tudor england

  1. AHC: Have Henry Vii (7th) Tudor become King earlier

    Your challenge is to have Henry the 7th become King earlier than the reality of 1485. How you go about this is up to you - Does he somehow take precedence over Richard III who instead never becomes King, giving him the throne 2 years earlier, or can you even push it back further somehow...
  2. Henry lX son of Henry Vlll: who could be his mistresses

    Iam writing an Alternative History which replaces Elizabeth the First with a Henry the Ninth. He is married to Mary Queen of Scot's since he was about 18 for context. As such i was wondering are there any figures which pop out as suitable mistresses for him. if we look at Henry Vlll most of...
  3. Henry VIII's annus horribilis: Edward VI dies before Henry in 1545

    1545 was an annus horribilis for Tudor England and its corpulent tyrant. Not only did Henry VIII's best friend, the Duke of Suffolk, die, but the war with France was at an expensive stalemate after the withdrawal of Charles V from the Italian War. Domestically, Tudor England was ravaged by two...
  4. WI: After Anne Boleyn's execution, Elizabeth had vanished from history (just like Mary Seymour did from the OTL)?

    How would Henry react? Would he care or he would be relieved that the daughter of his most hated wife has disappeared? What would the fate of England be like with Elizabeth gone?
  5. TheWitheredStriker

    WI/AHQ: Independent Scotland, longer-living Edward VI

    The most recent idea that entered my head as of late involves keeping Scotland independent from England and making it a decent power in its own right. For this to happen, the accession of James VI (I) to the English throne in 1603 absolutely has to be avoided. Since Elizabeth I would probably...
  6. WI: Queen Elizabeth 1st was a lesbian?

    What if, the real reason Elizabeth I, 'The Virgin Queen' never married was actually because she was a lesbian? How would it have impacted her reign and future attitudes (perhaps even the church of England?) if this was a 'known secret', and she had a number of female lovers throughout her life?
  7. The Prince of the Roses - A Tudor TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Greenwich 1516

    Chapter 1 – A most fortunate birth - Greenwich 1516 Every church bell in London rang out loud in the city in on the 18th of February in 1516. To the commoners in the streets and the merchants in their houses it meant one thing had occurred. The speculations about the queen’s latest pregnancy...
  8. Jett-Power

    WI Arthur, Prince of Wales, lived?

    In 1501, Arthur, the next in line for the English throne, married Catherine of Aragon to secure an alliance between England and Spain. Then, in 1502, Arthur died. The rest is history. Arthur's brother, Henry VIII, becomes the heir to the throne and marries his brother's widow, divorcing her for...
  9. The Gybson Boy

    Catherine of Aragon gives birth to Arthur's twin daughters in 1502 and Henry dies in 1505

    Catherine of Aragon and his oldest Daugther Elizabeth The marriage of Arthur and Catherine is actually consummated, the young prince Arthur dies as OTL and it is discovered that Catherine is pregnant, finally on July 25, 1502 she gives birth to twin girls who are named Elizabeth and Mary. Three...
  10. Tudor Privy Council Positions

    Hie there i was reading about tudor england and came across the privy councils and all their different posistions like Lord Privy Seal and Lord Chancellor can anyone help me out by clarifying the responsiblities of all the different roles in the Prviy Council
  11. The Gybson Boy

    Queen Mary's six husbands: Henry VIII dies in 1516, how could Mary Tudor end up having six husbands?
    Threadmarks: The King is Dead, Long Live the Queen

    The Young Queen Mary in her younger years "Queen Mary Tudor was born on February 18, 1516, at the Palace of Placentia in Greenwich, her birth was seen with some disappointment by her father, King Henry VIII, who had long hoped for a son to guarantee the continuity of the Tudor dynasty, the The...
  12. What If: Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Ormond in 1515

    I’ve been doing some research and it looks like Thomas Boleyn was considered his grandfather’s legal heir. The Archbishop of Dublin had said Thomas Boleyn should inherit the earldom, and so had the Dublin law courts. The two daughters of Thomas Butler (Thomas Boleyn’s mother Margaret and her...
  13. The Gybson Boy

    The Rise of the Boleyn Dynasty: Consequences of the marriage and reign of Mary Tudor and George Boleyn?
    Threadmarks: Mary and George

    Their Majesties Queen Mary and King Jure Uxoris George in 1533 August 1528: Jane Boleyn succumbs to the sweating sickness, leaving her husband George Boleyn a widower August 1529: Thomas Boleyn, faced with the possibility of his daughter becoming Queen, decides that he wants to ensure that...
  14. The Gybson Boy

    The Twelve Blessings of Catherine of Aragon and Arthur Tudor: Arthur Tudor and Catherine of Aragon Have Twelve Sons, , whom do they marry?

    This post has a similar premise to another post of mine from a few months ago In January 1502, shortly after the marriage of the Prince of Wales with Catherine of Aragon, King Henry VII fell ill from sweating, preventing the newly married couple from leaving for Ludlow Castle, after a month and...
  15. WI: Henry VIII's 1536 jousting accident leaves him sterile?

    What if, rather than suffering injuries to his thigh after being hit with a misplaced lance and being thrown from his horse, he sustains injuries slightly to the side, leaving him infertile? I just had this thought, and it is fascinating to me. A male heir becomes an impossibility for one...
  16. Brita

    Dragon King: the Many Wives, Mistresses and Children of King Henry VIII (1491-1577)
    Threadmarks: Henry VIII's wives and mistresses

    Original posts here. Dragon King The Many Wives, Mistresses and Children of King Henry VIII (1491-1577) The series’ title Dragon King derived from one of Henry VIII's badges, the Red Dragon of Cadwaladr. In 2015, History Channel 2 launched Dragon King, an ambitious TV series about the life...
  17. The Tudor's Hydra - What if Henry VIII had practiced polygamy?

    What if, rather than throwing the realm into turmoil and starting the English Reformation, Henry VIII had instead opted for polygamy rather than divorce? By taking a second wife (if not more), while staying married to Catherine and maintaining his support of both her and the Princess Mary, I...
  18. WI: All of Henry the 7ths children are boys?

    Say they also all survive to adulthood (not necessarily old age, just enough to marry and develop their own character). How would this impact the evolution of the Tudor dynasty? Who would these alternate sons marry, and what titles might they have bestowed upon them? Alternate Issue: Arthur...
  19. DrakeRlugia

    Anno Obumbratio: A 16th Century Alternate History
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1. Tragedy at Thérouanne

    I can't even remember the last time I've posted here. To be honest, I lost interest in writing and alt. history for quite some time, but over the last year I've gotten back into it. I've slowly been starting to write again... I've had quite a few ideas, but nothing has really kept my interest up...
  20. Teriyaki

    Katherine of Aragon Gives Birth to Arthur's Son

    One of the key divergent points in history for me is the death of Arthur Tudor. Its interesting to see certain historians speculate about what England would have been like had there been a King Arthur the I rather than a Henry the VIII. Another interesting divergent point was Katherine of...