Albion, where the Sun never set

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How was the House of Bourbon-Grimaldi created?

Does Ferdinand still become Tsar of Bulgaria?

What’s going on with the Åland Islands?

What is the tiny microstate on the island of Sardinia?

What was the first royal wedding to be televised, Albish or otherwise?

What's happening with Miskita?

Who is current longest reigning monarch that is living?

When will (hopefully) the third and last part of the Imperial Kingdoms update come out?
How was the House of Bourbon-Grimaldi created?
Quite similarly to how the House of Habsburg-Lorrained was created in OTL, actually.

A basic run-through of the house is that, unlike OTL, the French Bourbons lasted much longer, with Henry V having children with his ITTL wife, Marie Antoinette "II" of France (ITTL daughter of Marie-Thérèse, the eldest daughter and child of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette "I").
The comparison to the Hapsburgs comes with the ITTL added generations, as they had a mix of bad luck on the genetics department and a lack of males, with Marie Antoinette "II" having two surviving sisters while she and Henry V had a total of five surviving children, of whom only one (posthumously recognized as "Charles XI of France") was male.
Charles XI was an ill man mostly known for gaining the title of "Co-Prince of Andorra" in the aftermath of WWI (which was passed from the Head of State of France to the seniormost heir of Henry IV), who only had one son, Louis IV Alphonse[1] of Provence (also known as "Louis XX of France") who, again due to bad luck, was wracked by congenital diseases inherited from his father and only had a pair of twin daughters.
Said daughters, in turn, were made his heirs of Provence and Andorra, and both married minor members of the House of Grimaldi, creating the House of Bourbon-Grimaldi together.

[1] The Provencal Monarchy only counts the rulers of the Kingdom of Lower Burgundy (also known as the "Kingdom of Provence") from between 855 and 933 when counting its monarchs

Interestingly, ITTL most Legitimists recognize the Orleans Branch of the House of Bourbon as beign the legitimate heirs to the French Throne, as unlike OTL relations between the branches of the French Bourbons were mended (mainly through marriages)
Does Ferdinand still become Tsar of Bulgaria?
Nope, ITTL it was Kirill Vladmirovich of Russia who gained the Bulgarian throne.
Ferdinand ITTL became known for being Belgium's first Prince Consort, as although he married Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon-Parma as his first wife like OTL, unlike OTL he, due to living at the Hapsburg court most of the time, ended up remarrying for love in 1902 to the 22-years-younger Archduchess Marie Stéphanie of Austria, who in 1907 became heiress to the Belgian throne.
What’s going on with the Åland Islands?
The are an autonomous part of Finland, similar to OTL. Unlike OTL they are marked for having a markedly different government from mainland Finland.
So, @Analytical Engine, here's another place were the government is both a monarchy and a republic, as the Aland Islands are a fully fledged presidential republic that also recognizes the Finnish monarch as its ruler
What is the tiny microstate on the island of Sardinia?
Thats the Kingdom of Tavolara, which is a fully fledged microstate ITTL
What was the first royal wedding to be televised, Albish or otherwise?
In first royal wedding to have any part filmed was the marriage of the future Emperor Heny and Mary of Teck (as one of her brothers was acquainted with the wife of Louis Le Prince, and bought his technology after the man disappeared in 1890), with the couple's leaving of Westminster Abbey being recorded.
The first royal wedding to be filmed from start to finish was the marriage of Tsesarevich Alexander (future Alexander II) of Alyaska to Princess Saraphine of Oregon in 1925.
And the first royal wedding to be televised was the marriage of Crown Prince Reginald Kamehameha of Hawaii (future Kamehameha IX) to Princess Beatrice Keanolani Robinson-Astor in 1951
What's happening with Miskita?
This one is complicated enough for me to have plans to do an entire post on the matter, but a simplified version is:

"Unlike OTL, Albion decided to remain with the Miskito Kingdom as a protectorate, backing the establishment of the country of Miskita/Miskitia. Because of that, Nicaragua, which had already claimed the Miskito territory for a long while, was rather "miffed" and the wound has festered ever since the 19th century, with the Nicaragua canal only making things more tense.
In modern times, Nicaragua still remains claiming almost the entirety of Miskita's territory as being "a rightful component of the suzerain lands of Nicaragua" and the two countries have been in three wars over the decades, the last one resulting on Nicaragua losing entirely its control over the canal, and are currently on a situation that is a middle point between Modern Korea and 1960s Vietnam"
Who is current longest reigning monarch that is living?
Of a sovereing state or of a subsidiary/constituent monarchy? Because if its the latter then I can answer, if its the former then I (and I feel a bit ackward admitting that) have no certainty at the moment (although I'm hedging my bets at the monarch of Najran)
The longest-reigning current monarch of a subsidiary/constituent monarchy is someone who has already appeared on this TL: Victoria II of Sierra Leone, who has ruled since June 2nd, 1952 (the Emir of Ras Al Khaiman loses to her by only a few weeks)
When will (hopefully) the third and last part of the Imperial Kingdoms update come out?
I'm hoping to post it by the first week of November

What territories do the Franconian and Swbian Branches of the House of Hohenzollern rule?
Although the way I wrote it on the dynasties map makes it seem (at least to me) like there are many of them, the (Non-Brandenburger) Franconian and the Swabian branches of the Hohenzollerns are actually few (in special on the matter of rulers), with them being rulers of:

- Neuchatel, whose ruling dynasty are the morganatic descendants of Christian Friedrich, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach and Brandenburg-Kulmbach, the last non-Prussian agnate of the Franconian Hohenzollenrs
- Burgundy (constituent state of Germany), whose rulers are a junior branch of the Neuchatel Hohenzollerns
and - Upper Silesia (constituent state of Germany), whose rulers are the head branch of the Sigmaringen branch of the Swabian Hohenzollerns (and through that are also the heads of the Swabian branches)

There are two states that cognatically are of the Swabian Hohenzollerns, though:
- Moresnet, whose rulers where actually the heads of the Swabian Hohenzollerns through being the ITTL continuation of the Hohenzollern-Hechingen branch (even holding the title of "Princes of Hohenzollern"). The Hohenzollern-Hechingen branch, though, ended up dying on the male line in 1957, with the current rulers of Moresnet being agnatic Hohenzollerns through the Brandenburg-Prussian/Imperial branch of the dynasty while the leadership of the Swabian branch of the Hohenzollerns fell to the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringens
and - Romania, whose ruling house is descended from the daughter of Carol I, who OTL survived to adulthood, and are cognatic descendants of the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen branch of the Swabians
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What is Ferdinand notable for if he's not King of Romania?

Did Emperor Norton have descendents, and if so, did they marry any monarchs?

Did Wilhelmina of the Netherlands remarry after the death of Maurice?

What was the first coronation to be filmed/televised, Albish or otherwise?

Have there been any monarchs that started their reigns when they were newborns?

Did Victoria ever have great-great-grandchildren during her lifetime?

What are the most recent monarchies that have been created?

What are the most recent royal houses that have gone extinct?
Sorry for the wait on the answer, yesterday I was occupied
What is Ferdinand notable for if he's not King of Romania?
I almost caused myself a "plot-hole" because I forgot about what I had decided for Ferdinand's ITTL fate. So... (and @Records, my answer to your question about the territories of the Swabian and Franconian Hohenzollerns is now incomplete, here's the rest)

Ferdinand, unlike OTL, marries the ITTL Grand Duchess Viktoria of Russia, becoming the closest thing to house husband you could have in the late-19th/early-20th centuries. So, ITTL he does become a monarch, but a consort to his wife who became ruler of Livonia in the aftermath of WWI. The House of Hohenzollern-Romanov, is, in turn, aganatically descended from the House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (outside of the Courland branch, who agnatically is of the House of Biron, who served as Dukes of Courland and Semigallia OTL from 1763 to 1795)
Did Emperor Norton have descendents, and if so, did they marry any monarchs?
Norton does have descendants, and they can call the Princes of Bidache and of Lichtenberg their cousins.
Sorry for the short answer, you made me decided to make an update about Norton so I'm leaving most things vague for the moment
Did Wilhelmina of the Netherlands remarry after the death of Maurice?
Wilhelmina did have companions and paramours over the years but never remarried
What was the first coronation to be filmed/televised, Albish or otherwise?
As far as I can remember, the first coronation to be recorded in film ITTL was that of Nicholas II of Russia
Have there been any monarchs that started their reigns when they were newborns?
There are two monarchs ITTL that I remember as starting their reigns as newborns or infants (not including those who did so like in OTL, I'm looking at you Alphonso XIII, you posthumous child who inherited the throne literally upon birth):
- The previously-mentioned Prince of Liechtenstein, who was only two-and-a-half months old when he became prince (his father is actually alive, Liechtenstein politics are a bit complicated at the moment)
- The current King/Grand Prince of Estonia, who was born in March 1987 and inherited the throne by April
Did Victoria ever have great-great-grandchildren during her lifetime?
Yes, she did. If the OTL Queen Victoria had lived to her ITTL death she would already be capable of meeting her eldest great grandchildren, and the ITTL empress is on the same situation. She didn't meet most of them, but she was capable of living to see a few of them
What are the most recent monarchies that have been created?
If it is in general, then it is probably the Imperial Kingdom of Belize, since it was created in 2015. If it is entirely independent monarchies then I'm entirely not certain
What are the most recent royal houses that have gone extinct?
Much like OTL most of the royal dynasties of the world have remained alive but branches have gone extinct. A matter that only makes things more difficult is names, since some families have died aganatically but not on name (the House of Windsor set a precedent to other house, in special among the Albish Empire) and some have become exctinct agnatically only in the sense that their main branch died out but continued through a woman who married a cousin of the same house.

But, nonetheless, there are few (besides the ones already mentioned/shown on this thread (Hohenzollern-Hechingen, Legitimist Bourbons, Belgian Saxe-Coburgs, etc.) houses that have become extinct in some manner, with the most recent one, if my memory doesn't fail me, being the Brooke Dynasty of Sarawak, who died on the male line in the ealry 2000s. An addendun I feel the need to make is on the Royal House of Saxony, of the Wettins, as although they will retain the name, the branch's main and royal line will die on the male line with its next generation, although since the Crown Princess of Saxony is married to another Wettin the name of the house will remain the same
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Why is one of the regions of Aragon a lighter shade?

Why do the Caribbean territories of the Netherlands and the Nordic Federation have darker shades of their mother countries colors?

Who is the longest lived descendent of Victoria that had hemophilia?

Any mircostates in the Americas besides the Beaver Islands?

What was the first royal funeral to be filmed/televised, Albish or otherwise?

What territory does the House of Joiville-Braganza rule?

Was Carlos V allowed to stay as King of Spain?

Any royal houses that didn't go extinct in this timeline?

How many of Victoria's descendents that were born during her lifetime became centenarians (besides Margaret, Empress of Brazil)?
Why is one of the regions of Aragon a lighter shade?
That's the Principality of Rosselló i Cerdanya (or just Roussillon), which is an autonomous part of Aragon created with the kingdom during the aftermath of WWII; unlike the rest of Aragon it recognizes Occittan as an equally official language and its nominally under the rule of the heir of the Aragonese monarchy (whose main title is now "Prince of Girona, Rosselló i Cerdanya")
Why do the Caribbean territories of the Netherlands and the Nordic Federation have darker shades of their mother countries colors?
The darker colors represent that the territory is a unique component of their country in a way, generally meaning that they work more autonomously/are member states instead of provinces/less autonomous subdivisions. For example:
- The Netherlander Caribbean territories are de facto autonomous members states in a relationship with The Hague similar to that of Albish viceroyalties with London (and some theorize about them being granted regional Stadtholders/Princes from the House of Orange in the future)
- The Danish Virgin Islands are an autonomous state within Denmark itself (being the only one of their kind in the Nordic Federation), being a principality nominally (or directly, if varies) ruled by the Danish/Nordic Crown Prince
- and Guadeloupe is a autonomous part of Sweden, which has become de facto independent as a semi-direct parliamentary republic (although the islands' inhabitants do seem to love the Swedish Royal Family, who have a nominal Viceroy there)
Who is the longest lived descendent of Victoria that had hemophilia?
That is a question I am actually incapable of answering right now (mainly because to answer that I need to make a semi-complete genealogy of Empress Victoria and that would make answering this take a rather long while since I have moronicaly postponed making said genealogy until now)
Any mircostates in the Americas besides the Beaver Islands?
Not if you don't count those that have already been written about (outside of the Beaver Islands, Massachussetts is considered a microstate, and Nevada and Yellowstone are considered as being "sort-of-microstates" due to how they function)
What was the first royal funeral to be filmed/televised, Albish or otherwise?
This one is actually just like OTL: Empress Victoria's funeral was partially filmed
What territory does the House of Joiville-Braganza rule?
They're the rulers of Gabon
Was Carlos V allowed to stay as King of Spain?
The possibility was thrown around for a bit in the aftermath of WWII after it became widely understood that Carlos V had neither a direct involvement, tacit approvel or even a real understanding of what was happening on Autocratic Spain (seeing as how he was developmentally stunted and had the mental coherence of a 5-year-old; insterestingly, his brain injury didn't actually permanently stop him from developing mentally, it just slowed down his progress in a manner that saw him reach the mental faculties of a teenager when he was on his early 30s). In end, though, it was agreed by the Axis powers to have him abdicate in name of his sister, who became Isabel III, who had already been his primary caretaker and now de facto adopted him.
Carlos V is still alive in 2020, actually, and lives a relatively secluded life on a country estate near Madrid with his sister (she abdicated later on to her children), he's by now mentally an adult (if a bit of a "manchild").
Any royal houses that didn't go extinct in this timeline?
Well, there are a few royal/noble houses that have survived or are doing much better ITTL, a list of a few of them is (which, BTW, includes a few non-ruling dynasties that I decided were interesting to mention):
- The royal (in specific) House of Obrenovic is alive an well instead of having died in name in 1933 with a first cousin-twice-removed of Alexander I of Serbia
- The Swedish Holstein-Gottorps have survived, as ITTL Gustav IV Adolf's son had children with surviving offspring (although by now they have been for a rather long time in Lebanon)
- As previously mentioned, the Sikh Imperial Family is still alive instead of becoming extinct in the early 20th century
- Although they haven't gone extinct in OTL, the Shah dynasty of Nepal hasn't gone through anything similar to the OTL royal massacre
- Although not even in OTL they are extinct, ITTL the House of Borgijin has a relatively easier time tracing its family tree from Ghengis to current times since they haven't faced as much of communism
- Similarly to the above, the main line of the Ming Imperial Family haven't sort-of-disappeared in the years following the end of the Chinese Dynastic System
- Various branches of the Japanese Imperial Family who died-out in the late 19th and ealry 20th centuries in OTL are still alive both in name and in direct lineage
- Although both haven't died out genetically OTL, both the Solomonid and Imerina Dynasties are much easier to trace ITTL
- The Portuguese Braganzas haven't died-out
- Various Polynesian royal houses (like the House of Kamehameha and the Royal House of Easter Island) have also survived ITTL
- and, the only one on this "list" to have a pre-pod change, the Tay Son Dynasty of VIetnam lasted in exile for a bit, and later became rulers of Champa before becoming extinct on the male line (it's a sort-of-confusing story)
How many of Victoria's descendents that were born during her lifetime became centenarians (besides Margaret, Empress of Brazil)?
Like the comment about hemophilia, I'm going to need to make (or remake, I did have an incomplete family tree but it is such an old version it is out of synk with the rest of the TL by now) the full family tree to answer this question. So, I must curse and thank you for making me see how the lack of a complete family tree is a hindrance and causing me to decide to finally do it
Like the comment about hemophilia, I'm going to need to make (or remake, I did have an incomplete family tree but it is such an old version it is out of synk with the rest of the TL by now) the full family tree to answer this question. So, I must curse and thank you for making me see how the lack of a complete family tree is a hindrance and causing me to decide to finally do it
Thanks, and I also have created some fan-made family trees for this timeline that might help you.
What happened to Saxe-Laurenburg that caused it to be ruled by the German Emperor again?

