great war

  1. plenka

    Madsen machine gun

    I want to ask some questions in regards to Madsen light machine gun. It seems to be a very revolutionary weapon for its time, providing automatic firepower in a relatively light package. It has also been used for over a century, with weapon still being used by Brazil in a police role. But my...
  2. DBWI: China does enter into WW1

    What if China never entered into WW1? How would this drastically change WW1 for both sides?
  3. Aftermath of Central Powers victory: Migration between Mitteleuropa states, Lingua Franca, etc.

    Assume a Central Powers victory scenario in World War One, and the formation of a Mitteleuropa dominated by the German Empire, including Ukraine. Crimea, Latvia, and Estonia are the only areas that are directly annexed. The others are the independent states of Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus...
  4. Linbot

    Nineteen-Eleven: A different First world War
    Threadmarks: Outbreak of the Great War

    Hello, everyone! This is a timeline I worked on a while ago before I joined I recently looked it over, and decided it needed to be redone, since in retrospect it seems very poorly researched. So... welcome to Agadir War 2.0, renamed Michel's Victory since I needed a (slightly) less...
  5. Emperor Norton I

    WI: The 1910s without the Great War

    Assuming a period of normality, and not cheating and having an alternate World War, how would the decade of the 1910s have progressed had there not been a Great War? Included in that is the idea of the 1920s in this world, and subsequent history.
  6. The Maddest Minute
    Threadmarks: Part I

    “There is only one alternative left to us. We must train every soldier in our Army to become a ‘human machine-gun.’ Every man must receive intensive training with his rifle, until he can fire – with reasonable accuracy – fifteen rounds a minute.” Maj. Norman Reginald McMahon, Chief Instructor...
  7. InfernoMole

    DBWI: The Great War didn't end in a stalemate?

    As the all know, the horrific conditions of the Great War and the resulting chaos in Europe forced the Entente and the Central Powers to sign an armistice, ending the Great War in a stalemate. There was a state of geopolitical tension and proxy wars between the Entente and the Central Powers...
  8. Mr. Orwell

    AHC:Never Ending Great War

    Make it possible so that both sides are A: Too evenly matched and too convinced to destroy the other side B: Like a 1984 like war which never ends. C: Do whatever it takes. (Make a map if you want for fun ;))
  9. One Admiral's Fatal Mistake
    Threadmarks: August Crisis and Sweden Enters to the Great War

    August Crisis and Sweden Enters to the Great War Commander of Russian Baltic Navy admiral Nikolai von Essen It was August 9, 1914. Great War was begun only couple weeks earlier. Commander of Russian Baltic Navy admiral Nikolai Von Essen approached with some of his ships Gotland and Fårosund...
  10. Both World Wars delayed a decade...

    ...each. Respectively. I've seen plenty of posts about a later WWI and a later WWII, but never both, and since they seem to rather go hand in hand... What if a Great War is delayed until around 1924 and lasts until around 1928? What would spark such a war, what would it look like, how would...
  11. AHC/WI: Russo-American War in 1912

    I've decided to forego the usual 'PC' because I know full well it isn't very plausible at all... I read recently about American public outcry over the Russian treatment of minorities inside Russia, specifically the Jews. In fact, the U.S. government in 1911 cancelled the U.S.-Russian Treaty of...
  12. AHC: mobile WWI

    How could the stalemate and attrition of the Western Front from September 1914 to March 1918 be avoided? Could technology or tactics change to allow a mobile war? Or could changes to the political landscape allow for manuever?
  13. AHC: Make Britain lose everything in WWI

    In this reality, it was Germany that had all its colonies taken and its main territory taken away. But in this timeline, make Britain lose World War I, lose every single colony, and even lose some land in Britain itself. POD of 1900.
  14. Keep Britain out of WWI

    So I don't journey into the Post-1900 forum often so my apologies if this had been asked to death. But is it possible to stymie British involvement in WWI? I presume this may involve butterflying the Entente Cordiale, but then their responsibility to Belgium would still pull them in on the...
  15. America - The Merchant Republic

    Still working on this... The United States pursues its self-interest instead of either confused isolationism or liberal internationalism. The distinction between isolationism vs interventionism is self-evidently flawed. A nation with decent leaders would pursue its own narrow interest in an...
  16. water123

    Maximum Belgian gains in WWI?

    I know that WWI itself has been beaten to death almost to WWII or Civil War levels, but I don't know if Belgium has been discussed much. Belgium historically was steamrolled by German troops very early in the war, fighting from the Belgian Congo and eventually winning what is now Rwanda and...
  17. Behold, A Pale Horse - An Alternative Great War

    Behold, a pale horse And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts and I looked and behold, a pale horse and his name that sat on him was Death And Hell followed with him. As we are having a conversation this must be a TLIAD? This is a normal timeline, I just like the TLIAD conservation...
  18. How much longer can the Great War be?

    I see a lot of discussion about shorter WWI timelines, but not a lot of talk about a slightly or much longer GW. I know this is because it's far more likely for all the exhausted countries involved to prefer peace to more war, but what can change that? How could WWI have gone on even longer...
  19. AHC/WI: European Empires invade the US in early 20th century

    With a POD 1880 or later, how could a coalition of two or more European empires invade the United States before 1920? If they tried, how unsuccessful would they be?
  20. Randomize World War One. What would be the most interesting possibility?

    If you could "randomize" the alliances in Europe before WWI, with the same borders as OTL 1914 and the US still entering in 1917 or later (on any side), what do you think would be the most interesting, alternate possibility? It does not have to be particularly likely or realistic, this is an...