Map Thread XXII

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The world if everything went right for Putin. Inspired partially by Dugin's 'Foundations of Geopolitics'.

2014: Russian troops invade Ukraine following the ousting of President Yanukovych in a revolution. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia holds a 'referendum' that resulted in the secession of Novorossiya from Ukraine and joining Russia. Russian troops would permanently occupy rump Ukraine under a pro-Russian oligarchy.

2015: The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is established.

2016: Bernie Sanders, who is able to win the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton, goes on to win the 2016 presidential election. President Sanders promises to defund the American military budget and to distance the USA from foreign wars. President Sanders would withdraw the US military from Eastern Europe.

2019: Riots and protests in Belarus following the election of Alexader Lukashenko results in Russian intervention to crush the riots and restore order. Belarus is annexed into the Russian Federation as an autonomous region.

2020: War breaks out between pro-Russian Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region of Nagaro-Karabackh. Russia intervenes on the side of Armenia, resulting in a resounding Russo-Armenian victory over Azerbaijan. Armenia would annex their disputed territory while Azerbaijan would have a pro-Russian regime installed.

2022: Riots and unrest plunge Kazakhstan into chaos. Russian troops occupy the whole of Kazakhstan and strip away Russian-populated territories in the North through referendums. In the following years, Russia would incorporate the rest of Central Asia into the EAEU through military and diplomatic pressure and supporting pro-Russia coups.

2022: Russia invades Moldova over disputes related to the status of Transnistria and the rise of a pro-EU government in Moldova. Moldova is quickly overrun by Russian troops and the country is occupied, with Russia annexing Transnistria directly while the rest of the nation is puppeted under a Russophilic regime.

2022-2023: Crisis in the Balkans grows as Serbia starts to initiate instability in Bosnia and Kosovo, with the Serbs allying with the Russians. Serbia first invades Kosovo in 2023 over a dispute in North Kosovo, with Serbia managing to conquer the whole nation with Russian support. The Serbian government begins to fund Serb nationalists in Bosnia and Montenegro.

2023: Russia invades Georgia in the Second Russo-Georgian War following the Russian annexation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia through a Duma-passed act. Georgia is quickly crushed by the Russian military and a pro-Russian regime is installed to power.

2024: Tucker Carlson is elected president of the United States of America, who campaigns on a right-wing populist platform that is isolation and aims to withdraw the United States from NATO.

2025: Border skirmishes between Poland and Russia along the Ukrainian border result in heightened tensions over Polish support to anti-Russian Ukrainian insurgents. Russia would send an ultimatum to the Poles and NATO to cease military support to anti-Russian 'terrorists' and in addition, Russia would also demand the 'demilitarization' of all of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. NATO rejects the demands initially, resulting in a full-on Russian invasion of Eastern Europe taking place. President Carlson declares the United States neutral in the Euro-Russian conflict, withdrawing the United States from NATO.

2025: Russian troops march into the Baltic nations and after fierce battles, the Russians conquer all of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia within months of the conflict. Russian troops also invade Finland, Poland, and Romania. Serbia would also join the war on the side of Russia, invading Montenegro, Kosovo, and Bosnia. The first cracks start to appear in NATO following the start of the war, with Turkey declaring neutrality and withdrawing from NATO altogether. Hungary would switch sides and ally with Russia outright, withdrawing from NATO and the EU. Within six months, Russian troops reached the Vistula River and lay siege to Warsaw.

2026: Pro-Russian regimes initiate electoral takeovers in the Balkans. Greece would fall under a far-right populist regime that would sign peace with Russia. Other nations such as Bulgaria and North Macedonia follow suit. In Western Europe, anti-war sentiment starts to brew in nations such as France and Germany, with slogans being preached, 'Why die for Poland?'. Fearing Russian nuclear consequences for continuing the war, EU diplomats engage in secret talks with the Russians in Vienna to end the war. Russia demands that the EU withdraw from all of Eastern Europe, which includes a line stretching from the Oder-Neisse, to the Czech-Slovak border, through Hungary, and to Bosnia. Russia also demands the abolition of NATO, though Russia has no concern about the EU continuing to exist.

2026: The EU and Russia eventually conclude peace talks, with the EU agreeing to Russian demands in the Vienna Accords. Western Europe pulls out of the war against Russia. Poland and Finland are outraged and vow to continue their fight against Russia. After a couple of months and ruthless bombing campaigns, Poland and Finland are conquered by Russia, with Russia declaring victory.

2026-2027: Russia forms its new order in Eurasia. Poland is demilitarized and deindustrialized, with much of Poland's economy falling under the control of Russian oligarchs while Warsaw is controlled by a coalition of Russophilic Poles from the left and right. The Baltic nations are forced to cede Latgale and Narva to Russia while their nations are placed under permanent occupation. Russia treats the Eastern Orthodox Balkan nations much nicer and their territory is left intact, though with pro-Russian regimes being installed in each nation. Serbia is enlarged to include all of Serbian Bosnia and Montenegro. The EAEU is enlarged to include all of Russian-controlled Europe.

2027-20XX: Tensions begin to brew between Russia and China into a Cold War. China conquered Taiwan in 2023 and occupied the South China Sea from their neighbors, intimidating Southeast Asian nations into accepting Chinese domination in the South China Sea. China would also emerge victorious in a war against India in 2025. Russia would sign military alliances with nations such as Iran, India, and Vietnam. Russia would admit Mongolia into the EAEU in 2027 much to China's chagrin. With the decline of the USA as a world power, China would compete with Russia for global influence, with a possible war looming on the horizon.
This should definitely go in the Current Politics map thread instead of here.

Planet Jambudvipa (or, a 'Puranic' World):​

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A fantasy world inspired by the Hindu Puranas: this is 50% a ten-year overdue sequel to a fantastic map that B. Munro made for me, and 50% a love-letter to India's history and culture, at a time when, as ever, the future of India is uncertain.

In the jungles of Suvarnabhumi, Kinnaras (beings which are human from the waist up, bird from the waist down) advise human kings and watch the construction of great golden palaces. In the sky-clad steppes of Uttarakuru, horse-riding nomads and sedentary Yakshas (nature spirits) mingle in trading posts and around campfires. In the olive-tree fields and river valleys of Ketumala, the ruins of nearly forgotten ancient civilizations rest beneath the battlefields of clashing armies, known only from the powerful mantras that have been preserved in hidden grottos. Across the southern isles, from Kushadvipa, the Isle of Grass, in the West, to Varunadvipa, the Isle of the Rain God, in the East, the foaming ocean is awash with the ships of pirates and thieves, transporting gold and silver and mother of pearl across thousands of miles. In the eastern-most plains of Bhadrashva, masked actors depicting Hayagriva, the fearsome horse-necked deity popular among the locals, and his battle against a demon of the same name, are performed in stadiums filled with cheering crowds of ten thousand, alongside chariot races and chaturanga (chess) competitions. In the center of the world island, as the altitude rises across parched deserts and windswept Himalayan peaks, lies the mystical kingdom of yogis and immortal ones, Ilavrta, where Mount Meru, stairway to the kingdom of the gods, rises into the sun.

And between the Himalayas in the North, Dvaraka in the west, across great bustling cosmopolitan centers to Vanga in the east, where the Holy Ganges River flows into the world ocean, across the Deccan hills and forests and down to the southernmost point of Kanyakumari in the South, stretches the jeweled land of the lotus flower, of ghee butter and coconut milk, of the flame of timeless wisdom: Bharata.

The earth is a sphere orbiting around a fiery sun in space, billions of years old and in a galaxy containing nearly a hundred billion worlds. This is a universe of incredible size, across ten dimensions, and inhabited by gods and demons whose physical capabilities are to humans what humans are to gnats. They are otherworldly, and from an earthly perspective, their true forms have driven human observers to both ecstasy and madness. Nonetheless, several of the gods and demons take a keen interest in human affairs and are, on the whole, not the horrific tyrants or Lovecraftian monsters that one might imagine; the gods who have spent longer times on Earth display remarkable emotional intelligence and claim to view human agency (and spiritual growth) as necessary for the universe’s wellbeing, while even the demons generally recognize that strong, well-run human societies make better slaves (with the hope that humanity will one day act as loyal foot soldiers in the march to conquer other worlds in their wars with the gods). A few gods and demons have been moved to tears in watching human acts of selfless dharma (virtuous conduct) and have even taken human counsel in times of grave difficulty.

Though reluctant to admit it openly, the gods and demons recognize another truth; that the yogic, or spiritual, capacity of some humans (and, incidentally, many cows) renders them awesome powers of their own, with a select few who are impervious to all control or harm, unattached from the four ‘gross’ dimensions of space and time and existing only in the six dimensions of ‘subtle’ space-time. And inwardly, many of the gods and demons share the common (though by no means universal) human belief in a ‘capital g’ God, an unseen ‘Lord of all things,’ by whose power the infinite universes are born and will one day come to an end; the eternal one without a second. Though it may not necessarily be the case that morality depends on a belief in a superior power, the belief in God helps keep some of the gods on their toes, so to speak, when dealing with lesser creatures.

Five thousand one hundred and twenty-five years prior, at the conclusion of the previous age, brought about by the use of ultra-destructive ‘astra’ weapons, Earth descended into a hideous fire and maelstrom, the likes of which human civilization is only now recovering from.

Today, Vedic civilization (or rather, the heritage of this civilization in the form of Brahmanical teachings passed down from guru to student) is a feature of all human societies. Sanskrit poetry, treatises on yoga, dance, ceremonial rites, astronomy, mathematics, law, medicine, and philosophy are found to a greater or lesser degree everywhere. The debates between the Realists, Atomists, Metaphysical Dualists, Atheistic Ritualists, Acosmic Pantheists, and Anti-Causalists are as fierce in universities and monasteries in Roma or Yogyakarta as they are in Takshashila or Kashi.

For a flavor of these debates: the school of Realism uses logic to defend the real existence of more-or-less common-sense understandings of –

· the unity of self and body (in contrast to the Atomists, who regard selves to be a distinct type of atom within the body, and the Metaphysical Dualists, who regard selves to be completely immaterial),

· the material world of things (deconstructed by the Atomists and denied completely by the Acosmic Pantheists),

· God as the Creator (denied by the Atheistic Ritualists, who say that just as the eternal injunctions of the Vedas exist without an author so too do laws of nature exist without a lawmaker, and relegated by the Acosmic Pantheists to merely existing without ever creating anything),

· and karma (denied by the Anti-Causalists, which makes them a bit of a laughingstock among the other five schools who all base their theories of morality, aesthetics, and spiritual liberation on some version of cause and effect).

Of course, such obtuse considerations are primarily the focus of Brahmins and world-renunciates. Popular attention is aimed at tales around the lives of ideal historical figures who continue to have considerable popular followings. Among them are Shri Bhagavan Rishabha, who taught renunciate focus, Shri Bhagavan Rama, who taught righteous action, Shri Bhagavan Krishna, who taught loving devotion, and Shri Bhagavan Buddha, who taught discriminating wisdom.

The people of all societies are divided, according to their ancestry, into hundreds or even thousands of endogamous clans (micro-castes), which are in turn characterized, according to their inclinations and vocations, as one or four ‘hues’ (macro-castes). In a world of kings who have rather little in the way of state-building institutions to support them (let alone out-live them), ‘good governance’ is more often achieved with the ‘checks and balances’ of a multi-caste society wherein the division of resources and interests is such that all groups must work together. In this, Brahmins hold scholarly education and the communication lines to the gods, Kshatriyas hold bravery and the use of force, Vaishyas hold wealth and ownership of land, and Shudras hold labor and the right to strike. Under such a system, even the greatest king can be a landowner OR a commander of armies OR an emissary of the gods, but never more than one of these options, necessitating collaboration with others. While life is certainly harder for Shudras, in theory, at least, separation between castes means that rather than having their construction, manufacturing, or crop harvesting projects be overseen by higher castes, Shudra elders and chieftains act as overseers for their own kind. The boundaries of these castes are hard, but not entirely impermeable; being ‘trans-caste’ is a little controversial and is opposed by extra-conservative types, but is at least tolerated by many people, particularly if one has undergone prescribed transitioning rituals. In addition, nearly a fifth of the population remains outside of the caste system altogether; namely – criminals, beggars, those who deal with dead bodies, a dwindling number of wandering tribes, renunciate ascetics, and crazy tantrics. Diets are largely vegetarian, particularly for upper castes, and animal (and human) sacrifice is outlawed in all contemporary societies (though stories of tantrics who derive occult powers from dead bodies are not unheard of).

Earth is also inhabited by several other species with human-like intelligence, who often have their own caste-based societies. Vanaras are squat, ape-men who, despite their general hairiness, are unable to grow a mustache; historically, there was something of a competition between humans and vanaras as to which ape would dominate the terrestrial realm – now that vanaras have largely lost this fight, relations between them and humans have improved. Gandharvas are very tall, translucently blue, sweet-smelling, floating elf-like creatures who are renowned for their beauty and creativity, often present in human societies as public entertainers, but who can also be skilled in battle; when not taking up roles in human societies, they reside in Gandharva-nagaras, or floating cities, positioned in the skies. Nagas are scaly reptilian creatures with fearsome snake-like bodies, sometimes with many heads (like a Hydra), who are surprisingly friendly with most humans. Perhaps as a result of this friendliness, there are, in addition to ‘pure’ nagas, a large variety of human/naga mixed people; in some societies whole castes exist of peoples who are of mixed Naga/Human heritage. Yakshas are naked, green-skinned, pot-bellied nature sprites (or smaller ogre-like beings) with bulging eyes, fangs, and a child-like demeanor and intelligence; they can appear and disappear into trees and rocks at will, and heartily enjoy having a laugh at others’ expense. Cows are, incidentally, super-intelligent and wise beings who only appear dull because they are almost always in a meditative stupor or using their telepathic powers to engage in much more interesting conversations with beings on other worlds; the gods have asked humans to take good care of them.

Humanity is, for all its grandeur, only at the beginning of its journey. The exploration of space – both inner as well as outer – remains an exciting frontier of untold potential. Seen from a distance, the cultural fads and the rise and fall of civilizations found on Earth, have much in common with the ups and downs found in the lives of individual humans, animals, and even gods. Yearning for more, sentient beings seek out experiences and the knowledge of others, finding much to love or hate, until such arisings turn to passings-away, and – after a brief respite – the cycle continues all over again as one looks for the ‘next thing’ which will surely clarify the meaning of it all. Such is the course of samsara. And at a cosmic scale, it is mirrored by the blinking of the universe into – and out of – existence.

Bharata (i.e., the Indian Subcontinent/South Asia)

Names self-explanatory

Suvarnabhumi (i.e., Southeast Asia)

1. Pyu city-states; ‘Airavati’ is the Sanskrit form of ‘Irawaddy,’ and is the name of the region’s prominent river.

2. Mon city-states like the Thaton Kingdom; the Ramana are a minor tribe mentioned in the Mahabharata, and ‘Ramannadesha’ (country of the Ramannas) was one of the names used by Indian Buddhist missionaries who brought Theravada Buddhism to (Lower) Myanmar under the reign of Emperor Ashoka. In Thai, the Mon people are still called ‘Raman.’ Another name used for Lower Myanmar, Suvarnabhumi (‘The Golden Land’) would eventually expand in scope to refer to all of Southeast Asia – to be distinguished from Suvarnadvipa, see #5 below.

3. Funan-era Cambodia (pre-Angkorian Khmer civilization); In Indic texts, the Kambojas are a mleccha (barbarian, non-Indic) people, however those Kambojas are horse-riding, fire-worshiping Zoroastrians found to the north and west of India (in fact, one interpretation is that ‘Kamboja’ refers to the Achaemenid Empire of ancient Persia, whose second king, Cambyses, is known as ‘Kambuja’ in Sanskrit). In real world history, Khmer civilization, eager to tie itself to an ancient and venerable Sanskrit-based historical tradition, claimed to have been founded by a Kamboja prince who traveled eastwards after the destruction of his kingdom, marrying a Naga princess and creating the royal house that would rule Kamboja country, Kamboja-desha (eventually known locally as Kampuchea). In this world, this story is no mere national myth-building, but an actual historical fact.

4. Kedah and the Malay Peninsula; Indian explorers and traders knew of Kedah since at least the 2nd century A.D., and Sanskrit and Tamil sources referred to the straits of Malacca as ‘the straits of Kataha and Sri Vjiya’ (see below).

5. Sumatra, the Island of Gold (pre-Srivijayan Empire); here, I am using a distinction between the Golden Land (Survanabhumi) and the Golden Island (Suvarnadvipa), with the former referring to the entirety of Southeast Asia and the latter referring specifically to Sumatra.

6. Java, the Island of Barley.

7. Borneo, the Island of Varuna (the god of water, making this name equivalent to ‘Neptunia’). Varuna-dvipa shows up in a variety of mythological stories as the abode of Lord Varuna; this being a fantasy world, Varunadvipa is equal parts Borneo and a watery realm acting as the seat of the storm god’s above-sea palace.

