The Eagle Down Under (1983: Doomsday TL 2016-2030)

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Iran begins to question on whether the banning on nuclear weapons is making things worse since terrorist groups have them.

-NBBC World News, October 19th, 2020

Chilean authorities have captured the culprit behind the destruction of Santiago, only to be utterly horrified to discover it was none other than Pedro Alonso López, who now goes by the name of Mu’iz Omar de Al'iiman Alhaqiqiu.

Chilean, Peruvian, Colombian, and Ecuadorian officials are entirely shocked by the evidence that Pedro Alonso López (considered one of the most infamous serial killers in Latin American history) was entirely behind the complete destruction of Chile’s capital city, along with the fact he converted to Islam.

We currently have still many unanswered questions on why Pedro Alonso López converted to Islam, became radicalized by Islamic fundamentalism, if he has connections to the Hamas Caliphate, when he converted to Islam, and most importantly what exactly has he been doing since he was released from Ecuadorian prison in 1980.

-The Newcastle Herald, October 20th, 2020

“I have heard the news of what happened in Chile just now.”

“I will ask permission from the Governor-General to go to Chile along with permission from the Chilean government to be allowed to travel to Chile to be able to get further answers from the Monster of the Andes.”

“Because right now answers is what we need from that crazy man. And we cannot afford to waste anymore time.”

-Private conversation between ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell and his staff, October 20th, 2020

“You have my permission to do so Director. Just whatever you do, don’t do anything stupid.”

-ANZC Governor-General Brian Schatz’s (ANZC Labour) response to ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell request, October 20th, 2020

“Good news sir, we got permission from the Chilean government to visit López who being currently held under custody in Arica, Chile.”

“Wonderful, lets get there ASAP.”

-Conversation between ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell and his staff, October 20th, 2020

CIB Director Howery-Morrell granted permission to visit Chile to question Pedro López on why he destroyed Santiago along with further more questions on what he was doing since he was released from prison in 1980.

-The Courier-Mail, October 20th, 2020
“Para un hombre lisiado, te ves más guapo que yo.”

For a crippled man you look more handsome than me.

“Si no fueras tan pedófilo y violador, te dije que también te veías guapo.”

If you weren't such a pedophile and rapist I say that you look handsome too.

“¿Estás tratando de golpearme?”

Are you hitting on me?

“Tal vez yo soy... Quizás no lo soy.”

Perhaps I am… Perhaps I am not.

“También te pareces a uno de ellos gringos americanos. ¿Trabajas para la CIA?”

Also you look like those American gringos. You working for the CIA?

“Soy australiano para su información, y para su información, los Estados Unidos ni siquiera son una potencia mundial.”

I'm Australian for your information, and for your information the US isn't even a world power.

“¿De que hablas chico? Es una potencia mundial y aún lucha contra esos comunistas en Rusia.”

What are you talking about boy? It is a world power and still fighting those commies in Russia.

“Me parece que has estado aislado del resto de la realidad desde que saliste de la cárcel.”

Seems to me you have been isolated from the rest of reality since you were released from prison.

“En pocas palabras, le informaré de que los Estados Unidos y la URSS entraron en guerra en 1983 y murieron 2 mil millones de personas. Décadas más tarde, América Latina y Australia han alcanzado el estatus de potencias mundiales.”

Simply put I will inform you that US and USSR went to war in 1983 and 2 billions of people died. Decades later Latin America and Australia has rose to status as world powers.

“¿Nosotros, los latinoamericanos y tú, los gringos australianos gobernando el mundo? ¡Eso es seguramente una broma!”

Us Latin Americans and you Australian gringos ruling the world? That is surely a joke!

“No eran más que un grupo de países pobres dirigidos por dictadores que apoyan a los criminales corruptos.”

Were nothing but a bunch of poor countries run by dictators who support corrupted criminals.



“No estoy aquí para discutir con un maldito degenerado como tú. Estoy aquí para hacerle varias preguntas.”

I am not fucking here to argue with a fucking degenerate like you. I am here to ask you several questions.



“Bueno, ya que estoy encerrado en esta celda de la prisión sin posibilidad de escapar, entonces supongo que tendré que obedecerte.”

Well since I am locked up in this prison cell with no chance of escaping then I guess I will have to obey you.

“Bueno primera pregunta.”

Okay first question.

“¿Qué hiciste una vez que saliste de la cárcel en 1980?”

