Land Of People: A China Without A One Child Policy

Let me begin this by saying I have nothing but admiration for the Chinese people. Their massive effort to pull themselves out of poverty and achieve success on the global stage is exemplary. This is merely a look at what would have happened if there were more people in China, something which the Chinese government itself says would happen if they hadn't introduced the one child policy.

Will China come out of this worse than OTL? Of course. The economic miracle was unlikely to go so fast in the first place and more people doesn't help. But this will not be an absurd U.S. wank. I tried to make this as unbiased as possible, but of course one can't always do that. First graphics including a Chinese Wikipedia page and more will come soon.
Obama and Kamala must have done a shit job of being president for her to lose reelection after Obama's assassination.
Obama is actually pretty good- the economy is decent enough and their are no major scandals and he's seen even more positively after his assassination- but Harris suffers from generally low approval numbers and struggles with COVID (not really her fault since she entered office right when it started) along with a primary challenge. Charlie Baker was also a strong candidate.
Wouldn't such a large population at least cause some amount of migration out of the country or has that not happened due to more stricter control of the nation?
Wouldn't such a large population at least cause some amount of migration out of the country or has that not happened due to more stricter control of the nation?
The borders are strictly controlled, and it's not like neighboring countries are that much better off (the only first world country it borders is Hong Kong, and both governments don't want chaos at that border). Still, the US, Canada, and others have higher ethnically Chinese populations.
The borders are strictly controlled, and it's not like neighboring countries are that much better off (the only first world country it borders is Hong Kong, and both governments don't want chaos at that border). Still, the US, Canada, and others have higher ethnically Chinese populations.
So more Chinese people migrated there, how did that happen without a major backlash which would keep the percentage mostly the same. There has always been backlashes in the US when large "waves" of people want to go to their country like the Irish and Germans, Chinese in the 1850s, Mexicans, Vietanmese after the Vietnam war and so on.
What about my question on India's development level compared to OTL?
I think India's development will probably be similar since its population growth is unlikely to be affected by China's population and there is no reason to believe it would enact a policy similar to China's? Another question, since Covid still happened and there are more Chinese people in western countries does that mean there are even more instances of xenophobic attacks blaming them for Covid?