Bhadrashva (i.e., East Asia)

1. Nepal/Western Tibet; representing the Yaksha (*Fairy) Kingdom and the Khasa tribes of the Mahabharata, and here identified with the civilization referred to by Medieval Tibetans as ‘Zhangzhung.’ As with Indian accounts of the Yaksha Kingdom, Tibetan accounts of Zhangzhung describe a royal capitol (Alaka or Alakavati in Sanskrit) near Mount Kailash, a holy site for Hindus/Jains/Buddhists as well as for the (pre-Buddhist) Bon religion of Tibet. Although the evidence is still limited, it seems that Zhangzhung was a Himalayan civilization with clear Indo-European influence (Indic, Iranic, or both) which was conquered by Bhota (Tibet) in the 7th Century A.D. (see #3 below). The ‘Khasha’ are described in classical Indian texts as a mleccha (barbarian, non-Vedic) people; since at least Medieval times members of the largest ethnic group of Nepal have referred to themselves as ‘Khas’ and may be the same people, though they now practice Hinduism.

2. The (misnamed) Tocharians, Indo-European inhabitants of the Tarim basin, who referred to themselves as ‘Arshi,’ among other names, and were to known to the Chinese as ‘Yuezhi’ and the Greeks/Romans as ‘Asii’. [In Sanskrit, -ka is a suffix which means essentially ‘-ians’ (see, for example, that the Romans are referred to as ‘Romaka’ and the inhabitants of Andhra are referred to as ‘Andhraka’).] Although modern scholars continue to call these people ‘Tocharian,’ this is a convention based on a 20th century misidentification; the actual Tocharians were, in my view, the same as the ‘Tushara’ of Sanskrit sources (see #2 in the Uttakuru section).

3. Eastern Tibet; while there is already a Sanskrit name for Tibet, Bhota, the origin and ‘feel’ of that word is connected to Tibet’s conversion to Buddhism in the late 7th century A.D., so including ‘Bhota’ in a fantasy world based on ancient times would be like including ‘France’ rather than ‘Gaul’ in a Eurocentric fantasy world. The much earlier term ‘Kirata’ refers to the various Sino-Tibetan tribes that Indic civilization encountered in the Northern and Eastern regions of the subcontinent. When the Newars, a Sino-Tibetan people, ruled the Kathmandu valley prior to the 4th century A.D., their territory was referred to in Sanskrit sources as ‘Kiratarajya’ (the Kirata Kingdom).

4. “Great(er) China,” i.e., the Han Dynasty; the Sanskrit word ‘China’ (pronounced “chee-nuh) is the source of most of the words used for China in languages west of the Himalayas, including English, and could derive from the name of the Qin Dynasty.

5. “Further China,” here identified with Goguryeo and the kingdoms of the Korean peninsula. Parama China is another kingdom mentioned in the Mahabharata.

Ilavrta (i.e., Kashmir)

Uttarakuru (i.e., Northern Eurasia)

1. The Scythians, Sakas, and Massagetae; a cultural-sphere now termed ‘Scytho-Siberian’ by archeologists who use the term ‘Scythia,’ which comes from the Greeks and Romans, to refer to the western edge of this culture, and the Old Persian term ‘Saka’ to refer to its eastern portions. Ossetian is a modern language descended from this group.

2. The Turks; in real world history the term ‘Tushara’ (known in Greek sources as ‘Tokharioi’ and in Chinese sources as ‘Daixia’) probably originally referred to an Iranic people living in Central Asia. However, as the area became progressively more Turkic in language and culture after 600 A.D., medieval Indian scholars conflated ancient Tushara with (then-contemporary) Turkic peoples.

3. The Huns; here identified with the Xiongnu and the proto-Mongols. In my opinion, the evidence of recent years is quite compelling that the Huns and Xiongnu were in fact the same people; however even if that wasn’t the case, as early as the 3rd century A.D. the Buddhist translator Dharmaraksha translated the Sanskrit word ‘Huna’ into Chinese as ‘Xiongnu’ in two texts. Also, ‘Xiongnu’ is the modern Mandarin pronunciation; even without getting into historical linguistics, the modern Cantonese pronunciation ‘Hung-no’ hints that these are the same word. At any rate, the Hunas, both before and after their invasions into India, are mentioned in many ancient Indian texts.

Ketumala (i.e., the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean)

1. The Romans (as referenced in the Mahabharata)

2. The Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt (as referenced in the Edits of Ashoka, also as ‘Turamaya’)

3. The Greeks, or more specifically, the Greeks of Antioch; i.e., the Seleucid Empire, which had its capitol at Antioch, and which was known to ancient Indians as ‘Yavanarajya’ (the Greek Kingdom). The term ‘Yavana’ ultimately derives from ‘Ionia.’ Antakhi (Antioch) is mentioned in some versions of the Mahabharata, where “Antioch, Rome, and (other) cities of the Greeks” are depicted as giving tribute to the Pandavas (the story’s good guys).

4. Parthia

5. Persia

6. Bactria

Kushadvipa (i.e., the Horn of East Africa)

1. Somali city-states like Malao; the ancient Greeks, Romans, and even the Medieval Chinese referred to the coast of Somalia as ‘Barbaria’ and here I have somewhat speculatively located the ‘Barbara’ tribe of classical Indian sources in Somalia. This could be ahistorical as the Barbaras mentioned in texts like the Mahabharata are described as coming from the North (and might just be confusion stemming from Indian writers not understanding Greek references to ‘Barbarians’), but for the purposes of this map I choose to interpret that as meaning the Barbaras of those days traveled to Bharata (India) via Pahlava (Parthia) and Balhika (Bactria). It is worth noting, however, that even in ancient times trade between India and East Africa was extensive, with Somali traders acting as middlemen for goods going between the Indian and Greco-Roman worlds.

Also, Kusha-dvipa, one of the places mentioned in ancient Indian literature, literally means ‘Grass Island,’ but interpreters have rather speculatively linked it to the Kingdom/region of Kush, south of Egypt. While this might be a stretch, I don’t think it’s entirely impossible; the Persians ruled parts of Northwestern India for nearly 300 years and described their Empire as stretching from “Hind to Kush.”

Top Ten Largest Cities:

1. Pataliputra, Magadha: 15,002,223 (Patna)

2. Romakapura, Romakadesha: 14,543,543 (The city of the Romans, in the country of the Romans)

3. Dhanyakataka, Andhra: 8,984,033 (Amaravati)

4. Madhura, Pandya: 6,673,436 (Madurai)

5. Shantimayapura, Parama-China: 5,985,837 (Pyongyang, Goguryeo)

6. Vyadhapura, Kamboja: 5,344,430

7. Ayodhya, Kosala: 4,783,465

8. Antakhi, Yavana: 4,567,346 (Antioch)

9. Kashi, Kosala: 4,345,213 (Varanasi)

10. Sri Kshetra, Airavati: 4,163,442

(None of those largest cities are in China proper?)
View attachment 839839
The world if everything went right for Putin. Inspired partially by Dugin's 'Foundations of Geopolitics'.

2014: Russian troops invade Ukraine following the ousting of President Yanukovych in a revolution. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia holds a 'referendum' that resulted in the secession of Novorossiya from Ukraine and joining Russia. Russian troops would permanently occupy rump Ukraine under a pro-Russian oligarchy.

2015: The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is established.

2016: Bernie Sanders, who is able to win the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton, goes on to win the 2016 presidential election. President Sanders promises to defund the American military budget and to distance the USA from foreign wars. President Sanders would withdraw the US military from Eastern Europe.

2019: Riots and protests in Belarus following the election of Alexader Lukashenko results in Russian intervention to crush the riots and restore order. Belarus is annexed into the Russian Federation as an autonomous region.

2020: War breaks out between pro-Russian Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region of Nagaro-Karabackh. Russia intervenes on the side of Armenia, resulting in a resounding Russo-Armenian victory over Azerbaijan. Armenia would annex their disputed territory while Azerbaijan would have a pro-Russian regime installed.

2022: Riots and unrest plunge Kazakhstan into chaos. Russian troops occupy the whole of Kazakhstan and strip away Russian-populated territories in the North through referendums. In the following years, Russia would incorporate the rest of Central Asia into the EAEU through military and diplomatic pressure and supporting pro-Russia coups.

2022: Russia invades Moldova over disputes related to the status of Transnistria and the rise of a pro-EU government in Moldova. Moldova is quickly overrun by Russian troops and the country is occupied, with Russia annexing Transnistria directly while the rest of the nation is puppeted under a Russophilic regime.

2022-2023: Crisis in the Balkans grows as Serbia starts to initiate instability in Bosnia and Kosovo, with the Serbs allying with the Russians. Serbia first invades Kosovo in 2023 over a dispute in North Kosovo, with Serbia managing to conquer the whole nation with Russian support. The Serbian government begins to fund Serb nationalists in Bosnia and Montenegro.

2023: Russia invades Georgia in the Second Russo-Georgian War following the Russian annexation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia through a Duma-passed act. Georgia is quickly crushed by the Russian military and a pro-Russian regime is installed to power.

2024: Tucker Carlson is elected president of the United States of America, who campaigns on a right-wing populist platform that is isolation and aims to withdraw the United States from NATO.

2025: Border skirmishes between Poland and Russia along the Ukrainian border result in heightened tensions over Polish support to anti-Russian Ukrainian insurgents. Russia would send an ultimatum to the Poles and NATO to cease military support to anti-Russian 'terrorists' and in addition, Russia would also demand the 'demilitarization' of all of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. NATO rejects the demands initially, resulting in a full-on Russian invasion of Eastern Europe taking place. President Carlson declares the United States neutral in the Euro-Russian conflict, withdrawing the United States from NATO.

2025: Russian troops march into the Baltic nations and after fierce battles, the Russians conquer all of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia within months of the conflict. Russian troops also invade Finland, Poland, and Romania. Serbia would also join the war on the side of Russia, invading Montenegro, Kosovo, and Bosnia. The first cracks start to appear in NATO following the start of the war, with Turkey declaring neutrality and withdrawing from NATO altogether. Hungary would switch sides and ally with Russia outright, withdrawing from NATO and the EU. Within six months, Russian troops reached the Vistula River and lay siege to Warsaw.

2026: Pro-Russian regimes initiate electoral takeovers in the Balkans. Greece would fall under a far-right populist regime that would sign peace with Russia. Other nations such as Bulgaria and North Macedonia follow suit. In Western Europe, anti-war sentiment starts to brew in nations such as France and Germany, with slogans being preached, 'Why die for Poland?'. Fearing Russian nuclear consequences for continuing the war, EU diplomats engage in secret talks with the Russians in Vienna to end the war. Russia demands that the EU withdraw from all of Eastern Europe, which includes a line stretching from the Oder-Neisse, to the Czech-Slovak border, through Hungary, and to Bosnia. Russia also demands the abolition of NATO, though Russia has no concern about the EU continuing to exist.

2026: The EU and Russia eventually conclude peace talks, with the EU agreeing to Russian demands in the Vienna Accords. Western Europe pulls out of the war against Russia. Poland and Finland are outraged and vow to continue their fight against Russia. After a couple of months and ruthless bombing campaigns, Poland and Finland are conquered by Russia, with Russia declaring victory.

2026-2027: Russia forms its new order in Eurasia. Poland is demilitarized and deindustrialized, with much of Poland's economy falling under the control of Russian oligarchs while Warsaw is controlled by a coalition of Russophilic Poles from the left and right. The Baltic nations are forced to cede Latgale and Narva to Russia while their nations are placed under permanent occupation. Russia treats the Eastern Orthodox Balkan nations much nicer and their territory is left intact, though with pro-Russian regimes being installed in each nation. Serbia is enlarged to include all of Serbian Bosnia and Montenegro. The EAEU is enlarged to include all of Russian-controlled Europe.

2027-20XX: Tensions begin to brew between Russia and China into a Cold War. China conquered Taiwan in 2023 and occupied the South China Sea from their neighbors, intimidating Southeast Asian nations into accepting Chinese domination in the South China Sea. China would also emerge victorious in a war against India in 2025. Russia would sign military alliances with nations such as Iran, India, and Vietnam. Russia would admit Mongolia into the EAEU in 2027 much to China's chagrin. With the decline of the USA as a world power, China would compete with Russia for global influence, with a possible war looming on the horizon.
Serbia would be more likely to fund a pro Serbian government in Montenegro than invade it tbh. There is a sizeable minority, like in the 40%s, backing union between the two. If they could have pushed that up above 50 through some like “oppsition to Milo Đukanović and his corrupt dictatorship”. Anti Milo sentiment without Serbian government meddling has IOTL recently brough a moderate Serb to power but ITTL could bring a less pro European and more Serbo-Montenegrin unionist (though probably still accepting of the Montenegrin ethnic identity) president to the head of Montenegrin politics and see the 2 unite albeit in a federation with Montenegro remaining a separate federal unit.

Keep in mind that even the most nationalistic Serbs view Montenegrins as fellow Serbs, and not “flawed Serbs in need of correction” the way Serb nationalists see Bosniaks, but just full fledged brothers, and would not support a war against them. Serbs generally want a diplomatic reunification with Montenegro.

How is Gagauzia, Moldova’s pro-Russian autonomous state, doing?
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View attachment 839839
The world if everything went right for Putin. Inspired partially by Dugin's 'Foundations of Geopolitics'.

2014: Russian troops invade Ukraine following the ousting of President Yanukovych in a revolution. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia holds a 'referendum' that resulted in the secession of Novorossiya from Ukraine and joining Russia. Russian troops would permanently occupy rump Ukraine under a pro-Russian oligarchy.

2015: The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is established.

2016: Bernie Sanders, who is able to win the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton, goes on to win the 2016 presidential election. President Sanders promises to defund the American military budget and to distance the USA from foreign wars. President Sanders would withdraw the US military from Eastern Europe.

2019: Riots and protests in Belarus following the election of Alexader Lukashenko results in Russian intervention to crush the riots and restore order. Belarus is annexed into the Russian Federation as an autonomous region.

2020: War breaks out between pro-Russian Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region of Nagaro-Karabackh. Russia intervenes on the side of Armenia, resulting in a resounding Russo-Armenian victory over Azerbaijan. Armenia would annex their disputed territory while Azerbaijan would have a pro-Russian regime installed.

2022: Riots and unrest plunge Kazakhstan into chaos. Russian troops occupy the whole of Kazakhstan and strip away Russian-populated territories in the North through referendums. In the following years, Russia would incorporate the rest of Central Asia into the EAEU through military and diplomatic pressure and supporting pro-Russia coups.

2022: Russia invades Moldova over disputes related to the status of Transnistria and the rise of a pro-EU government in Moldova. Moldova is quickly overrun by Russian troops and the country is occupied, with Russia annexing Transnistria directly while the rest of the nation is puppeted under a Russophilic regime.

2022-2023: Crisis in the Balkans grows as Serbia starts to initiate instability in Bosnia and Kosovo, with the Serbs allying with the Russians. Serbia first invades Kosovo in 2023 over a dispute in North Kosovo, with Serbia managing to conquer the whole nation with Russian support. The Serbian government begins to fund Serb nationalists in Bosnia and Montenegro.

2023: Russia invades Georgia in the Second Russo-Georgian War following the Russian annexation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia through a Duma-passed act. Georgia is quickly crushed by the Russian military and a pro-Russian regime is installed to power.

2024: Tucker Carlson is elected president of the United States of America, who campaigns on a right-wing populist platform that is isolation and aims to withdraw the United States from NATO.

2025: Border skirmishes between Poland and Russia along the Ukrainian border result in heightened tensions over Polish support to anti-Russian Ukrainian insurgents. Russia would send an ultimatum to the Poles and NATO to cease military support to anti-Russian 'terrorists' and in addition, Russia would also demand the 'demilitarization' of all of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. NATO rejects the demands initially, resulting in a full-on Russian invasion of Eastern Europe taking place. President Carlson declares the United States neutral in the Euro-Russian conflict, withdrawing the United States from NATO.

2025: Russian troops march into the Baltic nations and after fierce battles, the Russians conquer all of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia within months of the conflict. Russian troops also invade Finland, Poland, and Romania. Serbia would also join the war on the side of Russia, invading Montenegro, Kosovo, and Bosnia. The first cracks start to appear in NATO following the start of the war, with Turkey declaring neutrality and withdrawing from NATO altogether. Hungary would switch sides and ally with Russia outright, withdrawing from NATO and the EU. Within six months, Russian troops reached the Vistula River and lay siege to Warsaw.