What is the most watched royal funeral?

What’s happening with Timor-Leste?

How is George, the King Father related to the rest of the royal family of Cyprus?

How did the Port Arthur monarchy came to be?

What territories are ruled by Napoleonic branches of the House of Bonaparte besides Corsica?

Who were the Carlist claimants until the recreation of Navarre in 1959?

What is Luis, Duke of Porto known for if he is not King of Portugal?

What happened in 1924 that caused Françesku I of Berat to drop his claim to the Duchy of Modena and Reggio?
What happened to Saxe-Laurenburg that caused it to be ruled by the German Emperor again?
I may be understanding your question wrong, admitedly, but if you're asking why Saxe-Lauenburg doesn't appear in the world map in page 1, the answer is that: Changes in the internal divisions of Germany through the 20th century, and in special in the aftermath of WWII, resulted on most of the member states of the German Empire being "mediatized", by which I mean they stopped being first-level subdivisions and became a mix of official and ceremonial entities within the empire's provinces whose authority and autonomy is a complicated issue.

Ever since ITTL 1876, when Eric VI was granted the duchy by his grandfather, Saxe-Lauenburg has remained under the rule of his branch of the Hohenzollern Dynasty, and has never returned to beign a "direct" domain of the German Emperor (I mean, it is a member state of the German Empire, so the emperor rules over it, but the title of "Duke of Lauenburg" isn't one of the titles of the German Emperor, although he does have the title of "Herzfürst von Sachsenwald", a title created during that poker match by Eric VI so "grandpa won't feel bad about losing his duchy" that is meant to translate as "Prince-Duke". Somewhat hilariously that drunkenly-created title ended up being seriously used by the German Emperors when giving noble titles to subjects which they felt deserved the highest honor avaliable, being considered above the title of a "Titular Duke" but bellow that of a "Reigning Duke"
What is the most watched royal funeral?
Well, from 2002 to 2015 the most watched royal funeral was that of Anastasia, Princess of Wales, while Empress Jessamine in 2015 and then Empress Eleanor that same year beat her by only a fraction of a percentage
What’s happening with Timor-Leste?
To make a long story short, Portuguese Timor became an autonomous state within Portugal as the country went through decolonization. Around the same time, West Timor, which broke from Indonesia under a far-right military dictatorship and invaded Timor-Leste in the ambition of uniting the island and under the (somewhat deranged) assumption that Portugal wouldn't do anything about it.
They assumed wrong and Portugal came to the rescue, although the suddeness of the invasion caused said rescue to come only when West-Timor's dicatorship was already 40% of the way through a genocide of Timor-Leste's christian population.
The war ended up lasting two excruciating years, with Portugal enacting a 'punitive' bombing campaign in West-Timor soon after the news of the genocide came through and the Portuguese government electing to pay back by conquering West-Timor on its entirety.
Sadly for the Portuguese, the fact that Timor-Leste had been laid waste and that the West-Timor military soon fell to guerilla warfare as Portugal invaded resulted on the country deciding to cut its losses after taking an admitedly-good chunk of WT, just turning around, fortifying its new borders and working on rebuilding Timor-Leste while West-Timor's dictators planned to lick their wounds but ended up with their war-torn country falling into a post-apocalyptic civil war.

The war was never officially ended, and although West-Timor's post-civil war government ended up being a much more moderate one (for a semi-ludite one-party state) pride and disinterest have meant that the two sides of the island have remained on a nominal stalemate ever since the conflict's de facto end.
How is George, the King Father related to the rest of the royal family of Cyprus?
George's father, Archduke Maurice of Cyprus, was the youngest son of Alexander I
How did the Port Arthur monarchy came to be?
Port Arthur (in modern times ITTL more commonly known as "Ryojun") gained an autonomous local monarch in the 1980s, being the last of the autonomous monarchies within Japan.
At the time Port Arthur was in a state of semi-controlled chaos due to boiling ethnic tensions, rise in organized and disorganized crime, infighting and factionalism within the political class and civil servants, and interference by Kuomitang China (the remnant), with the "semi-controlled" part of the chaos being that there wasn't actually open warfare on the streets (although some characterize the era as being "a silent civil war"
Seeing as how giving a local monarchy and relatively-high autonomy had worked relatively well both in Ijoko and the Carolinas, the japanese government saw the move as being the best bet in possibly dealing with the problems in Port Arthur, hoping that a hereditary monarch would serve both as an unifying figure for the people and government and have no distractions from doing their work (in the sense of not having to worry about their future career like elected politicians).
It ended up working in the end, even if it took years of hard work
What territories are ruled by Napoleonic branches of the House of Bonaparte besides Corsica?
Yeah, sorry 'bout that.
So, as you may have noticed, you can't actually find any other Napoleonic (by which I mean those branches born from the siblings of the OG Napoleon, even I ended up confused about what I meant with that) branches of the Bonapartes on the dynasties map.
Because I forgot to actually color them on the map
(I'm screaming now)

Now, returning your question.
Besides Corsica there are four territories ruled by Napoleonic branches of the Bonaparte Dynasty, three of them being parts of a larger country. These are:
- Raetia (known also as "New Raetia", "Montagnes" or "Udzungwa"), the only country on this list.
- Nakhichevan, which is a member-state of Armenia
- and Deseado and Merania, which are provinces of Patagonia

Interestingly all of those branches descend from Jérome-Napoléon Bonaparte, King of Westphalia, with the Deseado branch descending from the American branch of the Bonaparts while the other three are from the children from Jérôme's second marriage to a princess of Württemberg
Who were the Carlist claimants until the recreation of Navarre in 1959?
ITTL the line of Carlist claimants goes like this:

1. Carlos, Count of Molina (1788-1855) - Carlos V - Claimant from 1833 to 1845 - Begun this whole mess, abdicated
2. Carlos, Count of Montemolin (1818-1861) - Carlos VI - Claimant from 1845 to 1861 - son
3. Juan, Count of Montizón (1822-1891) - Juan III - Claimant from 1861 to 1868 - brother
4. Carlos, Duke of Madrid (1848-1905) - Carlos VII - Claimant from 1868 to 1905 - son
Carlos' eldest son, Luis (1870-1933), recognized the sucession of Isabella II 1893 and was officially made Duke of Madrid as a peer, grandson married Isabella III of Spain
5. Felipe, Duke of Madrid (1876-1944) - Felipe VI - Claimant from 1905 to 1944 - son
6. Jaime, Duke of Madrid (1907-1945) - Jaime III - Claimant from 1944 to 1945 - son
7. Carlos, Duke of Madrid (1932-1956) - Carlos VIII - Claimant from 1945 to 1956 - son
8. Enrique, Duke of Madrid (1937-XXXX) - Enrique V - Claimant from 1945 to 1956 - brother
What is Luis, Duke of Porto known for if he is not King of Portugal?
Besides his tenure as his niece's regent, Luis is mostly known for his passion for oceanography and marine biology, which is in great part remembered through his funding of one of the world's first aquariums and the tale of how he spent almost five years stranded on an island in the pacific after shipwrecking during a scientific expedition in the 1890s
What happened in 1924 that caused Françesku I of Berat to drop his claim to the Duchy of Modena and Reggio?
Simply speaking, he didn't drop it, he passed it down.
With the end of WWI, Venetia (now renamed Venetia-Lombardy) annexed most of the Pó River valley. Giuseppe I, seeing as how his kingdom's new territory included (if not all) most of the territories of the duchies of Parma and Modena & Reggio, and being the father-in-law or close friend of their respective claimants, offered to recreate the duchies in some level.
The claimant of Parma, being Giuseppe I's son in law, accepted it right away, while Françesku I, while liking the idea, said to his friend that he couldn't accept the offer due to being already commited to his principality. The manner through which both sides could be happy was for Françesku I to relinquish his claim to Modena & Reggio in name of his second son, who became Alfonso V
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1) Are there any other branches of the House of Grimaldi besides the Bourbon-Grimaldi one?

2) Who is the ancestor of the Faroe Islands monarchy?

3) Who were the Orleanist claimants from the end of the July Monarchy in 1848 to the creation of Charlemagne in 1959?

4) Have any succession crisis happened recently (excluding the one that's currently going on in Brazil)?

5) What territory does the Catholic branch of the House of Württemberg rule?

6) Which currently reigning monarch has the highest regal number?

7) Were there other rulers who beaten Louis XIV’s record of having the longest reign before Phillip I of Pontus?

8) What is the new date that the third part of the imperial kingdoms update will (hopefully) come out?
1) Are there any other branches of the House of Grimaldi besides the Bourbon-Grimaldi one?
While no other branches of the family rule entire countries, the Grimaldi Family is (much like it was in the past OTL) prolific in relation to having branches (seriously, I looked up their family tree on the french wikipedia and that thing is a doozy, there's six separate family branches with their own pages).
Unlike OTL, though, more branches of the family are well-known and public figures, making-up much of the Monegasque and a chunk of the Provençal nobility, and are especially in Monaco an array of government officials (Monaco's larger size and its rulers having a tendency to keep administration within the family resulted on a feudal-esque system in some places).
There are, though, some famous branches of the family who live outside of Monaco or Provence, the more well-known ones probably being:
- the Barons of Calamenzana, a sicilian branch of the family who got involved in organized crime in the early-to-mid 20th century and later became a dynasty of actors
- the d'Esdra Grimaldis, a corsican branch of the family who are a political dynasty within the island
- the Puget Grimaldis, an originally Nicean branch who (following OTL) ended up in exile in Belgium following the 1848-49 Italian War of Independence and in modern times served in the Belgian military and married with more "outlying" branches of the Belgian Royal Family
- and the Belforte Grimaldis, an originally Genoan banking branch who relocated to London in the late 17th/early18th century and ended up gaining an Earldom in Canada in the early 1900s
2) Who is the ancestor of the Faroe Islands monarchy?
The Faroe Islands' monarchy descends from Margrethe III's younger sister, Hildegard, who, interestingly, married Victor, Count of Dannemand, a five-generation descendant of the Oldenburg King Frederick VI of Denmark through his OTL eldest son by his mistress, Frederikke Dannemand (born Bente Frederikke Mortensdatter Andersen Rafsted), meaning that the Faroese Royal Family is of agnatic Oldenburgs/Glücksburgs but traces its royalty through a female line
3) Who were the Orleanist claimants from the end of the July Monarchy in 1848 to the creation of Charlemagne in 1959?
Firstly, I must say I adore how "Champagne" became "Charlemagne"

Secondly, the line of Orleanist claimants goes like this ITTL:
1. Louis Philippe I (1773-1850) - Lawful King from 1830 to 1848, claimant from 1848 to 1850 - begun this whole mess
2. Philippe, Count of Paris (1838-1891) - Orleanist Louis Philippe II from 1850 to 1891[1] - grandson
3. Philippe, Duke of Orléans (1869-1914) - Orleanist Louis Philippe III from 1891 to 1914 - son
4. Charles, Duke of Chartres (1872-1928) - Orleanist Charles XI from 1914 to 1928 - brother
5. Jean, Count of Paris (1898-1936) - Orleanist Jean III from 1928 to 1936 - nephew
6. Philippe, Count of Paris (1920-1941) - Orleanist Louis Philippe IV from 1936 to 1941 - son
7. Henri, Duke of Guise (1925-1941) - Orleanist Henri VI for a few days in 1941 - brother
8. Alphonse, Duke of Montpensier (1926-1944) - Orleanist Alphonse I from 1941 to 1944 - brother
9. Jean, Count of Paris (1944-1947?) - Orleanist Jean IV from 1944 to 1947 - disappeared, believed dead
10. Louis, Duke of Champagne (1918-1953) - Orleanist Louis Philippe VI from 1947 to 1953 - second-cousin-once-removed/uncle
11. Charles, Duke of Champagne (1938-XXXX) - Orleanist Charles XII from 1953 to 1959 - son

