Weekly Flag Challenge: Discussion & Entries

Not sure if this quite fits the rules...
Magyar migration divides in 2 - 1 heads south into Caucausus and Anatolia, the other heads west as OTL into the Pannonian Plain.
ATL however they get absorbed into the Avar Khaganate.
The Slavic dialects get a further boost as a lingua franca until the country evolves into the christian slavic kingdom known as the Avorak Stephanate [a stephan being roughly a high king and an ATL replacement for the word kagan]

It certainly does fit.
Stalin decides sending people to Siberia is too expensive and too tsarist. His solution? All gulags are built instead in the deserts of Central Asia. Turns out, mixing separatist ethnicities with political prisoners is not a great idea. Millions of Poles, Germans, Ukrainians, and various other undesirables are sent to Central Asia to work until they die.

In 1954, a prisoner uprising in the Kengir Gulag coincided with local ethnic unrest until the entire thing boiled over into a revolution. The state, called the Republic of Khiva (or, by other commentators, the Gulag Republic) held out in one form or another for a grand total of four years until the last pockets of resistance were crushed. The flag contains elements of Russian, Khivan, Christian, and Islamic symbolism.

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viperhawkz;7837414[B said:
Challenge ends:[/B] Monday, July the 7th (Midnight EST)
Voting begins: Tuesday, July the 8th
Voting ends: Tuesday, July the 15th (Midnight EST)

These all appear to be off by a day (e.g July 7th is a Sunday). Which is correct, the 'day' or the 'date'?
When Aaron led the Children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage, he was guided west to where lay the new promised land of the future Israel. Wandering for 40 years through deserts and mountains, they eventually reached the land known as Nacaan (approximates to OTL Tangier and its hinterland). Over the ensuing millennia, the boundaries of Israel expanded and contracted and for centuries it formed part of the Carthaginian Empire. With the fall of that Empire, Israel regained its independence and subsequently not only stopped the advance of the swiftly expanding Rasmith religion but also conquered the Iberian Peninsula.

In modern times the nation participated in the Great War and subsequently was granted a mandate for lands where Asia meets Africa by the Assembly of Nations. After the disbanding of the Assembly and the chaos of the seemingly never-ending series of African and Middle East Wars, Israel controversially annexed the mandate lands.

The current flag was adopted shortly after that annexation.

Royaume d'Égypte (Armée d'Orient and refugee Republicans.)

Royaume d'Égypte (RÉ)
(Papyrus=Upper Egypt, Bee=Lower Egypt, Crescent and Star=Islam, Coptic Cross=Christians, Black=Black earth of Kemet, Red=Fraternity among races, Grenade=French soldiers defending Royaume d'Égypte (RÉ)).

(Initially the Armée d'Orient battle standard, similar to Napoleonic regimental flags, colour changes(blue to black) just like Italian flag was derived from French tricolour.)

Napoleon Bonaparte decided not to abandon his men in Egypt, but was determined to make them survive despite being cut off from France.

Napoleon and his troops converted to Islam. He had to choose between French support and local Egyptian support, while the former seemed to have abandoned them. (However, looking at what he did to Judaism IOTL at so called Grand_Sanhedrin IOTL, you would have an idea what he would do to Islam in his Egypt.)

As Consul of the Egyptian Republic, Napoleon was as smart and diplomatic as Mohammed Ali Pasha did IOTl (Mohammad Ali was a foreigner as well), we now have his 30,000+ French soldiers as the ruling class of Egypt, not unlike the Mameluke. With the locals slowly leaning to the French, Britain suffered a few setbacks and then decided it's simply not worth the effort to fight on, and accepted Bonaparte's peace offer.

Without Bonaparte, the Directory screwed it and France was forced back to Bourbon-ism at Alliance gunpoint. This way there was a peace treaty sooner than OTL, with Europe less devastated, Britannia rule of the sea less absolute. The Kings were much more revanchist to the unholy revolutionaries than IOTL, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee to Egypt, the last Revolutionary stronghold.

Among the refugees was Champollion, an ardent republican. Now he is in Egypt and have much greater access to Egyptian Hieroglyphs than OTL.

After the war, European powers' opinions of Napoleon's Egypt was complex. The British was be distasteful of it due to the dynasty's hostile history and French Revolutionary origins, even though it was no longer a threat; Bourbon Kingdom of France secretly felt happy that those revolutionaries are eating sand in a unknown place other than making troubles in France; Catholic states angered by his apostasy. This cancelled off the supposed diplomatic advantages Egypt gains with a European ruling class.

With grudging approval of Europe, French Kingdom of Egypt Survived. King Napoleon I (changed to kingdom to make the country even more harmless in the European eyes) then started his 20 year rule of Egypt (1806-1826).

With the help of his army (especially General Jacque-Francois Menou), French refugees and some more enlightened local pashas, Napoleon was able to achieve much more than Muhammad Ali did IOTL, and was much less indebted thanks to his vigilance against the bankers.

There were no ban on intermarriage and by 1900 the border between French and locals was blurred. Still, Egypt stood firm against European colonialism, with Napoleonic Banners flying high.

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Helü, your flag has a large number of elements but balances them very well. Excellent, unique design and an extremely interesting TL concept. My compliments.
Thank you.
I modeled upon OTL Napoleonic flags, which were intrinsically beautiful.

I know the ones you're talking about, and while they were quite pretty, they were also not national flags - they were the flags of military units. Likewise, I think your flag, while very nice looking, would be very suitable as the flag of a military unit of this Kingdom of Egypt - the emblem with RE upon it rather resembles the traditional Grenadiers badge - but I can't see it as a national flag.