Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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Rescue of American Embassy hostages in Iran

The Iranian Hostage Crisis was an important point in American post-war history. Conventional sources will tell you President Jimmy Carter's failure to release the hostages played a pivotal role in his defeat in the presidential election of 1980, ushering in the Reagan Revolution. In actual fact, however, the story is different.

In October, with public opinion of the administration at an all-time low, President Carter and a number of his military aides devised a final, last-ditch, plan to rescue the hostages still in Iran. A team of army commandos would enter the compound where the hostages were located, free them before loading the hostages on an Army plane to return to a safe place in Turkey, where they would be personally met by President Carter. Originally, the plan looked like it would work out fine. However, in late October, a number of unrelated events meant the Army force due to take part in the actual mission dwindled. With President Carter ready at the base on the 1st, unfortunate news came in - the plane carrying the last 10 men ready to take part in the rescue had taken off too early, stranding them in a remote airport in rural Turkey. With no other way of freeing the hostages, and circumstances meaning they would be unable to wait for the last men to make their way to the safe house, Jimmy Carter himself volunteered to complete the mission he had been planning for months. Flying in a small plane (his plane flying skills were unknown to the general public and still are to this day), he landed in the outskirts of Tehran early in the morning, he would sneak in, armed with one rifle, releasing the hostage who could them commandeer the plane he arrived in before he would flee and disappear into Tehran to be picked up by midnight.

At around 2am, Carter landed the plane in the Tehran outskirts before, under the cover of darkness, heading towards the place the hostages were kept. Helped by sympathetic locals, he would enter the building around sunrise, mingling in with the hostages. He quietly explained to the hostages the plan to escape before finding a way out. Finally, at around 11am, a mass breakout was staged while Carter exchanged gunfire with the soldiers guarding the hostages. The hostage-takers were reportedly surprised by both Carter's appearance and his combat abilities. While most of the hostage-takers were pre-occupied with trying to fight Jimmy Carter, the hostages dispersed before managing to find the plane and escaping Tehran. As chaos erupted, Carter fled into the streets of Tehran, before being rescued himself late at night.

However, the Reagan presidential campaign team became aware of the rescue of the hostages. Knowing that public knowledge of both the rescue and Jimmy Carter's personal involvement would, for sure, lose the GOP the election. They conspired with both the American military and the Iranian revolutionaries to cover up the event, deciding the official 'release' of the hostages would occur during Reagan's inauguration. Carter's rescue of the hostages would be covered up for over 30 years, but there are whisperings of the true events on November 1st. Maybe, one day, the public will know of President Carter's part in the freeing of the hostages.

Truthpedia - Informing you what actually happened
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Rescue of American Embassy hostages in Iran
You don't shimmy the Jimmy.

Edmund Gerald "Jerry" Brown Jr. is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States. A member of the Democratic Party, Brown previously served as the 34th Governor of California.

Jerry Brown began his political career during his college years at the University of California Berkeley, where he chaired his father's successful campaign for Governor. Brown began working with the California Democratic Party, and he became it's first chairman shortly after leaving college in 1965. He served in that position for nine years before resigning to run for Governor. Elected governor in 1974 at age 36, Brown was the youngest California governor in 111 years. Brown ran for President in 1980, and his youth and charisma won over many in the Democratic Party, and he was nominated for President. He selected Pennsylvania Governor Fred Rogers as his vice presidential running mate, and the ticket won in a landslide against General Curtis LeMay.

As President, Brown was focused on the Sino-Soviet War, which continued to be fought to a bloody stalemate. Vice President Rogers was sent to Moscow and Beijing to mediate an agreement, famously proclaiming that "Our world is one big neighborhood. We shouldn't destroy it in something as evil as nuclear war.". In 1982, faced with inner protests throughout the war and unstable domestic tensions, the Chinese and Soviet governments agreed to meet for a peace deal in Stockholm, Sweden. After months of negotiations, the Sino-Soviet War officially ended with the Stockholm Treaty. President Brown hailed the treaty as a success. The Democratic Party made big gains in the 1982 midterms. However, his popularity would not last. In early 1984, the Turkish government was overthrown in a coup. The new government was communist, and supported by the Soviet Union. Turkey started mass raids on American bases that were present in Turkey, and President Brown's ineffectiveness at dealing with the crisis led to the perception that he was weak. Brown ran for re-election, but he lost in a landslide against Senator Arnold McIntyre.