[1] Although married to a Legitimist princess and close to his brother-in-law, the Count of Paris never officially abandoned his claim among Orleanist, he was recognized as the First Prince of the Blood by the Legitimists though
4) Have any succession crisis happened recently (excluding the one that's currently going on in Brazil)?
Well... besides those alredy mentioned, those who happened but got solved, or those who have sent their countries into active civil war (Tibet and Oman to name two), I can recount two:
The kingdom doesn't allow women to inherit its throne, and the current king, Krishnaraja VI, had 1 son and 12 daughters.
Now, originally it was all fine and dandy as that son married, and had one son, and then died. And then said son, one Prince Kanteerava, married for love to someone his family considered unnaceptable and chose to abdicated the throne than give up on that, moving to the Moon afterwards
Now, while the situation could have been solved by simply having one of the kings' daughters marry a kinsman and the king make that kinsman his heir (the dynasty has a history of kings lakcing children) , the presence of a secure line of succession for a good while resulted on all of the twelve princesses being grown women by the time the succession crisis begun in 2017 and being either married to people not of the Wadiyar Dynasty, married to other women or flat-out refusing to marry.
Although the king is a healthy individual, and some have simply said he should adopt a kinsman like so many rulers of Mysore before him, there is still the fact that not everyone (or even most people) agrees with that idea, and factions are plenty, with the main ones being those in support of: the king's fifth-eldest daughter, who is married to a middling nobleman of Mysore and is a government minister; one of his nephews, who is also a high-ranking government official; and his eldest daughter, believed by many to be the king's favorite, and who is actually married to an Wadiyar dynast; the catch? said agnate is a trans woman

and previosly mentioned Raetia
Although more comical than actuallyworrysome, this one must be mentioned due to the players and causes behind it.
Basically, Raetia has a system where the monarch chooses which of his relatives is going to succeed him, generally doing so by having them work on government and prove their capacity in governance through that, and after doing that, there has grown a custom that, if the relative isn't a child of the monarch, a cousin marriage is to occur.
Now, the king of Raetia has a daughter and a cousin/surrogate nephew whom he very cleary sees as his primary candidates for succeding him, with the two marrying a few years back. The thing is, he hasnever announced who of the two was the primary successor, thinking it is enough to declare them his "first and second in line" without naming who was in which position to signal that he wished for them to rule as co-monarchs (the guy was talented, but a little eccentric).
So, the "succession crisis" basically revolves around the fact that Raetia is constnalty bickering over, in the simplest of therms, who is going to "wear the pants" in their marriage
5) What territory does the Catholic branch of the House of Württemberg rule?
"And now we come to the last stop in our travels. Cotoburica. This small state, nestled in between Costa Rica and Panama, couldn't have even existed without the involvement of outside powers, so it makes sense its rulers, now so quintessentially connected to its national identity, also originated from across the Atlantic, as minor members of one of Germany's various royal houses"
Opening to the last episode of "The Ermine Effect. How War and Monarchies made and changed Central America", a seven-episodes miniseries about the ascencion of monarchies on Central America.
6) Which currently reigning monarch has the highest regal number?
For a second, I'll admit, I almost said it was the reigning prince of Reuss (since the Reuss dynasty is one of the german princely houses with that off custom of numbering all their males/doing both that and naming all of their males the same name, and there is the reigning prince Heinrich XCIV of Reuss)

Not joking around, I believe that the current monarch ITTL with the highest regnal number is the current Manikongo, Álvaro XVII
7) Were there other rulers who beaten Louis XIV’s record of having the longest reign before Phillip I of Pontus?
No, Empress Victoria got close, though
8) What is the new date that the third part of the imperial kingdoms update will (hopefully) come out?
I don't want to give a semi-exact date because I feel like every time I say I have a planned date I end up going waaaay over the deadline. But I am finally back to writting the third part and so I'm a bit hopefull
1) Who is the ancestor of the Cuban monarchy?
2) Are there any claimants that are unique to this timeline?
3) What territories are ruled by the Albertine branches of the House of Wettin?
4) Did any of Cedrico I of Portugal's descendents marry into the Greek royal family?
5) Why did Pedro VII of Portugal die so quickly after abdicating?
6) Are the husbands of Victoria Melita of Edinburgh and Esme of France d'Outre-mer that both became King of the Two Sicilies brothers?
7) Who did Infanta Maria Amalia of Portugal (sister of Carlotta I of Portugal) end up marrying?
8) Are there subnational monarchies in the Hapsburg Imperium that are not ruled by members of the House of Hapsburg?
9) Any updates on the Untitled Edward VI lives Timeline?
Sorry for the wait. Monday was my dad's 47th birthday and I, as a prospective confectioner, decided to shackle myself with the sweets and desserts for the festivities (dad's on the 20th, Christmas, New Years' and then my brother's birthday on the 4th of January) so I spent the 21st as a semi-concious lump on my bed (today I'm only free because of the kitchen sink being unnusable for 24 hours, due to us having it's tub glued-back in place and the cement needs 24 hours to cure, and the fact that today is the day most of the "time-sensitive" ingredients are coming).
TheBeanieBaron said:
1) Who is the ancestor of the Cuban monarchy?
The Cuban monarchy descends from a Cypriot Hapsburg Archduke whose family moved to Brazil in the 1920s and grew up among the circles of the Imperial House of Braganza, becoming a close friend of Empress Victoria, who even served as a matchmaker between him and his wife (who was a mutual friend) and was his "best man".
Said archduke served as a general in the Caribbean Front of WWII, being one of the leaders of the Anglo-Brazilian conquest of Cuba, and was chosen, both as a compromise candidate and the generally-agreed best option, to become the king of the newly-founded Kingdom of Cuba (his grandson being the one overseeing the annexation of the northern half of the island)
2) Are there any claimants that are unique to this timeline?
That is a question that I think could have an entire post all on itself.

But, to not leave the answer at that. Here's two that exist/existed ITTL:
- The Abbassians (sometimes called "Abbasids" to great levels of confusion), the claimants to the Egyptian throne that started with Abbas II and through his children born in exile (being often compared to the Jacobites), they still exist as of 2020, but have stopped activelly claiming Egypt since the 1970s (and in fact are now a middling part of the Canadian nobility)
- and The Nayaks of Kandy, who have since the deposition of Sri Vikrama Rajasinha's in 1815 claimed in some level the throne of Kandy, in direct dispute with the House of Dinajara who has ruled since then
3) What territories are ruled by the Albertine branches of the House of Wettin?
The writting on the table in the map of dynasties and forms of government in page 2 makes it seem like there is a relative abundance of ruling branches of the Albertine Wettins but, in actuality, there are only two of them, who serve as co-rulers of a single part of Germany:
- The Wettins of Poznan and West Prussia, respectivelly "Viceroys of Poznan and Greater Poland, Palatines of Gniezno and Kalisz and Dukes of Kuyavia" and "King's Deputy of Western Prussia and Kulmaland, Palatines of Gdansk and Michalow and Dukes of Pomesania", whose founders received their "domain" in the early-to-mid 20th century (in great part due to familial ties) when Germany created its first "Volkonizengreich" (that being a strange shortening of "Volksvizenkönigreich", and translated in english to "Ethnic Viceroyalty"), member-states within Germany (mainly established out of parts of the Kingdom of Prussia) that have an "ethnic autonomy"

If secundogenitures where to be counted as sovereign territories then the number of ruling branches of the Albertine Wettins would rise to 7, but they aren't so there are only two official branches
4) Did any of Cedrico I of Portugal's descendents marry into the Greek royal family?
Most enfatically yes, many of Cedrico I's grandchildren married members of the Greek Royal Family and their branches
5) Why did Pedro VII of Portugal die so quickly after abdicating?
That was purely a typho. Pedro VII actually died in 1953 (I should probably do a infobox for him, his life and death are rather interesting if I can say so)
6) Are the husbands of Victoria Melita of Edinburgh and Esme of France d'Outre-mer that both became King of the Two Sicilies brothers?
Yes, Victoria Melita married Ferdinand III of the The Two Sicilies in 1901, while Esmé married his younger brother, Prince Rainier (originally Prince of Capua) in 1908.
VM and Ferdinand III were a infamously lovely couple, who in much helped the personal image of the Sicilian monarchy to their own people against all odd, and remained as such until 1914 when the two were killed in a assassination that saw the poisoning of much of the House of Bourbon Two-Sicilies as part of a de facto shadow war within the Two Sicilies during WWI (although it being considered an extension of the Italian Front is often contested). The couple left behind two young daughters, who were summarily passed over in the succession due to the kingdom's (much like IOTL) following of Salic Law, and Victoria Melita's young-adult daughter from her first marriage.
Although Rainier was the fourth son of Carlos I of the Two Sicilies, he was the eldest among his brothers to survive the poison (although it left him with permanent nerve damage) and as such the seniormost male of the family (brother Number 2 was a bachelor and Number 3 had an infant daughter and a mentally impaired posthumous son), and as such he became King Rainier I of the Two Sicilies in 1914, with Esmé as his queen consort (the couple became famous for wearing black for the rest of their lives)
7) Who did Infanta Maria Amalia of Portugal (sister of Carlotta I of Portugal) end up marrying?
Maria Amalia was married a total of four times through her 87-years-long life.
Firstly she was married to a minor Spanish princeling, Juan Maria de Borbón, 3rd Duke of Seville (1862-1886), in 1884. The marriage produced a daughter, the 4th Duchess of Seville, and lasted only for two rather miserable years, ending with Juan's death at age 24.
Secondly, in a continuation of the ancient traditions of Iberia's Royal Families', Maria Amalia did her uncle, the 17-years-her-senior Infante Leopoldo, Duke of Guarda, only a year later. The couple was together for nearly an entire decade, having a son and a daughter, before Leopoldo's death at age 50 in 1897, a few weeks before their anniversary.
After Leopoldo's death, Maria Amalia spent nearly the next 20 years mostly as a widow, although she was for a short time in the early 1900s married to her beforehand Personal Secretary, who was an abusive bastard who manipulated her into a relationship, squandered her money and was probably murdered by either her sister or one of her nephews.
Finally in 1917, then at the age of 52, Maria Amalia married for the fourth and final time to her nephew, the Duke of Barcelos, with whom she had without even noticing waltzed into a romance with. 24-years-her-junior, Manuel was by that point twenty-eight and already a widower and a father himself.
The two never had biological children together (they did have seven adopted kids) and stayed together for 35 years, when Maria Amalia died in February 20th, 1952. Manuel followed her in July of that same year, he was 63
8) Are there subnational monarchies in the Hapsburg Imperium that are not ruled by members of the House of Hapsburg?
No, but Yes, but No

Although they have greatly toned-down the meaning of "keep it in the family", the Hapsburgs are firm believers on keeping the "family business" solely on The Family™, the only thing is that The Family™ isn't made exclusively of Agnatic Hapsburg-Lorraines, with the branches of Transylvania, Carniola, Immenstadt, and the Vorarlberg being agnatically of other houses, but de facto (and mostly de jure) considered Hapsburgs.

So no, its only Hapsburgs, but also yes, if you consider solely agnatic ancestry in relation to being a Hapsburg
9) Any updates on the Untitled Edward VI lives Timeline?
Its funny of you to ask that.
Since I'm concious of the fact that I'm not going to be able to post the final part of the "Imperial Kingdoms, a Trilogy", I'm planning on using what free time I have for my TLs to finally post the Edward VI lives timeline* with the already-existant posts and, if possible, a post on this TL on some introduced-non-invasive, surviving, and introduced-invasive species in ITTL North America

[*] (which I decided to name "The Cold-Hearted Swot" after the name given to a lineage on the thread "Line of monarchs III" that I started in 2020 based on the exact premise of the until-now untitled timeline)
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1) Did Carol I of Romania die or abdicate?
2) How did the Moresnetic monarchy came to be?
3) Do the Hapsburg rule territory in the German Empire?
4) How many new monarchs began their reigns in 2021?
5) Are there more "domesticated" royals besides Albion with the Tecks and the Battenbergs?
6) When was the "Autocrat" part of the Russian Emperor's title dropped?
7) Why were Afonso II and Pedro III of Brazil's reigns so short?
8) What's the current progress on part 3 of the Imperial Kingdoms update?
1) Did Carol I of Romania die or abdicate?
ITTL what happened is that Carol I's daughter, Maria, survived her encounter with scarlet fever, while her father Carol died a rather long time before his OTL death, being assassinated by a disgruntled politician the same day that Ferdinand I of Romania was named his heir OTL in 1886.
Although like OTL the 1866 Constitution barred women from inheriting the Romanian throne, the fact that Carol lacked any other children and that his daughter was becoming popular among the political circles resulted on the laws of succession being changed in 1881, making use of the change of the country from the United Principalities to a kingdom, with the law becoming (and remaining as such until present) that succession to the throne is restricted to Carol's direct descendants "on the male line through the right of first-born, excluding women and their descendants in all cases barring the extinction of all heirs male through male line"
2) How did the Moresnetic monarchy came to be?
Much like OTL, the Neutral Moresnet was thrown out of wack in the 1880s when its zinc spar mine, which was the direct reason behind the condominium being created in 1816, became exhausted and closed, taking away the condominium's main source of revenue and stability (as the company responsible for the mine was the largest employer on the territory and also operated residences, shops, a hospital and a bank within Moresnet)
For the following decade the condominium entered a period of economic uncertainty and depression, with Moresnet's continued survival being placed under great doubt.
Then, in 1893, Friedrich, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen (the ITTL son of the OTL last prince with his first and equal-ranking wife), and elderly (born in 1835) and wealthy prince who, wanting to do some "resettling" and seeing the pittingly-low prices for the properties on the region, moved to Moresnet and basically bought the small territory.
From there the next 13 years saw Friedrich basically turning Moresnet into his own little inland Monaco, with most of the local population (of around 4,000 by the turn of the century) becoming his workers or tennants, with Friedrich's rank and connection to the German and Belgian monarchies giving him a better standing to mantain those ventures instead of them being closed by Germany like in OTL (in the sense that a casino was attempted in Moresnet in OTL 1903, after Belgium closed all such establishments there, and caused a minor political crisis that saw Wilhelm II offer to partition the territory or cede it to Belgium in order to end the venture)
Then, in 1906, the German, Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourger governments met in Moresnet to hash out the matter of the succession of Luxembourg and Nassau, during that time, Friedrich, either having had an eureka moment or having been planning something of this sort for a while, proposed to the Belgian and German envoys the idea of dealing with Moresnet's condominium by making it a neutral principality ruled by him between the two, with the matter being agreed to (in a small part due to a feeling of "oh, why not?" among the countries involved.
And so, the following year, Moresnet was officially given to Friedrich, now Friedrich I, as his own principality, being a gambling haven (later a minor tax haven) and major alchohol manufacturer for the countries around around it,
3) Do the Hapsburg rule territory in the German Empire?
There are officially no territories directly ruled by House Hapsburg, but there are some branches of the family who moved to Germany who have come to be considered akin to mediatised houses in rank and status, and/or have private estates that are in size similar to smaller pre-1806 states of the HRE.
In relation to member states and territories on Germany, the Hapsburgs are incredibly close to the ruling houses of Burgundy and Lusatia, who although not Hapsburgs have intermarried and interacted with them to the point of being close cousins, and The Breisgau is ruled by the House of Hapsburg-Zähringen, which although named as such is agnatically a branch of the Grand Dukes of Baden established in the processes of the Congress of Vienna
4) How many new monarchs began their reigns in 2021?
I generally prefer to stay away from doing posts about things in 2021 and beyond, but, you know what, I'm feeling up to it so ok:

