AHC: With a POD after 2000, make the 00s as Bad for the US as Possible

Okay, so the goal is pretty simple

Start with a POD sometime after 12:00 AM 01/01/2000, and from it, make the next decade as bad for the United States of America as you can.

Cause as much chaos, misery, and misfortune for the US - both for the government and the people - as could possibly occur with a POD in the early 2000s without a full scale nuclear war breaking out because that would end the world. Simple as.

That being said, I would prefer - although this isn't a requirement - that the decade end on a hopeful note for the American people, regardless of whether the nation known as the United States still exists. After TTL's 2000s, they will need it.
Okay, so the goal is pretty simple

Start with a POD sometime after 12:00 AM 01/01/2000, and from it, make the next decade as bad for the United States of America as you can.

Cause as much chaos, misery, and misfortune for the US - both for the government and the people - as could possibly occur with a POD in the early 2000s without a full scale nuclear war breaking out because that would end the world. Simple as.

That being said, I would prefer - although this isn't a requirement - that the decade end on a hopeful note for the American people, regardless of whether the nation known as the United States still exists. After TTL's 2000s, they will need it.
Bush isn't in Florida on 9/11 and is instead in the white house which gets hit and kills him immediately . President Cheney gets involved with Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan winning reelection over well say, Gephardt. However, come 2008 Cheney is very unpopular and with the great recession, Vice President Mitt Romney loses against John Edwards and Howard Dean. Edwards has a pretty successful term as President but in 2014 he is forced to resign after a major corruption scandal. Dean loses reelection to Tim Pawlenty.
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FUCK I meant immediately also what do you think is it dystopic enough?
I mean... yeah seems pretty dystopian, but I'd kinda like if it were a bit more in-depth and not mostly focused on who's the president (though don't get me wrong, presidents are incredibly important and should be talked about if you're doing an alternate history).

I was also expecting something a lot flashier but that's not a criticism that's just me having action movie brain.

That being said, I like it. Also not a fan of the Republicans but Pawlenty seems like a good direction for the party. I like his education policy, at least from the Wikipedia overview of it.
Or this happens

I mean... yeah seems pretty dystopian, but I'd kinda like if it were a bit more in-depth and not mostly focused on who's the president (though don't get me wrong, presidents are incredibly important and should be talked about if you're doing an alternate history).

I was also expecting something a lot flashier but that's not a criticism that's just me having action movie brain.

That being said, I like it. Also not a fan of the Republicans but Pawlenty seems like a good direction for the party. I like his education policy, at least from the Wikipedia overview of it.
Yeah I could have though it was the first thing that came to mind.

A proposed plan by the Bush Administration to invade Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Libya, and Iran over the course of five years

What could possibly go wrong?
Cheney decides to go nuclear in Iran.
Well I get terrible writer's block but if I ever start the damn thing I promise to let you know
Eh, don't worry me too, my signature says "Undertale: The Kingdom Under the Mountain (coming out someday, its near April hopefully), which is a story I'm making but I get writers block too, in fact I was supposed to be writing today, but I'm actually in my couch doing nothing, so don't worry about it, I'd rather wait for a good story than get something undercooked"
A proposed plan by the Bush Administration to invade Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Libya, and Iran over the course of five years
Only one of these I don’t really understand the motive for is Lebanon-why were they part of the plan, exactly?

Thank god this plan didn’t go through, though the aftershock of such a quagmire would certainly be quite interesting. Definitely could see ISIS being an even bigger problem than they were IOTL, for one. Though I have to say I imagine a lot of them woudnt last very long-hard to see the US populace standing for so much war for long.
12:00 AM 01/01/2000

A computer virus is released through the newly born World Wide Web

It is a worm type, one that the only recently created firewalls have no defense against
It works in a similar way to those programs that make Doom be playable on all sorts of system, from a toaster to a radio, so long there's something electronic to it

It of course makes all those electronics useless and unworkable, the damage is just as large as if the the 2012 solar flare had hit and generated a electric pulse frying all electrical equipment except its in the year 2000

The virus itself doesnt harm or kill anyone and was itself set up to only be compatible with machinery from the United States of America, implying it could have been much worse should it's creator have set it up as a global virus and programmed it to do something else - say, explode - rather than just fry electronic equipment or play Doom, which would have turned it into a world ending threat

This in turn seems to indicate the incident was most likely intended as a prank and it's overarching global consequences likely accidental

Of course, that doesnt mean thousands if not millions still dont die either because their lives relied on these machines for life support or due to the fact America has now effectively been brought back to the Middle Ages and the resulting worldwide economic depression bringing instability and starvation to billions across the planet, nor do it pleases the victims to know their suffering was a result of an early online troll moment

The United States, now slowly and painfully walks out of the pre-modern age it was set back in, still having a strong army and a population armed to it's teeth despite it's industry and military equipment being as good as ashes.

Contrary to the paranoic beliefs, America is not invaded by it's enemies, having successfully called for aid and help of it's fellow NATO members and becoming essencially a protectorate of canadians, mexicans and the british

Said enemies however didnt miss the chance to take their slice of the american pie in the scramble for the states, following the old american strategy of spreading their influence through massive economic investment and "humanitarian" military bases to rebuild and "protect" their former rival - a Marshall Plan if you will - to ensure America will never be their enemy again

The 21th Century is marked by retrocess

A return to 19 century norms in the United States as most the population return to a rural lifestyle and the country's economic collapse led to the resurface of old prejudices, customs and religiosity as well as skepticism towards Modernity

And in the rest of the world MAD & liberal democracies take a hit due to the lack of the american nuclear umbrella and the new Great Depression severely weakening democratic institutions, leading to the rise of populist dictatorships from all sides of the spectrum and enboldement of anti-western regimes as globalization is now a dead idea among the ruins of the global system

Not all hope is lost however, as it's estimated that between the second half of the 21 Century and the first half of the 22th the USA should once again catch up to the rest of the world, both technologically & socially, once again being a global power after having its industry rebuilt - albeit one heavily divided and influenced by those smart and capable enough to invest - or more accurately buy - it to serve their interests, with the American Federation being not unlike the European Union in it's political organization and it's economy much like post-Yeltsin Russia

Likewise global emissions decreased greatly without the US as an offender, delaying the effects of climate change by decades and the cheap, easy to afford formerly american resources & industrial secrets now seized by the great powers and divided among themselves served as a source of great stability and the boon required for the global economy to grow again, now that the banana republic that calls itself the USA cannot afford to keep a hold of them while stuck in the little Yankee-themed "Belle Époque"