
  1. Rizcession

    AHQ: Consequences of Failed Migrations into the Pannonian Basin

    Through history, many different peoples migrated into, and around, the Pannonian Basin, modern day Hungary, relative to other areas of Europe. You have the Huns, the Avars, the Bulgars, the Magyars, the Mongols (albeit temporary), and probably more besides that I can't recall off the top of my...
  2. Would a world with no Christianity (and thus no Islam) butterfly away the Mongol Empire/Mongol Conquests?, also looking for your critiques for my TL!

    The title is self-explanatory, I have been brainstorming a story/TL set in a world where Jesus is never born, and thus Islam, Gnosticism, and Manicheanism as a whole are also all butterflied away, but overall, could this also butterfly away the existence of Genghis Khan (likely yes, since the...
  3. WI: Mongol India around 1300/Early Mughals

    The Chagatai ruler Duwa launched numerous attacks on Punjab and Delhi regions in the 1290s and 1300s, ending only with his death. It appears to have been a major preoccupation of his rule, compared to his weaker predecessors who followed the powerful general Kaidu in warring with Yuan China over...
  4. Post-1279 Song Dynasty restoration/survival?

    The Song Dynasty of China, despite its many achievements culturally, economically, and technologically, had a troubled history with invaders from the north. They were evicted from northern China by the Jurchens of the Jin Dynasty in the early 12th century, and then a century later lasted through...
  5. PC: Beijing falls to the Mongols in the 1550s?

    So I found out a few days ago about Altan Khan, a powerful Mongol ruler who led several raids into Ming China's northern borders and attacked Beijing's suburbs in 1550, with the wikipedia article on him saying he actually laid siege to the city but providing no other information about it other...
  6. AHC: Reverse the fates of the Turkic and Mongolic languages

    Today most Mongolic languages are found in and around Mongolia proper, with the one major exception being Kalmyk with a few others. In total, they have roughly 7 million speakers. The Turkic languages are spread out as far west as Thrace, as far west as central China, and even stretching north...
  7. kasumigenx

    Pearl of the East of Borneo
    Threadmarks: In the East of Borneo

    The lands South of Nihon and east of Borneo, the lands of Sambali(Sanfotsi), Kumintang, Ma-Yi, Butuan, and Toupo would have existed, the lands of Sambali, Kumintang, Butuan, and Toupo would have relations with the Song Dynasty, Sri Vijaya with trade and would have used Malay as their own...
  8. kasumigenx

    Gers on the Pacific V4 Mongolian Philippines TL
    Threadmarks: Verse 1

    On an unknown land in Sambali or Sanfotsi[1] the latter part of the 13th century, a woman would refuse the advances of a Prince of Singhasari, she knew what he was upto and instead married a Mongol Prince instead. The marriage was between this unknown noblewoman from Sambali and a prince of the...
  9. WI: Roman the Great lives on: surviving Regnum Rusiae vs the Mongols?

    Hello everyone. I have seen quite a few decent Galicia-Volhynia and Kyivan Rus thread on this forum, but have found none with this particular POD, which seems rather a shame to me, considering the sheer scope of possible divergences and buttefly battle fleets coming with it. So, without further...
  10. SealTheRealDeal

    Mongols turn north China Plain into steppeland?

    Was reading the Encyclopedia Brittanica page on the Mongol empire and found this bit: Does anyone here know anything more about this supposed proposal? What would this entail? Would it be as simple as destroying the irrigation systems as they did in Iran?
  11. WI: Smaller Mongol Empire - no expansion post 1227

    There's a bunch of timelines that either have no Mongol Empire at all, or an unstoppable Mongol Empire that conquers all of Europe, India, and Egypt. But what about a very plausible scenario that's not discussed too often: What if the Mongols, upon the death of Genghis Khan in 1227, decided to...
  12. The Flame that Burns Brightest: Romans, Mongols, and Black Powder

    Hey all, This thread will be where I post the first part for my TL which will span into three parts: Romans, Mongols, and Black Powder. The timeline will feature a Byzantine Empire that develops gunpowder creating a continental sized gunpowder empire in the middle ages, and eventually coming to...
  13. What if Börte was never kidnapped

    Somewhere around 1184, members of the Merkit tribal confederation kidnapped a young woman named Börte shortly after her marriage to her longtime fiancee, a Mongol man named Temüjin. Things like this happened all the time in Mongolia during the era, but this particular kidnapping proved far more...
  14. WI: Jamukha as Genghis Khan

    What many people forget is that "Genghis Khan" was not a name, but a title, and a title that could very well have been claimed by a different man. Jamukha was an ally and blood brother to Temujin, and they waged a campaign against the Merkits together. However, their differences and ambitions...
  15. Cultural effects of a Mongol Western Europe

    How would Western Europe be changed if the Mongols could conquer it? (This question of whether they could have is asked frequently enough I don't want to ask it again. Personally, I think so if Ogedei Khan didn't die, but it would have been difficult). Would greater connection to the East...
  16. Could the Russians have held off the Mongols?

    "Never invade Russia"--unless you're the Mongols (John Green) So could the Russians have stopped the Mongols, or was it too little, too late? Have any other armies successfully invaded Russia as well?
  17. No Mongols means No Tatars?

    I have this question because the languages spoken by the tatars are from the Cuman-Kipchak branch that originated from the old cuman confederation that existed in the Eurasian Steppe before the arrival of the Mongols, but independent Tatar states started to exist only after the arrival of the...
  18. kasumigenx

    Re: To Wear two crowns
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Re: To Wear two crowns Richard I as Portrayed in the Movie Robinhood On December of 1194, the Duke of Austria died causing possible marriage negotiations between Eleanor of Brittany and Frederick of Austria to falter and Eleanor of Aquitaine would choose her other niece, Alice of Blois as...
  19. If not for the Tsunami would it have been a given that the Mongols would have conquered Japan?

    The second Mongol fleet had over 4000 ships and 140,000 soldiers and was the largest naval invasion until D-Day 750 years later. Is there any doubt that if not for the Tsunami that struck that the Mongols would have successfully conquered Japan? Would the Japanese resistance have been able to...
  20. kasumigenx

    The lucky marriage – Kasumigenx cut aka 13th century wars of Roses
    Threadmarks: A Boy’s death

    The lucky marriage – Kasumigenx cut A Boy’s death Freepedia Freepedia Freepedia Note: Arthur of Brittany is dead on this timeline as an infant, John thought that his crown was secure but he is mistaken