All-in-all 2021 was a generally-light year in relation to royal successions (the sheer number of monarchies makes them rather more frequent), with only a few new monarchs, including previously-mentioned Philip II of Pontus, ascending to their thrones in 2021, some of those were:
- the Queen (Patu-iki) of Niue, elected in January after a interregnum started with her predecessor's death in December 2020
- the Zulu Monarch (Ingonyama yamaZulu), upon his father's death in May
- the King of Rhodes and the Dodecanese, upon his father's death in July
- the King of Lebanon, upon his mother's abdication in September
- the Queen of Tunisia/Carthage, first woman to inherit the position, upon her father's death in September
- and the King of Berar, with his mother's formal abdication in December
5) Are there more "domesticated" royals besides Albion with the Tecks and the Battenbergs?
Yes (although I'm incapable of giving you a complete list).
Besides some other Albish ones (like the Dukes of Orkney and the Counts of Wisborg of Queensland) and OTL ones (like the American Bonapartes, which were, and in ITTL are, a thing), other examples of those I can give you are:
- the previously mentioned branches of the Hapsburgs who live in Germany, as one of Elizabeth's non-hemophiliac sons with Franz Joseph I produced an almost-difficult amount of surviving sons who ended-up moving in with their Hohenzollern cousins and then spread into small branches through the country, many of them settling into castles and estates either gained through dowries or bought from their cousins and other german nobles and houses (ex: Hapsburg-Neuchatel and Hapsburg-Haigerloch)
- the Russian Bonapartes, the same branch that gave the world the Bonaparte Dynasty of Nakichevan, who settled in the Imperial Court and ended-up becoming close to the Romanovs through the 20th century
- and the House of Roest, a noble family of Oregon who originated from the ITTL children of Prince Julius of Schleswig-Holstein-Sondeburg-Glücksburg (younger brother of Christian IX of Denmark) with his morganatic wife, Elisabeth von Ziegesar, Countess von Roest, who ended-up settling in Oregon in the early 20th century through their tangential connections to its royals
6) When was the "Autocrat" part of the Russian Emperor's title dropped?
The russian monarchs stopped consistently using the "Autocratc" part during the interward years, with them de facto dropping it with the Russian Reunification (technically the "Autocrat" is still there, but unless its something like their coronation it will be rarity to see them using it
7) Why were Afonso II and Pedro III of Brazil's reigns so short?
Age and health problems, surprisingly enough. Afonso II was 59 when he became emperor (and died shortly after making it to 60) and dying of a terminal cancer on the thyroid, while his brother was 57 upon succession and already in a bad shape in relation to his health, dying a in heart bypass surgery gone bad
8) What's the current progress on part 3 of the Imperial Kingdoms update?
I've managed to go a bit further on writting but I always seem to hit a block when trying to write the monarchs that are the children or grandchildren of Empress Jessamine, so I'm thinking of posting part 3 without them (and later add them when I do a post on the "current" generation of the Albish Imperial Family or if I receive some sort of inspiration) since outside of them I'm good to go
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The Imperial Kingdoms of Albion, Part III
Hi. So, after a few days of thinking (and a draft I lost because I was down with the side effects of both my third COVID shot and a Flu shot for a time long enough for the draft to seemingly auto-delete), I decided to go with what I was thinking about for a while now and post the final installment in the Imperial Kingdoms trilogy without the infoboxes and pages on all monarchs directly descended from Empress Jessamine, so I can finally see myself move forward in my writings on this TL.
I'm gonna try and add them when I do an update on the "heirs" of the Albish Empire (meaning the children and descendants of Empress Charlotte), but, until then, they're not gonna be on this update (although since I'm keeping their family trees in the update there will be some information about them, and, to anyone interested, you all are completely free to ask questions about anything in relation to the trees and the monarchs, just because I can't at the moment put together a "wikipedia page" for them, I'm completely open to answering any questions about them)
Finally, I'd just like to say, Rest in Peace Betty White, you were amazing.
Victoria II of Sierra Leone, although having her appearance based on Betty, isn't dead ITTL even as of the TL's 2022. Also, I'm going to add that although Victoria is her visual clone, BW does have a personal equivalent ITTL (which I'm going to consider different from a "look-alike" like Victoria II), that equivalent is:
Marion Horatia White (1922-2015), a Californian general and war hero during WWII, she later became the 55th United States President (as California considers itself the US' direct continuation), although de facto she was California's 23rd President.

The Imperial Kingdoms, of the Creation of Empress Jessamine
Although by no means the longest in Albish history, between the creation of the 14th and 15th imperial kingdoms, there was a hiatus of 8 years, 11 months, and 11 days, during which the majority of the Second World War, as well as the death of Emperor Leonard and ascension of Empress Jessamine to the throne, occurred.
Due to possessing the second-longest reign in Albish history, Empress Jessamine is the Albish monarch with the highest number of enthronements under her name after Empress Victoria, with a total of eight imperial kingdoms being created during her decades on the throne. Uniquely to her, the enthronements during the empress reign saw a certain generational nature to them, with most of the imperial kingdoms created during Empress Jessamine's reign being done so either rather close to eachother or with decades between them, with the 16th and 17th kingdoms being created both on 1962 (and the 15th in 1961) while there was a gap of nearly 17 years between the 17th and 18th (with another of 22 years between the 20th and 21st).
Due in great part to the untimely death of Emperor Leonard, as well as some personal actions during the Second World War, Empress Jessamine's reign saw the first, second and, as of 2020, last, time an Albish monarch enthroned their siblings as monarchs of an imperial kingdom, with them all being in the span of the years of 1961 and 1962.
Empress Jessamine also was the only Albish monarch to posthumously enthrone someone, as, although she made all preparations beforehand, the empress died before the enthronement of Queen Agnes of Belize was made official, with the fact that it was the empress untimely death that stopped her from doing it being the reason why, although it was during the short reign of Empress Eleanor, the creation of Belize as an imperial kingdom is considered as being by Empress Jessamine.
Although not about the creation of imperial kingdoms, but directly in connection, it was also during the reign of Empress Jessamine that Oregon stopped being considered one and became a member-state of The Commonwealth. It was also during her reign, in its early years, that the Cockatrice Throne of New Dheli separated itself from the Imperial Throne in London, when her eldest younger sister, Euphemia, in following with decisions made in the aftermath of the Second Mutiny, was given the direct rule over the colonial territories in Bharat, in what was de facto a new and eccentric type of imperial kingdom.
And while not imperial kingdoms, it was also during the reign of Empress Jessamine that two other types of autonomous (or semi-autonomous) parts of Albion came into being, with the establishment of the few princely states directly under London and the creation of four of the five "imperial pseudo-kingdoms", territories directly under London that, while not de jure so, are de facto their own petty kingdoms of branches of the Imperial Family.

THE MARIANAS (Reino Unido de las Islas Marianas)
Officially the United Kingdom of the Mariana Islands
Capital in the Royal Town of Agaña, which has a population of 5.6 thousand inhabitants. The kingdom’s largest city is Saipán, with a population of 47 thousand inhabitants
The kingdom has English, Spanish and Chamorro as its official languages, it also recognizes Tanapag[1], Carolinian, Palauan, Japanese, Cantonese, Korean, Malay, French and Tagalog as national minority languages
The kingdom has a total population of 225 thousand inhabitants, which are divided among a great variety of ethnic groups due in great part to immigration during the 19th and 20th centuries. The largest groups of the kingdom, who together make about 50% of the total population, are the Chamorro[2], the Marianans[3] and the Whites[4], while the remaining half are made of a wide mix of other Oceanian peoples (like Palauans and Carolinians) and people descended from non-European immigrants, mainly Japanese[5], Cantonese and Korean. The kingdom is a majority Christian state, with Roman Catholics making around 70% of the population, while Protestants and Buddhists make the largest religious minorities (at 15% and 6%), with the remaining percentage being made by believers of Native Religions, other Christian sects, Islam, Shintoism and Daoism
The Marianas are a constitutional absolute monarchy in the most traditional sense of the word, with the monarch holding power over the entirety of the kingdom’s government and having the Parliament of the Islands and the High Court of Agaña as subservient and often only-advisory organs in their administration
The Marianas were established on May 13th, 1961, as the fifteenth imperial kingdom, being the first to be created by Empress Jessamine. Its first monarch, the fourth son of Emperor Leonard, was beforehand the Duke of Sussex, having been created as such in 1955, and the Governor of the Marianas, having been appointed in 1958
The Marianas are marked for being the imperial kingdom with the shortest span of time between its territorial acquisition by Albion and its establishment, as the Mariana Islands were only officially taken from Spain in 1958
The Monarchs’ List
1961-2013: Vincent (b.1931:d.2013), born Prince George Vincent of Wales
2013-2015: Henry IX (b.1956:d.2015), assassinated[6]
2015: Elizabeth II (b.1974:d.2015), ruled from January to June
2015: Mary III (b.1974:d.2015), daughter of Henry IX, ruled from June to September, deposed[7]
2015-2018: Richard IV (b.1975:d.2018), son of Henry IX, assassinated[8]
2018-2019: Henry X (b.1977), son of Henry IX, abdicated, currently The Prince-Abbot of Zarpana[9]
2019-: Anne II (b.1979), daughter of Henry IX
Heir apparent: Vincent, Crown Prince of the Marianas, Grand Duke of Saipán (b.2013) son of Anne II
2. Princess Maud of the Marianas, Duchess of Rota (b.2015) daughter of Anne II
3. Prince Victor of the Marianas, Duke of Tinian (b.2016) son of Anne II
4. Princess Evangeline of the Marianas, Countess of Tanapag (b.2001) legitimized daughter of Anne II
5. Prince Michael of the Marianas, Duke of Farallon (b.2001) son of Vincent[10]

[1] A Micronesian language descended from Chuukic, spoken in a single settlement in the island of Saipan, it is the only “protected language” of the Marianas, as it was almost always under the danger of getting extinct over the 20th century
[2] The indigenous people of the Mariana Islands
[3] The multiracial parts of the population descended from the Spanish, mainly with Chamorro or Philippine ancestry
[4] Mainly the descendants of the Albish, French and American immigrants from the 19th and 20th centuries
[5] Coming mostly from the western islands of Japan
[6] Poisoned at breakfast (possibly) by his own daughter and heir
[7] And later assassinated in her sleep
[8] Probably on the orders of his younger brother and successor (who has shown himself to be quite ruthless for a monk)
[9] Henry X only ruled long enough to be certain that his sister’s succession would be a smooth one, and then proceeded to abdicate and return to his previous position as the Prince-Abbot, which he has held since his early 30s (after becoming a monk when he was 27)
[10] Vincent of the Marianas loses to few other rulers of imperial kingdoms in relation to his marriages and offspring, marrying five times (and doing so in special in his later years) and having in total 17 legitimate children (and many more illegitimate ones)
Anne II
(Anne Caroline Girmhilde Sophia) is the seventh and current monarch of the Marianas, being their third reigning queen and the one among the current monarchs of imperial kingdoms to have most recently ascended to their throne (as of 2020).

Born to the Marianas Branch of the Windsor Dynasty, as the third daughter and youngest child of the Grand Duke of Saipán, the future Henry IX of the Marianas, and Marion FitzArthur-Windsor (of the Earls of Chesterfield), Anne II was, at birth, the eight in line to the thrones of the Marianas, coming after her father and siblings, and remainder on said position until King Vincent of the Marianas’ death in 2013. In 1997, at the age of 18, she was made “Countess of Tanapag” by her grandfather.

The youngest of her parents’ seven surviving children, Anne II was in no way expected to inherit the throne of the Marianas for much of her life, and during her youth became known for her involvement with motorcycle racing, although an unfortunate accident caused her retirement in 2001, as well as for entering the world of writing, becoming a novelist of reasonable renown during her 20s.

After five years together, Anne II had the plans for marrying her then boyfriend, the late James Santana-Ross, in 2002, and was pregnant when he died in a crash while racing, giving birth a few months later to the current Countess of Tanapag. Not in a scandal but grief-stricken, Anne II was convinced by her parents to leave the Marianas for a few years in the hopes of letting her go through mourning more easily, and moved to Colombia in 2003. Living on the country until 2009, during that time Anne entered a relationship with Sebastian Aquillar Escobar (the younger son of Chancellor Emilia Escobar), whom she met at a bar in Cali in 2005, and came back with him upon returning to the Marianas. In 2010 the two married, and have three children together.

Still a relatively minor royal upon her return, Anne became something of an underrated social darling in the Marianas during the early 2010s, in great part due to being the only one of her siblings to have a happy relationship and being the first among them to have children. Nonetheless, Anne II chose to remain uninvolved in the growing intrigues and tensions of the kingdom’s court, turning a blind eye while her siblings went for the other’s throats. In 2015 the then countess was in Hong Kong during most of the year’s chaos, returning in December of that year when her eldest brother had already begun his reign.

Not targeted by her brother during his time on the throne, Anne II remained on the sidelines publicly during that time, although, as Richard IV became increasingly paranoid and his mental faculties deteriorated, she was behind the scenes one of the main plotters behind the 2018 coup. Upon Henry X’s ascension, as a self-called “transitional king”, and her own rising to heir presumptive, Anne II became First Minister of the Marianas, a position she held until her ascension upon his abdication, in August 22nd, 2019.