What did you do once you were released from prison back in 1980?

“¿No debería ser obvio para ustedes, idiotas? ¡Volví a matar y violar a las niñas de nuevo ya que lo disfruté!”

Shouldn't it be obvious to you idiots? I went back to killing and raping little girls again since I enjoyed it!

“De acuerdo, pero eso nos deja cuestionándonos exactamente a dónde fuiste durante el resto de los años 80 y 90.”

Okay, but that still leaves us questioning where exactly did you go during the rest of the 1980's and 1990's.

“Viajé por gran parte de Sudamérica como un nómada cuyo único objetivo en la vida era violar y matar. Fue mi búsqueda dada por Allah.”

I traveled around much of South America like a nomad whose only goal in life was to rape and kill. It was my quest given to me by Allah.

“¿Alá? Escuché que te convertiste al Islam en algún momento mientras te escondías, ¿es correcto?”

Allah? I heard you converted to Islam at some point while in hiding, is this correct?

“Sí. Me convertí a la verdadera fe del Islam en 1989, cuando estaba en Paraguay. Encontré una biblioteca y decidí robar un montón de libros, todos los cuales eran aleatorios.”

Yes. I converted to the true faith of Islam back in 1989, when I was in Paraguay. I came across a library and decided to steal a bunch of books all of which were random.

“Curiosamente, uno de esos libros al azar que robé era un Corán, en el que leía todos los días dedicándome a él.”

Funny enough one of those random books I stole was a Quran, to which I read everyday devoting myself to it.

“Cuando lo leo me doy cuenta de la verdad en la vida. Nunca fui destinado a ser católico porque es la religión del diablo. Así me di cuenta de que la verdadera religión era el Islam.”

When I read it I realize the truth in life. I was never meant to be Catholic for it is the religion of the Devil. Thus I realized the true religion was Islam.

“Finalmente, una noche tuve un sueño en el que hablé con el mismo Alá. En el sueño, me dijo que mi destino me fue hecho desde el día en que fui llevado a este mundo maldito.”

Eventually one night I had a dream where I spoke with Allah himself. In the dream he told me that my destiny was made to me since the day I was brought into this cursed world.

“Y ese destino para mí fue que fui hecho para salvar a todas las chicas de Latinoamérica de la malvada religión demoníaca del cristianismo. Tuve que matar a tantos como pudiera para que pudieran ir a Jannah y vivir una vida más feliz lejos de la horrible vida de prostitución, crimen, corrupción, asesinato y pobreza.”

And that destiny for me was I was made to save all the girls across Latin America from the evil demonic religion of Christianity. I had to kill as many as I could so they could go to Jannah and live a happier life away from horrid life of prostitution, crime, corruption, murder, and poverty.

“Entonces, después de ese sueño, comencé a usar un nuevo nombre y cambié mi identidad. Viajé escondido por los Andes acechando el campo.”

So after that dream I began going under a new name and changed my identity. I traveled hidden throughout the Andes stalking the country-side.

“Y recogería a muchas chicas que podría preguntándoles "¿Has oído hablar de la religión del Islam?" o "¿Has oído hablar de la vida de Muhammad?".”

And I would pick up many girls I could by asking them "Have you heard of the religion of Islam?" or "Have you heard of the life of Muhammad?".

“Hacer eso les permitió salvarse fácilmente dándose cuenta de la verdad de que la religión en la que nacieron para convertirse en catolicismo no les ha beneficiado en absoluto.”

Doing that allowed them to be easily saved realizing the truth that the religion they were born into being Catholicism has done nothing of benefit for them.

“Como resultado, pude salvar a muchas niñas de la malvada religión del cristianismo y las traje a Jannah a donde ahora están felices.”

As a result I was able to save many girls from the demonic evil religion of Christianity and I brought them to Jannah to where they are now happy.

“Así que déjame ver si lo entiendo…”

So let me get this straight...

“Básicamente, ¿me estás diciendo que crees que hiciste lo correcto al matar y violar a niñas de tan solo 6 años para que pudieran ir a Jannah?”

You basically are telling me that you believe you did the right thing by killing and raping little girls as young as 6 so they could be able to go to Jannah?

“Sí. Quiero decir que muchos de ellos gritaron y gritaron de terror, pero al final sé que me están agradeciendo por haberlos llevado a un lugar mejor.”