In his post-presidency, Brown has been a vocal proponent of world peace. His work with his predecessor, Fred Trump, on ending nuclear war became famous around the world. Brown died unexpected on March 6th, 2015 of a stroke, at his estate in San Francisco, California.
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Sharkodiles (also referred to as croco-sharks, crocsharks, jawswalkers (in Australia), and landsharks (in New York City)) are a unique species of reptile that shares biological features with both crocodiles and mackerel sharks, particularly the Great White shark. As such, they resemble a combination of a shark and a crocodile. The sharkodile belongs to the class Chondrireptilies (from Greek chondri- ‘cartilage’, and reptile (Latin repere, ‘to creep’), thus meaning ‘creeping cartilage’), which shares notable and noticeable similarities with the Reptilia and Chondrichthyes classes.

The average sharkodile has a body similar to a crocodile, except with a head similar to that of a shark, rows of shark-like fins running along its back, and a vertical tail that moves side-to-side, again like that of a shark. With an average length of 18-23 feet and an average weight of 900-1,200 pounds upon reaching adulthood, the sharkodile is an apex predator in its natural habitat (ocean, inland bodies of water, coastlines, marshes, swamps, etc). Sharkodiles tend to keep to coastlines not too far from the equator, but have been known to swim farther out to sea when food becomes scarce. The estimated lifespan of the average sharkodile is 80-110 years. Strong hearts; undeterminable high intelligence; a diverse diet of sea plants, sea animals, land plants and land animals; strong scales and cartilage; quick reflexes and a nervous system that is remarkably strong threshold to pain all contribute to this lifespan.

The sharkodile is considered to be a very dangerous creature to humans, and there are large sections of coastline across the world, known to be beaching areas for the creatures, to which only approved officials are allowed access. Sharkodiles can swim significantly faster than an average crocodile, with even quicker jaws. They can move at speeds up to 25 miles an hour when on dry land, on which the sharkodile can survive for up to ten hours before needing to return to the water. Furthermore, while having difficulty climbing, they make up for it by being surprisingly good at jumping; in the water, the average-sized adult sharkodile can jump to as high as 10-15 feet out of the water, mainly to consume birds flying overhead. Attempts to maintain any sharkodile(s) in captivity have all ended in failure, often with fatalities involved. Regardless, scientists are fascinated with the sharkodile’s tough exterior and pain resistance, and wish to learn more about them and how such knowledge can be applied to the fields of medicine, security/protection, and military weaponry/defense, along with possibly other fields.
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Voix du peuple, voix fasciste

While Canadian Fascism has never found a massive audience, it would be a lie to say that it never had its strengths. Indeed, its best days were in the 30s and 40s, soon after the Winnipeg Pact in which the Three Wise Men of the movement (William Whittaker of the Canadian Nationalist Party, Chuck Crate of the Canadian Union of Fascists, and most importantly, Adrien Arcand of the National Socialist Christian Party) formed an electoral pact. Arcand, who moved away from Nazi-ism after the failure of Adolf Hitler in Germany, quickly leapfrogged the two other men to head the movement as each party operated in different areas (the disestablishment of the CUF meant that Arcand's branch operated in the East and Whittaker's in the West). Though they started out on an even spread votes-wise, within a decade it became clear where they lied in the country. Whittaker's message of corporatist fascism endeared him to voters in British Columbia, where the CNP won up to as many as five seats a piece, while Arcand's brand of fascism through a cultural and catholic lens really endeared him to voters in Quebec, where the National Socialists tended to do incredibly well outside of the national average). However, the stretch of success ended in the late 50s, when the federal Progressive Conservatives adopted a hard right platform of anti-communism and immigration restrictions. The decline of the Deutscher Bund Kanada, who had before served as good boogeymen for Whittaker's crew to distance themselves from, also heralded a slowdown in momentum. Arcand always kept his personality cult up, but the CNP took the hit the most as their voteshare was swept up by the Social Credit party. Their paramilitary organisation, the Blueshirts, also attracted negative press for funneling party money into private projects and for allegedly hiring petty criminals for gruntwork.

Upon Arcand's death in 1967, the party scrambled to find a new direction. It was sitting in the doldrums and was well on its way to bankruptcy. Then came along the young Austro-Canadian Businessman Frank Stronach along with Harvard Professor and hardline right wing 'personalist' Pierre Trudeau. Stronach was not a fascist himself, but was fine with imbuing the friends within the party with a few dollars worth of funds. Trudeau, meanwhile, was considered somewhat anathema to the party in his opposition to the core tenancies of fascism. He was a libertarian who advocated his strange brand of expressionist conservatism, marked by devotion to the individual. The internal organs of the party were still deeply rooted in the Arcandist belief in the strength of the church and the cleric in enforcing the rule of law, as well as the ultimate goal of the abolition of the self and replacement with the 'greater good' of the state. Trudeau was invited in with a great deal of caution, and he proceeded to utterly revamp the party of old. First reform was to delink the Quebecois faction from the national party. This new provincial party was to be called 'Voix du Québec' in a sop to the untapped Quebecois nationalist vote that had been taken for granted by the Liberals and Union Nationale. Second was the controversial decision to merge the two national parties into one 'National Unity Party' and put the Whittakerist-Arcandist differences to bed in internal party conference votes. Third was to drop the Mussolini apologism for the dear love of Jesus (it was getting old).