Crowned three days later, Anne II hasn’t had (as of 2020) much time to show her “personality” as a ruler, and has mainly shown herself to be focused on bringing back stability in the kingdom, as well as investing in its dwindling tourism sector
Officially the Kingdom of Kiribati of the Gilbert and Phoenix Islands
Capital in the City of Tarawa, also the kingdom’s largest city, with a population of 65 thousand inhabitants
The kingdom has English and Gilbertese (or Kiribati) as its official languages
The kingdom has a population of 112 thousand inhabitants. Of them a majority, at 96% of the population, are native Gilbertese (or I-Kiribati), with the other 4% being mostly Whites and Mixed-Race individuals descended from Albish immigrants; the population is overwhelmingly Christian, with 57% being Catholic and 40% Protestant[2], while the largest religious minority is the Baha’i Faith, whose followers make nearly 2% of the population
Kiribati is a semi-federative and constitutional absolute monarchy, with its monarch holding an overwhelming majority of control over all branches of government while, due to the spread-out nature of its territory, the kingdom’s local administrations are semi-autonomous from the central one
Kiribati was established on June 3rd, 1962, as the sixteenth imperial kingdom. Its first monarch, the sixth and youngest son of Emperor Leonard, never held a royal dukedom before his enthronement, and had been in a common law marriage since 1954
Kiribati possesses a single princely state within its territory, the High Chiefdom of Abemama, Aranuka and Kuria, who became an Albish protectorate during the 1890s and was later entered colonial Kiribati as a princely state
Kiribati is the most recently established imperial kingdom to not be under its first monarch
The Monarch, her Father and Her Offspring
1962-1965: James VIII (b.1937:d.1965) born Prince James Godfrey of Wales
1965-: Hermione (b.1957) born Lady Hermione Elizabeth Marion FitzJames, “legitimized" in 1962[2]
Her husband, Prince Daniel of Orkney and of Hesse and by Rhine (b.1949)
1) Crown Princess Winifred Charlotte of Kiribati, Princess of Rawaki (b.1982) m. Prince Sakuhito Katsura of Japan (b.1982)
1) Prince Adele of Rawaki, Duke of Kanton (b.2002) m. Princess Magdalene of Abemama (b.1997)​
2) Prince John of Rawaki, Duke of Nikumaroro (b.2005)​
3) Princess Georgiana of Rawaki, Duchess of Orona (b.2007)​
2) Princess Theodora of Kiribati, Princess of Butaritari (b.1982) m. Prince Sebastian of Abemama (b.1979)
1) Princess Yolanda of Butaritari, Countess of Tikurere (b.2003)​

[1] Mostly Anglicans, with the remainder being mainly Seventh-day Adventists and Kiribati’s own branch of the Mormons
[2] Hermione’s parents were on a common-law marriage since 1954, but hadn’t ever actually gotten officially married by the time of his enthronement, with her being “legitimized” when they officially tied the knot shortly after James VIII’s enthronement
(Hermione Elizabeth Marion; born in 5 May 1957) is the second and current monarch of Kiribati, being the kingdom’s only reigning queen and by far its longest-reigning monarch.

Born Hermione FitzJames, the daughter of the then Prince James of Albion and his common-law wife, Margaret Henfield, Hermione of Kiribati was, until the age of 5, officially illegitimate. Growing-up at Frogmore Cottage, Windsor, Hermione lived in the Home Islands until 1962, when James VIII was enthroned the monarch of Kiribati and her family moved there. A “royal bastard” for a few months until her parents’ marriage and her immediate legitimization, Hermione became heiress apparent at the age of 6.

Heiress apparent for only two years, Hermione became queen at the age of 8, when her father died from consumption. A child upon her ascension, the queen was under the regency of her uncle, and unofficial second parent[1], Reginald Henfield, First Minister since 1962 and Governor of the Gilbert Islands from 1960 to 1962.

Reaching majority in 1975, Hermione chose to extend her uncle’s regency for another seven years instead of immediately assuming the reins of government, going to the Home Islands to study at St. Andrews, leaving with a Master of Arts in Economics, and then entering Columbia University, where she left with a Bachelor of Science in Geography and Geology. During her time in Long Island, Hermione became known as a gregarious but study-focused person, who appeared only in main social events and some minor other occurrences[2].

It was during her years in university that Hermione of Kiribati met and married her consort, at the time of their first encounter a distant cousin eight years her senior, in leave from the Royal Navy to gain a degree in applied sciences. Meeting in 1980, the royal couple entered a relationship at the end of that year, and, after accidentally getting pregnant, the year after, having their twin daughters, princesses Winifred and Theodora, in early 1982.

Finishing her studies in 1982 itself, Hermione of Kiribati finally assumed full royal authority a year later, finishing her 18-years-long regency, although First Minister Henfield remained on that office until 1985, when he retired after over two decades as the partial or sole ruler of the kingdom.

Assuming power in 1975, as previously mentioned, Hermione reign began with the creation of the “Insular Maintenance Bureau” due to her education in geology, with the government division being responsible for safeguarding the stability and existence of the islands of Kiribati from erosion, soil liquefaction and sea-level rises above all else, a mission that expanded to the ecology of the islands in the 1990s after the Banaba Disaster. One of the queen’s most famous projects connected to the bureau is the Tarawa Seawall, considered one of the “Nine Wonders of Engineering”, whose building was finished on her Coral Jubilee.

Outside of nature-caused infrastructure projects, the queen also enacted a variety of social-based projects over the years, her most famous ones being the building of desalination plants on all inhabited islands, as Kiribati has a major lack of access to natural drinking water[3]; the introduction of government-backed sea farming, to diminish the need for imported foodstuffs; and the more recent investments in the building of artificial “islands” due to population growth.

Called “a considerate and agreeable woman” by a newsletter in her youth, the queen is known for being charming and easygoing, and outside of her projects she has mainly focused her reign on the matters of Kiribati’s economy and prosperity, being sometimes called the “backbone of tourism” on the kingdom due to her endeavors not only to establish it but also as the de facto poster-woman for the industry, which stands with fishing and fish-farming as the major sources of Kiribati’s economy.

A self-proclaimed “passable politician”, the queen has often delegated that side of ruling to either her husband or her children, with Crown Princess Winifred in particular being often called the “eminence in shadow” of Kiribati. In relation to her family, Hermione is known for seemingly being “always on the honeymoon phase” in her marriage but having a relatively more strained relationship with her daughters, in that case due to having, in special in their youth, a rather strong “mother-hen syndrome”[4]

[1] James VIII made a rather poor effort while he was alive of hiding the fact that he was in a relationship with both Henfield siblings, actually beginning said relationship with Reginald before being acquainted with Margaret through her brother
[2] Hermione of Kiribati did cause a bit of a fuss when she entered and won an eating competition, and following that became a semi-recurrent appearance in the “circuits” of the sport in Long Island (when asked how she never gained weight in that process, the queen admitted to having an “unnaturally fast” metabolism)
[3] With Kiribati making a small amount of money from the selling of the brine produced by desalination projects, as it is considerably less contaminated than most wastewater brine
[4] Used in Albion mainly to refer to nigh-suffocating overprotective parents
SEYCHELLES (Royaume des Îles des Seychelles)
Officially the Kingdom of the Islands of Seychelles
Capital in the Port of Victoria, also the kingdom’s largest city, with a population of 35 thousand inhabitants
The kingdom has English, French and Kreol[1] as its official languages
The kingdom has a population of 135 thousand inhabitants. Of them, the majority (at around 88%) are Seychellois Creoles[2], while the remaining population is mainly divided among those of British[3], French[4], Chinese[5] and Bharati[6] ancestry. The kingdom is majority Christian (at around 89%) with about 76% of the population identifying as Catholic, the largest religious minority is Anglicanism, at just over 8%, while 5% of the population follow other denominations; the remaining 11% are made mainly of Hindus, Muslism and Buddhists
The Seychelles are an executive monarchy in the Westminster Style under a military authority, with its monarch holding the executive power and direct control of the local military, which, in special the fleet of the Imperial Navy, holds control over part of the legislative and judiciary powers together with the Parliament of the Seychelles and the High Court of Victoria
The Seychelles were established on October 21st, 1962, as the seventeenth imperial kingdom. Its first (and current) monarch, the fourth daughter and tenth child of Emperor Leonard, never held a dukedom before her enthronement, but was beforehand the acting (later official) Governor of the Seychelles since 1956 and Rear-Admiral of the Indian Ocean Fleet since 1960, and had been married since 1960 to the 3rd Duke of Bolton[7]
The Monarch and her Family
Since 1962: Mary III (b.1938), born Princess Mary Adelaide of Wales, the first and currently only monarch of the country
Her late husband, Lord Arminston Edward Algar Orde-Powlett, 3rd Duke of Bolton and 8th Baron Bolton (b.1940:d.2015)
1) John Victor of the Seychelles, 4th Duke of Bolton, Duke of Mamelles and Prince of Mahé (b.1962)
m. Lay Madison Abigail Wyczenski Clunies-Ross (b.1962)
1) Prince Charles of Mahé, Duke of Farquhar and Marquess of Basingstoke (b.1990) m. Lady Lorette Citoyen (b.1990)​
1) Princess Arabella of Mamelles, Countess of Bancs de Sable (b.2017)​
2) Princess Margot of Mamelles (b.2018)​
3) Princess Lucille of Mamelles (b.2019)​
4) Princess Olympe of Mamelles (b.2020)​
2) Prince Winston of Mahé, Duke of La Digue (b.1991) m. Lady Philippa de Laborde Goldsmith de Monpezat (b.1990)​
3) Princess Marion of Mahé (b.1999)​
2) Princess Clementine of the Seychelles (b.1963)
m. Crown Prince Mael Jasamanta of Assam, Maharaja of Balpara, Raja of Jaintia and Lord of Shillong (b.1956)
1) Adrian of Assam, Crown Prince of Jaintia and Archduke of Kamrup (b.1983) m. Princess Kishori of Manipur (b.1983)​
1) Prince Francis of Assam, Prince of Magaldai (b.2005)​
2) Princess Adelaide of Assam (b.2006)​
3) Prince Octavius of Assam (b.2010)​
2) Prince Nathaniel of Assam (b.1985) m. Princess Maria Priyanka de Bourbon, of Bhopal (b.1985)​
1) Princess Thomasin of Assam (b.2008)​
2) Princess Diana of Assam (b.2012)​
3) Prince Charles of Assam (b.2015)​

[1] Also known as Seychellois Creole, it is a French creole language marked by often having words be abbreviated, as well as possessing some adopted words and terms from Albish English. It is known for being the language in which the Anthem of the Seychelles, Koste Seselwa, is written
[2] Descended from the slave transported from Mauritius when the Seychelles were colonized, being the last slaves to be introduced to the Indian Ocean, they are mainly of East African and Malagasy origins, although a considerable minority also possess Albish, Bharati, French or even Chinese ancestry as well
[3] Descended almost entirely from post-Napoleonic settlers, which came mainly from Northwestern England, the Scottish Highlands and Wales; they are the majority ethnic group of the Farquhar and Cosmoledo atolls
[4] Descended almost entirely from the pre-Napoleonic French colonists, most descend from the initial 15 white settlers from Mauritius that first came in 1770
[5] Originated from Chinese immigrants who arrived from Mauritius in 1886, being originally mostly vanilla farmers, the population is descended from them and from relatives brought over from China over the following decades (being mostly of Cantonese and Hakka origins)
[6] Originally descended from South-Bharati/Dravidian slaves and coolies brought during the time of the Seychelles as a colony of France, the majority are of a more recent Bharati origins, mainly coming as workers during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
[7] The Dukes of Bolton of the second creation (1935), they are the female-line descendants of the dukes of the first creation (through the natural daughter of the 5th duke), having been before the dukedom already on the peerage as Barons Bolton – created in 1797 for Thomas Orde-Powlett, the 5th duke’s natural-son-in-law –, with the future 6th Baron Bolton, Nigel Amyas Orde-Powlett, being created duke in 1935 after his father, the 5th baron, declined the peerage (the 5th baron had been, before inheriting his peerage, a respected MP during the early 20th century, and had been made Lord Lieutenant of the North Riding of Yorkshire shortly before the offer of a dukedom)
Mary III
(Mary Adelaide Margaret Jane, born in 7 September 1938) is the Queen of the Seychelles. The first monarch of the islands as an imperial kingdom of Albion, she ascended to the position on October 21st, 1962, upon being enthroned by her sister, Empress Jessamine of Albion. She is one of the three rulers of an imperial kingdom to be enthroned by their sibling, being currently the last one living among Empress Jessamine’s siblings enthroned by her.

Born on September 7th, 1931, in Gosford Park, as the tenth child and fourth daughter of the Prince and Princess of Wales (later Emperor Leonard and Empress Olivia), Mary III was at birth the eleventh in the line of succession to the Albish throne. Like only a few other imperial princes and princesses, her birth was a complete surprise, occurring when the future emperor and empress were attending a shooting party at a country estate, and was doubly surprising due to occurring only a few hours after the murder of the party’s host, Sir William McCordle, 1st Baronet[1].

Known for being energetic and quick-witted since childhood, as well as for having a love for the sea, sailing, and sport fishing, Mary III first expressed her desire to become a sailor as a child, being recorded loudly declaring her ambitious at her 7th birthday party. Entering the Royal Naval College, Osborne, as a 12-year-old in 1950, Mary III remained there even after the beginning of the Second World War, holding her ground in her decision to enter the Royal Navy, which she officially did at the age of 16 upon graduation. During her time at Osborne, Mary III also showed a great interest and liking for acting, being a part of the college’s “theatre association”.

Serving on WWII from 1954 onwards, being deployed to the Indian Ocean and seeing direct action in the Maldives, Seychelles, and the Malay Arch[2], Mary III ended-up becoming the acting governor of the Seychelles in 1956, taking command out of necessity during the Second Chinese Offensive and ending up remaining on the position afterwards. De facto forced out of frontline duty by her new charge, Mary III remained as acting governor until 1958, when she was officially appointed to the position, and remained as such until her enthronement.

Never officially retiring from active service, Mary III spent the remainder of the war as the de facto administrator of basically the center point of the Axis’ supply lines in the Indian Ocean, as well as their main retreat, rest and triage point. Although never elevated in rank through the war (mainly due to having more pressing matters), Mary III was retroactively done so in 1960, when she was elevated to the rank of Rear-Admiral in the Indian Ocean Fleet for her service; in 1965 the queen was made a Vice-Admiral, and finally became a semi-honorary Admiral in 1978.