Yes. I mean many of them screamed and cried out in terror, but in the end I know they are thanking me for bringing them to a better place.

“Después de todo, Allah también me dijo que estaba mal tener relaciones sexuales con mujeres que no estaban casadas. Así que me aseguré de realizar ceremonias matrimoniales y de hacerlas mis esposas antes de hacerles el amor.”

After all Allah also told me that it was wrong to have sexual intercourse with females that weren't married. So I made sure I would conduct marriage ceremonies and make them my wives before I made love to them.

“Eso es asqueroso… No puedo creer lo que estoy escuchando.”

That is disgusting… I can’t believe what I am hearing.

“No es asqueroso, ya que Alá quería que lo hiciera.”

It isn’t disgusting, since Allah wanted me to do it.

“Pedro ... escúchame.”

Pedro... Listen to me...

“No merecías ninguna de las cosas horribles que te sucedieron de niño.”

You didn't deserve any of the horrible things that happened to you as a child.

“De Verdad?”


“Solo eres un extraño de una tierra lejana que nunca conocí en toda mi vida. No sabes nada de mí.”

Your just a stranger from a far away land who I never met in my entire life. You don't know anything about me.

“En realidad, mucha gente sabe quién eres ahora desde que te escondiste en 1980. De hecho, en la escuela incluso hablan de ti y de tus delitos cuando se trata de clases de medicina forense.”

Actually a lot of people know who you are now since you went into hiding in 1980. In fact in school they even talk about you and your crimes when it comes to classes about forensics.

“Leí sobre usted en el año 11 en la escuela secundaria. Y déjame decirte que tu vida temprana fue triste y sentí pena por ti.”

I read about you back in Year 11 in secondary school. And let me tell you that your early life was sad and I felt sorry for you.

“De Verdad...?”


“¿Viviste en una casa pequeña con muchos hermanos junto con una madre que se dedica a la prostitución?”

Did you fucking live in a small house with many siblings along with a mother who engaged in prostitution?!

“¿Alguna vez tuviste que sufrir por tu propia madre que te obligó a verla tener relaciones sexuales con otros hombres para castigarte?”

Did you ever had to suffer from your own mother who forced you to watch her have sex with other men for punishment!?

“¿Alguna vez tuvo que pasar algunos días sin limpiarse o incluso poder comer una comida real?”

Did you ever had to go some days without getting clean or even being able to eat a real meal?!



“Pero a mí me molestaron a una edad tan joven como tú.”

But I was molested at a young age like you were.

“Sí, leí lo que te sucedió en el internado al que asististe.”

Yes I read about what happened to you at the boarding school you went to.

“Absolutamente horrible. No merecía nada de eso, ¡Pero fue una elección estúpida escapar!”

Absolutely horrible. Didn't deserve any of that, but it was a stupid choice to run away!

“Entonces dime, ¿Cómo diablos te molestaron? ¡DÍEMOS QUE USTED ESTÁ PEGANDO GRINGO!”

Then tell me how the hell were you molested then? TELL ME YOU STINKING GRINGO!

“Cuando estaba en el noveno año en la escuela secundaria, decidí escabullirme de la casa en mitad de la noche porque quería pasear por mi vecindario.”

When I was in Year 9 in secondary school, I decided to sneak out of the house in the middle of night since I wanted to go for a walk in my neighborhood.

“Solo en el camino de regreso a casa, una de mis matones y sus amigas de mi escuela me descubrieron y me trataron como una mierda toda mi vida.”

Just on the way back home, one of my bullies and her friends from my school discovered me and treated me like crap all my life.

“¿Te violaron por una chica?”

You got raped by a girl?



“Y lo recuerdo todo en detalle también. Sus amigos me llevaron a una pequeña área boscosa de Adelaide. Y allí me sujetaron y me desnudaron exponiéndome.”

And I remember it all in detail too. Her friends carried me into a small wooded area of Adelaide. And there they pinned me down and stripped me down exposing me.

“Y la chica que era mi matón decidió arrastrarse sobre mí como una maldita araña asquerosa. Y lo siguiente que sentí fue nada más que jodida tortura.”

And the girl who was my bully decided to crawl on top of me like a freaking disgusting spider. And next thing I felt nothing but utter fucking torture.

“Ella me dijo mientras tenía la boca tapada, "¡Relájate, joder! ¡Lo disfrutarás!”