2026: Pro-Russian regimes initiate electoral takeovers in the Balkans. Greece would fall under a far-right populist regime that would sign peace with Russia. Other nations such as Bulgaria and North Macedonia follow suit. In Western Europe, anti-war sentiment starts to brew in nations such as France and Germany, with slogans being preached, 'Why die for Poland?'. Fearing Russian nuclear consequences for continuing the war, EU diplomats engage in secret talks with the Russians in Vienna to end the war. Russia demands that the EU withdraw from all of Eastern Europe, which includes a line stretching from the Oder-Neisse, to the Czech-Slovak border, through Hungary, and to Bosnia. Russia also demands the abolition of NATO, though Russia has no concern about the EU continuing to exist.

2026: The EU and Russia eventually conclude peace talks, with the EU agreeing to Russian demands in the Vienna Accords. Western Europe pulls out of the war against Russia. Poland and Finland are outraged and vow to continue their fight against Russia. After a couple of months and ruthless bombing campaigns, Poland and Finland are conquered by Russia, with Russia declaring victory.

2026-2027: Russia forms its new order in Eurasia. Poland is demilitarized and deindustrialized, with much of Poland's economy falling under the control of Russian oligarchs while Warsaw is controlled by a coalition of Russophilic Poles from the left and right. The Baltic nations are forced to cede Latgale and Narva to Russia while their nations are placed under permanent occupation. Russia treats the Eastern Orthodox Balkan nations much nicer and their territory is left intact, though with pro-Russian regimes being installed in each nation. Serbia is enlarged to include all of Serbian Bosnia and Montenegro. The EAEU is enlarged to include all of Russian-controlled Europe.

2027-20XX: Tensions begin to brew between Russia and China into a Cold War. China conquered Taiwan in 2023 and occupied the South China Sea from their neighbors, intimidating Southeast Asian nations into accepting Chinese domination in the South China Sea. China would also emerge victorious in a war against India in 2025. Russia would sign military alliances with nations such as Iran, India, and Vietnam. Russia would admit Mongolia into the EAEU in 2027 much to China's chagrin. With the decline of the USA as a world power, China would compete with Russia for global influence, with a possible war looming on the horizon.
Wouldn't they try to annex more ethnic Russian regions in the Baltics and Northern Kazhakstan?
View attachment 839839
The world if everything went right for Putin. Inspired partially by Dugin's 'Foundations of Geopolitics'.

2014: Russian troops invade Ukraine following the ousting of President Yanukovych in a revolution. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia holds a 'referendum' that resulted in the secession of Novorossiya from Ukraine and joining Russia. Russian troops would permanently occupy rump Ukraine under a pro-Russian oligarchy.

2015: The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is established.

2016: Bernie Sanders, who is able to win the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton, goes on to win the 2016 presidential election. President Sanders promises to defund the American military budget and to distance the USA from foreign wars. President Sanders would withdraw the US military from Eastern Europe.

2019: Riots and protests in Belarus following the election of Alexader Lukashenko results in Russian intervention to crush the riots and restore order. Belarus is annexed into the Russian Federation as an autonomous region.

2020: War breaks out between pro-Russian Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region of Nagaro-Karabackh. Russia intervenes on the side of Armenia, resulting in a resounding Russo-Armenian victory over Azerbaijan. Armenia would annex their disputed territory while Azerbaijan would have a pro-Russian regime installed.

2022: Riots and unrest plunge Kazakhstan into chaos. Russian troops occupy the whole of Kazakhstan and strip away Russian-populated territories in the North through referendums. In the following years, Russia would incorporate the rest of Central Asia into the EAEU through military and diplomatic pressure and supporting pro-Russia coups.

2022: Russia invades Moldova over disputes related to the status of Transnistria and the rise of a pro-EU government in Moldova. Moldova is quickly overrun by Russian troops and the country is occupied, with Russia annexing Transnistria directly while the rest of the nation is puppeted under a Russophilic regime.

2022-2023: Crisis in the Balkans grows as Serbia starts to initiate instability in Bosnia and Kosovo, with the Serbs allying with the Russians. Serbia first invades Kosovo in 2023 over a dispute in North Kosovo, with Serbia managing to conquer the whole nation with Russian support. The Serbian government begins to fund Serb nationalists in Bosnia and Montenegro.

2023: Russia invades Georgia in the Second Russo-Georgian War following the Russian annexation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia through a Duma-passed act. Georgia is quickly crushed by the Russian military and a pro-Russian regime is installed to power.

2024: Tucker Carlson is elected president of the United States of America, who campaigns on a right-wing populist platform that is isolation and aims to withdraw the United States from NATO.

2025: Border skirmishes between Poland and Russia along the Ukrainian border result in heightened tensions over Polish support to anti-Russian Ukrainian insurgents. Russia would send an ultimatum to the Poles and NATO to cease military support to anti-Russian 'terrorists' and in addition, Russia would also demand the 'demilitarization' of all of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. NATO rejects the demands initially, resulting in a full-on Russian invasion of Eastern Europe taking place. President Carlson declares the United States neutral in the Euro-Russian conflict, withdrawing the United States from NATO.

2025: Russian troops march into the Baltic nations and after fierce battles, the Russians conquer all of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia within months of the conflict. Russian troops also invade Finland, Poland, and Romania. Serbia would also join the war on the side of Russia, invading Montenegro, Kosovo, and Bosnia. The first cracks start to appear in NATO following the start of the war, with Turkey declaring neutrality and withdrawing from NATO altogether. Hungary would switch sides and ally with Russia outright, withdrawing from NATO and the EU. Within six months, Russian troops reached the Vistula River and lay siege to Warsaw.

2026: Pro-Russian regimes initiate electoral takeovers in the Balkans. Greece would fall under a far-right populist regime that would sign peace with Russia. Other nations such as Bulgaria and North Macedonia follow suit. In Western Europe, anti-war sentiment starts to brew in nations such as France and Germany, with slogans being preached, 'Why die for Poland?'. Fearing Russian nuclear consequences for continuing the war, EU diplomats engage in secret talks with the Russians in Vienna to end the war. Russia demands that the EU withdraw from all of Eastern Europe, which includes a line stretching from the Oder-Neisse, to the Czech-Slovak border, through Hungary, and to Bosnia. Russia also demands the abolition of NATO, though Russia has no concern about the EU continuing to exist.

2026: The EU and Russia eventually conclude peace talks, with the EU agreeing to Russian demands in the Vienna Accords. Western Europe pulls out of the war against Russia. Poland and Finland are outraged and vow to continue their fight against Russia. After a couple of months and ruthless bombing campaigns, Poland and Finland are conquered by Russia, with Russia declaring victory.

2026-2027: Russia forms its new order in Eurasia. Poland is demilitarized and deindustrialized, with much of Poland's economy falling under the control of Russian oligarchs while Warsaw is controlled by a coalition of Russophilic Poles from the left and right. The Baltic nations are forced to cede Latgale and Narva to Russia while their nations are placed under permanent occupation. Russia treats the Eastern Orthodox Balkan nations much nicer and their territory is left intact, though with pro-Russian regimes being installed in each nation. Serbia is enlarged to include all of Serbian Bosnia and Montenegro. The EAEU is enlarged to include all of Russian-controlled Europe.

2027-20XX: Tensions begin to brew between Russia and China into a Cold War. China conquered Taiwan in 2023 and occupied the South China Sea from their neighbors, intimidating Southeast Asian nations into accepting Chinese domination in the South China Sea. China would also emerge victorious in a war against India in 2025. Russia would sign military alliances with nations such as Iran, India, and Vietnam. Russia would admit Mongolia into the EAEU in 2027 much to China's chagrin. With the decline of the USA as a world power, China would compete with Russia for global influence, with a possible war looming on the horizon.
You had me 100% engaged in Russian nationalist indulgence (I'm Russian, that is all, I will never discuss anything about my opinion of Putin/Russian buffoonery in detail unless asked) but then you had to make Tucker Carlson the President of the United States and my American citizen side cringed so hard and took me out of my Russiagasm 3:
You had me 100% engaged in Russian nationalist indulgence (I'm Russian, that is all, I will never discuss anything about my opinion of Putin/Russian buffoonery in detail unless asked) but then you had to make Tucker Carlson the President of the United States and my American citizen side cringed so hard and took me out of my Russiagasm 3:
Agreed. He should have went with Glenn Beck, so that you would balance out the chauvinistic strong man stuff with a man who isn’t afraid to cry. On a more serious note, odd Syprys got no mention, be it for it being Anne’s to Greece or the British and Turks being kicked out.
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Agreed. He should have went with Glenn Beck, so that you would balance out the chauvinistic strong man stuff with a man who isn’t afraid to cry.
Isn't he dead? Also I think having him as President would arguably be worse than Carlson, thinking deeper Carlson makes sense for this scenario since he praised Putin quite a bit on his show so him bowing out like a pud and letting him do as he pleases in Eastern Europe makes sense.

Basically, the Indian Empire went on a conquering spree from 1894 to 1950. Their gains aren't consolidated, and resistance brews on ever corner of every street in every city. However, many have been staved off by freedom of religion and flipping hierarchies on their heads.
Given the color, I assumed a more successful British Empire conquered more of the Far East, and it stuck along with India when it eventually went off on its own.

That seems more likely, to be honest.

Asia in 1952 before the Korean War in the Marvel Universe for Earth 5251

The explaination for this situation can be found in these posts:

As well as across that whole thread.

Silly little qbam I did with the idea "German unification was pretty cool... but what if I did a funny?".
Behold, the world on 1 June 1919, the day the Great war starts.
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Monthly Donor
The world if everything went right for Putin. Inspired partially by Dugin's 'Foundations of Geopolitics'.

2014: Russian troops invade Ukraine following the ousting of President Yanukovych in a revolution. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russia holds a 'referendum' that resulted in the secession of Novorossiya from Ukraine and joining Russia. Russian troops would permanently occupy rump Ukraine under a pro-Russian oligarchy.

2015: The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is established.

2016: Bernie Sanders, who is able to win the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton, goes on to win the 2016 presidential election. President Sanders promises to defund the American military budget and to distance the USA from foreign wars. President Sanders would withdraw the US military from Eastern Europe.

2019: Riots and protests in Belarus following the election of Alexader Lukashenko results in Russian intervention to crush the riots and restore order. Belarus is annexed into the Russian Federation as an autonomous region.

2020: War breaks out between pro-Russian Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region of Nagaro-Karabackh. Russia intervenes on the side of Armenia, resulting in a resounding Russo-Armenian victory over Azerbaijan. Armenia would annex their disputed territory while Azerbaijan would have a pro-Russian regime installed.

2022: Riots and unrest plunge Kazakhstan into chaos. Russian troops occupy the whole of Kazakhstan and strip away Russian-populated territories in the North through referendums. In the following years, Russia would incorporate the rest of Central Asia into the EAEU through military and diplomatic pressure and supporting pro-Russia coups.

2022: Russia invades Moldova over disputes related to the status of Transnistria and the rise of a pro-EU government in Moldova. Moldova is quickly overrun by Russian troops and the country is occupied, with Russia annexing Transnistria directly while the rest of the nation is puppeted under a Russophilic regime.

2022-2023: Crisis in the Balkans grows as Serbia starts to initiate instability in Bosnia and Kosovo, with the Serbs allying with the Russians. Serbia first invades Kosovo in 2023 over a dispute in North Kosovo, with Serbia managing to conquer the whole nation with Russian support. The Serbian government begins to fund Serb nationalists in Bosnia and Montenegro.

2023: Russia invades Georgia in the Second Russo-Georgian War following the Russian annexation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia through a Duma-passed act. Georgia is quickly crushed by the Russian military and a pro-Russian regime is installed to power.

2024: Tucker Carlson is elected president of the United States of America, who campaigns on a right-wing populist platform that is isolation and aims to withdraw the United States from NATO.

2025: Border skirmishes between Poland and Russia along the Ukrainian border result in heightened tensions over Polish support to anti-Russian Ukrainian insurgents. Russia would send an ultimatum to the Poles and NATO to cease military support to anti-Russian 'terrorists' and in addition, Russia would also demand the 'demilitarization' of all of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. NATO rejects the demands initially, resulting in a full-on Russian invasion of Eastern Europe taking place. President Carlson declares the United States neutral in the Euro-Russian conflict, withdrawing the United States from NATO.

2025: Russian troops march into the Baltic nations and after fierce battles, the Russians conquer all of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia within months of the conflict. Russian troops also invade Finland, Poland, and Romania. Serbia would also join the war on the side of Russia, invading Montenegro, Kosovo, and Bosnia. The first cracks start to appear in NATO following the start of the war, with Turkey declaring neutrality and withdrawing from NATO altogether. Hungary would switch sides and ally with Russia outright, withdrawing from NATO and the EU. Within six months, Russian troops reached the Vistula River and lay siege to Warsaw.

2026: Pro-Russian regimes initiate electoral takeovers in the Balkans. Greece would fall under a far-right populist regime that would sign peace with Russia. Other nations such as Bulgaria and North Macedonia follow suit. In Western Europe, anti-war sentiment starts to brew in nations such as France and Germany, with slogans being preached, 'Why die for Poland?'. Fearing Russian nuclear consequences for continuing the war, EU diplomats engage in secret talks with the Russians in Vienna to end the war. Russia demands that the EU withdraw from all of Eastern Europe, which includes a line stretching from the Oder-Neisse, to the Czech-Slovak border, through Hungary, and to Bosnia. Russia also demands the abolition of NATO, though Russia has no concern about the EU continuing to exist.

2026: The EU and Russia eventually conclude peace talks, with the EU agreeing to Russian demands in the Vienna Accords. Western Europe pulls out of the war against Russia. Poland and Finland are outraged and vow to continue their fight against Russia. After a couple of months and ruthless bombing campaigns, Poland and Finland are conquered by Russia, with Russia declaring victory.

2026-2027: Russia forms its new order in Eurasia. Poland is demilitarized and deindustrialized, with much of Poland's economy falling under the control of Russian oligarchs while Warsaw is controlled by a coalition of Russophilic Poles from the left and right. The Baltic nations are forced to cede Latgale and Narva to Russia while their nations are placed under permanent occupation. Russia treats the Eastern Orthodox Balkan nations much nicer and their territory is left intact, though with pro-Russian regimes being installed in each nation. Serbia is enlarged to include all of Serbian Bosnia and Montenegro. The EAEU is enlarged to include all of Russian-controlled Europe.

2027-20XX: Tensions begin to brew between Russia and China into a Cold War. China conquered Taiwan in 2023 and occupied the South China Sea from their neighbors, intimidating Southeast Asian nations into accepting Chinese domination in the South China Sea. China would also emerge victorious in a war against India in 2025. Russia would sign military alliances with nations such as Iran, India, and Vietnam. Russia would admit Mongolia into the EAEU in 2027 much to China's chagrin. With the decline of the USA as a world power, China would compete with Russia for global influence, with a possible war looming on the horizon.
Current politics goes into Chat. There is a Map thread there.

(None of those largest cities are in China proper?)
Thanks! Always great to see your works and be inspired by them.