Meeting while at Osborne, but only beginning a relationship in the final years of the Second World War after he became her personal secretary, Mary III finally married in 1960 to Arminston Edward Orde-Powlett, who that same year had become the 3rd Duke and 8th Baron of Bolton. The two remained married for nearly 55 years until the Duke Consort’s death in 2015, having two children together.

Enthroned in October 21st, 1962, the queen was originally planned to be enthrone in 1958, only a few months after the end of WWII, but her own wishes to wait until the rebuilding efforts in the war’s aftermath were completed, and later her continuous attempts to convince the Duke Consort of accepting to become her co-monarch, caused Mary III’s enthronement to be delayed for four years. Due to the time of waiting, plans for her acclamation[3] were already completed by the time of the enthronement, with the ceremony occurring less than a week later in November 1st.

Completing 58 years on the throne in 2020, Mary III’s reign has been a relatively stable one, being marked by the strange contrast between the kingdom’s status as a “glorified naval station”, serving as both the core of the Royal Navy’s control on the Indian Ocean and the headquarters of the fight against piracy in its waters, and its fame as center for tourism on East Africa as much as for being one of the most developed countries in the continent.

Often characterized as a “benevolent dictator”, Mary III has seen her fair share of discontent and dissention during her reign, commanding Seychelles through five failed coup attempts over the decades, the first one, occurring in 1977, being famous for the fact that its leader, the socialist France-Albert René, ended up being later pardoned and made her First Minister, serving on the position for nearly two decades and becoming a personal friend of the queen. Often commented on the strange contrast between her semi-military rule and her kind and motherly image, Mary III is known for having only gone “out of character” a few times during her reign, the most infamous being in 1981 during the “Angela Crisis”, a failed white supremacist coup and insurrection that saw her go all-out with the trappings of a dictator. Ever since the queen is known for her no-quarter policy in relation to white supremacism, most recently shown during the aftermath of Empress Eleanor’s assassination.

Known for often trying to foster good relations between Seychelles and the imperial kingdoms on Bharat, Mary III is currently (as of 2021) one of the monarchs of an imperial kingdom of Albion with the closest connection to the line of succession of another one, her daughter and younger child, Princess Clementine, being set to become Queen consort of Assam in the near future

[1] A interesting tale, often compared to one of Baroness Christie’s novels, the man, a first-generation baronet, was both poisoned and stabbed and almost all of his guests and relatives had some reason to murder him (the man was of quite an unagreeable disposition and most people at Gosford Park at the time either loathed or deeply disliked him).
The culprit of the murder was Sir William’s housekeeper, Helena Wilson, who was later revealed to have done so by poisoning the baronet so as to make sure her son’s only crime was to have stabbed a corpse. For, you see, one of the guest’s (Sir William’s brother-in-law) valet, Robert Parks, was actually the baronet’s illegitimate son, forced to an orphanage by him after Mrs. Wilson, who had been a worker on the baronet’s factory and basically been coerced to have relations with him, gave birth.
Although Mrs. Wilson was initially arrested for the crime, her trial, which saw the revelation of the convoluted tale of the baronet’s murder mainly by the shocking testimony of Gosford Park’s cook (Mrs. Laura Croft nee Wilson, whom was actually Mrs. Wilson for-long-estranged sister (their relationship having rekindled after the murder), and who also had a child by the baronet, and had been forced out of work at his factory after she refused to give them up to adoption), ended with the woman being given an imperial pardon, as although she was judged guilty (as it was a trial more for the decision of her sentence, as Mrs. Wilson had been arrested after confessing to the murder), the circumstances of the murder resulted on the jury actually declaring that “a pardon would be considered acceptable” on their judgement, which was passed by the Crown after a intervention by the then Prince of Wales in her favor.
Although forever estranged from her son (they met periodically, and she did have a closer relationship with his children), Mrs. Wilson lived a relatively well-off life in the years following her trial, being offered the position of housekeeper at Windlesham Moor shortly after her pardon and receiving a grace-and-favour apartment in St James’s Palace after her retirement.
[2] Albish nickname for the outer shores of the Malay Archipelago, also including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, it has come to signify the northeastern parts of the Indian Ocean to the Albish
[3] Mary III declined having a coronation, and instead had a ceremony that was a mix between a Royal Navy award and the acclamation of the Portuguese monarch
NATAL (Umbuso WaseNatali | Koninkryk van Natal)
Officially the Kingdom of Natal
Capital in the Royal City of Pietermaritzburg, also the kingdom’s second-largest city, with a population of 1.7 million inhabitants. The kingdom’s largest city is Port Natal (or Durban), with a population of 4.2 million inhabitants
The kingdom has Imperial English, Natalia English[1], Zulu and Afrikaans as its official languages
The kingdom has a total population of around 10.5 million inhabitants, marked by migration and colonization through the 19th and early 20th centuries. The majority of the population, at 51%, are Coloured (or Biracial)[2], with the second and third largest groups being Black Africans[3] at 28% and Whites (divided between Boer[4] and Britannic[5]) at 11%, while peoples of South (mainly Bharati[6]) and East Asian (mainly Vietnamese[7]) descent make most of the remaining 10%. The kingdom is majority Christian, with 82% of the population identifying as Protestant[8] and 5% as Catholic, while the largest minorities are Folk Religions, at 8%, and Hinduism, at 3%
Natal is an executive monarchy in the Westminster Style, but nearly veers into being a constitutional absolute monarchy, with its monarch holding the executive power as well as having a wide range of control over the legislative and judiciary, who nominally are under the prerogative of the Natalian Parliament and the High Court of Pietermaritzburg
Natal was established on July 5th, 1979, as the eighteenth imperial kingdom. Its first (and current) monarch, the second son and fourth child of Empress Jessamine, never held a royal dukedom and was unmarried before his enthronement, marrying on June 25th in a ceremony that doubled as his coronation​

