theodore roosevelt


    Legacy of the Bull Moose - "What if Theodore Roosevelt won the 1912 Election?" (Has been Rebooted)
    Threadmarks: The Beginning

    The goal of this thread is to show off maps, (mostly) wikiboxes, and articles from the World of 'Legacy of the Bull Moose' where Theodore Roosevelt against all odds wins the Republican Presidential Nomination in 1912 and becomes the 28th President beating Democrat Champ Clark. Discussion in...
  2. DBWI: TR Declines to Run in 1908

    In 1904, after Theodore Roosevelt's landslide election to a full term, journalists pressed the young President over whether or not he would run again in 1908. Roosevelt dodged their questions and continued to do so until 1908, when he announced his bid for a second full term. Roosevelt's critics...
  3. Fates of the Central Powers in an earlier Entente victory?

    Hello again, as the title says what would happen to Bulgaria, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans if the allies had won the Great War a year or two early? For this TL I'm going to actually be using the one where Rossevelt wins the 1912 election and uses the Invasion of Belgium...
  4. Goweegie2

    A Post-Valkist World - Führerreich to the Present Day
    Threadmarks: Main Page

    This thread is going to be a collection of maps, infoboxes (mostly infoboxes), and other graphics from a disorganized continuation of the Führerreich timeline I'm doing. This will work in the same way to @Kanan's excellent timeline on this forum, as well as @Planita13's equally excellent...
  5. Bomster

    If Teddy Roosevelt won in 1912, how would this affect America’s participation in WW1?

    So let’s imagine that Theodore Roosevelt narrowly defeats William Howard Taft for the 1912 Republican Nomination, and goes on to defeat Woodrow Wilson in the General Election. With Roosevelt back in the Oval Office, how would World War One be affected? Could it be avoided altogether, if...
  6. WI: Teddy Roosevelt bans American Football in 1905, does Rugby take its place?

    In 1905, after a season that saw 18 college players killed and more than 150 seriously injured, Pressident Theodore Roosevelt demanded that game's rules be changed or he would ban it. Let's say instead of 18 players killed it's 36, and Roosevelt just bans the sport on all college campuses...
  7. If McKinley Lives, Does TR Ever Become President?

    Would Theodore Roosevelt have ever become President if McKinley had survived his assassination attempt?
  8. AHC: The GOP Stays a Progressive Party

    With a POD after 1900, how could the GOP have remained to be the more progressive US political party?
  9. If TR Runs and Wins in 1908, Who Wins in 1912?

    Suppose that Theodore Roosevelt never made his 1904 pledge to not run for a third term, and he runs and wins in 1908. In this scenario, who wins in 1912?
  10. PC & WI: President William O’Connell Bradley

    First, to check, how plausible do you think it is for William McKinley and/or the Republican Party to pick this man to be the running mate in 1900? Second (if it is at least somewhat plausible), supposing this had happened and that McKinley was still assassinated September 1901 - what is his...
  11. Gajah_Nusantara

    Roosevelt's Comeback: TL from 1912 (A Bit Clickbait)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: 1912 Republican National Convention

    The 1912 Republican Convention Former President Theodore Roosevelt stood upon the Halls of the Chicago Coloseum both in defeat and victory for his nominee for the convention chairman, George Cortelyou, his former personal Secretary and former Secretary of the Treasury under his tenure. Even...
  12. WI: TR Doesn't Run in 1912

    Theodore Roosevelt originally planned to sit out the 1912 election and wait for 1916. But he later changed his mind and unsuccessfully challenged President Taft in 1912. After being denied the Republican nomination, he ran on the Progressive ticket and came in second place to Woodrow Wilson...
  13. AHC: Wank Theodore Roosevelt

    With a POD of his ascension to the presidency in 1901, how do we get a Theodore Roosevelt wank scenario? You are allowed to extend his life past 1919.
  14. Hulkster'01

    If Theodore Roosevelt was elected in 1912, would the 22nd amendment be passed?

    Of course it would've been a different number but would it?
  15. The_Russian

    WI: Theodore Roosevelt wins 1912 as a Progressive?

    What if Theodore Roosevelt won 1912 as a progressive? What happens to the GOP and Dems? Edit: does the progressive party end up replacing either the GOP or Democratic Party?
  16. Bomster

    McKinley lives! What next?

    President McKinley surviving his assassination is a popular POD in several TLs, especially those dealing with a leftist America such as the phenomenal Reds! However, what would actually happen had McKinley lived? A different 1910s? A continued Gilded Age? Socialism? WW1 under another president?
  17. WI: Roosevelt Sits Out 1912, Wins in 1916

    Theodore Roosevelt's original plan to make a presidential comeback was to not run in 1912, but then run as a Republican in 1916. However, under pressure from left wing Republicans and compelled by his own sense of duty, Roosevelt challenged Taft in 1912 before making an unusually successful...
  18. Marklin

    DBWI: Wilson won 1912 election

    So after reading a little bit about the 1910s, I was wondering how history would have progressed differently had Democrat Woodrow Wilson won the 1912 election instead of Theodore Roosevelt. Would the US have joined the Great War? Would Colonialism still be as prevalent as it is in OTL?
  19. SsgtC

    The Return of Roosevelt
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Election of 1912

    Author's Note: Greetings everyone! For those of you wondering, this timeline is based off of, and ties in with White Star and Titanic, What Could Have Been. You most definitely do not need to read the entire timeline to know what is going on here, but if you would like a more in depth look at...
  20. Is it possible for TR to win in 1912?

    Could Theodore Roosevelt win in 1912? Not as a getting the Republican nomination but as a third party cabidate? What does a third term look like? Did Wilson win in part as a "galvanized Yankee" that is to say a Southern person who was a Northern Governor?