China, while big on a map and certainly an international player, is nowhere near as dominant (or technologically ahead of the game) as OTL, and is generally less urban (making it more equivalent to a powerful kingdom in India, rather than all of India). This China is less Tang or Song-inspired (what with their Confucian ethics and inventions like printing and the compass), and has certain aspects of the Qin and Warring States eras played up, such as yoga/qi breathing, rasayana/mercurial elixr creation, a less literary-oriented culture (more of an emphasis on oral memorization of everything from sacred hymns to philosophical treatises), and a lot more regions and peoples who are only partially Sinicized.
View attachment 839965
Silly little qbam I did with the idea "German unification was pretty cool... but what if I did a funny?".
Behold, the world on 1 June 1919, the day the Great war starts.
I am a bit unclear on what the ‘funny’ is. Prussia never had wars against France and Austria? Ahhh right. Brunswick and Hanover would be United here, due to the death of the last male heir for the House of Hanover. Turkey seems to be in an odd position, as the Greeks and Bulgarians seized islands and Thracian areas past mountains near the capital without the Italians having invaded Lybia to act as a opportunity for them to take advantage of. I do love the Vatican City here, but I cannot quite seem to see San Marino. Ahhh well, at least one city state remains.
Congratulations, mapmakers! You’ve completed yet another Map Thread. Now it’s time to go back and look at what we’ve all accomplished, so here is the list of the top maps of the last thread!
This list includes every OC Map (reposts of stuff found on Reddit don’t count) that got more than 40 likes, in descending order - though for the maps that have the same amount of likes, they are in order of posting. Titles were written by what was shown in the posts, but I had to take some creative liberties for those that didn’t feature a title at all, so if you think another title would suit your map better than the one I gave it, feel free to tell me! (also please ignore that I just copy-pasted this introduction from the previous thread)
Together, we managed to get just almost 400 maps with more than 40 likes - a definite upgrade from the previous thread’s 308 maps, still behind Thread XIX’s 500+ maps, but a definite improvement! So, without a further ado

The Most Popular Maps of Map Thread XXI

1. The Mountains of Madness - by FossilDS (129)
2. Origins of European Country Names - by Kruglyasheo (122)
3. The Federation of Patria Grande and the Western Hemisphere - by Yanranay (108)
4. OVRHVN - by NK_Ryzov (99)
5. Jiangpunk - by XFE, posted by Library of Alexandria (95)
6. Statename or Countryname - by Kruglyasheo (95)
7. World's Tallest Skyscrapers and Towers in 1960 - by Kruglyasheo (94)
8. Ming Dynasty, OTL 1582 - by Aurantiacis (89)
9. Same Borders, Different World - by Nizam (89)
10. Conquests of Napoleon II - by tastethesword (88)

11. Africa in 1885 (OTL) - by Bob Hope (86)
12. Holy Empire of Nayagar - by bindle (85)
13. Steamships on the Nile - What if the Middle East Industrialised Early? - by AP246 (84)
14. The 10 Great Dynasties of China - by tastethesword (84)
15. The Kingdom of Westeros in 657 AC - by FossilDS (83)
16. The Various Dynasties of (Eastern) Rome - by tastethesword (83)
17. Para sa himaya sa Barangaw! The Bisayan Age - by Maharlikan_ (82)
18. Too Far Gone - by Ernacius, posted by Library of Alexandria (80)
19. Africa Prior to the Great African Liberation War - by Deleted member Ernacius (79)
20. The Middle Sea to the Middle Kingdom - by North Western (79)
21. Lenawêwaki - The Indian Confederacy - by Keperry (78)
22. Europe in 1900 - by tastethesword (77)
23. Industrialized Mongol Empire - by Baconheimer (76)
24. Britain Lives and Marches On - by Libaton (76)
25. The Republic of Cartaquia - by CitrusTree99 (75)
26. The Soul of Russia - the Paths NOT taken by Vladimir the Great - by Prince di Corsica (74)
27. The Republic of Nutca c. 2025 - by Tethys00 (74)
28. The World of the Arabs - by Nizam (74)
29. Administrative Divisions of the Republic of Korea - by ItsMyKetchup (73)
30. Capitalist Kampuchea - by Prince di Corsica (73)
31. An Austrian Game - by Nizam (73)
32. Trojan Empire - What if Paris chose Athena - by tastethesword (72)
33. Fantasy World Maps - by What am I doing (71)
34. Diverse Britain - by Keperry (71)
35. DBWI: People's Republic of New Africa - The Confederate States - by NeonHydroxide (71)
36. Asia in 2022 - by Maharlikan_ (70)
37. Fascist France Propaganda - by Cattette (70)
38. Poland as it is since the Great War - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (69) (nice)
39. Hawaii in the Climate Victim Atlas - by ItsMyKetchup (69)
40. Korea - North America Swap - by Kruglyasheo (69)
41. The Tzarkhanate - by Sean McKnight (69)
42. American Berber, a dying language - by TheKutKu (69)
43. Slava Britannia - by zalezsky (69)
44. Oceanpunk - by Archienelson (68)
45. Ostrogothic Princedoms of the Fergana Valley - by zalezsky (68)
46. Hainan Polish Autonomous Prefecture - by PolishMagnet (68)
47. Slavs Migrate Further West - by Libaton (68)
48. Republic of Canosi - by NeonHydroxide (68)
49. American Nightmare - by Vylon Disigma (68)
50. AEIOU - by tastethesword (67)

51. Speaking of time-tables - Confederate States propaganda leaflet - by Kruglyasheo (67)
52. Europe in 1908 AD - by Cattette (67)
53. The Frankish Union - by Keperry (67)
54. The Partition of China and the Decolonization of Asia - by NeonHydroxide (67)
55. Indian Subcontinent: Rise of Tipu Sultan (1843) - by ShahAbbas1571 (67)
56. Sanibel Island National Park - by FossilDS (67)
57. Republic of Tuskalusa - by NeonHydroxide (67)
58. Origin of the word 'city' in North American Languages - by NeonHydroxide (67)
59. A Greener Ummah - World Map - by Deleted member Ernacius (66)
60. The Seventh Occult War, 1943 - by Kruglyasheo (66)
61. The People of Al-Andalus - by Sarthak (66)
62. Paphlagonia - Argentina's Future Province? - by Cattette (66)
63. Republic of Canada in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (66)
64. Administrative Map of Rumelia - by Yanranay (65)
65. The Near East in 1591; or What if the Ottomans conquered the Safavid Empire - by R. Dourack (65)
66. Do Not Waver - by ItsaMapping (64)
67. India in the Age of Revolution - by Indicus (64)
68. South Africa as Bosnia - by NeonHydroxide (64)
69. Trade in the North 1525-1550 - by Milites (64)
70. The Switzerland of Scandinavia - The Peasants' Commonwealth of Jämtland - by Prince di Corsida (64)
71. Ancient Civilizations Surviving to the Modern Day - by Keperry (64)
72. The Age of Illuminism - by Baconheimer (64)
73. Oikoymenh - by CastilloVerde (64)
74. The HRE after the Great Reform in "The World of Tricolors and Traditions" - by Assouf (64)
75. The Era of the Gunpowder Islamic Empires - by DaniCBP (63)
76. The Nation of Delaware - by Alex0505 (63)
77. Alpine Slavs and the Duchy of the Wends - by zalezsky (62)
78. The United States (DBWI) - by Unkown00 (62)
79. The Republic of Insular Great Britain - by Kruglyasheo (61)
80. Russian Empire Microstate - by Yanranay (61)
81. State of Olympus - by Sean McKnight (61)
82. Ukraine in a Worse Chernobyl - by NeonHydroxide (60)
83. Empire of the South - "Portugal", Brazil and "the Algarves" - by Prince di Corsica (60)
84. Africa Twenty Years After the Great African Liberation War - by Deleted member Ernacius (60)
85. The US After the Millennium Revolution - by Deleted member Ernacius (60)
86. 20 Portugals - by TheKutKu (60)
87. Religious Divisions of Al-Andalus in 1908 - by Cattette (60)
88. Political Map of the Arabian Peninsula in 1922/2022 - by Kruglyasheo (60)
89. The Trojan War - by Karolus Rex (60)
90. A Brighter Sunrise - East Asian Community - by Pipcard (60)
91. Japan's New Empire - by AP246 (60)
92. 12 Ways to Divide the Ottoman Empire - by Sarthak (59)
93. Princessverse - by FesteringSpore (59)
94. Nine Ways to Divide the Byzantine Roman Empire - by Festering Spore (59)
95. Thrown into the Shade - by Entrerriano (59)
96. Religious Divisions of the Kingdom of Turkey - by Cattette (59)
97. North America in Giant Canada World (Update) - by Planet of Hats (59)
98. The Caucasian Democratic Federal Republic - by Cattette (59)
99. Europe 1341: Peak of the Norman Empire - by wildviper121 (59)
100. The Sudanese Maritime Empire - by zalezsky (59)

101. South America in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (59)
102. United Kingdom of the Spains - by CastilloVerde (58)
103. The Ottoman East Indies on the Eve of WW1 - by Sarthak (58)
104. Postal Map of the Chicuexcan of Nicaragua - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (58)
105. The Holy Roman Empire in 1910 - by cornycator (58)
106. Kingdom of Qrtuba and its Vassals and Tributaries - by Libaton (58)
107. Confederation of Kasbadil - by taw_will21 (58)
108. Republic of Turkestan - by NeonHydroxide (57)
109. The Sultanate of England c. 1300 AD - by Sarthak (57)
110. The Midwestern Managed State - NeonHydroxide (57)
111. The Asian Giants - by Sarthak (57)
112. Alternate Partitions of Germany and Japan - by Kruglyasheo (57)
113. The Empire Strikes Back! - British Victory in 1812 - by Sarthak (57)
114. The United American Provinces in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (57)
115. The Rüconqueberung - by zalezsky (57)
116. The Restoration of Poland-Lithuania - by Snaut (56)
117. Muslim Conquest of the Aegean - by Cattette (56)
118. The Soviet Union and its Satellite Countries in 1962 and 1927 - by Kruglyasheo (56)
119. The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict in Context (Repost) - by NeonHydroxide (56)
120. Ottoman East Africa - by Sarthak (56)
121. To The Strongest - by Baconheimer (56)
122. Third East African Federation Tourist Map - by Kruglyasheo (56)
123. Go West, or Who Needs the Indian Ocean Anyway? - by gxblt (55)
124. Sans Genghis (Cover of RvBOMally's Map) - by B_Munro (55)
125. Dragon Emperors of the East - by cornycator (55)
126. The Commonwealth of All Nations - by gxblt (55)
127. Most Cliche Map Possible - Worlda Version - by Mr. Bubbles (55)
128. The Suaydin Caliphate in 637 AD - by Cattette (55)
129. Starfall 1916 - Year 2000 - by HJR (55)
130. Snowfall - A new Ice Age Earth - by Marsby2024orbust (54)
131. Rump USSR in Central Asia - by quizzes (54)
132. What Have the Romans Ever Done For Us? - by Prince di Corsica (54)
133. The Nations of Europe - by Untreow (54)
134. Eurasian Union 1999 AD - by Varian Wrynn (54)
135. North America in Giant Canada World - by Planet of Hats (54)
136. Europe in "They Come In All Colours" - by Daeres (54)
137. Christian Europe at the Start of the Industrial Revolution - by B_Munro (54)
138. The Napoleonic Duchy of Lithuania - by Libaton (54)
139. Distribution of Terrestrial Fauna - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (54)
140. An Alternate Treaty of Verdun - by Xibalba (54)
141. Flipped South - by PolishMagnet (54)
142. People's Republic of Cascadia - by NeonHydroxide (54)
143. Egypt with a 100 m Sea Level Rise - by Epsilon Tauri (54)
144. Hannibal's Legacy: Eparchies of the Mahanetarchy of Qarthago - by ETGalaxy (54)
145. Flaming Fields of Saffron - by black_sn0w_ (53)
146. Moroland: Frankenstein's Monster of Southeast Asia - by Maharlikan_ (53)
147. The Roman Federation - by Entrerriano (53)
148. Icepunk/Bronzepunk - by Alex0505 (53)
149. Swedish Gains in the Baltics - by Cattette (53)
150. The Black Migration of 1880-1930 - by Minnesota_Nationalist (53)

151. The Dominion of North America - by Baconheimer (53)
152. Topographical map of Austria-Hungary-Poland - by Libaton (53)
153. Union of Westerosi Socialist Republics - by tastethesword (53)
154. 1800 Years of Sassanid Unity - by Sarthak (53)
155. Guang Dynasty of China - by KillEmAll1989 (53)
156. Confederacy of Tecumsia - by Sarthak (53)
157. The Gurkani Empire - by Lothal (53)
158. The Mazdaic Republic of Iran - by wildviper121 (53)
159. Freedom in the World 2011 - by NeonHydroxide (53)
160. A Man, Not a Devil - by FancyHat (52)
161. The Three Eagles - The Ottoman Empire in 1556 AD - by Sarthak (52)
162. Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in 1100 in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (52)
163. Embiggening Series: Greece, Great Britain, and Germany - by B_Munro (52)
164. The All-Russian Government of Kiev (or "Malorussia") - by cornycator (52)
165. The Ottoman Conquest of Italy (1480-1488) - by Sarthak (52)
166. The Wages of Sin - by Gwrtheyrn Annwn (52)
167. The True Divided Nation - by AstroRangerBeans (52)
168. The Birth of Metism and Eunika's Journey - by PolishMagnet (52)
169. Mamluk Modernity - by PobreCesar (52)
170. British Region of the Pale of Calais - by Sarthak (52)
171. Peace In Our Time - 1989 - by Cool-Eh (52)
172. White Sun Over Asia - by cornycator (52)
173. Greater USA, Greater Commonwealth, and Greater British Empire - by Alex0505 (51)
174. Aiboland - by Cattette (51)
175. The Republic of Saqa - the Green Hermit Kingdom of the North - by NeonHydroxide (51)
176. Cyberpunk with Soviet Characteristics - by Kruglyasheo (51)
177. A More Conservative World - by WheelyWheelyLegsNoFeely (51)
178. 1984 - by Marsby2024orbust (51)
179. Age of the Superpowers - by Nizam (51)
180. Jewish Belarus - by PolishMagnet (51)
181. Africa in Giant Canada World - by Planet of Hats (51)
182. WorldRaj II - by Bob Hope and others (51)
183. The Republic of Chad - by Kruglyasheo (51)
184. MarsA Basemap - by Tyche and skozik (50)
185. COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in the Sublime Ottoman State - by Sarthak (50)
186. The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict in Context - by NeonHydroxide (50)
187. Food Insecurity in the Iberian Peninsula - by Kruglyasheo (50)
188. 12 Ways to Divide the Dominion of Florida - by Sarthak (50)
189. What if Charlemagne and Irene married as planned? - by James the AH Fan (50)
190. The Empire of Romania in 1910 - by cornycator (50)
191. A Quite Different World - by Libaton (50)
192. Hitler Princess World Map - by Kruglyasheo (50)
193. The Golden West - by Sean McKnight (50)
194. Safavid Empire: Conquest of Shah Ismail - by ShahAbbas1571 (50)
195. Pre-Columbian Contact Maps (from historical to conspiracy theories) - by Bob Hope (50)
196. Generico: Last Days of Peace - by Luxembourgish Jane (50)
197. A Land of Milk and Honey: The Continent of India, 350 AD - by Radioactive_Bee (50)
198. German-Speaking Republic of Texas in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (50)
199. Kingdom of Anglamark - by gxblt (49) [Broken Image]
200. 9 Ways to Divide Qing China - by Sarthak (49)

201. Calypso's Isle - by Cattette (49)
202. The Principality of Tanah Pamang - by Marsby2024orbust (49)
203. East is West - by B_Munro (49)
204. Glory to Ostania - by Maharlikan_ (49)
205. The Greater East - by Sarthak (49)
206. The Pre-Mongol World - by Lothal (49)
207. The Free Americas in 1800 - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (49)
208. Irrigation in Djerid - by Cattette (49)
209. Vermonters, Come Down - by Baconheimer (49)
210. Africa in Giant Canada World (Update) - by Planet of Hats (49)
211. Tsargrad Chronicles [1956] - by Kaiser1871 (49)
212. Pre-Columbian Cultures of the Amazon - by Bob Hope (49)
213. Big Nations Series: Saudi Arabia, San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Rwanda, Russia - by Alex0505 (49)
214. Republik de Francia - by Libaton (49)
215. What if Everyone Went the Wrong Way - by bindle (49)
216. World Map for a Sweden-Wank - by B_Munro (49)
217. Eight Alternate Fates of Austria-Hungary - by Imperial Advocate (48)
218. Agents of Chaos - Belgium and the World Around it - by artificialCartographer (48)
219. The Kingdom of Nossex at the Start of the Viking Age - by tastethesword (48)
220. 30 Italies - by Unkown00 (48)
221. Embiggening Series: Georgia, the Gambia, Guyana, and Finland - by B_Munro (48)
222. Graphopolitics and the Modern Borders of Writing - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (48)
223. Hell at the Height of Axis Expansion, 1941-1942 - by Kruglyasheo (48)
224. Utah: Chechnya of the Americas - by Luxembourgish Jane (48)
225. The Mamluk Caliphate and its Crewmates (sus) - by tastethesword (48)
226. East Africa in 2014 - by PolishMagnet (48)
227. America Broken-Up and Wanked at the same time - by B_Munro (48)
228. Bleed to Consume Another Day - A Cyberpunk World - by Nizam (47)
229. Rivals Forever! - The Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire - by Sarthak (47)
230. 1922, Five Years into the Centauri-Human War - by Alex0505 (47)
231. Clash of Caliphs - by black_sn0w_ (47)
232. The Genuine History of the Turks Uncovered - by Cattette (47)
233. The Traveller's Guide to the Hollow Earth - by Prince di Corsica (47)
234. The Bubonic Death - Spread and Mortality - by Cattette (47)
235. The World of Ali bin Columbus (Cover) - by B_Munro (47)
236. The Home Nations - World Raj II - by Bob Hope and others (47)
237. The Kingdom of Leon - by DaniCBP (47)
238. The Worst Is Yet To Come - by artificialCartographer (47)
239. Earth's Linguistic Missing Link: The Ancient Atlantean Migrations - by NeonHydroxide (47)
240. Compilation of Worlda Patches - by Library of Alexandria (46)
241. Rise and Fall of the Arabian Empire - by Nizam (46)
242. Poland as it is since the Great War (Corrected) - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (46)
243. Rose, Tulips and Liberty: The Federal Republic of the Philippines in 1933 - by Maharlikan_ (46)
244. The American Century of Humiliation - by Sarthak (46)
245. Embiggening Series: Kenya, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Honduras, Haiti, Guinea, and Guatemala - by B_Munro (46)
246. The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (but different) - by Fed (46)
247. British Dominion of Carolina - by Osk (46)
248. A Spain-Wank - by B_Munro (46)
249. The Great War and its Aftermath - by Xibalba (46)
250. Woodcut of the State of Oregon - by Sojourner85 (46)

