
  1. Collondi

    Could Totila have saved the kingdom of the Ostrogoths?

    Basically, could the Goths have won (or at least not completely lost) the Gothic war with a POD after the crowning of Totila? What POD would be necessary? For example, maybe he defeats Narses in battle around 553, destroying the Roman army. Given how many other issues the Romans had to deal with...
  2. Collondi

    WI the Visigoths kept control of Aquitaine from the Franks?

    Let’s say our POD is that the Visigoths win the battle of Vouille. There’s also plenty of PODs a few years before Vouille if you prefer. The overall war ends in a stalemate, and Clovis dies before he can go for round two, leaving his kingdom divided amongst his sons who are temporarily too busy...
  3. Collondi

    WI/Plausibility check: Theodoric the Great takes Constantinople in 487

    In 487, Theodoric's armies were quite strong, as he had just taken control of the troops of Theodoric Strabo. Theodoric, looking to extort the emperor and increase his own power, put Constantinople under siege. OTL he and Zeno worked out a deal where Theodoric would move west and conquer Italy...
  4. A Gothic Kingdom in Crimea

    Been thinking about the Crimean Goths and how ridiculously long they survived in some form until the 1800s. And I've been thinking, what if the Goths were more numerous and united in the Crimea? Say, they form a kingdom based around the Crimean peninsula, parts of the Southern Dnieper, and the...
  5. WI: Gothic Mesopotamian Kingdom

    Before conquering the Western Roman empire, the gothic tribes pillaged in Byzantine Europe before migrating west. If the went southeast to Mesopotamia instead and found a kingdom near the Persian Gulf, how does their culture develop in the next millenia? As the middle east is already a cultural...
  6. WI/AHC: Ostrogoths Never move to Italy

    In 488 AD , at the behest of Byzantine Emperor Zeno , Theodoric moved his people , the Ostrogoths to Italy . With a Minimum PoD of 476 , prevent the Ostrogoths from moving into Italy . Keep in mind The Goths should not move into Italy and get obliterated by Odoacer , They should never move to...
  7. FLAYvian1310

    Through Light and Ashes: The Legacy of the Ostrogoths
    Threadmarks: 01: The Phoenix Rises

    A/N: Hello all! I am back with another new TL. This one however will cover a different perspective from most of my TLs, as this will be focused on the Ostrogoths following from Totila. This will also be alot more long form than my Roman ones, as it will cover over centuries, much like Freedom's...
  8. Eastern Roman / Ostrogothic alliance

    Athalaric was the grandson of Ostrogothic king Theodoric the Great. His mother and regent Amalasuintha, tried unsuccessfully to give him a Roman education. She was also in good terms with the Eastern Roman Empire, allowing their fleet to use the harbours of Sicily during the Vandalic war. Let...
  9. The Professor

    How long can the Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy last?

    Or essentially, how much can be retained? Could the Lombards be coopted? Impact on Slavic migration into Illyria? Etc etc etc!
  10. Research for Another Gothic-Roman Empire TL

    Hey folks, I started again to figure out how to take a POD on Theoderic the Great reigns, butterflying away frankish archetypal middle age with some badass arian romano-goth analogy imperium over the post roman kingdoms. One cannot overextend the feats of the People-King easily, so I decided...
  11. Ostrogothic Kingdom and the Gothic War(535-554)

    OTL The Byzantines succesfully conquered Italy from the Ostrogothic Kingdom. Due to Italy being devasted and depopulated during the course of the war, the Byzantines were unable to protect their new won holdings from the incoming Lombards. In the longterm the Gothic War(535-554), and the...
  12. WI: the Ostrogoths won the Gothic War?

    After a quick research I noticed there's no discussion about this topic (Only "What if it wasn't so long?" or "What if it never happened?".). This is unbelievable and (As an Italian.) unacceptable for the best AH website in the world! So let's say it happens. For example: Totila wins at Taginae...
  13. WI: An Ostrogothic exodus spreads non-trinitarianism in the north?

    After the defeat of the Ostrogoths at the Battle of Mons Lactarius, a number of the Ostrogoths went back north and resettled in Austria. Some of them would participate in the later Lombard invasion. Arian Christianity was allegedly introduced to the Goths in the first place by a singular priest...
  14. Mr_Fanboy

    AHC/WI: Germanic Western Mediterranean

    Here's a question I've tried to get at in some form or fashion with different threads in the past, but I figured I'd ask it more directly. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, much of its former territory was divided between kingdoms established by different Germanic tribes. Important...
  15. Women in Ostrogothic society?

    As I understand it, the Visigothic Code gave women the right to inherit land, arrange their own marriages, and represent themselves in the court of law. Did the Ostrogotgs have anything similar? Could the Ostrogoths have developed something similar if they had survived in Italy or was the...
  16. How 'good' were the Ostrogoths as successors to Western Rome?

    Did they rebuild any of Italy? Did they have an effective administration or literary tradition to help them rule their new territory?
  17. Mr_Fanboy

    AHC/WI: Ostrogothic Kingdom Reunites Western Roman Empire

    Inspired by my doing a little reading on Lest Darkness Fall. How possible is it for the Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy to avoid its decline and eventual fall to the Byzantine Empire, and to indeed expand, perhaps taking North Africa west of Egypt, all or part of Hispania, and all or part of Gaul...
  18. AHC: Make the Hunnic Empire an actual sedentary, urbanized empire

    Attila's Empire was notably more of a series of tributary relationships and alliances against the Roman Empire between various migratory peoples, rather than an actual empire. How could Attila's empire have turned into an actual sedentary and urbanized empire stretching from, at the least, the...
  19. AHC: Worst case scenarios for the Late Roman Empire?

    With a POD between 375 and 500, what are some worst-case scenarios for the Roman Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries? That is, how could it have fallen most spectacularly and into as many pieces as possible, as early as possible? What are some best-case scenarios for the Goths, Vandals, Franks...
  20. Tom Colton

    [POLL] Are Odoacer's or the Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy continuations of the Western Roman Empire?

    A spinoff from the other poll. The Western Roman Empire (or the empire in the west, depending on how you see it) is commonly stated to have fallen with either the overthrowing of Romulus Augustulus in 476 and the establishment of the Kingdom of Italy by Odoacer or the death of Julius Nepos in...