She told me while I had my mouth covered, "Relax you fucking squirt! You'll enjoy it!"

“No podía dejar de llorar con lágrimas de horror y seguí esperando que todo terminara.”

I couldn't stop crying with tears of horror and I just kept waiting for it to be over.

“Y finalmente, cuando terminaron conmigo, me dijeron que si se lo contaba a alguien, incluida mi madre, ¡entonces me matarían!”

And finally when they were done with me they told me that if I told anyone including my mother then they would murder me!

“¡Así que sí, fui molesto!”


“Bueno, deberías haber matado a esa perra malvada. ¡Será una justicia apropiada hacerlo desde que ella te quitó tu pureza!”

Well you should've killed that evil bitch. It be proper justice doing so since she took away your purity!

“Entonces, ¿Me estás diciendo que debería haberme vengado y asesinado por lo que me hizo?”

So you're saying to me, that I should've gotten revenge and murdered her for what she did to me?

“¡¿Cómo diablos iba a resolver eso?!”

How the fuck would that solve anything?!

“¡Me habría hecho igual que ella, una persona totalmente fría y sin corazón!”

It would have made me just like her, a total cold heartless person!

“Y déjame decirte que no me convertí en un pedófilo y un violador como tú. De hecho, ¡acabé convirtiéndome en una mejor persona luchando por la justicia!”

And let me tell you, I didn't fucking become a pedophile and rapist like you! In fact I ended up becoming a better person fighting for justice!

“¿Justicia? Por ley...?”

Justice? By law…?

“La ley es corrupta y no da una mierda por ti. ¡Lo aprendí de la manera difícil!”

The law is corrupt and doesn't give shit about you. I learned it the hard way!

“Está olvidando el hecho de que vengo de un país donde la corrupción policial es poco común y es manejada por la policía.”

Your forgetting the fact I come from a country where police corruption is uncommon and is handled by law enforcement.

“Tú, por otro lado, no lo hiciste!”

You on the other hand didn’t!

“Honestamente, si fueras una mejor persona, Pedro, ¡Nunca te habrías convertido en un violador/ asesino en serie!”

Honestly if you were a better person Pedro, you would've never became a rapist/serial killer!

“Demonios, ¡deberías haberte convertido en un político para Colombia y hablar contra la violación y el abuso sexual! Si hubieras hecho eso, te habría apoyado.”

Hell, you should've ended up becoming a politician for Colombia and speak out against rape and sexual abuse! Had you done so I would've supported you.

“Pero en lugar de seguir el camino de tu padre, fuiste al camino del mal puro.”

But instead of following your father's path, you instead went to the path of pure evil.

“¡Terminaste violando y matando a tantas chicas inocentes sin ninguna preocupación en el mundo!”

You ended up raping and killing so many innocent girls without a care in the world!

“¡Felicidades! Te has jugado a ti mismo!”

Congratulations! You've played yourself!

“Fue víctima de violación y terminó convirtiéndose en un violador.”

Was a rape victim and ended up becoming a rapist yourself.

“Me alegro de no ser como tú.”

I’m glad I didn’t become like you.

“¿Que diablos quieres de mi?”

What the hell do you want from me?

“De hecho, ¿Por qué estás aquí?”

In fact why are you here?

“Me alegra que hayas preguntado!”

Glad you asked!

“Soy el jefe de una organización similar a la CIA, pero para Australia y sus aliados. Investigo el terrorismo y mi objetivo es aplastar a los terroristas.”

I am the head of a organization similar to the CIA but for Australia and her allies. I investigate terrorism and my goal is crush terrorists.

“¿Y qué tiene que ver el terrorismo con esto?”

And what does terrorism has to do with this?

“Porque eres uno!”

Because you are one!

“¿Has olvidado que destruiste a Santiago con una bomba sucia?”

Have you forgotten that you destroyed Santiago with a dirty bomb?

“¡Por supuesto que no! Hice eso porque Alá me dijo que lo hiciera.”

Why of course not! I did that because Allah told me to do so.

“¡Tuve que salvar a tantas personas en Santiago para que pudieran ir a Jannah!”

I had to save as many people in Santiago so they could go to Jannah!

“¿¡Salva gente!?”

Save people!?



“¿Y crees que tienes derecho a decirme que la salvaste?”

And you fucking think you have the right to tell me you saved her?



“¿Por qué estás enojado conmigo? ¡Ella es feliz ahora que está con Allah!”