251. Bulgaria - Prussia of the Balkans - by Kruglyasheo (46)
252. Periodic Table of Proposals for Partition of Germany - by Kruglyasheo (46)
253. Swapped Africa-South America - by wildviper121 (46)
254. A Cornucopia of Faiths - A World With More Religions - by Nizam (46)
255. Too Human to be Alien - by Epicmonkeys&apes (46)
256. Republic of the Floridas in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (46)
257. The Flickering Ming Dynasty - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (46)
258. Departments of the American Republic - by Ekg (46)
259. The Sovetskiy Collectivity - by Comte de Dordogne (46)
260. Sweat - 50 Years Hence - by tae_will21 (46)
261. A New Beginning, 2310 - by Alex0505 (45)
262. The Sultanate of Sicilya - by Sarthak (45)
263. The Saudi Civil War - by wildviper121 (45)
264. Strategic Situation in 1952 Axis-Victory Europe - by TheReformer (45)
265. The Franco-British Union State - by Sarthak (45)
266. Septentrean Languages - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (45)
267. Republic of Austria in "Roses, Tulips, and Liberty" - by Cattette (45)
268. The Napoleonic Wars - by B_Munro (45)
269. Greater Italian Libya - by Yanranay (45)
270. No one takes Power with the Intention of Relinquishing it (1984) - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (45)
271. Beloved Ottomania - The Modern Homeland of the Jews - by Sarthak (45)
272. Map of the USSA April 1-6 2000 (Kansas) - by Luxembourgish Jane (45)
273. Europe in 1976 - Earlier WW2 - by rattyrattera (45)
274. Order-State of Burgundy - by ShahAbbas1571 (45)
275. The Federal League of Argentina - by Xlicer (45)
276. Greater Tajikistan - by Reagent (45)
277. Post-Colonized Europe - by Kruglyasheo (45)
278. Empire of New Spain 1929 - by Cheer (45)
279. Linguistic Map of Europe in a Carthaginian Victory - by Keperry (44)
280. The Nine Mandalas at their Height - by Telamon Tabulicus (44)
281. No Mfecane World - by B_Munro (44)
282. Greater Poland - by gxblt (44)
283. Ethnic Map of the Ottoman Empire c. 2022 - by Sarthak (44)
284. The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, the Canadas, Australasia & the Cape - by Sarthak (44)
285. The Kingdom of Italy under the Early Bernardine Kings - by Xibalba (44)
286. Brazil in "A Greener Ummah" - by Deleted member Ernacius (44)
287. The Phoebe Archipelago, Venus - by Cattette (44)
288. Celtic, Na-Dene, and Sapmi Iceland - by bindle (44)
289. Uncolonized America - Cemanahuac - by Cassette (44)
290. The World of Tomorrow - by Kaiser1871 (44)
291. The Eurasian War - by Maharlikan_ (44)
292. Europe with an 1810 PoD - by Tanystropheus42 (44)
293. Sublime Turkic State: Rise of the Turanist League - by ShahAbbas1571 (44)
294. Klondike Confederation - by GooGroker (44)
295. The False North, Weak and Bound (Cover) - by B_Munro (44)
296. State of Kyoku - by Luxembourgish Jane (44)
297. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - by Višeslav (44)
298. The Emirate of Midian - by Cattette (44)
299. Domains of the House of Wittelsbach 1738 AD - by Estermont_ (44)
300. Everyone Went the Wrong Way: World Powers - by bindle (44)

301. The Holy Roman Empire in 1910 - by B_Munro (44)
302. All the Way with LBJ - by Gwynevere (44)
303. The Solitary Years - by Gwynevere (44)
304. The Niagara Treaty: Nations of Anglo-America in 1899 - by Camelopardalim (44)
305. Republic of Apacheria in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (44)
306. New Amazonia - by CobaltChloride (44)
307. 1845 - Hadjis, Hetmans and Hachimans - by the_turkish_aru (43) [Broken Image]
308. Bharata: The Center of the World in the Industrial Revolution - by wildviper121 (43)
309. Polish-Lithuanian-Russian Commonwealth - by Sean McKnight (43)
310. India's Vietnam: The Nepal War of 1975-1984 - by Sarthak (43)
311. Operation Suvorov: The West Russian War - by ShahAbbas1571 (43)
312. A Crazier British Isles - When the World Split Asunder - by Nizam (43)
313. Post-Soviet FInland - by Kruglyasheo (43)
314. NUSA occupation of New Zion - by Scrivener (43)
315. Kaiserreich - Sultanate of Egypt - by ShahAbbas1571 (43)
316. Bodzioł Han Autonomous Region - by PolishMagnet (43)
317. Men's Association Football World Cup - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (43)
318. Semi-Monarchies of the Ex-Warsaw Pact - by Kruglyasheo (43)
319. The Crosses and the Crescent - by cornycator (43)
320. Bulgaria or the Roman Empire - by gxblt (43)
321. Vacuity Two - by B_Munro (43)
322. The Federal Republic of Burgundy and the EPC or the "Neo-Carolingian Empire" - by FlaviusAetius (43)
323. Christian Europe at the Start of the Industrial Revolution (Repost) - by B_Munro (43)
324. The Union of Potsdam - Hohenzollern Poland - by PolishMagnet (42)
325. The Republic of Louisiane - by Osk (42)
326. Europe After the Crisis of the Third Century - by Sarthak (42)
327. The Persian Conquests of the Byzantine Empire - by Cattette (42)
328. State of Viking - by Sean McKnight (42)
329. Big Nations Series: Tunisia, Tonga, Togo, Timor Leste, Thailand, Tanzania - by Alex0505 (42)
330. The Eagle and the Crescent in 1171 AD - by Lothal (42)
331. The World in 1104 AD in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (42)
332. The States of the Francophone Northeast - by no_bananas (42)
333. 2022 Russian Invasion of Belarus - by Libaton (42)
334. Green Sahara - by Višeslav (42)
335. Big Nations Series: South Korea, South Africa, Somalia, Solomon Islands, Slovenia, Slovakia, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Serbia, Seychelles, and Senegal - by Alex0505 (42)
336. Bulgaria Following the Great War - by Libaton (42)
337. The Lenape and Colonial Contact in Pennsylvania - by zalezsky (42)
338. The Kikuu States and Nusantaran Colonisation of Berrahinu - by Višeslav (42)
339. The Bengali Empire to 1900 - by Entrerriano (42)
340. Maczków / Government of the Republic of Poland in Exile - by Reagent (42)
341. Solidarity Corps Post Status - by NeonHydroxide (42)
342. Republic of Proinsias - Irish North American Colony - by PolishMagnet (42)
343. Baltic SSRs and ASSRs - by Kruglyasheo (41)
344. The World in 930 CE in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (41)
345. The Empire of Great Fusang - by Sarthak (41)
346. Montgomery USA - by wildviper121 (41)
347. The Kingdom of Pryddain - by Sarthak (41)
348. The Kingdom of the Clouds - Tibet in 1995 - by Xlicer (41)
349. Mountain Time Zone ISOT to a Virgin Earth - by Rubberduck3y6 (41)
350. Big Nation Series: UAE, Ukraine, Uganda, Tuvalu, Turkmenistan, and Turkey - by Alex0505 (41)

351. 1450 Religious Census of the Caliphate of Albion - by Sarthak (41)
352. The PRC Dominates the World - by Deleted member Ernacius (41)
353. 1914: A World at the Verge of Breaking Apart (WW1 in Pangea) - by Prince di Corsica (41)
354. Mexico in "A Greener Ummah" - by Deleted member Ernacius (41)
355. Jewish Civil Rights in Europe - by dreadnought jenkins (41)
356. Joint People's Republic of Austria and Bavaria - by Dull_Establishment (41)
357. Denazification - by Maharlikan_ (41)
358. The Empire of Britannia in 100 AD - by Crimtane (41)
359. Baha'id Iran - by Lothal (41)
360. The Grand-Duchy of Baden and Alsace - by Zurirach Adankar (41)
361. North America from the London Conference to Fredonian Independence - by Sacer Bubonicus (41)
362. What if Cuba kept all the land it had in 1794? - by bindle (41)
363. The Renaissance with a Flipped South - by PolishMagnet (41)
364. The Punjabi Revolution - by Indicus (40)
365. The future, not ours [2101] - by Kaiser1871 (40)
366. The Dominion of Fidusia - by Sarthak (40)
367. Emirate of Kubaw - by Sarthak (40)
368. MevievalVerse - by B_Munro (40)
369. A World Steeped in Drinks - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (40)
370. WIP ASB Oceanpunk map - by Archinelson (40)
371. The World in "Bring the Jubilee" - by Sean McKnight (40)
375. The Angurish Language - by Comte de Dordogne (40)
373. The Confederacy of Tecumsia - by Sarthak (40)
374. Alliances of Iron - by Estermont_ (40)
375. The Imperial State of Alakesike - by Sarthak (40)
376. Native American-inspired Fantasy World - by bindle (40)
377. The New World rescues the Old - by tastethesword (40)
378. The Infestation of the Martian Red Weed on Europe - by TwiliAlchemist (40)
379. German Autonomous Oblast - by Kruglyasheo (40)
380. A World Where the British Won the Revolutionary War - by Emperor-of-New-Zealand (40)
381. Rome and China: The Only Two Real Countries - by Cool-Eh (40)
382. Witna - Fictional Scottish Island - by bindle (40)
383. Page 8 of the WorldRaj II - by Bob Hope and others (40)
384. Italy after the Treaty of Udine in "The World of Tricolors and Traditions" - by Assouf (40)
385. Post-Classical Democracy - by Goliath (40)
386. The Emirate of Galhat - by Cattette (40)
387. The Regional Cultures or American Nations of Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (40)
388. Map of the European Social Union - by Xlicer (40)
389. Miranda's Rotting Dream - by Cheer (40)
390. A Very Strange European Union - by Atzyn (40)
391. The Mahdi - He is Coming - by Nizam (40)
392. Nightmare Ocean - by Vylon Disigma (40)

In particular, I have to congratulate @FossilDS and @Kruglyasheo for managing to get first and second map respectively for a second time, repeating from the previous thread!
And as a bonus, because I love graphs, here are two:
Congratulations, mapmakers! You’ve completed yet another Map Thread. Now it’s time to go back and look at what we’ve all accomplished, so here is the list of the top maps of the last thread!
This list includes every OC Map (reposts of stuff found on Reddit don’t count) that got more than 40 likes, in descending order - though for the maps that have the same amount of likes, they are in order of posting. Titles were written by what was shown in the posts, but I had to take some creative liberties for those that didn’t feature a title at all, so if you think another title would suit your map better than the one I gave it, feel free to tell me! (also please ignore that I just copy-pasted this introduction from the previous thread)
Together, we managed to get just almost 400 maps with more than 40 likes - a definite upgrade from the previous thread’s 308 maps, still behind Thread XIX’s 500+ maps, but a definite improvement! So, without a further ado

The Most Popular Maps of Map Thread XXI

1. The Mountains of Madness - by FossilDS (129)
2. Origins of European Country Names - by Kruglyasheo (122)
3. The Federation of Patria Grande and the Western Hemisphere - by Yanranay (108)
4. OVRHVN - by NK_Ryzov (99)
5. Jiangpunk - by XFE, posted by Library of Alexandria (95)
6. Statename or Countryname - by Kruglyasheo (95)
7. World's Tallest Skyscrapers and Towers in 1960 - by Kruglyasheo (94)
8. Ming Dynasty, OTL 1582 - by Aurantiacis (89)
9. Same Borders, Different World - by Nizam (89)
10. Conquests of Napoleon II - by tastethesword (88)

11. Africa in 1885 (OTL) - by Bob Hope (86)
12. Holy Empire of Nayagar - by bindle (85)
13. Steamships on the Nile - What if the Middle East Industrialised Early? - by AP246 (84)
14. The 10 Great Dynasties of China - by tastethesword (84)
15. The Kingdom of Westeros in 657 AC - by FossilDS (83)
16. The Various Dynasties of (Eastern) Rome - by tastethesword (83)
17. Para sa himaya sa Barangaw! The Bisayan Age - by Maharlikan_ (82)
18. Too Far Gone - by Ernacius, posted by Library of Alexandria (80)
19. Africa Prior to the Great African Liberation War - by Deleted member Ernacius (79)
20. The Middle Sea to the Middle Kingdom - by North Western (79)
21. Lenawêwaki - The Indian Confederacy - by Keperry (78)
22. Europe in 1900 - by tastethesword (77)
23. Industrialized Mongol Empire - by Baconheimer (76)
24. Britain Lives and Marches On - by Libaton (76)
25. The Republic of Cartaquia - by CitrusTree99 (75)
26. The Soul of Russia - the Paths NOT taken by Vladimir the Great - by Prince di Corsica (74)
27. The Republic of Nutca c. 2025 - by Tethys00 (74)
28. The World of the Arabs - by Nizam (74)
29. Administrative Divisions of the Republic of Korea - by ItsMyKetchup (73)
30. Capitalist Kampuchea - by Prince di Corsica (73)
31. An Austrian Game - by Nizam (73)
32. Trojan Empire - What if Paris chose Athena - by tastethesword (72)
33. Fantasy World Maps - by What am I doing (71)
34. Diverse Britain - by Keperry (71)
35. DBWI: People's Republic of New Africa - The Confederate States - by NeonHydroxide (71)
36. Asia in 2022 - by Maharlikan_ (70)
37. Fascist France Propaganda - by Cattette (70)
38. Poland as it is since the Great War - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (69) (nice)
39. Hawaii in the Climate Victim Atlas - by ItsMyKetchup (69)
40. Korea - North America Swap - by Kruglyasheo (69)
41. The Tzarkhanate - by Sean McKnight (69)
42. American Berber, a dying language - by TheKutKu (69)
43. Slava Britannia - by zalezsky (69)
44. Oceanpunk - by Archienelson (68)
45. Ostrogothic Princedoms of the Fergana Valley - by zalezsky (68)
46. Hainan Polish Autonomous Prefecture - by PolishMagnet (68)
47. Slavs Migrate Further West - by Libaton (68)
48. Republic of Canosi - by NeonHydroxide (68)
49. American Nightmare - by Vylon Disigma (68)
50. AEIOU - by tastethesword (67)

51. Speaking of time-tables - Confederate States propaganda leaflet - by Kruglyasheo (67)
52. Europe in 1908 AD - by Cattette (67)
53. The Frankish Union - by Keperry (67)
54. The Partition of China and the Decolonization of Asia - by NeonHydroxide (67)
55. Indian Subcontinent: Rise of Tipu Sultan (1843) - by ShahAbbas1571 (67)
56. Sanibel Island National Park - by FossilDS (67)
57. Republic of Tuskalusa - by NeonHydroxide (67)
58. Origin of the word 'city' in North American Languages - by NeonHydroxide (67)
59. A Greener Ummah - World Map - by Deleted member Ernacius (66)
60. The Seventh Occult War, 1943 - by Kruglyasheo (66)
61. The People of Al-Andalus - by Sarthak (66)
62. Paphlagonia - Argentina's Future Province? - by Cattette (66)
63. Republic of Canada in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (66)
64. Administrative Map of Rumelia - by Yanranay (65)
65. The Near East in 1591; or What if the Ottomans conquered the Safavid Empire - by R. Dourack (65)
66. Do Not Waver - by ItsaMapping (64)
67. India in the Age of Revolution - by Indicus (64)
68. South Africa as Bosnia - by NeonHydroxide (64)
69. Trade in the North 1525-1550 - by Milites (64)
70. The Switzerland of Scandinavia - The Peasants' Commonwealth of Jämtland - by Prince di Corsida (64)
71. Ancient Civilizations Surviving to the Modern Day - by Keperry (64)
72. The Age of Illuminism - by Baconheimer (64)
73. Oikoymenh - by CastilloVerde (64)
74. The HRE after the Great Reform in "The World of Tricolors and Traditions" - by Assouf (64)
75. The Era of the Gunpowder Islamic Empires - by DaniCBP (63)
76. The Nation of Delaware - by Alex0505 (63)
77. Alpine Slavs and the Duchy of the Wends - by zalezsky (62)
78. The United States (DBWI) - by Unkown00 (62)
79. The Republic of Insular Great Britain - by Kruglyasheo (61)
80. Russian Empire Microstate - by Yanranay (61)
81. State of Olympus - by Sean McKnight (61)
82. Ukraine in a Worse Chernobyl - by NeonHydroxide (60)
83. Empire of the South - "Portugal", Brazil and "the Algarves" - by Prince di Corsica (60)
84. Africa Twenty Years After the Great African Liberation War - by Deleted member Ernacius (60)
85. The US After the Millennium Revolution - by Deleted member Ernacius (60)
86. 20 Portugals - by TheKutKu (60)
87. Religious Divisions of Al-Andalus in 1908 - by Cattette (60)
88. Political Map of the Arabian Peninsula in 1922/2022 - by Kruglyasheo (60)
89. The Trojan War - by Karolus Rex (60)
90. A Brighter Sunrise - East Asian Community - by Pipcard (60)
91. Japan's New Empire - by AP246 (60)
92. 12 Ways to Divide the Ottoman Empire - by Sarthak (59)
93. Princessverse - by FesteringSpore (59)
94. Nine Ways to Divide the Byzantine Roman Empire - by Festering Spore (59)
95. Thrown into the Shade - by Entrerriano (59)
96. Religious Divisions of the Kingdom of Turkey - by Cattette (59)
97. North America in Giant Canada World (Update) - by Planet of Hats (59)
98. The Caucasian Democratic Federal Republic - by Cattette (59)
99. Europe 1341: Peak of the Norman Empire - by wildviper121 (59)
100. The Sudanese Maritime Empire - by zalezsky (59)