Trudeau declined an opportunity to lead the NUP or VdQ, and instead spent years regretting his role in rejuvenating the movement. The VdQ was able to outpace the Quebecois CCF in 1972's general election, though Liberal Premier René Lévesque was safe in his position for years to come. However, this would also be the high watermark of VdQ's success for some years. The 1985 Quebecois Sovereignty Referendum brought them back into the mainstream as their new leader Jean-Baptiste Breaux campaigned ardently in favour of independence (which still rankled with some of the leadership, who were in support of Arcand's 'Fascism in One Canada'). The referendum was defeated by a narrow margin, but the hunger for Quebecois Independence grew among softer supporters who ended up going to VdQ en masse, signalled by their impressive third place finish in 1990. Then, the Malaise hit with all fascist parties and they tumbled down due to a slew of scandals keeping the party underwater. Montreal remained one of the party's strongest areas, the eastern equivalent of Winnipeg. Today, the more moderate leadership of charisma-machine Francois Dupeux has seen the party spike in the Assembly. The Blueshirts devote most of their time to charity work, but rumours of their indiscretions surface here and there. There is even talk of Andronicus Arcand, an alleged grandson of the 'Great Adrien', forcing the reigns and leading the party to its first victory. The concern there is that the old pre-Trudeau beliefs are returning in bulk. Even some of the members are voicing worry at some of party President Yvonne Pascal's beliefs, rumoured to include the fated 'abolition of the self'.

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Note that no person present in the picture is a true Homo sapiens, for they no longer exist in their basic form.

Now is the winter of the world's discontent, and this is especially true in Andarktika, where long winters are a normal phenomenon. 3017 is a year of political discontent, too, as on this year the next Korporal of Andarktika will be elected. Korporal is an ancient title, dating back to the 21st Century and originating from the Far North; nonetheless, this title, first given to a penguin whose existence and sapience were questionable, has been turned to a full-blown political title back in the homeland of the black-and-white flightless birds.

The current Korporal of Andarktika is Kir Tchobutoff, born 3 June 2979. A sharp-dressed Magellanian penguin, Kir was born in the humble city of Frontera, which wasn't even exactly on the continent of Andarktika, but was part of the state. Kir has worked as a krill farmer and has accumulated enough money to move to the big city. Melkano, a coastal city was the perfect new home for a coastal penguin, and Kir Tchobutoff would become its chief on 3000, but not before marrying Madryn Kiraaw, a local actress in a theatre.

As of currently, Kir Tchobutoff is Korporal, having been so for six years. As always, Kir Tchobutoff is the champion of Fochurlar and its progressivist, technocratic ideas. But will he be able to hold out against new opponents, such as Minzel Imperio of the Kontinentaliyans (Continental Alliance) and Migo Adeline of the Andarktaroz (Andarktic Rose)? We will learn soon on the Election Day.
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In his post-presidency, Brown has been a vocal proponent of world peace. His work with his predecessor, Fred Trump, on ending nuclear war became famous around the world. Brown died on March 6th, 2015, at his estate in San Francisco, California.

Why did Brown die at a relatively young age? Any particular reason?
Rescue of American Embassy hostages in Iran

The Iranian Hostage Crisis was an important point in American post-war history. Conventional sources will tell you President Jimmy Carter's failure to release the hostages played a pivotal role in his defeat in the presidential election of 1980, ushering in the Reagan Revolution. In actual fact, however, the story is different.