Why are you mad at me? She is happy now since she is with Allah!

“¡No, ella no! ¡Si acaso no está en tu loca versión de Muslim Heaven!”

No she isn't! If anything she most definitely isn't in your insane version of Muslim Heaven!

“Así que les voy a hacer una vez más varias preguntas…”

So I am going to ask you once again several questions...

“Y los responderás o daré permiso a los guardias de la prisión para que te golpeen.”

And you will answer them or I will give permission for the prison guards to beat you.

“Bien aquí la primera pregunta.”

Okay here the first question.

“¿Tuviste alguna conexión con el Califato de Hamas?”

Did you have any connections with the Hamas Caliphate?

"No, pero apoyo su causa. Porque están trayendo paz al mundo".

No, but I do support their cause. For they are bringing peace to the world.

“¿Así que eres un partidario o un miembro?”

So your a supporter or member?



"¿Sabes quién es el Grande?"

Do you know who the Great One is?

"En realidad lo hago".

In matter of fact I do.

"Lo conocí en persona en 1998, cuando hice una peregrinación a La Meca".

I met him in person back in 1998, when I took a pilgrimage to Mecca.

"Él es un gran hombre."

He is a great man.

“Próxima pregunta…”

Next question...

“¿Hiciste esa bomba sucia por tu cuenta?”

Did you make that dirty bomb on your own?

“No. Me lo regaló un compañero del Califato que visitaba Arica en 2019.”

No. It was give to me from a fellow member of the Caliphate who was visiting Arica back in 2019.

“Estaba encubierto por suerte.”

He was undercover thankfully.

-noise of Howery-Morrell opening up a portfolio of pictures is heard-

"¿Que es eso?"

What is that?

“Usted debe saber qué son exactamente estos…”

You should know what exactly these are...

“Son las imágenes de todos los cadáveres y restos de todas las chicas que mataste.”

They're the pictures of all the dead bodies and remains of all the girls you killed.

“Una vez más los salvé.”

Once again I saved them.

“Sí, sigue creyendo que…”

Yeah keep believing that...

“Así que tengo una última pregunta que me gustaría preguntarte…”

So I have one last question I like to ask you...

“Y eso es...?”

And that is…?

“¿Cuántas chicas más mataste cuando saliste de la cárcel?”

How many more girls did you kill when you were released from prison?

“Desde 1980, he guardado un total de 141 chicas…”

Since 1980, I have saved a total of 141 girls...

“47 siendo de peru.”

47 being from Peru.

“23 siendo de bolivia.”

23 being from Bolivia.

“26 siendo de Chile, excluyendo a las personas que liberé en Santiago.”

26 being from Chile, excluding the people I liberated in Santiago.

“14 siendo de ecuador.”

14 being from Ecuador.

“Y 31 de colombia.”

And 31 from Colombia.

“Muy bien... Parece que esta sesión ha terminado. Pero esta no es la última vez que me verás.”

Very well… Looks like this session is over. But this isn’t the last time you will be seeing me.

“¡Eso es bueno! ¿Cuándo volveré a verte?”

That’s good! When will I be seeing you again?

“En su ejecución, que se llevará a cabo en su país de origen, Colombia.”

At your execution which will be taking place in your home country of Colombia.

“Bueno, entonces te veo entonces supongo…”

Well then see you then I guess…

-Audio recording of conversation between Mu’iz Omar de Al'iiman Alhaqiqiu (formerly Pedro Alonso López) and ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell, October 21st, 2020
“I was an Australian teen during the World War on Terror, AMA!”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“Did you ever got drafted into the military during the World War on Terror?”

-Anonymous poster from Papua, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“Thankfully I didn’t since mainly it was due to the fact that during the World War on Terror, basically it only required that the oldest sibling in your family (if you had any…) would be drafted into the military.”

“I didn’t need to get drafted since I was 3rd youngest child in my family. However my sister (being the first child of my parents) was drafted into the ANZC Army and was stationed in Oman during the war.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“Did she engage in any combat? Did she kill anyone in the war?”

-Anonymous poster from the Republic of Texas, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“She was involved in combat so yes. As for killing she did had to kill a bunch of child soldiers a few times which she always felt horrible over.”

“Can’t say I blame her since I would have felt the same way if I was placed in that situation.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“Where exactly did people got drafted at? Was anything like it was in the Vietnam War?”