[1] A dialect of English marked by having the influence form both Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu
[2] This is a classification made by various groups, including pre-colonial mixed-race Trekboers, mixed-race descendants of post-1850s white settlers and natives (the largest), and mixed-race descendants of post-1850s white settlers and Bharati laborers
[3] Mainly ethnic Zulus, but with small Sotho and Xhosa minorities as well
[4] The smaller of the two groups (although not by a wide margin), they migrated to the region during the early 19th century and established the Natalia Republic, an almost anarchically disunited Boer State that lasted from 1839 to 1852, when it was annexed by the then British Empire and turned into the Colony of Natal
[5] Mainly English and Welsh in origins, interestingly, this classification also includes those of mixed white and East Asian descent
[6] Descended mainly from Tamil indentured laborers who settled after the expiration of their contracts, brought to Natal by the boom of its sugar, coffee, tea, arrowroot and cotton industries during the mid-19th century, interestingly, this classification often also includes those of mixed Bharati and African ancestry
[7] Descended mainly from farmer immigrants from Cochinchina who came during the late 19th centuries
[8] It has some level of ethnic division, with those more of Boer or Dutch ancestry being mainly Calvinist or Lutheran while those more connected to Albion are mainly Presbyterian and Anglican
The Monarch and His Family
Including: Him, his Consorts, his Lovers, Mistresses, and Paramours, and their offspring, Legitimate or Legitimized
Since 1979: Charles III (b.1958) born Prince Charles Francis of Albion, the first and currently only monarch of the country
His first consort, married from 1979 to 1985, Princess Anticlea Venakatha of Kandy (b.1958: d.1985) (a)
1) Duncan, Crown Prince of Natal, Grand Prince of Alasia, Archduke of Laverton and Menzies, etc. (b.1980)​
His wife, married in 1999, Princess Marianne of Namibia, Air Marshal (b.1980)​
His mistress, from 1995 to 1999, Dame Georgiana Strummond (b.1997) (a)​
His mistress, from 2005 to 2011, Lady Sophia Spencer, Sergeant (b.1975: d.2011) (b)​
1a) Maximillian, Duke of Buffelskloof (b.1997)​
2a) Maribelle, Lieutenant-Colonel (b.1999) m. The Hon. Olenna Stanhope-Windsor (b.1999)​
3) Lulach, Hereditary First Prince, Prince-Duke of Tugela and Kranskop (b.1999)​
m. Princess Catherine of the Transvaal (b.1985) m. Suzaku Takatsukasa, 5th Prince Kururugi (b.2000)​
1) Princess Ophelia of Tugela and Kranskop (b.2019)​
2) Prince Stephen of Tugela and Kranskop (b.2020)​
3) Prince Ciel of Tugela and Kranskop (b.2020)​
4) Louis, Prince-Duke of Laingsburg (b.1999) m. Countess Ingrid von und zu Pappenheim (b.1996)​
5) Euphemia, Duchess of Verhardingveld (b.2000)​
6) Carine, Duchess of Kleinsee (b.2002)​
7) Natalia, Duchess of Kenhardt (b.2003)​
8) Roland, Duke of Creighton (b.2003)​
9b) Faramond, Marquess of Ooshof (b.2008)​
2) Guinevere, First Princess of the Realm of Natal (b.1983) m. Julius Kingsley, the Duke of Nymans (b.1999)​
1) Lady Alice Kingsley-Windsor-vanNatal, Countess of Gormfield (b.2020)​
His second consort, married from 1987 to 2004, Lady Diana Spencer, 2nd Baroness Spencer of Port Natal (b.1964) (b)
1) Andrew, Prince Consort of Halifax (b.1988) m. Princess Johanna Mountbatten, 5th Duchess of Halifax (b.1988)​
1) Prince George of Halifax and Natal (b.2018)​
2) Princess Matilda of Halifax and Natal (b.2018)​
2) Alfred, Third Prince of the Realm of Natal (b.1989)​
3) Schneizel of Natal, First Minister of the Realm, Duke of Iddlingshire (b.1993)​
1) Legitimized Prince Louis of Iddlingshire (b.2015)​
2) Legitimized Princess Cora of Iddlingshire (b.2018)​
4) Diana of Natal, Second Princess of the Realm (b.1994: d.2016)​
5) Clovis I, King jure uxoris of Bourbon (b.1996) m. Marie II Randrianarisoa, Queen of Bourbon (b.1996)​
1) Prince Philippe Razafindramary, Dauphin of Bourbon (b.2020)​
2) Prince Alexandre Randriamahazomana, Duke of Saint Gilles (b.2020)​
3) Prince Chlothar Randriamihaja, Duke of Bras-Panon (b.2020)​
His third consort, married from 2005 to 2007, Princess Carine Windsor-FitzLouise-Gore of Arran (b.1975: d.2007) (c)
1) Castor, (b.2005)​
2) Pollux, Duke of Dundashire/Dundas (b.2005) m. Annabeth Franklyn (b.2004)​
1) Prince Arcadius of Dundas (b.2020)​
3) Eurydice, (b.2007)​
His fourth consort, married from 2010 to 2018, Lady Martha Frances McMahon (b.1982) (d)
1) Mathilda, (b.2011)​
2) Violet, (b.2013)​
3) Sybil, (b.2014)​
4) Evelyn, (b.2016)​
5) Jocelyn, (b.2016)​
His fifth and current consort, lover since 2015, married since 2018, Prince Frederick of Albany and Battenberg (b.1997) (e)
1) Elizabeth, (b.2020)​
2) Kathryn, (b.2020)​
3) Marion, (b.2020)​
4) Henry, (b.2020)​
His lover, from 1973 to ≈1978, Samuel Evelyn McPherson-Browne-Ashford, Consort of Appomattox (b.1958: d.2020) (*)
His lover, from 1973 to ≈1978, Regina Marion Browne-Ashford, 1st Duchess of Appomattox (b.1958: d.2013) (*)
1) Georgiana, Most Lovingly Remembered (b.1975: d.1978)​
2) Theodore, (b.1976) m. Dona Josefina de Oliveira e Daun de Lencastre, 11th/3rd Duchess of Aveiro (b.1971)​
1) Dom Sebastião Augusto de Natal e Lencastre (b.2001)​
2) Dom José Jorge de Natal e Lencastre (b.2002)​
His lover and later mistress, from 1975 to 1979 and 1985 to 1993, Dame Theresa Jung-ok Kim, 1st Baronetess (b.1952) (*)
1) Vincent, 1st Duke of New Hereford (b.1988: d.2019) m. Princess Jane Yasmin of Kiloa (b.1989)​
1) Victoria, 2nd Duchess of New Hereford (b.2011)​
2) Princess Fatima of New Hereford and Kiloa (b.2013)​
3) Princess Leonie of New Hereford and Kiloa (b.2014)​
His lover and later mistress, from 1976 to 1990, Princess Alexandra Marinovna Yusupova (b.1955) (*)
1) Tatiana, Countess of Canemard (b.1979)​
Her first consort, from 2002 to 2009, Prince Heinrich XLIV. Reuss zu Köstritz (b.1978) (a)​
Her second consort, since 2013, Buhle Baone (b.1979) (b)​
1a) Prince Heinrich V. Reuss zu Köstritz of Canemard, Viscount Cadbury (b.2005)​
2a) Prince Heinrich VI. Reuss zu Köstritz of Canemard (b.2005)​
3b) Princess Alexandra of Canemard (b.2016)​
2) Konstantin, Prince Yusupov of Natal (b.1983) m. Count Raphaël Etienne de Polignac (b.1987)​
1) Princess Xenia Konstantinovna Yusupov (b.2017)​
2) Princess Olga Konstantinovna Yusupov (b.2019)​
3) Vasily, Most Lovingly Remembered (1984)​
4) Ekaterina, Lady of Kériolet (b.1987) m. Bernard Clavering-Cowper, Duke of Fordwich-Nassau (b.1987)​
1) Lord Charles Arthur de Grey Nassau Clavering-Cowper, Earl Cowper (b.2012)​
2) Lady Elizabeth Madeleine de Grey Nassau Clavering-Cowper (b.2014)​
3) Lady Brigitte Jane de Grey Nassau Clavering-Cowper (b.2015)​
4) Lord Max Frederick de Grey Nassau Clavering-Cowper (b.2017)​
5) Lady Henrietta Nathalia de Grey Nassau Clavering-Cowper (b.2018)​
6) Lady Louisa May de Grey Nassau Clavering-Cowper (b.2019)​
His lover, from 1978 to 1980, Elizabeth Porter Clayton, by marriage Baroness of Cardinham (b.1957) (*)
1) Regina, Duchess of Emnambithi (b.1980) m. Princess Sonia Gugulethu of Zulu (b.1981)​
1) Prince George of Emnambithi (b.2018)​
His lover, from 1985 to 1987, The Hon. Sir Francis Emmanuelle Barker (b.1954: d.2016) (*)
1) Theobald, Duke of Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, Lord Administrator of Tristan da Cunha (b.1986)​
His first consort, from 2009 to 2010, The Hon. Sophia Bonham Carter, Commodore (b.1985) (a)​
His second consort, from 2012 to 2014, from Madame Marie Anaïs Grimaldi, of Toudon (b.1986) (b)​
His third consort, since 2016, Sir Jonas Hengji Xiang, KCVO (b.1986) (c)​
1b) Lucas Melchior, Earl of Pormfrost (b.2014)​
His paramour, from 1988 to 2007, Henry Pieter van Schoor, Admiral, Duke of Nyberg (b.1964) (*)
1) Richard, Duke of Grootvloer (b.1991) m. Princess Nguyễn Phương Liên of Vietnam (b.1989)​
2) Friedrich, Duke of Lidgetton (b.1992) m. Anders Stromm du Bloch-Carcenac (b.1989)​
3) Isobel, Countess of Houtleih (b.2002) m. Sir Raphael Boyce-Mthembu (b.2002)​
His mistress, from 1989 to 1992, Victoria Gutiérrez de la Concha y Carvadales, 7th Marchioness of Havana, Grandee (b.1965) (*)
1) Cornelia, Major-General, Baroness of Guadalest (b.1993)​
His mistress, from 1989 to 1995, Carole Ntombizanele Stairs-Jones, 3rd Countess Jones-Baskin (b.1961) (*)
1) Claire, Princess Takamado (b.1992) m. Renya, Prince Takamado of Japan (b.1992)​
1) Princess Sayako of Takamado (b.2017)​
2) Prince Kuniie of Takamado (b.2018)​
3) Prince Shigejiro of Takamado (b.2019)​
2) Sebastian, Prince of Valguarnera (b.1995) m. Vittoria Alliata, 15th Princess of Villafranca, etc. (b.1950)​
1) Princess Teresa van Natal Alliata di Villafranca (b.2018)​
2) Princess Giovanna van Natal Alliata di Villafranca (b.2018)​
3) Princess Raphaela van Natal Alliata di Villafranca (b.2018)​
4) Prince Antonio Francesco van Natal Alliata di Villafranca, Duke of Salaparuta (b.2018)​
5) Princess Maria Immacolata van Natal Alliata di Villafranca (b.2020)​
6) Prince Giuseppe Antonio van Natal Alliata di Villafranca (b.2020)​
His lover, from 1991 to 1996, The Hon. Feodora Marbury (b.1966: d.2011) (*)
1) Nathaniel, Duke of Nuweburg (b.1994)​
His first consort, from 2014 to 2016, Lady Joanna Boipelo Mosetsanagape (b.1991: d.2016) (a)​
His second consort, since 2019, Lady Suzanna Masego Mosetsanagape (b.1993) (b)​
1a) Princess Catrina Sethunya of Nuweburg (b.2016)​
2a) Prince Moritz Tshepo of Nuweburg (b.2016)​
3a) Prince Andreas Thabang of Nuweburg (b.2016)​
His lover, from 1992 to 1995, HIH Humphrey Maynwaring Frowseloure, Earl of Edgerley (b.1963) (*)
1) Elsa, Grand Duchess of Tilea (b.1993) m. Prince Alexander of Tilea (b.1991) (a) m. Gerhard Fernandes (b.1993) (b)​
1a) Princess Mabel of Tilea, Lady of Miragliano (b.2012)​
2a) Prince Mason of Tilea, Hereditary Grand Duke (b.2012)​
3b) Princess Simone of Tilea, Lady of Pavonia (b.2020)​
2) Lucille, Hereditary Countess of Edgerley (b.1994) m. Prince Natsuhiko Tokugawa of Mildian (b.1994)​
3) Julia, Duchess of Shemya (b.1994) m. HS Grayson Silvestrov Milkovich (b.1993)​
His lover and later mistress, from 1993 to 1998, The Hon. Charlotte Baskerville-Canty (b.1979) (*)
1) Addam, Most Lovingly Remembered (b.1995: d.2016)​
2) Magnus, Count of Andrade (b.1998) m. Enriqueta Martinez de Irujo y Fitz-James, 13th Duchess of Montoro (b.1999)​
1) Doña Maria Adriana FitzRoy-Windsor y Martinez de Irujo, 20th Marchioness of the Carpio, Grandee (b.2018)​
2) Doña Cayetana FitzRoy-Windsor y Martinez de Irujo, 25th Countess of Lemos (b.2019)​
3) Doña Brianda Helena FitzRoy-Windsor y Martinez de Irujo, 23rd Countess of Villalba (b.2020)​
His mistress, from 1994 to 1997, Lady Florence Spencer-Churchill (b.1967: d.2014) (*)
1) Felix Winston, Prince of Mindelheim (b.1997) m. Maria Franziska von Osten-Sacken-Bogdanov (b.1995)​
His lover, from 1994 to 2001, Bernard Raubenheimer Pretorius, 1st Earl of Veermark (b.1971: d.2001) (*)
His lover, from 1994 to 2001, Ottoline Raubenheimer Pretorius, 1st Baroness Everyngstal (b.1971: d.2001) (*)
1) Saartje, (b.1997) m. Piers Butler, 1st Duke, 9th Marquess and 27th Earl of Ormonde (b.1993)​
1) Lord Oliver Tyler Butler, 8th Earl of Ossory and Viscount Mountgarret (b.2016)​
2) Lady Siobhan Julia Butler (b.2019)​
2) Lavinia, Baroness Fitzroy of Estone, Most Lovingly Remembered (b.1999: d.2018)​
3) Bertrand, Duke of Nekveldring and 2nd Earl of Veermark (b.1999) m. Margaret Ntobeko Ndobe-Lawne (b.1998)​
4) Jacob, Earl of Geselskap (b.2000)​
5) Adele, Countess of Estone (b.2001) m. Clara Madstone (b.2000) (a)​
1) Lady Jane of Estone (b.2015)​
2) Lord James of Estone (b.2019)​
His mistress, from 1996 to 2001, Madam Margaret Evangeline Leask, Maid of Leask (b.1974: d.2007) (*)
1) Kenneth, (b.1998)​
His lover, from 1997 to 2000, The Hon. Dame Kholiwe Victoria Nqakula, 1st Baronetess (b.1973) (*)
1) Nathalie, (b.1999)​
His lover, from 1998 to 2002, Dame Ariana Bhekifa Dlamlenze Mulder, 1st Baronetess (b.1970: d.2012) (*)
1) Walburga, (b.2001)​
2) Antonia, (b.2002)​
His lover, from 1998 to 2003, Grossbürgerin Anna von Gravenreuth-Jauch of Hamburg (b.1974: d.2003) *)
1) Wulfric, Lord of Wellingsbüttel (b.1999) m. Balthasar Friedrich von Campenhausen (b.1997)​
2) Wolfgang, Lord of Schönhagen (b.2001) m. Madison Staples Lewis (b.2001)​
1) Annelise, (b.2019)​
3) Wilhelmina, Lady of Krummbek (b.2002)​
His lover, from 2001 to 2009, Marieke van den Heever, 1st Baroness of Slymaford (b.1969: d.2013) (*)
1) Johannes, 2nd Baron of Slymaford (b.2003)​
2) Samantha, (b.2004)​
3) Ottoline, (b.2007)​
4) Lionel, (b.2009)​
His paramour, from 2002 to 2015, Sir Charles Ambrose Fitzwilliam O’Brien, 1st Earl of Phumulplek (b.1955: d.2015) (*)
1) Marcus, 2nd Earl of Phumulplek (b.2002) m. Theresa Abusiswe McMahon (b.2000)​
1) Lord Neil vanNatal-McMahon-Windsor, Viscount Murgaut (b.2020)​
His paramour, from 2003 to 2014, Hochwohlgeboren Pascal Rudolph von Gravenreuth, Freiherr (b.1988) (*)
1) Reinrich, (b.2007)​
2) Ludwig, (b.2007)​
His lover, from 2005 to 2011, Adelaide Scawen Wyndham, by courtesy Baroness Leconfield (b.1972) (*)
1) Philippa, (b.2008)​
2) Peter, (b.2010)​
3) Margaret, (b.2012)​
His mistress, from 2007 to 2015, Dame Mary Bhekithemba Tyali van Der Knaap (b.1980) (*)
1) Prudence (b.2008)​
2) Theophania, (b.2011)​
3) Augusta, (b.2013)​
4) Henrietta, (b.2015)​
5) Credence, (b.2015)​
His lover, from 2010 to 2015, The Rt. Hon. Justice Violet Thu Nguyen, Baroness Nguyen of Walden (b.1966) (*)
1) Benjamin, (b.2011)​
2) Cyrus, (b.2011)​
His lover, from 2011 to 2018, The Hon. Dame Isobel Dorothea O’Brien, 1st Baronetess (b.1991) (*)
1) Alexander, (b.2013)​
2) Flora, (b.2014)​
3) Saoirse, (b.2015)​
His mistress, from 2012 to 2015, Dame Ntsoaki Hoyle Battersby, 1st Baronetess (b.1980) (*)
1) Alec, (b.2012)​
2) Samuel, (b.2013)​
His lover, from 2013 to 2019, Sir Michael Thandisizwe Matshoba, 1st Baronet (b.1994) (*)
1) James, (b.2016)​
His lover, from 2015 to 2017, Dame Agetha Caaren Opperman, 1st Baronetess (b.1994) (*)
1) Thomasin, (b.2017)​
His mistress, since 2014, Sabelo Nonkosi Cohen, Countess of Vunksdorf (b.1992) (*)
1) Guilford, (b.2014)​
2) Sophia, (b.2016)​
3) Paul, (b.2019)​
His mistress, since 2016, Maline Lindelani Waterboer, Countess of Swanton (b.1995) (*)
1) Nicholas, (b.2018)​
QUEBEC (Royaume du Québec)
Officially the Kingdom of Quebec
Capital in the City of Quebec, also the kingdom’s second-largest city, with a population of 550 thousand inhabitants. The kingdom’s largest city is Montreal, with a population of 1.7 million inhabitants
The kingdom has English[1] and Québécois French[2] as its official languages
The kingdom has a total population of 8.5 million inhabitants, a majority of ~87% of whom self-identify as Québécois[3], while the remaining 13% are divided mostly among Other Europeans[4], First Nations[5], and Francophone Immigrants[6]. It is a majority Roman Catholic population, at around 87%, with only 5% identifying as being of other Christian denominations, while there are also visible Jewish[7] (3.6%) and Muslim (1.5%) minorities
Quebec is nominally an executive monarchy in the Westminster Style, with the monarch delegating most of her executive powers to her Private Secretary and intervening only when necessary, while the legislative and judiciary powers are held by the Parliament of Quebec and the Quebecois High Court
Quebec was established on May 6th, 1982, as the nineteenth imperial kingdom. Its first (and current) monarch, the third daughter and fifth child of Empress Jessamine, never held a royal dukedom before her enthronement, which occurred only days after her marriage
Unlike all other imperial kingdoms, Quebec was established as an imperial kingdom in the process of being separate from a larger contiguous territory of the Albish Empire, being until 1982 a Province of Canada and even after its establishment Quebec is highly interconnected with its previous state
The Monarch and her Family
Since 1982: Anne II (b.1959) born Princess Anne Catherine of Albion, the first and currently only monarch of the country
Her late first husband, married in 1982, Sir Carlisle Wyndham-Burns (b.1958:d.1997)(a)
Her second husband, married in 2001, Nathan Colling-Kaplam, 5th Baronet (b.1976)(b)
1a) Princess Victoria of Quebec, Dauphine of Quebec and Duchess of Montréal (b.1988)​
m. Prince Louis Alois of Provence (b.1987)​
1) Princess Anne Elizabeth of Quebec (b.2015)​
2) Princess Charlotte of Quebec (b.2016)​
2a) Princess Raquel of Quebec, Duchess of Léry (b.1995) m. David Alexander Grant, 13th Baron de Longueil (b.1994)​
1) Prince Michael Alexander Grant of Léry, Earl of Lachute (b.2018)​
3b) Prince George Louis of Quebec, Duke of Estrie (b.2003)​

[1] A variation of Canadian English with some Quebecois loanwords and pronounce
[2] The dominant language of Quebec and the predominant variant of French in Canada (West of the Bay of St. Lawrence), it is marked for being remarkably distinguishable from Standard French in its accent and phonetic differences (although the latter does decrease the more formal manner the Quebecois French is spoken) and for being closer to 17th century Parisian French than to modern Standardized French
[3] Also called French-Canadians
[4] A large percentage of them are those who self-identify as Romani or as of Romani descent (who also extend to those self-identified as “Quebecois”, who mainly came from Western Europe (majorly France) during the early and middle 20th century to flee the persecution against them that had been in the rise in the region since the times before the First World War
[5] The largest First Nations in Quebec being the Cree, Innu and Mohawks
[6] Mainly black immigrants from Haiti, Louisiana and French West Africa
[7] Which came mainly from France during the mid-20th century due to the Second World War
Officially the United Kingdom of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
Capital in Port Moresby, also the kingdom’s largest city, with a population of 2.2 million inhabitants
The kingdom has English, Papomon[1], Hiri Motu[2] and Sign Language[3] as its official languages, it also recognizes over 600 “living languages” within its territory, which are considered official mainly on the local level
The kingdom has a total population of 4.8 million inhabitants, about three-quarters of which line in the New-Guinean half
An extremely multiethnic state, most of the kingdom’s population are Melanesians (comprising nearly 80% of the population), which is on itself an amalgam of the hundreds of native ethnic groups spread across its territory, while the remaining percentage of the population is a mix of peoples of (sometimes mixed) Polynesian, Micronesian, Japanese and European ancestry.
Religiously the kingdom is majority Christian, with 63.7% of the population identifying as some denomination of it (the largest denominations being Anglicans, Papuan Protestants[4] and Roman Catholics[5]), while its largest religious minority is Judaism[6], at 31.5%[7], while the remainder of the population is mostly a mix of followers strictly of Folk Religions, Baha’is[8], Buddhists and Muslims
Papua and the Solomons are an executive monarchy in the Westminster Style, with their monarch holding control over the executive power while the legislative and judiciary are held by the Parliament and High Court of Port Moresby
Papua and the Solomons were established on August 25th, 1989, as the twentieth imperial kingdom. Its first (and current) monarch, the youngest daughter and child of Empress Jessamine, never held a royal dukedom before her enthronement, but had been married since late 1988, with most people believing delays in planning caused her not to be enthroned shortly after marriage
Unlike only one other imperial kingdom, Papua and the Solomons was established out of two Crown Colonies, being the first of them to ever be so. Its Royal Family is also one of the few among the imperial kingdoms who are barred from the line of succession, due to matters of religion[9]
The Monarch and her Family
Since 1989: Augusta (b.1963) born Princess Augusta of Albion, the first and currently only monarch of the country
Her husband, Prince Alec Julian Ben-Zephaniah Windsor-FitzLouise-Gore of Arran, Vice-Admiral of the Pacific Fleet (b.1963)
1) James of Papua and the Solomons, Grand Prince of D’Entrecasteaux (b.1992) m. Princess Emma of Samoa and Prussia (b.1992)
1) Prince Julian of Papua and the Solomons (b.2017)​
2) Princess Margaret of Papua and the Solomons (b.2019)​
3) Princess Luiza of Papua and the Solomons (b.2019)​