101. South America in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (59)
102. United Kingdom of the Spains - by CastilloVerde (58)
103. The Ottoman East Indies on the Eve of WW1 - by Sarthak (58)
104. Postal Map of the Chicuexcan of Nicaragua - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (58)
105. The Holy Roman Empire in 1910 - by cornycator (58)
106. Kingdom of Qrtuba and its Vassals and Tributaries - by Libaton (58)
107. Confederation of Kasbadil - by taw_will21 (58)
108. Republic of Turkestan - by NeonHydroxide (57)
109. The Sultanate of England c. 1300 AD - by Sarthak (57)
110. The Midwestern Managed State - NeonHydroxide (57)
111. The Asian Giants - by Sarthak (57)
112. Alternate Partitions of Germany and Japan - by Kruglyasheo (57)
113. The Empire Strikes Back! - British Victory in 1812 - by Sarthak (57)
114. The United American Provinces in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (57)
115. The Rüconqueberung - by zalezsky (57)
116. The Restoration of Poland-Lithuania - by Snaut (56)
117. Muslim Conquest of the Aegean - by Cattette (56)
118. The Soviet Union and its Satellite Countries in 1962 and 1927 - by Kruglyasheo (56)
119. The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict in Context (Repost) - by NeonHydroxide (56)
120. Ottoman East Africa - by Sarthak (56)
121. To The Strongest - by Baconheimer (56)
122. Third East African Federation Tourist Map - by Kruglyasheo (56)
123. Go West, or Who Needs the Indian Ocean Anyway? - by gxblt (55)
124. Sans Genghis (Cover of RvBOMally's Map) - by B_Munro (55)
125. Dragon Emperors of the East - by cornycator (55)
126. The Commonwealth of All Nations - by gxblt (55)
127. Most Cliche Map Possible - Worlda Version - by Mr. Bubbles (55)
128. The Suaydin Caliphate in 637 AD - by Cattette (55)
129. Starfall 1916 - Year 2000 - by HJR (55)
130. Snowfall - A new Ice Age Earth - by Marsby2024orbust (54)
131. Rump USSR in Central Asia - by quizzes (54)
132. What Have the Romans Ever Done For Us? - by Prince di Corsica (54)
133. The Nations of Europe - by Untreow (54)
134. Eurasian Union 1999 AD - by Varian Wrynn (54)
135. North America in Giant Canada World - by Planet of Hats (54)
136. Europe in "They Come In All Colours" - by Daeres (54)
137. Christian Europe at the Start of the Industrial Revolution - by B_Munro (54)
138. The Napoleonic Duchy of Lithuania - by Libaton (54)
139. Distribution of Terrestrial Fauna - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (54)
140. An Alternate Treaty of Verdun - by Xibalba (54)
141. Flipped South - by PolishMagnet (54)
142. People's Republic of Cascadia - by NeonHydroxide (54)
143. Egypt with a 100 m Sea Level Rise - by Epsilon Tauri (54)
144. Hannibal's Legacy: Eparchies of the Mahanetarchy of Qarthago - by ETGalaxy (54)
145. Flaming Fields of Saffron - by black_sn0w_ (53)
146. Moroland: Frankenstein's Monster of Southeast Asia - by Maharlikan_ (53)
147. The Roman Federation - by Entrerriano (53)
148. Icepunk/Bronzepunk - by Alex0505 (53)
149. Swedish Gains in the Baltics - by Cattette (53)
150. The Black Migration of 1880-1930 - by Minnesota_Nationalist (53)

151. The Dominion of North America - by Baconheimer (53)
152. Topographical map of Austria-Hungary-Poland - by Libaton (53)
153. Union of Westerosi Socialist Republics - by tastethesword (53)
154. 1800 Years of Sassanid Unity - by Sarthak (53)
155. Guang Dynasty of China - by KillEmAll1989 (53)
156. Confederacy of Tecumsia - by Sarthak (53)
157. The Gurkani Empire - by Lothal (53)
158. The Mazdaic Republic of Iran - by wildviper121 (53)
159. Freedom in the World 2011 - by NeonHydroxide (53)
160. A Man, Not a Devil - by FancyHat (52)
161. The Three Eagles - The Ottoman Empire in 1556 AD - by Sarthak (52)
162. Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in 1100 in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (52)
163. Embiggening Series: Greece, Great Britain, and Germany - by B_Munro (52)
164. The All-Russian Government of Kiev (or "Malorussia") - by cornycator (52)
165. The Ottoman Conquest of Italy (1480-1488) - by Sarthak (52)
166. The Wages of Sin - by Gwrtheyrn Annwn (52)
167. The True Divided Nation - by AstroRangerBeans (52)
168. The Birth of Metism and Eunika's Journey - by PolishMagnet (52)
169. Mamluk Modernity - by PobreCesar (52)
170. British Region of the Pale of Calais - by Sarthak (52)
171. Peace In Our Time - 1989 - by Cool-Eh (52)
172. White Sun Over Asia - by cornycator (52)
173. Greater USA, Greater Commonwealth, and Greater British Empire - by Alex0505 (51)
174. Aiboland - by Cattette (51)
175. The Republic of Saqa - the Green Hermit Kingdom of the North - by NeonHydroxide (51)
176. Cyberpunk with Soviet Characteristics - by Kruglyasheo (51)
177. A More Conservative World - by WheelyWheelyLegsNoFeely (51)
178. 1984 - by Marsby2024orbust (51)
179. Age of the Superpowers - by Nizam (51)
180. Jewish Belarus - by PolishMagnet (51)
181. Africa in Giant Canada World - by Planet of Hats (51)
182. WorldRaj II - by Bob Hope and others (51)
183. The Republic of Chad - by Kruglyasheo (51)
184. MarsA Basemap - by Tyche and skozik (50)
185. COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in the Sublime Ottoman State - by Sarthak (50)
186. The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict in Context - by NeonHydroxide (50)
187. Food Insecurity in the Iberian Peninsula - by Kruglyasheo (50)
188. 12 Ways to Divide the Dominion of Florida - by Sarthak (50)
189. What if Charlemagne and Irene married as planned? - by James the AH Fan (50)
190. The Empire of Romania in 1910 - by cornycator (50)
191. A Quite Different World - by Libaton (50)
192. Hitler Princess World Map - by Kruglyasheo (50)
193. The Golden West - by Sean McKnight (50)
194. Safavid Empire: Conquest of Shah Ismail - by ShahAbbas1571 (50)
195. Pre-Columbian Contact Maps (from historical to conspiracy theories) - by Bob Hope (50)
196. Generico: Last Days of Peace - by Luxembourgish Jane (50)
197. A Land of Milk and Honey: The Continent of India, 350 AD - by Radioactive_Bee (50)
198. German-Speaking Republic of Texas in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (50)
199. Kingdom of Anglamark - by gxblt (49) [Broken Image]
200. 9 Ways to Divide Qing China - by Sarthak (49)

201. Calypso's Isle - by Cattette (49)
202. The Principality of Tanah Pamang - by Marsby2024orbust (49)
203. East is West - by B_Munro (49)
204. Glory to Ostania - by Maharlikan_ (49)
205. The Greater East - by Sarthak (49)
206. The Pre-Mongol World - by Lothal (49)
207. The Free Americas in 1800 - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (49)
208. Irrigation in Djerid - by Cattette (49)
209. Vermonters, Come Down - by Baconheimer (49)
210. Africa in Giant Canada World (Update) - by Planet of Hats (49)
211. Tsargrad Chronicles [1956] - by Kaiser1871 (49)
212. Pre-Columbian Cultures of the Amazon - by Bob Hope (49)
213. Big Nations Series: Saudi Arabia, San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Rwanda, Russia - by Alex0505 (49)
214. Republik de Francia - by Libaton (49)
215. What if Everyone Went the Wrong Way - by bindle (49)
216. World Map for a Sweden-Wank - by B_Munro (49)
217. Eight Alternate Fates of Austria-Hungary - by Imperial Advocate (48)
218. Agents of Chaos - Belgium and the World Around it - by artificialCartographer (48)
219. The Kingdom of Nossex at the Start of the Viking Age - by tastethesword (48)
220. 30 Italies - by Unkown00 (48)
221. Embiggening Series: Georgia, the Gambia, Guyana, and Finland - by B_Munro (48)
222. Graphopolitics and the Modern Borders of Writing - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (48)
223. Hell at the Height of Axis Expansion, 1941-1942 - by Kruglyasheo (48)
224. Utah: Chechnya of the Americas - by Luxembourgish Jane (48)
225. The Mamluk Caliphate and its Crewmates (sus) - by tastethesword (48)
226. East Africa in 2014 - by PolishMagnet (48)
227. America Broken-Up and Wanked at the same time - by B_Munro (48)
228. Bleed to Consume Another Day - A Cyberpunk World - by Nizam (47)
229. Rivals Forever! - The Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire - by Sarthak (47)
230. 1922, Five Years into the Centauri-Human War - by Alex0505 (47)
231. Clash of Caliphs - by black_sn0w_ (47)
232. The Genuine History of the Turks Uncovered - by Cattette (47)
233. The Traveller's Guide to the Hollow Earth - by Prince di Corsica (47)
234. The Bubonic Death - Spread and Mortality - by Cattette (47)
235. The World of Ali bin Columbus (Cover) - by B_Munro (47)
236. The Home Nations - World Raj II - by Bob Hope and others (47)
237. The Kingdom of Leon - by DaniCBP (47)
238. The Worst Is Yet To Come - by artificialCartographer (47)
239. Earth's Linguistic Missing Link: The Ancient Atlantean Migrations - by NeonHydroxide (47)
240. Compilation of Worlda Patches - by Library of Alexandria (46)
241. Rise and Fall of the Arabian Empire - by Nizam (46)
242. Poland as it is since the Great War (Corrected) - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (46)
243. Rose, Tulips and Liberty: The Federal Republic of the Philippines in 1933 - by Maharlikan_ (46)
244. The American Century of Humiliation - by Sarthak (46)
245. Embiggening Series: Kenya, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Honduras, Haiti, Guinea, and Guatemala - by B_Munro (46)
246. The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (but different) - by Fed (46)
247. British Dominion of Carolina - by Osk (46)
248. A Spain-Wank - by B_Munro (46)
249. The Great War and its Aftermath - by Xibalba (46)
250. Woodcut of the State of Oregon - by Sojourner85 (46)

251. Bulgaria - Prussia of the Balkans - by Kruglyasheo (46)
252. Periodic Table of Proposals for Partition of Germany - by Kruglyasheo (46)
253. Swapped Africa-South America - by wildviper121 (46)
254. A Cornucopia of Faiths - A World With More Religions - by Nizam (46)
255. Too Human to be Alien - by Epicmonkeys&apes (46)
256. Republic of the Floridas in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (46)
257. The Flickering Ming Dynasty - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (46)
258. Departments of the American Republic - by Ekg (46)
259. The Sovetskiy Collectivity - by Comte de Dordogne (46)
260. Sweat - 50 Years Hence - by tae_will21 (46)
261. A New Beginning, 2310 - by Alex0505 (45)
262. The Sultanate of Sicilya - by Sarthak (45)
263. The Saudi Civil War - by wildviper121 (45)
264. Strategic Situation in 1952 Axis-Victory Europe - by TheReformer (45)
265. The Franco-British Union State - by Sarthak (45)
266. Septentrean Languages - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (45)
267. Republic of Austria in "Roses, Tulips, and Liberty" - by Cattette (45)
268. The Napoleonic Wars - by B_Munro (45)
269. Greater Italian Libya - by Yanranay (45)
270. No one takes Power with the Intention of Relinquishing it (1984) - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (45)
271. Beloved Ottomania - The Modern Homeland of the Jews - by Sarthak (45)
272. Map of the USSA April 1-6 2000 (Kansas) - by Luxembourgish Jane (45)
273. Europe in 1976 - Earlier WW2 - by rattyrattera (45)
274. Order-State of Burgundy - by ShahAbbas1571 (45)
275. The Federal League of Argentina - by Xlicer (45)
276. Greater Tajikistan - by Reagent (45)
277. Post-Colonized Europe - by Kruglyasheo (45)
278. Empire of New Spain 1929 - by Cheer (45)
279. Linguistic Map of Europe in a Carthaginian Victory - by Keperry (44)
280. The Nine Mandalas at their Height - by Telamon Tabulicus (44)
281. No Mfecane World - by B_Munro (44)
282. Greater Poland - by gxblt (44)
283. Ethnic Map of the Ottoman Empire c. 2022 - by Sarthak (44)
284. The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, the Canadas, Australasia & the Cape - by Sarthak (44)
285. The Kingdom of Italy under the Early Bernardine Kings - by Xibalba (44)
286. Brazil in "A Greener Ummah" - by Deleted member Ernacius (44)
287. The Phoebe Archipelago, Venus - by Cattette (44)
288. Celtic, Na-Dene, and Sapmi Iceland - by bindle (44)
289. Uncolonized America - Cemanahuac - by Cassette (44)
290. The World of Tomorrow - by Kaiser1871 (44)
291. The Eurasian War - by Maharlikan_ (44)
292. Europe with an 1810 PoD - by Tanystropheus42 (44)
293. Sublime Turkic State: Rise of the Turanist League - by ShahAbbas1571 (44)
294. Klondike Confederation - by GooGroker (44)
295. The False North, Weak and Bound (Cover) - by B_Munro (44)
296. State of Kyoku - by Luxembourgish Jane (44)
297. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - by Višeslav (44)
298. The Emirate of Midian - by Cattette (44)
299. Domains of the House of Wittelsbach 1738 AD - by Estermont_ (44)
300. Everyone Went the Wrong Way: World Powers - by bindle (44)

301. The Holy Roman Empire in 1910 - by B_Munro (44)
302. All the Way with LBJ - by Gwynevere (44)
303. The Solitary Years - by Gwynevere (44)
304. The Niagara Treaty: Nations of Anglo-America in 1899 - by Camelopardalim (44)
305. Republic of Apacheria in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (44)
306. New Amazonia - by CobaltChloride (44)
307. 1845 - Hadjis, Hetmans and Hachimans - by the_turkish_aru (43) [Broken Image]
308. Bharata: The Center of the World in the Industrial Revolution - by wildviper121 (43)
309. Polish-Lithuanian-Russian Commonwealth - by Sean McKnight (43)
310. India's Vietnam: The Nepal War of 1975-1984 - by Sarthak (43)
311. Operation Suvorov: The West Russian War - by ShahAbbas1571 (43)
312. A Crazier British Isles - When the World Split Asunder - by Nizam (43)
313. Post-Soviet FInland - by Kruglyasheo (43)
314. NUSA occupation of New Zion - by Scrivener (43)
315. Kaiserreich - Sultanate of Egypt - by ShahAbbas1571 (43)
316. Bodzioł Han Autonomous Region - by PolishMagnet (43)
317. Men's Association Football World Cup - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (43)
318. Semi-Monarchies of the Ex-Warsaw Pact - by Kruglyasheo (43)
319. The Crosses and the Crescent - by cornycator (43)
320. Bulgaria or the Roman Empire - by gxblt (43)
321. Vacuity Two - by B_Munro (43)
322. The Federal Republic of Burgundy and the EPC or the "Neo-Carolingian Empire" - by FlaviusAetius (43)
323. Christian Europe at the Start of the Industrial Revolution (Repost) - by B_Munro (43)
324. The Union of Potsdam - Hohenzollern Poland - by PolishMagnet (42)
325. The Republic of Louisiane - by Osk (42)
326. Europe After the Crisis of the Third Century - by Sarthak (42)
327. The Persian Conquests of the Byzantine Empire - by Cattette (42)
328. State of Viking - by Sean McKnight (42)
329. Big Nations Series: Tunisia, Tonga, Togo, Timor Leste, Thailand, Tanzania - by Alex0505 (42)
330. The Eagle and the Crescent in 1171 AD - by Lothal (42)
331. The World in 1104 AD in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (42)
332. The States of the Francophone Northeast - by no_bananas (42)
333. 2022 Russian Invasion of Belarus - by Libaton (42)
334. Green Sahara - by Višeslav (42)
335. Big Nations Series: South Korea, South Africa, Somalia, Solomon Islands, Slovenia, Slovakia, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Serbia, Seychelles, and Senegal - by Alex0505 (42)
336. Bulgaria Following the Great War - by Libaton (42)
337. The Lenape and Colonial Contact in Pennsylvania - by zalezsky (42)
338. The Kikuu States and Nusantaran Colonisation of Berrahinu - by Višeslav (42)
339. The Bengali Empire to 1900 - by Entrerriano (42)
340. Maczków / Government of the Republic of Poland in Exile - by Reagent (42)
341. Solidarity Corps Post Status - by NeonHydroxide (42)
342. Republic of Proinsias - Irish North American Colony - by PolishMagnet (42)
343. Baltic SSRs and ASSRs - by Kruglyasheo (41)
344. The World in 930 CE in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (41)
345. The Empire of Great Fusang - by Sarthak (41)
346. Montgomery USA - by wildviper121 (41)
347. The Kingdom of Pryddain - by Sarthak (41)
348. The Kingdom of the Clouds - Tibet in 1995 - by Xlicer (41)
349. Mountain Time Zone ISOT to a Virgin Earth - by Rubberduck3y6 (41)
350. Big Nation Series: UAE, Ukraine, Uganda, Tuvalu, Turkmenistan, and Turkey - by Alex0505 (41)

