october revolution

  1. Russian civil war without Bolsheviks

    Russian civil war was started by the October Revolution by the Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin against the Duma's provisional government . The commander-in-chief of the Russian Army, General Lavr Kornilov attempted a coup d'état against the against the...
  2. Hitler,Lenin,Trotsky,Stalin,Mussolini killed before WW1

    In 1913 Hitler,Trotsky and Stalin were in Vienna. They visited the same cafe. What if Lenin and Mussolini also went there while got blown up a revolutionary ? I guess the October revolution fails. So Russia remains in WW1 preventing the Spring Offensive. No CCP either. While communism remains a...
  3. TheDoofusUser

    WI : October Revolution of 1917 led by Someone other than Lenin

    In OTL, the October Revolution of 1917 that saw the ousting of the Kerensky led government in Russia following the end of the Tsar's reign for a Marxist/Communist one with Vladimir Lenin at the head and a struggle for succession that would see Joseph Stalin ultimately win out. I am unaware of...
  4. WW2 with independent Ukraine,Belarus,Caucasus

    After WW1 Ukraine and Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia became independent along with Finland and Baltic states but got conquered by the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war and incorporated into the Soviet Union which invaded by Nazi Germany in WW2 but what if Ukraine and Belarus and...
  5. maru.777

    Kornilov Coup Succeeds what next?

    If Kornilov managed to take Petrograd in September 1917, say Kerensky refuses to arm the Bolsheviks, what happens next, does the Provisional Governement side with the Reds or Kornilov? How does this affect the Eastern front? Does an earlier RCW lead to an early B-L? Does a three way civil war...
  6. Al-Za’im

    WI: Lenin arrested by Tauride Palace

    On the 23-24 of October, the Bolshevik Central Committee passed resolutions proposed by Lenin which recognised that ‘An armed uprising is inevitable and the time perfectly ripe,’ further approving the motion that ‘All the organisations of the party should act accordingly.’ Lenin’s intervention...
  7. Tsar Nicholas II at Versailles

    what if Tsar Nicholas II at Versailles? how would he influence that treaty? can black sea become russian lake? POD is that with support of various generals he retains power and puts down the february revolution without division in the military and launches the July offensive(Kerensky offensive)...
  8. What if the Republican Russian government remained in power (to this day)?

    I'm working on a story that takes place in an alternate timeline where the Bolsheviks never rose to power. I have a lot of questions regarding what this would alter about the world. What are the consequences of this change? What does Europe look like? Is Ukraine independent? Does World War II...
  9. Friedrich der Große

    White and Central Powers win?

    I’m currently working on a Central Powers Victory scenario in WW1, in which the Central Powers focused on Russia first, defeated Russia in 1916 and after that focusing and defeating France. But my question is: in this scenario, what would have happened to Russia? Would the Russian Revolution...
  10. Nicholas II daughters British Queen after failed revolution

    If Nicholas II stayed in power until after WW I ? Pls assume it Could his daughters Marry Edward VIII or Geroge VI and become British Queen ? Will George V and British royals ignore haemophilia and bad PR in UK of autocrat Nicholas? Even if children born Can this marriage stop Wallis Simpson...
  11. Nicholas II becomes totalitarian

    what if Nicholas II became as totalitarian as Stalin but without a Great purge of Military or Government after getting scared of 1905 revolution will this avoid February and October revolution ? how long will this regime last ?
  12. WI: Vladimir Lenin lives to at least 1945

    What if Vladimir Lenin hadn't died in his fifties and had survived to at least 75? How might him living longer have changed the course of history?
  13. What if Lenin & Trotsky Were Killed During the July Days?

    During July 1917, when the workers of Petrograd wished to overthrow the Provisional Government for its continuation of the war and lack of progress on agrarian reform, it was an extremely difficult situation for the Bolsheviks. They knew that they didn't have sufficient support throughout the...
  14. How do socialism and communism do in a No October Revolution world?

    In a world where the October Revolution doesn't happen in Russia, what becomes of communism and socialisms? Does communism just become a curiosity?
  15. Danielson

    DBWI: Vladimir Lenin not killed by Fanny Kaplan in 1918

    Vladimir Lenin, as many of you might know, was a Russian revolutionary, Marxist theorist, founder of the Russian Communist party, and, until he was shot and killed by Fanny Kaplan, a member of the rival Socialist-Revolutionary Party, on August 30th 1918, the first leader of the Russian SFSR...
  16. WI Gorbachev assassinated in November 1990?

    During the 1990 October Revolution Parade on November 7th 1990 a man named Alexander Shmonov attempted to assassinate Soviet leader Gorbachev. Let's say one or both shots he fired hit their intended target, killing Gorbachev. What happens next? Who takes power in the decaying Soviet Union? Do we...
  17. Caucus-Ruso-Persian

    Thought I might share this one | A Soviet Timeline

    POD - February 1st 1918, PILOT-PROLOGUE Leon Trotsky currently in charge of commanding the red army has only a few footholds he needs to besiege, infact, around the beginning of 1918, the red army had almost completely won the civil war, the instances of external forces however turned the ties...
  18. ajdb0614

    DBWI: Lenin was a communist

    Alright, I know Vlad is probably one of the most beloved historical figure on this site ("He modernized Russia!" "He brought freedom and democracy to the Ruskies etc."), but let's say that the young Lenin had gone Communist rather than embracing Social Democracy (he apparently was a big fan of...
  19. AH No Russian Revolution

    Sorry if this topic is stupid (I have zero knowledge of Russian history). My question is: Could the Russian Revolution (or series of revolutions) be prevented w/o ASB? And when would the PoD have to be for each of the following? 1) Could the Revolution of 1905 be prevented? For example, Nicholas...