[1] Which as semi-constructed language created from the two main English Creole Languages in the kingdom, Pijin and Tok Pisin, the respective creole lingua franca of the Solomon Islands and Papua
[2] A simplified variant of the Motu Language, an Austronesian language from the area around Port Moresby, it is a mix of both a creole and a simplified (or pidgin) language, and served as the original lingua franca in Papua New Guinea during colonial times
[3] In specific the local standardized sign language (and not the imperial)
[4] Although almost all non-native religions in the kingdom see a high level of syncretism among its followers, Papuan Protestants, like the various Hindu-Anglicans in Bharat, officially include traditional beliefs (most often animism and ancestor worship) in with Christian ones. Much like Hindu-Anglicanism, Papuan Protestantism is divided among various, often localized and small, sects.
[5] Which is the largest non-protestant Christian sect in the kingdom, at just under a fifth of the total Christian population, and is mainly present on the Highlands and Northern regions of Papua and on areas connected to Bougainville
[6] It is believed that Judaism came to Papua and the Solomon Islands (the latter first) at some point in the mid-to-late 18th century (some also say it could have been on the earliest 19th), when a Jewish rabbi, Zephaniah ben Michael, and possibly his family, became stranded on one of the various Solomon Islands and not only made friends but became integrated into a local tribe, which converted into a newborn (highly syncretized) branch of Judaism. It is believed that the spread of Judaism from there, which occurred surprisingly fast for something that doesn’t seem to have included outright missionary work, was then caused by the original tribe being either well-connected with the rest of the Solomon Islands or have been forced to enter a diaspora period, which through luck spread the new religion through firstly the islands and then to New Guinea (with Judaism being also a relatively-large religion on the other quarters of the island), with both having considerable Jewish populations by the time the Albish came
[7] Technically the largest single religious sect in the kingdom (as “Solomonian Judaism”, also known as “Zephanite Judaism” seems to have a relatively large amount of willingness for internal variety in syncretized beliefs while remaining de jure or de facto united), it is the absolute majority in the Solomon Islands and mainly present on Peninsular/Eastern Papua
[8] The religion is probably the most recent among visible minorities in the kingdom, coming to it during the early-to-mid 20th century and having as followers about 1% of the kingdom’s total population
[9] Although Queen Augusta was born in the protestant Anglican Church, she chose to convert to Judaism as a part of her marriage, differentiating her and her family from the Royal House of Berar who hold to various Jewish beliefs but remain officially Christians
Officially the United Kingdom of the Islands of the Southern Antilles
Capital in Port of Spain, also the kingdom’s second largest city, with a population of 45 thousand inhabitants. The kingdom’s largest city is San Fernando, with a population of 72 thousand inhabitants
The kingdom has Imperial English as its official language, it also recognizes a total of twelve other languages, including 6 English-based Creoles[1], 3 French-based Creoles[2], 2 “Indian” Creoles[3], Spanish[4] and Karif[5]
The kingdom has a total population of about 2.2 million inhabitants, of whom about 65% are Black (with local percentages varying wildly depending on the region), while the remaining 35% are made mainly of Mixed-Race, European White and Bharati origins, there are also small Carib[6] and Arawak[7] populations. The kingdom is majority Christian, with around 78% of the population identifying as such (with neither Catholics or Protestants being an overwhelming majority), while the largest religious minorities are Hindus, at 8%, and Yahas[8], at 5%
The Southern Antilles are a semi-executive federative monarchy partially in the Westminster Style, with their monarch nominally holding the executive power over the state but rarely actually getting involved in the day-to-day administration of the kingdom, leaving most of it to his Private Secretary, while each of the kingdom’s components are mostly self-governing
The Southern Antilles were established on March 25th, 2012, as the twentieth-first imperial kingdom. Their first (and current) monarch, the second son and fourth child of Empress Charlotte, never held a royal dukedom before his enthronement, which occurred the day before his wedding
Like only Papua and the Solomons, the Southern Antilles were established from a group of territories of the Albish Empire, and is unique in that its many components were initially made into separate imperial kingdoms in personal union, being officially united into a single entity in 2014
The Monarch and his Family
Since 2012: Alexander IV (b.1985) born Prince Alexander Michael of Norwich, the first and currently only monarch of the country
His wife, Alba Muñoz Tamayo (b.1984)
1) Prince Louis of the Antilles (b.2014)​
2) Prince Henry of the Antilles (b.2015)​
3) Princess Maria of the Antilles (b.2016)​
4) Princess Lourdes of the Antilles (b.2018)​
5) Prince Mariano of the Antilles (b.2020)​

[1] In specific the creoles local to Tobago, Trinidad, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (which is often called “Vincentian Creole”), Grenada (whose local creole is especially influenced by French), Barbados (which is often called “Bajan Creole”) and Saint-Lucia (which is even more influenced by French than that of Grenada). Many of these creoles are often confounded with the non-standard variations of imperial English spoken by most of the kingdom
[2] In specific the creoles local to Saint-Lucia, Grenada and Trinidad (the former two being sometimes considered dialects of the larger Antillean French Creole)
[3] In specific “Caribbean Hindustani” and “Caribbean Tamil”, both the result of 19th and 20th century Bharati immigration
[4] Which, ITTL, has a relatively large population of native speakers in Trinidad, mainly moved from Venezuela during the late 19th and early 20th centuries or descended from Spanish (mainly Andalusian) immigrants from the same era
[5] Which is considered an endangered language due to its small population of native speakers, who live solely in Barbados
[6] Which, ITTL, have a relatively large population on Grenada, Saint Vincent and Tobago, including both the Kalinago/traditional Island Carib and the Garifuna (or “Black Caribs”)
[7] All of which descend from a small group of early-20th century Lokono immigrants from Guyana, led by Princess Marian of the Toh Isauka Chiefdom (one of the many native semi-princely states of Albish Guyana, and the last to come under Albish rule), to Barbados, most of them also descend from the princess herself, and her Danish-Dutch-Canadian husband
[8] “Yaha” is the ITTL name for Rastafarianism, which has a slightly different history, beliefs and development compared to OTL
Officially the Kingdom of Grand Belize[1] and the Bay
Capital in the City of Belize, also the kingdom’s largest city, with a population of 2.7 million inhabitants
The kingdom has Imperial English as its standard official language[2], with Kriol[3] and Belizean Spanish[4] being main spoken languages, it also recognizes as official thirteen other languages, including 7 Mayan languages[5], 3 German Dialects[6], Hindi[7], Garifuna[8], Bay Spanish[9], Japanese[10], and Corozali[11]
The kingdom has a total population of 5 million inhabitants, heavily affected by centuries of colonization and immigration[12] and comprised by an incredibly variety of ethnic groups and ethnicities[13], and is a majority Christian state, with about 54% of the population identifying as being Roman Catholic and another 38% identifying as being of some Protestant denomination (while 3% identify as Eastern Orthodox)
Belize is a semi-executive monarchy in the Westminster Style, with its monarch having control over the executive power but sharing it with her First Minister, often delegating much of it and serving as a mediator, tie-breaker and proof-reader to both the Ministers, Parliament and High Court of Belize
Belize was established on September 3rd, 2015, as the twentieth-second imperial kingdom. Its first (and current) monarch, the youngest daughter and child of Empress Charlotte, never held a royal dukedom before her enthronement, which was planned to occur a month after her marriage
The most recent imperial kingdom to be created, and the last to be created by Empress Jessamine (who died before officially issuing Queen Agnes' enthronement, done posthumously under Empress Eleanor)
, some claim that it might justifiably be the last imperial kingdom to ever be created within at least the confines of Earth​
Uniquely, Belize is the sole imperial kingdom in the Americas to possess a princely state, the Realm of Petén, which holds the distinction of being the only pre-Columbian Mesoamerican state to survive the Spanish Colonial Period[14]
The Monarch and her Family
Since 2015: Agnes (b.1989) born Princess Agnes May of Norwich, the first and currently only monarch of the country
Her husband, Alfred Fredleifson Mackenzie, 2nd Viscount of Dagringa (b.1986)
1) Princess Isla of Belize, Grand Duchess of the Bay Islands (b.2016)​
2) Princess Suellen of Belize (b.2017)​

[1] When Albish Honduras was renamed in the 1970s, the agreed name was simply “Belize”, which had colloquially become the name of the colony, when Belize and the Bay Islands were turned into a kingdom, it was decided that an added flare should be made due to “Belize” being more connected to the kingdom’s eastern continental half and disregarding the Western half of Petén. And so, the name “Grand Belize” (another name proposed was “Belize and Petén”, which was decided would confuse things with the Mayan Kingdom of Petén, which was also a part of the imperial kingdom) was agreed upon in early 2015, although the kingdom is still often called simply “Belize”
[2] Serving as both the language of law and the basis for the English education and a lingua franca for parts of the country
[3] The colloquial name for the Belizean Creole, after English it is the most common second language
[4] Which is relatively close to Mexican Spanish
[5] In specific the Q’eqchi’, Mopan, Yucatec, Itza, Kowo, Yalain and Lacandon languages
[6] In specific the Pennsylvania Dutch, Plautdietsch (or Mennonite Low German) and Belizean German (influenced by Spanish, Q’eqchi’ and Kriol and spoken mainly by the urban and the more mixed-race Mennonite communities)
[7] Which is the name used in Belize to identify a set of dialects of Hindi-Urdu (or Hindustani)
[8] Called “Karif” in the South Antilles, it is the language of the Garifuna people
[9] Which is influenced heavily by English in general and by Jamaican Patois
[10] A localized dialect derived from the more western dialects of Japanese, and influenced by the Ryukyuan languages
[11] A creole language established on the Corozal County on the north of the kingdom, from the mix of Tamil, Spanish, Yucatec Maya, English and a bit of Hindustani
[12] The lands of Belize (in special the coastal region) were a part of Central America that remained elusive to Spanish control for much of their colonial empire, with the English being the first Europeans to successfully settle on the coastlands of Belize during the early 18th century and the inlands of the Petén Basin only being conquered by the Spanish at the end of the 17th century, and much of their settlement was actually one that occurred through the 19th and 20th centuries as the kingdom was developed
[13] A list of them includes:
- Mestizos (also known as Hispanic Belizeans), the largest ethnic group, they are people of mixed Spanish and Maya descent, who actually mainly came to Belize during the mid-19th century to escape the early years of the Caste War of Yucatan and settled mainly along the north and the coasts of the kingdom
- Ladinos (also known as Hispanic Belizeans), the largest ethnic group of the western half of Belize, they are people of mixed Spanish and Maya descent much like the Mestizos above, but unlike them are the result of miscegenation locally instead of having migrated into Belize
- Creoles (also known as Kriol), the second-largest ethnic group of the kingdom, they originated from the many Black Africans brought by English and Scottish log-cutters at the inception of Belize, and have developed with the miscegenation with both said log-cutters and other later white settlers, the native Mayan peoples, and the various immigrant groups of the recent centuries
- Mayas (also known as First Nations or First Peoples), actually a group of various tribes and peoples, like the Yucatec, Itza, Kowoj, Mopan and Q’eqchi’, some of them are native to Belize (even if some, like the Mopan, were forced to flee and then returned later on) while others migrated to it during the 19th century, often fleeing enslavement in Guatemala
- Gariganu (often called Garifuna, even if that is actually the singular for their name), a people mainly of the coastal regions of Belize, they are a people of a mixed African, Arawak and Island Carib ancestry, being originated from the Black Caribs that were forced out of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines during the 18th century and settled along the coastlands of the Bay of Honduras
- Baymen, chiefly the descendants of the earlier white settlers of Belize
- Islanders (also known as Hispanic Baymen), the main inhabitants of the Bay Islands, being of Hispanic ancestry and mainly whites or white-passing generally speaking
- Mennonites (also known as Germans and Prussians), they are actually three separate groups of Mennonites who migrated to Belize over the 19th and 20th centuries, coming from the United States, Russia and Mexico (in order of earlier to later coming)
- Hindi (also known as Corozali and Bharati), the descendants of the Bharati immigrants who came mainly as indentured workers to Belize during the 19th century, being actually made of a mix of ethnic groups including the Tamil and Punjabi
- and East Asians, the descendants of the mainly Japanese and Ryukyuan immigrants who came to Central America during the course of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
[14] A minor Pre-Victorian POD. Although in OTL the end of the last independent native peoples in Mesoamerica was a brutal one of conquest in 1697, ITTL the Kingdom of Petén Itza not only managed to establish a pseudo-coalition with the neighboring Kowoj and Yalain Mayas but, after a “minor” conflict and negotiating, became a vassal state of the Spanish Empire, made of the kingdoms of the Itza, Kowoj and Yalain peoples, which survived relatively unscathed through the 18th and 19th centuries, although attracting immigration from other Mayan peoples. The kingdom officially became a princely state of Albish Honduras/Belize in the 19th century, when its rulers saw Albion as the lesser of two evils compared to Guatemala, and ended-up serving as the axis for the establishment of Albish rule over the OTL Petén Department