that he has any kind of control! I figure Orson would treat the role much like Unicorn, where he later stated he was basically bored or whatever he said. I'm convinced given any kind of leash by GL---Welles would get a big ego centric and create issues for George. Like I joked about a while back, Speilberg talking to GL: "Orson's great, just as long as you're careful not to give him any creative control on anything...and I do mean anything. Have fun with him. Just don't let him gain any kind of control." "Okay Steven."
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The guy was doing commercials for cheap wine and frozen peas. Even if he thought it beneath him he'd be grateful for something more than THAT. Being in the big hit of the 70s would give him some credibility back, and maybe even help him get funding for projects.