351. 1450 Religious Census of the Caliphate of Albion - by Sarthak (41)
352. The PRC Dominates the World - by Deleted member Ernacius (41)
353. 1914: A World at the Verge of Breaking Apart (WW1 in Pangea) - by Prince di Corsica (41)
354. Mexico in "A Greener Ummah" - by Deleted member Ernacius (41)
355. Jewish Civil Rights in Europe - by dreadnought jenkins (41)
356. Joint People's Republic of Austria and Bavaria - by Dull_Establishment (41)
357. Denazification - by Maharlikan_ (41)
358. The Empire of Britannia in 100 AD - by Crimtane (41)
359. Baha'id Iran - by Lothal (41)
360. The Grand-Duchy of Baden and Alsace - by Zurirach Adankar (41)
361. North America from the London Conference to Fredonian Independence - by Sacer Bubonicus (41)
362. What if Cuba kept all the land it had in 1794? - by bindle (41)
363. The Renaissance with a Flipped South - by PolishMagnet (41)
364. The Punjabi Revolution - by Indicus (40)
365. The future, not ours [2101] - by Kaiser1871 (40)
366. The Dominion of Fidusia - by Sarthak (40)
367. Emirate of Kubaw - by Sarthak (40)
368. MevievalVerse - by B_Munro (40)
369. A World Steeped in Drinks - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (40)
370. WIP ASB Oceanpunk map - by Archinelson (40)
371. The World in "Bring the Jubilee" - by Sean McKnight (40)
375. The Angurish Language - by Comte de Dordogne (40)
373. The Confederacy of Tecumsia - by Sarthak (40)
374. Alliances of Iron - by Estermont_ (40)
375. The Imperial State of Alakesike - by Sarthak (40)
376. Native American-inspired Fantasy World - by bindle (40)
377. The New World rescues the Old - by tastethesword (40)
378. The Infestation of the Martian Red Weed on Europe - by TwiliAlchemist (40)
379. German Autonomous Oblast - by Kruglyasheo (40)
380. A World Where the British Won the Revolutionary War - by Emperor-of-New-Zealand (40)
381. Rome and China: The Only Two Real Countries - by Cool-Eh (40)
382. Witna - Fictional Scottish Island - by bindle (40)
383. Page 8 of the WorldRaj II - by Bob Hope and others (40)
384. Italy after the Treaty of Udine in "The World of Tricolors and Traditions" - by Assouf (40)
385. Post-Classical Democracy - by Goliath (40)
386. The Emirate of Galhat - by Cattette (40)
387. The Regional Cultures or American Nations of Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (40)
388. Map of the European Social Union - by Xlicer (40)
389. Miranda's Rotting Dream - by Cheer (40)
390. A Very Strange European Union - by Atzyn (40)
391. The Mahdi - He is Coming - by Nizam (40)
392. Nightmare Ocean - by Vylon Disigma (40)

In particular, I have to congratulate @FossilDS and @Kruglyasheo for managing to get first and second map respectively for a second time, repeating from the previous thread!
And as a bonus, because I love graphs, here are two:
Nice, continuing my tradition of getting on the list of most popular maps but nowhere near the top.
Congratulations, mapmakers! You’ve completed yet another Map Thread. Now it’s time to go back and look at what we’ve all accomplished, so here is the list of the top maps of the last thread!
This list includes every OC Map (reposts of stuff found on Reddit don’t count) that got more than 40 likes, in descending order - though for the maps that have the same amount of likes, they are in order of posting. Titles were written by what was shown in the posts, but I had to take some creative liberties for those that didn’t feature a title at all, so if you think another title would suit your map better than the one I gave it, feel free to tell me! (also please ignore that I just copy-pasted this introduction from the previous thread)
Together, we managed to get just almost 400 maps with more than 40 likes - a definite upgrade from the previous thread’s 308 maps, still behind Thread XIX’s 500+ maps, but a definite improvement! So, without a further ado

The Most Popular Maps of Map Thread XXI

1. The Mountains of Madness - by FossilDS (129)
2. Origins of European Country Names - by Kruglyasheo (122)
3. The Federation of Patria Grande and the Western Hemisphere - by Yanranay (108)
4. OVRHVN - by NK_Ryzov (99)
5. Jiangpunk - by XFE, posted by Library of Alexandria (95)
6. Statename or Countryname - by Kruglyasheo (95)
7. World's Tallest Skyscrapers and Towers in 1960 - by Kruglyasheo (94)
8. Ming Dynasty, OTL 1582 - by Aurantiacis (89)
9. Same Borders, Different World - by Nizam (89)
10. Conquests of Napoleon II - by tastethesword (88)

11. Africa in 1885 (OTL) - by Bob Hope (86)
12. Holy Empire of Nayagar - by bindle (85)
13. Steamships on the Nile - What if the Middle East Industrialised Early? - by AP246 (84)
14. The 10 Great Dynasties of China - by tastethesword (84)
15. The Kingdom of Westeros in 657 AC - by FossilDS (83)
16. The Various Dynasties of (Eastern) Rome - by tastethesword (83)
17. Para sa himaya sa Barangaw! The Bisayan Age - by Maharlikan_ (82)
18. Too Far Gone - by Ernacius, posted by Library of Alexandria (80)
19. Africa Prior to the Great African Liberation War - by Deleted member Ernacius (79)
20. The Middle Sea to the Middle Kingdom - by North Western (79)
21. Lenawêwaki - The Indian Confederacy - by Keperry (78)
22. Europe in 1900 - by tastethesword (77)
23. Industrialized Mongol Empire - by Baconheimer (76)
24. Britain Lives and Marches On - by Libaton (76)
25. The Republic of Cartaquia - by CitrusTree99 (75)
26. The Soul of Russia - the Paths NOT taken by Vladimir the Great - by Prince di Corsica (74)
27. The Republic of Nutca c. 2025 - by Tethys00 (74)
28. The World of the Arabs - by Nizam (74)
29. Administrative Divisions of the Republic of Korea - by ItsMyKetchup (73)
30. Capitalist Kampuchea - by Prince di Corsica (73)
31. An Austrian Game - by Nizam (73)
32. Trojan Empire - What if Paris chose Athena - by tastethesword (72)
33. Fantasy World Maps - by What am I doing (71)
34. Diverse Britain - by Keperry (71)
35. DBWI: People's Republic of New Africa - The Confederate States - by NeonHydroxide (71)
36. Asia in 2022 - by Maharlikan_ (70)
37. Fascist France Propaganda - by Cattette (70)
38. Poland as it is since the Great War - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (69) (nice)
39. Hawaii in the Climate Victim Atlas - by ItsMyKetchup (69)
40. Korea - North America Swap - by Kruglyasheo (69)
41. The Tzarkhanate - by Sean McKnight (69)
42. American Berber, a dying language - by TheKutKu (69)
43. Slava Britannia - by zalezsky (69)
44. Oceanpunk - by Archienelson (68)
45. Ostrogothic Princedoms of the Fergana Valley - by zalezsky (68)
46. Hainan Polish Autonomous Prefecture - by PolishMagnet (68)
47. Slavs Migrate Further West - by Libaton (68)
48. Republic of Canosi - by NeonHydroxide (68)
49. American Nightmare - by Vylon Disigma (68)
50. AEIOU - by tastethesword (67)

51. Speaking of time-tables - Confederate States propaganda leaflet - by Kruglyasheo (67)
52. Europe in 1908 AD - by Cattette (67)
53. The Frankish Union - by Keperry (67)
54. The Partition of China and the Decolonization of Asia - by NeonHydroxide (67)
55. Indian Subcontinent: Rise of Tipu Sultan (1843) - by ShahAbbas1571 (67)
56. Sanibel Island National Park - by FossilDS (67)
57. Republic of Tuskalusa - by NeonHydroxide (67)
58. Origin of the word 'city' in North American Languages - by NeonHydroxide (67)
59. A Greener Ummah - World Map - by Deleted member Ernacius (66)
60. The Seventh Occult War, 1943 - by Kruglyasheo (66)
61. The People of Al-Andalus - by Sarthak (66)
62. Paphlagonia - Argentina's Future Province? - by Cattette (66)
63. Republic of Canada in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (66)
64. Administrative Map of Rumelia - by Yanranay (65)
65. The Near East in 1591; or What if the Ottomans conquered the Safavid Empire - by R. Dourack (65)
66. Do Not Waver - by ItsaMapping (64)
67. India in the Age of Revolution - by Indicus (64)
68. South Africa as Bosnia - by NeonHydroxide (64)
69. Trade in the North 1525-1550 - by Milites (64)
70. The Switzerland of Scandinavia - The Peasants' Commonwealth of Jämtland - by Prince di Corsida (64)
71. Ancient Civilizations Surviving to the Modern Day - by Keperry (64)
72. The Age of Illuminism - by Baconheimer (64)
73. Oikoymenh - by CastilloVerde (64)
74. The HRE after the Great Reform in "The World of Tricolors and Traditions" - by Assouf (64)
75. The Era of the Gunpowder Islamic Empires - by DaniCBP (63)
76. The Nation of Delaware - by Alex0505 (63)
77. Alpine Slavs and the Duchy of the Wends - by zalezsky (62)
78. The United States (DBWI) - by Unkown00 (62)
79. The Republic of Insular Great Britain - by Kruglyasheo (61)
80. Russian Empire Microstate - by Yanranay (61)
81. State of Olympus - by Sean McKnight (61)
82. Ukraine in a Worse Chernobyl - by NeonHydroxide (60)
83. Empire of the South - "Portugal", Brazil and "the Algarves" - by Prince di Corsica (60)
84. Africa Twenty Years After the Great African Liberation War - by Deleted member Ernacius (60)
85. The US After the Millennium Revolution - by Deleted member Ernacius (60)
86. 20 Portugals - by TheKutKu (60)
87. Religious Divisions of Al-Andalus in 1908 - by Cattette (60)
88. Political Map of the Arabian Peninsula in 1922/2022 - by Kruglyasheo (60)
89. The Trojan War - by Karolus Rex (60)
90. A Brighter Sunrise - East Asian Community - by Pipcard (60)
91. Japan's New Empire - by AP246 (60)
92. 12 Ways to Divide the Ottoman Empire - by Sarthak (59)
93. Princessverse - by FesteringSpore (59)
94. Nine Ways to Divide the Byzantine Roman Empire - by Festering Spore (59)
95. Thrown into the Shade - by Entrerriano (59)
96. Religious Divisions of the Kingdom of Turkey - by Cattette (59)
97. North America in Giant Canada World (Update) - by Planet of Hats (59)
98. The Caucasian Democratic Federal Republic - by Cattette (59)
99. Europe 1341: Peak of the Norman Empire - by wildviper121 (59)
100. The Sudanese Maritime Empire - by zalezsky (59)

101. South America in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (59)
102. United Kingdom of the Spains - by CastilloVerde (58)
103. The Ottoman East Indies on the Eve of WW1 - by Sarthak (58)
104. Postal Map of the Chicuexcan of Nicaragua - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (58)
105. The Holy Roman Empire in 1910 - by cornycator (58)
106. Kingdom of Qrtuba and its Vassals and Tributaries - by Libaton (58)
107. Confederation of Kasbadil - by taw_will21 (58)
108. Republic of Turkestan - by NeonHydroxide (57)
109. The Sultanate of England c. 1300 AD - by Sarthak (57)
110. The Midwestern Managed State - NeonHydroxide (57)
111. The Asian Giants - by Sarthak (57)
112. Alternate Partitions of Germany and Japan - by Kruglyasheo (57)
113. The Empire Strikes Back! - British Victory in 1812 - by Sarthak (57)
114. The United American Provinces in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (57)
115. The Rüconqueberung - by zalezsky (57)
116. The Restoration of Poland-Lithuania - by Snaut (56)
117. Muslim Conquest of the Aegean - by Cattette (56)
118. The Soviet Union and its Satellite Countries in 1962 and 1927 - by Kruglyasheo (56)
119. The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict in Context (Repost) - by NeonHydroxide (56)
120. Ottoman East Africa - by Sarthak (56)
121. To The Strongest - by Baconheimer (56)
122. Third East African Federation Tourist Map - by Kruglyasheo (56)
123. Go West, or Who Needs the Indian Ocean Anyway? - by gxblt (55)
124. Sans Genghis (Cover of RvBOMally's Map) - by B_Munro (55)
125. Dragon Emperors of the East - by cornycator (55)
126. The Commonwealth of All Nations - by gxblt (55)
127. Most Cliche Map Possible - Worlda Version - by Mr. Bubbles (55)
128. The Suaydin Caliphate in 637 AD - by Cattette (55)
129. Starfall 1916 - Year 2000 - by HJR (55)
130. Snowfall - A new Ice Age Earth - by Marsby2024orbust (54)
131. Rump USSR in Central Asia - by quizzes (54)
132. What Have the Romans Ever Done For Us? - by Prince di Corsica (54)
133. The Nations of Europe - by Untreow (54)
134. Eurasian Union 1999 AD - by Varian Wrynn (54)
135. North America in Giant Canada World - by Planet of Hats (54)
136. Europe in "They Come In All Colours" - by Daeres (54)
137. Christian Europe at the Start of the Industrial Revolution - by B_Munro (54)
138. The Napoleonic Duchy of Lithuania - by Libaton (54)
139. Distribution of Terrestrial Fauna - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (54)
140. An Alternate Treaty of Verdun - by Xibalba (54)
141. Flipped South - by PolishMagnet (54)
142. People's Republic of Cascadia - by NeonHydroxide (54)
143. Egypt with a 100 m Sea Level Rise - by Epsilon Tauri (54)
144. Hannibal's Legacy: Eparchies of the Mahanetarchy of Qarthago - by ETGalaxy (54)
145. Flaming Fields of Saffron - by black_sn0w_ (53)
146. Moroland: Frankenstein's Monster of Southeast Asia - by Maharlikan_ (53)
147. The Roman Federation - by Entrerriano (53)
148. Icepunk/Bronzepunk - by Alex0505 (53)
149. Swedish Gains in the Baltics - by Cattette (53)
150. The Black Migration of 1880-1930 - by Minnesota_Nationalist (53)

