
  1. Would the US recognise the South even if they won?

    In discussions about a Confederate victory in the Civil War the question of recognition is dominated by whether or not the UK and/or France would recognise Southern independence, given how crucial that would be for the war. But I think there's an equally important question that is being left...
  2. King(Henry)George

    The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Foreword The Premise In Paris on May 7th, 1919, Herbert Hoover would discuss the Treaty of Versailles with his friends John Maynard Keynes and Jan Smuts. They would agree that "The economic consequences alone would pull down all Europe" if it were unaltered. In 1931, Hoover would listen to the...
  3. pretentious_loser69

    America: alternate geography and state borders

    < Alternate California fault < New Jersey, Delaware and Rhode Island archipelago < Original Washington territory < Greater Great Lakes (asteroid impact) < unified Carolina, Virginia and Dakota < 1732 gun shaped Georgia < Oklahoma pan handle: No Man’s Land < 39 states (including Alaska and Hawaii)
  4. Schnozzberry

    The Highest Point of Perfection — A Monarchical USA timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Revolt of the Regulators

    “…a horrid and unnatural Rebellion and War, has been openly and traitorously raised and levied against this Commonwealth, and is still continued, and now exists within the same, with design to subvert and overthrow the Constitution and Form of Government thereof which has been most solemnly...
  5. AHC: The Confederacy allied with the USA by 1939

    The Challenge: with a POD no later than 1867, have the CSA win the American Civil War (through any means you want) and no later than 1939, have the CSA and USA be allies. I'm not talking about a superficial alliance; the challenge is to create a legitimate, strong alliance between the two...
  6. Valenca

    ABYSS -- Spiro Agnew, Frank Church, and the Beyond.
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    "In all the decisions I have made in my public life, I have always tried to do what was best for the Nation. Throughout the long and difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to persevere, to make every possible effort to complete the term of office to which you elected me."...
  7. Hip Shaking Head of State: General Thread

    Hey all, long time alt-history lover and first time poster. Here's a timeline I'm doing, where after an extended Operation Sunset means Harry Truman loses the 1948 election. To whom you're asking? Bing Crosby. That's right, it's Bing for the win! Here is the list of all the American...
  8. Višeslav

    HW Bush second term foreign policy?

    So, let's say George HW Bush gets a second term in 1992. A lot of interesting foreign policy decisions had to be made by the US in Clinton's first term, how might Bush Sr. a much more experienced foreign policy leader handle them? How would this effect the world? The big issues...
  9. Mozer

    The Aztec Dream

    I just wanna preface this beforehand, this is my first post and I'm no professional. My research and what I say here isn't gonna be perfect, but I would appreciate some criticism on anything that seems implausible or downright wrong. That's all, now history. On August 13th, 1521 the Aztec...
  10. PrinceHenry_of_Rheinsberg

    Royal Columbia: What if the US was a Monarchy? (Abandoned)
    Threadmarks: Royal Columbia

    On July 4, 1776, a document was adopted by 56 delegates of the Second Continental Congress, who were convened at the Pennsylvania State House (renamed Independence Hall), known as the Declaration of Independence. With its signing, the 56 delegates cemented their legacy as the Founding Fathers of...
  11. Effect of a Confederate victory of the Louisiana Creole population?

    The Louisiana Creole are certainly a very interesting ethnic group, originating in Louisiana in the Americas as freed offspring of white European space owners and their female African and African American slaves. Despite this fact of their brutal origins, many Louisiana Creoles and Louisiana...
  12. Liberty At Last - An Alternate United States
    Threadmarks: #1 - Introduction

    Hello everybody! This is one of my first timelines that I am making (excluding some certain attempts in the past.) This TL is gonna be about the US of A. However, I'm not going to spoil anything about this TL. As I don't want to promise much, I'll say that I'll post probably every few days...
  13. Timeline 4513

    On April 14th 1912, the RMS titanic sank on it's maiden voyage. Down with it, went 3 prominent opponents of the creation of the US Federal Reserve System, Isador Strauss, Ben Guggenheim, and John Astor, but what if they survived and the US Federal Reserve system never was created? Now I...
  14. The Nucliad - A 1983 Nuclear Apocalypse timeline
    Threadmarks: The Great Oops

    The Great Oops September 26th, a bit after midnight Moscow time, a Soviet missile detection system on the outside of the city malfunctioned, showing that apparently that the US had launched a large scale missile attack [1]. The system automatically reported that to officials in Moscow. There...
  15. Photos of Red Alert: A C&C Media Thread

    A Soviet soldier watching forced laborers near Athens clearing debris. Local communist officials helped run the Greek capital for the Soviets before the liberation of Greece. Many Athenian writers, singers, professors, and others in similar professions were purged by the NKVD and dumped into...
  16. Ex Nihilo

    Fearless and Loyal: A Tale of a Crowned America
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Chapter 1: The Republic Could Not be Kept The Battle of Saratoga was the high-point for the Continental Army The devastating, decade-long War for Independence proved an immense struggle for the fledgling United States, devastating much of the nation and bringing the disorganized “Confederate...
  17. More Roman U.S Government

    Revisiting a past idea I had floated , I am intrigued by just how "Roman" the founders of the u.s tried to make it . What if the Founders had gone in fully wit their Roman fanfare and also paranoia of centralised authority, and adopted a more decentralised system. Here's my timeline: The...
  18. kasumigenx

    WI: An American citizen relative of the British Monarch or PM runs for President

    An American citizen relative by close affinity or consanguinity of the British Monarch or PM runs for President, would his rival use this connections against him or would he or she be disqualified?
  19. The_Russian

    Development of the US with more colonies joining the revolution

    I've been learning more about the American revolution and the reasons why 13 colonies chose to form the United States, and why some other colonies chose not to join this new union. This made me ponder who the United States would develop if other colonies such as Nova Scotia or the Floridas...
  20. What if Maryland was founded in New England?

    Reading into the history of Maryland, I find the original purpose of the colony quite interesting, as it was meant to be a haven for Catholics and religious toleration. In OTL this did not last long and the colony was quickly overtaken by various protestant groups. This I believe was in part due...