-Anonymous poster from the Kingdom of Cleveland, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“Usually whenever you turned 18 (if you were a only child or were the oldest child in your family) you basically were required to head to your nearest library, gym, townhall, or in most cases the nearest school in your area.”

“Most Australian teens basically went to their own high school that they graduated from and would basically gather around in their school’s gymnasium or cafeteria. From there all boys and girls who recently turned 18 years of age and graduated would be ordered to line up in a straight line.”

“Boys on one side, and girls on the other side.”

“Next was the national draft lottery.”

“Basically it was similar to how it worked in the Vietnam War.”

“There would be two people (one for boys and one for girls) all of which would have lightweight desktop computers which basically had the information needed for each person that was there.”

“These computers had everyone in it and had your history as well. This includes medical records, any felonies, relatives, and so on. EVERYONE had to be registered into it when they turned 15 in order to prepare them for possible future conscription. Anyone who failed to do so by the time they turned 18 were basically facing up to a sentence of 1 year in prison along with a $300,000 fine.”

“Although we don’t have draft anymore since the World War on Terror, we do still have this registration for Selective Services. Basically put if you live in any ANZC country you basically are required to fill out an application for this online or on paper when you turn 15 years old.”

“So that way if conscription is ever brought back in the ANZC, then it we will already have many registered men and women ready to fight.”

“Coming back to those computers, basically they printed out your official draft card in random order by year. So that means any card says the of August 1st, 2004, then basically everyone with that birthday will basically be sent into the ANZC Armed Forces (mostly sent to Saudi Arabia or to many military bases in Brazil) within one month.”

“This was basically always random. So each time it be different every 12 hours. And to make it more interesting is that they did this every four days of every week.”

“So if your D.O.B. was chosen by the said computer, you had to until one month to be ready to be sent out. Usually you had a choice on what part of the armed forces you wanted to serve in. So that means if you wanted to be in the ANZC Navy then you had that right to be in it since you chosen that.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“How did many girls react to the military draft?”

“Did many felt very scared and thought it was unfair that they had to be drafted in war?”

-Anonymous poster from Sweden, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“Many girls who were suitable for draft basically freaked out completely.”

“In secondary school I would always hear conversations between girls about “I’m suitable for draft and I am the oldest child in my family” or “If I get drafted what part of the ANZC Armed Forces should I pick that sees the least combat” at lunch or in the hallways while walking to my next class.”

“To be honest I understood why many girls freaked out when military draft was brought back, since the World War on Terror basically was the first war we Australians had women being drafted into battle alongside men.”

“Before that being a girl especially during the 1960’s when the war in Vietnam was happening, many teenage girls were ignorant of what really was going on in Vietnam so most of them didn’t fully understand what it was like for boys around their age being in dangerous situations.”

“And for a long time for much of human history, warfare was seen as a dangerous place for women as they were easy targets for enemies. Though it is true that men are mostly physically stronger than women, having only men fight in war never helped whatsoever as many families were destroyed or damaged.”

“But as of modern day we realize that war is war for a reason and you are going to see a lot of fucked up shit in battle. But if your not drafting women from 18-25 then your country is basically allowing itself to get attacked easier.”

“Times have changed. People used to say war never changes.”

“But to be fair it has changed because we have women serving in full combat now.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“How did the LGBT community in Australia respond to the military draft?”

-Anonymous poster from New Zealand, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“From what I remember is that it was mixed.”

“Some gays and lesbians were proud that they were able to serve for Australia to protect it.”

“While others were against it mostly because they were pacifists or because they were against the idea of see themselves in war.”

“I mean the Hamas Caliphate and Christian Patriots were slaughtering a bunch of gays, lesbians, transgenders, and bisexuals. So as a result what we Australians saw was a lot of people in the LGBT community willing to put their lives on the line just so they could show the rest of the world why homosexuality, transgender, and bisexuality is normal.”

“In fact during the World War on Terror, Hawaii had a gay man who ended up becoming a commander for his own division while fighting against the Hamas Caliphate. His name was Commander Bernard “Bernie” Kawasuki, to which many today call him by the title of the “Gay MacArthur”.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“Did you know anyone who died in the war, especially people you knew and were close to?”

-Another anonymous poster from New Zealand, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“I knew plenty of students at my secondary school who died in the war and were given a proper memorial ceremony held in their honor. I didn’t know them personally though, but I felt sad for their families and friends.”