In October, with public opinion of the administration at an all-time low, President Carter and a number of his military aides devised a final, last-ditch, plan to rescue the hostages still in Iran. A team of army commandos would enter the compound where the hostages were located, free them before loading the hostages on an Army plane to return to a safe place in Turkey, where they would be personally met by President Carter. Originally, the plan looked like it would work out fine. However, in late October, a number of unrelated events meant the Army force due to take part in the actual mission dwindled. With President Carter ready at the base on the 1st, unfortunate news came in - the plane carrying the last 10 men ready to take part in the rescue had taken off too early, stranding them in a remote airport in rural Turkey. With no other way of freeing the hostages, and circumstances meaning they would be unable to wait for the last men to make their way to the safe house, Jimmy Carter himself volunteered to complete the mission he had been planning for months. Flying in a small plane (his plane flying skills were unknown to the general public and still are to this day), he landed in the outskirts of Tehran early in the morning, he would sneak in, armed with one rifle, releasing the hostage who could them commandeer the plane he arrived in before he would flee and disappear into Tehran to be picked up by midnight.

At around 2am, Carter landed the plane in the Tehran outskirts before, under the cover of darkness, heading towards the place the hostages were kept. Helped by sympathetic locals, he would enter the building around sunrise, mingling in with the hostages. He quietly explained to the hostages the plan to escape before finding a way out. Finally, at around 11am, a mass breakout was staged while Carter exchanged gunfire with the soldiers guarding the hostages. The hostage-takers were reportedly surprised by both Carter's appearance and his combat abilities. While most of the hostage-takers were pre-occupied with trying to fight Jimmy Carter, the hostages dispersed before managing to find the plane and escaping Tehran. As chaos erupted, Carter fled into the streets of Tehran, before being rescued himself late at night.

However, the Reagan presidential campaign team became aware of the rescue of the hostages. Knowing that public knowledge of both the rescue and Jimmy Carter's personal involvement would, for sure, lose the GOP the election. They conspired with both the American military and the Iranian revolutionaries to cover up the event, deciding the official 'release' of the hostages would occur during Reagan's inauguration. Carter's rescue of the hostages would be covered up for over 30 years, but there are whisperings of the true events on November 1st. Maybe, one day, the public will know of President Carter's part in the freeing of the hostages.

View attachment 315240

Truthpedia - Informing you what actually happened
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Rescue of American Embassy hostages in Iran

Obviously, this means:

~English translation of a Sanskrit sentence recorded by a Tanzaian Ship surveying lake Malawi.


The Buddha of Lake Malawi (Swahili: Buddha ya Ziwa Nyasa, Chichewa: Buddha wa Nyanja Malawi, Portuguese: Buda do Lago Niassa) is a monumental stone statue located at the bottom of Lake Malawi, between Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique. The 44-meter tall statue, rumored to be a an animate and sentient being, is described as similar in style to the destroyed Buddhas of Bamiyan.


Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926) is a gestalt-entity made of four Pembroke Welsh Corgis, which has since 6 February 1952 reigned over 32 countries overall: it currently reigns over the United Kingdom of England and Wales, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, New Zealand, Saint Lucia, The Bahamas, and Tuvalu, and also serves as Head of the Commonwealth.

Y E T • A N O T H E R • S E C R E T • S E R I E S
The dirtiest secrets from Twenty Minutes into the Bizzaro-future.

Past Boxes:
The Federally-Administered Mountain Territories
Chief Ministers of Equestria
Assassination of Pathfinder Kenneighdy-Tart, Red Bolt
The Slovenian Gem Genocide, Hosni Mubarak
The 2024-5 Canadian Constitutional Crisis
Queen Elizabeth I, The Lake Malawi Buddha
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Obviously, this means:

~English translation of a Sanskrit sentence recorded by a Tanzaian Ship surveying lake Malawi.



Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; born 21 April 1926) is a gestalt-entity made of four Pembroke Welsh Corgis, which has since 6 February 1952 reigned over 32 countries overall: it currently reigns over the United Kingdom of England and Wales, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, New Zealand, Saint Lucia, The Bahamas, and Tuvalu, and also serves as Head of the Commonwealth.

Y E T • A N O T H E R • S E C R E T • S E R I E S
The dirtiest secrets from Twenty Minutes into the Bizzaro-future.

Past Boxes:
The Federally-Administered Mountain Territories
Chief Ministers of Equestria
Assassination of Pathfinder Kenneighdy-Tart, Red Bolt
The Slovenian Gem Genocide, Hosni Mubarak
The 2024-5 Canadian Constitutional Crisis
Queen Elizabeth I, The Lake Malawi Buddha

Huh. Is the Lake Malawi Buddha a SCP?
How did no one notice it was missing for over a month?
So the tower was intended to be easily dismantled since it was planned to be only for the World's Fair. Apparently in the 60's De Gaulle and the Mayor of Montreal made a deal to ship the tower for the 67 Expo in Canada, but the City of Paris refused to allow the deal. Here the deal goes through, the tower is dismantled, put on a boat. The boat is hijacked and is never seen again.
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