
  1. Taunay

    AHC: More successful Baron of Mauá

    The Baron of Mauá was an industrialist who promoted industrialization during the Brazilian Empire. He started many businesses and was essential in guaranteeing some money for the Imperial government in the 1860s and 1870s. In fact, in 1867 his wealth was bigger than the budget of the Empire...
  2. AHC: Indonesia as rich as South Korea

    From Noah Smith's "Indonesia: The most amazing development story on Earth?": So, Indonesia. A country with a GDP per capita of $4.3k, compared to Malaysia's $11,1k and South Korea's $40k. An Indonesia as rich as Malaysia would be the 7th largest economy in the world, larger than France. An...
  3. Where do the American coal wars start and why?

    So picture the 13 colonies gaining independence in the American Revolution, but instead of ratifying a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation, the disagreements over the Bill of Rights are too great to be overcome and the federal experiment ended right there. Suddenly all the...
  4. WI: The Federalists become dominant in the early US?

    Hi everyone, I've been thinking recently about the first party system in the United States. The big government and industrial Federalist Party of Alexander Hamilton faced off against the small government and agrarian Republican or Democratic-Republican Party of Thomas Jefferson. In our...
  5. Industrialization if Spanish conquer England

    will Industrialization still happen like in OTL if Spanish armada succeeded or Anglo Iberian union by son of Philip II and Mary I. How will Spanish crown treat English economy? would they create stock exchange, central bank and royal academy or would they suppress them?
  6. French Intervene in War of Roses and conquer England

    what if french avoid other wars and intervene in war of Roses and conquer england by back stabbing their allies ? how long will this control lost ? how wil this affect world history?
  7. ETGalaxy

    Egypt as an industrialized power

    During the reign of Muhammad Ali Pasha, Egypt interestingly began to undergo an Industrial Revolution, with factories being developed from the 1810s into the 1840s, at which point Egypt seemed to be on route to become an industrial power. This eventually stopped due to a number of factors...
  8. KMS Hoffnung

    WI: The Patents on Watt's Steam Engines Were Weaker?

    After some reading, I found some hypotheses on a sped-up Industrial Revolution regarding a faster spread of Steam Engine information throughout central Europe. With this in mind, would Germany, France, Belgium, or even Russia benefit more than OTL? Considering that Industrialization begins...
  9. AltoRegnant

    Could Argentina Grow To Rival The USA?

    OTL, to say America has been the most powerful nation in the new world goes without saying, and giving DC a rival is a popular discussion on this thread. For me the idea is usually Mexico or Brazil, but i wonder, could Argentina become a latin american rival to the US? Here are the factors i...
  10. Sierra

    WI: 20th Century Mesoamerican Fascist Great Power

    Mexico has frequently been a rarity as a mover and shaker in alternate history timelines, in spite of its very strategic position in the New World. It has a lot of potential with some butterflies.Unfortunately, U d not have much in the way of knowledge when it come to Central American history or...
  11. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: No President Hamilton?

    Otl, Alexander Hamilton, with endorsement from both Adams and Washington, was the third president of the US. his term saw massive centralization in the federal government, and a fair amount in the president. He increased tariffs massively, in a clear and successful attempt to kick start...
  12. Manchuria under Industrialized Imperial China in 19th century

    I've mentioned something similar about consequences of industrialised China here back then. This is a scenario where Imperial China, whether under Qing or other dynasties ruled under Han Chinese, succeeds in industrialisation. What would Manchuria looked like in an industrialised Imperial China?
  13. AHC: More extreme industrialization

    Okay, so your challenge here is to make industrialization more extensive. Worldwide. Yes, you read that right. Make industrialization more extensive worldwide. Ideally (although this is very implausible), this results in pretty much every nation force-marching their industry forward...
  14. Iran, but industralised

    What if Iran, in its exact current geopolitical position, was a fully industrialised country, capable of producing its own technology, agriculture, weapons, and material goods, and didn’t have to rely on outdated technology and importing goods from other countries? And its economy wasn’t...
  15. Sam Biswas

    Why is Halifax and Portland so much smaller than Boston in an industrial scale?

    How come Halifax and Portland in are less industrialised and less populated than the one you see in Boston in our timeline? Halifax is a city in Nova Scotia, Canada, with a population with over 400,000 people and approximately about 400,400 at metropolitan scale total, which is not pretty low...
  16. Gukpard

    Was Brazil's industrialization program under JK really effective?

    Juscelino Kubitschek was the brazilian president from 1955 until 1960, and while Vargas set up the base for the industrialization of Brazil, it was during JK government that the industrial boom took place, with the % of industry in the total GDP growing from 13,75% under Vargas to 18,34% during...
  17. So.... was Stalin good for Russia, or not?

    The question. Did Russia improve because of Stalin, or despite him? It seems pretty bad. Mass destruction of administrators and veteran officers. Famines. Squalor. Inefficiencies. But one must admit, Russia did improve, did industrialised. I'm fairly sure those of 1900 would not have guessed...
  18. WI: Spain as 1800s colonial power?

    If political and economic reforms in Spain had allowed it to industrialize early in the 19th century, could Spain have become a major colonial empire again? This could be in the form of vassalizing or re-colonizing former Spanish colonies in the Americas, or conquering new territory in Asia...
  19. Dargonaut

    Challenge: Industrialize Madagascar

    Basically what the tin says, industrialize Madagascar during the 19th Century, transform it into a world power by the turn of the century.
  20. Hello! I have some questions for you :-)

    Hello! I don't know if it's alright to post something like this here but if not excuse my naivety :oops: I have some question I want to hear opinions about, I not asking for hard political science just your opinion! heads up, my English is messy do it might be a hassle to read o_O 1. How long...