“In fact I attended the same high school the famous Grey Fox went to, Woodsville High School. Today the high school has an entire World War on Terror memorial wall in it’s main lobby that has all the names of both male and female students who fought and perished in the war.”

“They maybe gone but they are remembered by our community for serving not for our country, but serving for humanity’s fight against terrorism.”

“And thus they died true heroes.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“How did your parents react when your oldest sister got her draft card?”

-TechnoFreak101, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“I saw my father cry when he saw her draft card. It was the only time in my life I ever saw my dad cry so many tears, perhaps more tears when our mother died from breast cancer back in 2014.”

“Although he was very scared of losing his daughter, he accepted it and demanded to her that she bring her ass back home alive and in one single piece.”

“And my sister didn’t break that promise, since she survived the war.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“How were soldiers treated when they came back home after the war? Were they mistreated like veterans were during the Vietnam War or was it opposite?”

-Anonymous poster from New Britain, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“Surprisingly when the war ended in 2028, we saw everyone in Adelaide cheering and praising our soldiers coming back from war. It was very much unlike what happened during the Vietnam War, since the World War on Terror wasn’t a war only fought by Australia or Brazil, but it was a global war fought by everyone.”

“We all had one enemy which was the terrorist. Sure we never did stop terrorism forever since it is impossible, but we did however brought a total end to religious fundamentalism in Christian and Islam. Because of that war we saw many Muslim nations become secular after realizing how fundamentalism was basically destroying them.”

“That said I won’t forget seeing many soldiers from all paths of life walking together waving the Australian flag and ANZC flag together. I won’t forget the massive crowds of people praising them for making Australia proud and showing Australia’s military might to the rest of the world.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“How do you view Grey Fox or otherwise known as Louis Richard Howery-Morrell?”

“Is it true he is considered the greatest hero Australia ever had in her history? Because to be honest it sounds like it is often said so much to the point it almost like you guys brag about it.”

-Anonymous poster from the Provisional US, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

“I see your point that yeah he is indeed bragged about a lot. But he really is indeed the greatest hero Australia had in her entire history.”

“He stood up against what was wrong in Australia’s society when it came to racism and other discrimination. He exposed Hanson to the entire public showing that she was the real leader of the Australian Brotherhood. He teamed up with the Australian government and ANZC government to crush the organization.”

“I could go on and on about all the incredible things he did and fought for, but it be too long of a list.”

“But at the end of the day it really goes to show that if it wasn’t for him our nation would’ve been still the same old racist nation today. He proved our country wasn’t meant to be a European nation, Asian nation, Aboriginal nation, Polynesian nation, etc. He proved that Australia was a nation for Australians regardless of color.

“Plus I also have to thank him for showing us how our countries of Australia and Brazil are literally cousins with similar histories of multiculturalism. He basically the reason our relationship with Brazil is still going strong.”

-BlueAussieBoi144, t/Ask Me Anything, TypeIt, July 1st, 2054

Gunshots have been reported at Parklands High School in Burnie, Tasmania!

Police are currently on their way as we speak!

-ABC News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020

000 Operator: “0-0-0 what is your emergency?”


000 Operator: “Alright sweetie, calm down and take deep breaths… Tell me where your location is.”

Female Student: “Parklands High School, Burnie, Tasmania.”

000 Operator: “Alright we have dispatched police to the school. We just got emergency calls from your school as well.”

000 Operator: “Now tell me what is your name and how old are you?”

Female Student: “My name is Bonnie Clayford and I am 17 years of age. Please hurry! I think he is getting closer!”

000 Operator: “Okay Bonnie find a place to hide ASAP!”

*Audio picks up of faint screams and gunshots coming from the classroom next door*

000 Operator: “Is the door locked Bonnie? And is there anyone else in the classroom besides you.”

Bonnie Clayford: “The door is locked yes. And there is only one other student in the classroom whose a boy in Year 9.”

000 Operator: “May I have his full name Bonnie? I’m sure his family is worried sick about him.”

Bonnie Clayford: “His name is Perry McNatchson.”

000 Operator: “Is he right next to you hiding?”

Bonnie Clayford: “Yes he is, currently I’m comforting him since he is absolutely scared out of his mind.”

000 Operator: “Don’t leave him, stay with him!”

*Violent slamming is hurt on the classroom door as the shooter tries to enter by slamming a metal chair against it*


Bonnie Clayford: *whispers* “That’s Ian Pinestone! Jesus Christ!”

