eastern europe

  1. AltoRegnant

    AHC: Hungary As The Premier Eastern European Empire

    Hungary used to be a major power in eastern Europe, allied with the poles to keep the ottoman empire in check. But it eventually fell into decline (and the Hapsburgs) and was forced to play second fiddle to Austria. Your challenge is thusly, with a POD after 1371, when the ottomans effectively...
  2. WI: The European Union doesn't incorporate former East Bloc countries as members?

    How do you think history would be different if the EU decides not to accept countries like Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia? How do you think the political climate of these countries, and the Western EU states would be different if these...
  3. AltoRegnant

    WI Kingdom of Germany Survived?

    The Kingdom of Germany is in dark blue. You'll notice that it made up the bulk of the holy roman empire. Now, the idea of Germany surviving as a medieval polity and legislature fascinates me. So say Otto I never remarried. and thus never has a claim on Italy to forge the HRE. What does the rest...
  4. WI: Alternate Habsburg-style Central/East European Empires?

    So, as we all know, Central and Eastern Europe (e.g Hungary, the areas along the Danube, Poland, Belarus, and Western Ukraine) in the early modern period was eventually dominated by either the Ottomans, the Russians, or the subject of this thread, the Habsburgs. But it didn't have to turn out...
  5. AHC/WI: Non-Communist Central Europe during the Cold War

    How do you think countries like Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland would have turned out like if the Soviet Union never expanded its rule to their territories, creating Communist People's Republics after WW2? Would they have been similar to various South American countries, being ruled over by...
  6. The 1991 soviet August Coup succeeds

    The august coup and its impact is a difficult topic to discuss. We will never know for sure if it could have succeeded or if the provisional government could have lasted. This is not meant to be an alternate history question, but rather a discussions about what you guys think on tge august...
  7. WI: "Star Trek" was shown in the East Bloc during the Cold War?

    Although in OTL, the East Bloc countries (especially Poland, Hungary, and the USSR) had a large degree of sci-fi fandom, they never aired the "Star Trek" Original or Next Generation series on TV, until after Communism fell in the 90s, nor they showed the Star Trek movies in theatres. In...
  8. Lack of full plate armor in Middle East. Another theory: crossbows?

    This thread has quite a good discussion of the lack of full plate armor in in the Middle East (and eastern europe) compared to XV and XVI century western europe:https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/why-didnt-islamic-sultanates-adopt-full-plate-armor.453202/ . They present a good number...
  9. GauchoBadger

    AHC/WI: pro-Soviet Germany, pro-NATO Poland?

    Would it be possible for the Cold War disputes in Europe to result in a sort of division in which Germany (probably united under a single administration ITTL) joins a formal geopolitical alliance with the Soviet Union and her allies while Poland becomes an ally of NATO and the west, in a sort of...
  10. GauchoBadger

    PC/WI: More autonomous Warsaw Pact bloc?

    With a PoD anywhere between the Yalta Conference in 1945 and the fall of the USSR in 1991, how could we make it so that the Warsaw Pact countries of Eastern Europe, set up IOTL as puppets or clients of the Soviet Union, end up as autonomous from Moscow in regards to international policy as the...
  11. Hell and Fury in the Damned East
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Summonings

    Introduction: This is a timeline about Eastern Europe following the First World War. In this timeline, Józef Klemens Piłsudski is assassinated in 1919. Piłsudski was the leader of Poland from 1919 until 1935 (with some breaks) in our timeline, and he was an enormously influential man...
  12. Is Western Europe poised to always be more significant than Eastern Europe?

    Regions such as Germany, Benelux, France, Iberia and the British Isles have such a lucky array of conditions that seemingly would always naturally lead them to flourish. No enemies in the west due the Atlantic, hordes and other asian empires walled off by a number of Eastern European nations...
  13. WI: Saint Rurik?

    Okay, so this might be a stretch, but since so much of the man is clouded in myth, I think it might happen. What if Rurik, not long after his conquest of Novgorod (but before taking Kiev) meets a group of Catholic missionaries from Francia and decides for political reasons to convert to...
  14. WI: Western Europe continued to dominate the world

    Edit: was a DBWI. Am an idiot. How do I delete this shit?
  15. Duke Andrew of Dank

    WI: Stalin dies instead of FDR

    Simple enough for a WI. Stalin suffers his fatal stroke in 1945 as opposed to Roosevelt dying. What impact would this have? Would there be a weakened USSR and thus a shorter Cold War? Would Hungary and Poland escape Communism?
  16. Vitalis

    Flemish manufacturies equivalent in the East

    Would it be possible for Poland, or any other Eastern European state, really, to have an area equivalent to Western Europe's highly urbanized area, full of manufacturies, in, say, High Middle Ages and beyond? How would it look like? Where would it be located? Pommerania, Prussia? What about...
  17. WI: Divided Russia

    Let's say that during the XVI century Muscovy balkanizes somehow and no other state unifies Russia before the XIX century. What's going to happen to the rest of Europe? Any thoughts? Also if you know a TL that involves this PoD, please say it.
  18. AHC: Have Eastern Europe rise to power instead of Western Europe

    So, today's challenge: have Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, etc) be considered the metaphorical center of modern civilization (even though your mileage may vary on whether it actually is or not) instead of Western Europe. Due to geographical difficulties, colonial empires (at...
  19. A United Baltic

    How do we create a united Baltic state that is mainly centered around the modern Baltic states? They have to be independent states, not a puppet state. The Pod has to be after the 7th centuries.
  20. AHC: Unite most of Europe before 1200 AD

    Could most of Europe have been united into a single state or empire by the end of the High Middle Ages? (POD can be any time period, even in ancient times). By most of Europe, I mean about 70% of the continent's area. Tributaries, client kingdoms, and vassal states count as part of the empire's...