151. The Dominion of North America - by Baconheimer (53)
152. Topographical map of Austria-Hungary-Poland - by Libaton (53)
153. Union of Westerosi Socialist Republics - by tastethesword (53)
154. 1800 Years of Sassanid Unity - by Sarthak (53)
155. Guang Dynasty of China - by KillEmAll1989 (53)
156. Confederacy of Tecumsia - by Sarthak (53)
157. The Gurkani Empire - by Lothal (53)
158. The Mazdaic Republic of Iran - by wildviper121 (53)
159. Freedom in the World 2011 - by NeonHydroxide (53)
160. A Man, Not a Devil - by FancyHat (52)
161. The Three Eagles - The Ottoman Empire in 1556 AD - by Sarthak (52)
162. Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in 1100 in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (52)
163. Embiggening Series: Greece, Great Britain, and Germany - by B_Munro (52)
164. The All-Russian Government of Kiev (or "Malorussia") - by cornycator (52)
165. The Ottoman Conquest of Italy (1480-1488) - by Sarthak (52)
166. The Wages of Sin - by Gwrtheyrn Annwn (52)
167. The True Divided Nation - by AstroRangerBeans (52)
168. The Birth of Metism and Eunika's Journey - by PolishMagnet (52)
169. Mamluk Modernity - by PobreCesar (52)
170. British Region of the Pale of Calais - by Sarthak (52)
171. Peace In Our Time - 1989 - by Cool-Eh (52)
172. White Sun Over Asia - by cornycator (52)
173. Greater USA, Greater Commonwealth, and Greater British Empire - by Alex0505 (51)
174. Aiboland - by Cattette (51)
175. The Republic of Saqa - the Green Hermit Kingdom of the North - by NeonHydroxide (51)
176. Cyberpunk with Soviet Characteristics - by Kruglyasheo (51)
177. A More Conservative World - by WheelyWheelyLegsNoFeely (51)
178. 1984 - by Marsby2024orbust (51)
179. Age of the Superpowers - by Nizam (51)
180. Jewish Belarus - by PolishMagnet (51)
181. Africa in Giant Canada World - by Planet of Hats (51)
182. WorldRaj II - by Bob Hope and others (51)
183. The Republic of Chad - by Kruglyasheo (51)
184. MarsA Basemap - by Tyche and skozik (50)
185. COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in the Sublime Ottoman State - by Sarthak (50)
186. The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict in Context - by NeonHydroxide (50)
187. Food Insecurity in the Iberian Peninsula - by Kruglyasheo (50)
188. 12 Ways to Divide the Dominion of Florida - by Sarthak (50)
189. What if Charlemagne and Irene married as planned? - by James the AH Fan (50)
190. The Empire of Romania in 1910 - by cornycator (50)
191. A Quite Different World - by Libaton (50)
192. Hitler Princess World Map - by Kruglyasheo (50)
193. The Golden West - by Sean McKnight (50)
194. Safavid Empire: Conquest of Shah Ismail - by ShahAbbas1571 (50)
195. Pre-Columbian Contact Maps (from historical to conspiracy theories) - by Bob Hope (50)
196. Generico: Last Days of Peace - by Luxembourgish Jane (50)
197. A Land of Milk and Honey: The Continent of India, 350 AD - by Radioactive_Bee (50)
198. German-Speaking Republic of Texas in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (50)
199. Kingdom of Anglamark - by gxblt (49) [Broken Image]
200. 9 Ways to Divide Qing China - by Sarthak (49)

201. Calypso's Isle - by Cattette (49)
202. The Principality of Tanah Pamang - by Marsby2024orbust (49)
203. East is West - by B_Munro (49)
204. Glory to Ostania - by Maharlikan_ (49)
205. The Greater East - by Sarthak (49)
206. The Pre-Mongol World - by Lothal (49)
207. The Free Americas in 1800 - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (49)
208. Irrigation in Djerid - by Cattette (49)
209. Vermonters, Come Down - by Baconheimer (49)
210. Africa in Giant Canada World (Update) - by Planet of Hats (49)
211. Tsargrad Chronicles [1956] - by Kaiser1871 (49)
212. Pre-Columbian Cultures of the Amazon - by Bob Hope (49)
213. Big Nations Series: Saudi Arabia, San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Rwanda, Russia - by Alex0505 (49)
214. Republik de Francia - by Libaton (49)
215. What if Everyone Went the Wrong Way - by bindle (49)
216. World Map for a Sweden-Wank - by B_Munro (49)
217. Eight Alternate Fates of Austria-Hungary - by Imperial Advocate (48)
218. Agents of Chaos - Belgium and the World Around it - by artificialCartographer (48)
219. The Kingdom of Nossex at the Start of the Viking Age - by tastethesword (48)
220. 30 Italies - by Unkown00 (48)
221. Embiggening Series: Georgia, the Gambia, Guyana, and Finland - by B_Munro (48)
222. Graphopolitics and the Modern Borders of Writing - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (48)
223. Hell at the Height of Axis Expansion, 1941-1942 - by Kruglyasheo (48)
224. Utah: Chechnya of the Americas - by Luxembourgish Jane (48)
225. The Mamluk Caliphate and its Crewmates (sus) - by tastethesword (48)
226. East Africa in 2014 - by PolishMagnet (48)
227. America Broken-Up and Wanked at the same time - by B_Munro (48)
228. Bleed to Consume Another Day - A Cyberpunk World - by Nizam (47)
229. Rivals Forever! - The Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire - by Sarthak (47)
230. 1922, Five Years into the Centauri-Human War - by Alex0505 (47)
231. Clash of Caliphs - by black_sn0w_ (47)
232. The Genuine History of the Turks Uncovered - by Cattette (47)
233. The Traveller's Guide to the Hollow Earth - by Prince di Corsica (47)
234. The Bubonic Death - Spread and Mortality - by Cattette (47)
235. The World of Ali bin Columbus (Cover) - by B_Munro (47)
236. The Home Nations - World Raj II - by Bob Hope and others (47)
237. The Kingdom of Leon - by DaniCBP (47)
238. The Worst Is Yet To Come - by artificialCartographer (47)
239. Earth's Linguistic Missing Link: The Ancient Atlantean Migrations - by NeonHydroxide (47)
240. Compilation of Worlda Patches - by Library of Alexandria (46)
241. Rise and Fall of the Arabian Empire - by Nizam (46)
242. Poland as it is since the Great War (Corrected) - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (46)
243. Rose, Tulips and Liberty: The Federal Republic of the Philippines in 1933 - by Maharlikan_ (46)
244. The American Century of Humiliation - by Sarthak (46)
245. Embiggening Series: Kenya, Kazakhstan, Jordan, Honduras, Haiti, Guinea, and Guatemala - by B_Munro (46)
246. The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (but different) - by Fed (46)
247. British Dominion of Carolina - by Osk (46)
248. A Spain-Wank - by B_Munro (46)
249. The Great War and its Aftermath - by Xibalba (46)
250. Woodcut of the State of Oregon - by Sojourner85 (46)

251. Bulgaria - Prussia of the Balkans - by Kruglyasheo (46)
252. Periodic Table of Proposals for Partition of Germany - by Kruglyasheo (46)
253. Swapped Africa-South America - by wildviper121 (46)
254. A Cornucopia of Faiths - A World With More Religions - by Nizam (46)
255. Too Human to be Alien - by Epicmonkeys&apes (46)
256. Republic of the Floridas in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (46)
257. The Flickering Ming Dynasty - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (46)
258. Departments of the American Republic - by Ekg (46)
259. The Sovetskiy Collectivity - by Comte de Dordogne (46)
260. Sweat - 50 Years Hence - by tae_will21 (46)
261. A New Beginning, 2310 - by Alex0505 (45)
262. The Sultanate of Sicilya - by Sarthak (45)
263. The Saudi Civil War - by wildviper121 (45)
264. Strategic Situation in 1952 Axis-Victory Europe - by TheReformer (45)
265. The Franco-British Union State - by Sarthak (45)
266. Septentrean Languages - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (45)
267. Republic of Austria in "Roses, Tulips, and Liberty" - by Cattette (45)
268. The Napoleonic Wars - by B_Munro (45)
269. Greater Italian Libya - by Yanranay (45)
270. No one takes Power with the Intention of Relinquishing it (1984) - by Votre Idéolinguiste Local (45)
271. Beloved Ottomania - The Modern Homeland of the Jews - by Sarthak (45)
272. Map of the USSA April 1-6 2000 (Kansas) - by Luxembourgish Jane (45)
273. Europe in 1976 - Earlier WW2 - by rattyrattera (45)
274. Order-State of Burgundy - by ShahAbbas1571 (45)
275. The Federal League of Argentina - by Xlicer (45)
276. Greater Tajikistan - by Reagent (45)
277. Post-Colonized Europe - by Kruglyasheo (45)
278. Empire of New Spain 1929 - by Cheer (45)
279. Linguistic Map of Europe in a Carthaginian Victory - by Keperry (44)
280. The Nine Mandalas at their Height - by Telamon Tabulicus (44)
281. No Mfecane World - by B_Munro (44)
282. Greater Poland - by gxblt (44)
283. Ethnic Map of the Ottoman Empire c. 2022 - by Sarthak (44)
284. The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, the Canadas, Australasia & the Cape - by Sarthak (44)
285. The Kingdom of Italy under the Early Bernardine Kings - by Xibalba (44)
286. Brazil in "A Greener Ummah" - by Deleted member Ernacius (44)
287. The Phoebe Archipelago, Venus - by Cattette (44)
288. Celtic, Na-Dene, and Sapmi Iceland - by bindle (44)
289. Uncolonized America - Cemanahuac - by Cassette (44)
290. The World of Tomorrow - by Kaiser1871 (44)
291. The Eurasian War - by Maharlikan_ (44)
292. Europe with an 1810 PoD - by Tanystropheus42 (44)
293. Sublime Turkic State: Rise of the Turanist League - by ShahAbbas1571 (44)
294. Klondike Confederation - by GooGroker (44)
295. The False North, Weak and Bound (Cover) - by B_Munro (44)
296. State of Kyoku - by Luxembourgish Jane (44)
297. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - by Višeslav (44)
298. The Emirate of Midian - by Cattette (44)
299. Domains of the House of Wittelsbach 1738 AD - by Estermont_ (44)
300. Everyone Went the Wrong Way: World Powers - by bindle (44)

301. The Holy Roman Empire in 1910 - by B_Munro (44)
302. All the Way with LBJ - by Gwynevere (44)
303. The Solitary Years - by Gwynevere (44)
304. The Niagara Treaty: Nations of Anglo-America in 1899 - by Camelopardalim (44)
305. Republic of Apacheria in "A Few Acres of Snow" - by Keperry (44)
306. New Amazonia - by CobaltChloride (44)
307. 1845 - Hadjis, Hetmans and Hachimans - by the_turkish_aru (43) [Broken Image]
308. Bharata: The Center of the World in the Industrial Revolution - by wildviper121 (43)
309. Polish-Lithuanian-Russian Commonwealth - by Sean McKnight (43)
310. India's Vietnam: The Nepal War of 1975-1984 - by Sarthak (43)
311. Operation Suvorov: The West Russian War - by ShahAbbas1571 (43)
312. A Crazier British Isles - When the World Split Asunder - by Nizam (43)
313. Post-Soviet FInland - by Kruglyasheo (43)
314. NUSA occupation of New Zion - by Scrivener (43)
315. Kaiserreich - Sultanate of Egypt - by ShahAbbas1571 (43)
316. Bodzioł Han Autonomous Region - by PolishMagnet (43)
317. Men's Association Football World Cup - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (43)
318. Semi-Monarchies of the Ex-Warsaw Pact - by Kruglyasheo (43)
319. The Crosses and the Crescent - by cornycator (43)
320. Bulgaria or the Roman Empire - by gxblt (43)
321. Vacuity Two - by B_Munro (43)
322. The Federal Republic of Burgundy and the EPC or the "Neo-Carolingian Empire" - by FlaviusAetius (43)
323. Christian Europe at the Start of the Industrial Revolution (Repost) - by B_Munro (43)
324. The Union of Potsdam - Hohenzollern Poland - by PolishMagnet (42)
325. The Republic of Louisiane - by Osk (42)
326. Europe After the Crisis of the Third Century - by Sarthak (42)
327. The Persian Conquests of the Byzantine Empire - by Cattette (42)
328. State of Viking - by Sean McKnight (42)
329. Big Nations Series: Tunisia, Tonga, Togo, Timor Leste, Thailand, Tanzania - by Alex0505 (42)
330. The Eagle and the Crescent in 1171 AD - by Lothal (42)
331. The World in 1104 AD in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (42)
332. The States of the Francophone Northeast - by no_bananas (42)
333. 2022 Russian Invasion of Belarus - by Libaton (42)
334. Green Sahara - by Višeslav (42)
335. Big Nations Series: South Korea, South Africa, Somalia, Solomon Islands, Slovenia, Slovakia, Singapore, Sierra Leone, Serbia, Seychelles, and Senegal - by Alex0505 (42)
336. Bulgaria Following the Great War - by Libaton (42)
337. The Lenape and Colonial Contact in Pennsylvania - by zalezsky (42)
338. The Kikuu States and Nusantaran Colonisation of Berrahinu - by Višeslav (42)
339. The Bengali Empire to 1900 - by Entrerriano (42)
340. Maczków / Government of the Republic of Poland in Exile - by Reagent (42)
341. Solidarity Corps Post Status - by NeonHydroxide (42)
342. Republic of Proinsias - Irish North American Colony - by PolishMagnet (42)
343. Baltic SSRs and ASSRs - by Kruglyasheo (41)
344. The World in 930 CE in the Gothic Empire TL - by KillEmAll1989 (41)
345. The Empire of Great Fusang - by Sarthak (41)
346. Montgomery USA - by wildviper121 (41)
347. The Kingdom of Pryddain - by Sarthak (41)
348. The Kingdom of the Clouds - Tibet in 1995 - by Xlicer (41)
349. Mountain Time Zone ISOT to a Virgin Earth - by Rubberduck3y6 (41)
350. Big Nation Series: UAE, Ukraine, Uganda, Tuvalu, Turkmenistan, and Turkey - by Alex0505 (41)

351. 1450 Religious Census of the Caliphate of Albion - by Sarthak (41)
352. The PRC Dominates the World - by Deleted member Ernacius (41)
353. 1914: A World at the Verge of Breaking Apart (WW1 in Pangea) - by Prince di Corsica (41)
354. Mexico in "A Greener Ummah" - by Deleted member Ernacius (41)
355. Jewish Civil Rights in Europe - by dreadnought jenkins (41)
356. Joint People's Republic of Austria and Bavaria - by Dull_Establishment (41)
357. Denazification - by Maharlikan_ (41)
358. The Empire of Britannia in 100 AD - by Crimtane (41)
359. Baha'id Iran - by Lothal (41)
360. The Grand-Duchy of Baden and Alsace - by Zurirach Adankar (41)
361. North America from the London Conference to Fredonian Independence - by Sacer Bubonicus (41)
362. What if Cuba kept all the land it had in 1794? - by bindle (41)
363. The Renaissance with a Flipped South - by PolishMagnet (41)
364. The Punjabi Revolution - by Indicus (40)
365. The future, not ours [2101] - by Kaiser1871 (40)
366. The Dominion of Fidusia - by Sarthak (40)
367. Emirate of Kubaw - by Sarthak (40)
368. MevievalVerse - by B_Munro (40)
369. A World Steeped in Drinks - Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (40)
370. WIP ASB Oceanpunk map - by Archinelson (40)
371. The World in "Bring the Jubilee" - by Sean McKnight (40)
375. The Angurish Language - by Comte de Dordogne (40)
373. The Confederacy of Tecumsia - by Sarthak (40)
374. Alliances of Iron - by Estermont_ (40)
375. The Imperial State of Alakesike - by Sarthak (40)
376. Native American-inspired Fantasy World - by bindle (40)
377. The New World rescues the Old - by tastethesword (40)
378. The Infestation of the Martian Red Weed on Europe - by TwiliAlchemist (40)
379. German Autonomous Oblast - by Kruglyasheo (40)
380. A World Where the British Won the Revolutionary War - by Emperor-of-New-Zealand (40)
381. Rome and China: The Only Two Real Countries - by Cool-Eh (40)
382. Witna - Fictional Scottish Island - by bindle (40)
383. Page 8 of the WorldRaj II - by Bob Hope and others (40)
384. Italy after the Treaty of Udine in "The World of Tricolors and Traditions" - by Assouf (40)
385. Post-Classical Democracy - by Goliath (40)
386. The Emirate of Galhat - by Cattette (40)
387. The Regional Cultures or American Nations of Atlas Altera - by Telamon Tabulicus (40)
388. Map of the European Social Union - by Xlicer (40)
389. Miranda's Rotting Dream - by Cheer (40)
390. A Very Strange European Union - by Atzyn (40)
391. The Mahdi - He is Coming - by Nizam (40)
392. Nightmare Ocean - by Vylon Disigma (40)

In particular, I have to congratulate @FossilDS and @Kruglyasheo for managing to get first and second map respectively for a second time, repeating from the previous thread!
And as a bonus, because I love graphs, here are two:
I'm shocked I am even on this, especially the dumb Kansas one I made lmao!

Possible post-ww2 map of Yugoslavia, where they were an Axis power and Italy joined the Allies:
  • Italy gets the islands Veglia (Croatian: Krk) and Arbe (Croatian: Rab)
  • Italian protectorate Albania gains territory
  • Montenegro and Slovenia are liberated under Italian/UN supervision
  • Bulgarian gains Macedonia and disputed border regions
  • Serbia gains independence under Soviet supervision
  • Hungary returns Banat to Serbia
  • Croatia is created as a neutral state under joint Allied supervision (UK, France, Italy, US, USSR)
  • A referendum will be held in Muravidék (Slovene: Prekmurje) to determine if it stays with Hungary or joins Slovenia
    • Ultimately "votes" to stay Hungarian, though this is eventually proven to just be the Soviets unwilling to give land back to an "Italian puppet"
The gist is that Italy is neutral but joins the Allies near the end, just as the Soviets are driving through Romania and Hungary. Austria, Slovenia, Montenegro are under Italy's influence, while Hungary and Romania are under Soviet influence. Bulgaria followed Italy in being neutral until the end, jumping in to get some territory.