cp victory

  1. Whiteshore

    Leadership of a Fascist France

    In a world where the US stayed neutral in WW1 and the Central Powers won and forced harsh peace terms on France, leading to France falling to *Fascism in the alt-Great Depression, who would it's leader be? How would said French Fascist regime be organized?
  2. Gukpard

    How would be Stalin internal policy in a CP victory scenario?

    Here the scenario: Germany wins WWI, but the soviets still rise to the soviet union and Stalin still takes power, call it bordeline ASB if you want, but we got this situation So, how would Stalin behave in such a situation? He do not have control of Ukraine to make the holomodor and sell grain...
  3. CP Victory - How Long Until France Rises?

    I think we can generally accept that in the even of a Central Powers Victory, France will take a serious hammering (depending on the POD, of course). Assuming the Americans never get involved and the French lose in 1914-15 with Paris being taken (maybe First Battle of the Marne POD), and Germany...
  4. Italian Nationalism in CP Victory?

    Here's something I've been thinking about - in the event that Italy joins the Central Powers, for whatever reason, instead of the Entente, and manages to snag, say, Nice and Savoy and perhaps Tunisia in the peace agreement, would the nation still see a rise of Far Right Nationalism? Now...