Ian Pinestone: *Tries to bash the door down with a metal chair but fails*


000 Operator: “Is he gone?”

Bonnie Clayford: “Yeah he left and is probably going down the hallway towards the science classrooms…”

Bonnie Clayford: “It’s alright Perry he’s gone…”

000 Operator: “I have good news, the police have arrived in many numbers and are currently evacuating the school. I’ll hang up when you inform me when authority arrives.”

Bonnie Clayford: “Alright, thank you…”

-Audio recording from the Parksland High School Massacre, October 22nd, 2020


-ABC News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020

Shooter been identified to be Year 10 student, Ian Pinestone who is currently 15 years old!

-SBS News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020


-ABC News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020


-ABC News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020


-ABC News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020



-SBS News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020


-ABC News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020


-Sky News Australia, October 22nd, 2020



-ABC News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020



-SBS News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020



-ABC News 24/7, October 22nd, 2020

Police discover 19 students dead in the shooting along with 4 teachers.

-Sky News Australia, October 22nd, 2020

Australia once again faces itself with another deadly school shooting, it seems that despite tough gun laws enacted since the Port Arthur Massacre in 1996, the country itself is still seeing mass shootings regardless.

-NBBC World News, October 22nd, 2020
"See? Don't you SEE it, guys? That's why we need to tackle the bullying problem! If that shooter hadn't been pushed around and laughed at for being who he is, the whole mess would have never happened! In that case, I'm open for a petition to end bullying in all schools. The guns aren't the real problem--insensitive assholes are!"

- A New Zealander user's post on the SOO forum, October 23, 2020
Basically put in my TL, I have Australia end up suffering from mass shootings similar to the levels of how the United States has in OTL. Sure in OTL the Port Arthur Massacre resulted in a complete change in gun legislation in Australia.

But only difference is that despite the fact that restrictions on certain guns have been made and tougher gun laws have been made, the problem is shootings still happen due to being able to purchase guns illegally through the deep web (or Deep Net as they call it in TL), and the fact that farmers in rural Australia still own guns for hunting. Civilians in Australia in the TL happen to own handguns usually revolvers or pistols, but they only make up about 20% of Australia's population.

Shootings are happening regardless of tougher laws on gun ownership and registration. People are finding loopholes around it and with bullying becoming more well noticed now in the late 2010's this means Australia and other ANZC countries will see a lot more bullying that can result in a student going crazy. And even if the bullied don't decide to mass murder others they will commit suicide bringing more of the focus of bullying to the public attention.

The 2020's or what will be called the Nu-Twenties (Nu-20's, basically I got the word "nu" from the fact that it can be used for nu-disco, which basically is just a another way of spelling new) will have a lot of changes in Australian society which it is going to have to adapt from.

  • Bullying problem in schools
  • World War on Terror
  • Sexual harassment in media, entertainment, workplace, etc, resulting in massive movement called Standing Up Against Sexism (it will basically focus on both females and males)
  • Child abuse will become more and more focused to the point that government action will occur to heavy lengths in which it will make it uncommon by 2030.
  • Religion will become subjected to more progressive forms especially in Christianity, but at the same we are going to see a lot of young Australians becoming actually Buddhist seeing it is a better alternative to them than following Abrahamic religions that can be often seen as violent. YES! Buddhism is going to rise in huge numbers in the 2020, or at least there will be Buddhist-inspired religious groups that are liberal but believe in a higher deity.
  • Australian society having to come to full terms in accepting their country being a world power as Australia is going to end up heavily involved in major conflicts anywhere in the world, mostly as a way how the US did during the Cold War. But only difference is I will say is Australia will basically be lawfully good when it comes to toppling dictatorships and funding revolutionaries who they certainly agree with.
  • Women are going to have to accept the fact they are no longer exempted from military conscription
Religion will become subjected to more progressive forms especially in Christianity, but at the same we are going to see a lot of young Australians becoming actually Buddhist seeing it is a better alternative to them than following Abrahamic religions that can be often seen as violent. YES! Buddhism is going to rise in huge numbers in the 2020, or at least there will be Buddhist-inspired religious groups that are liberal but believe in a higher deity.
Not just buddhism, but also jainism, taoism, Confucianism and Chundoism.
People across Australia nationwide horrified by the action chosen by police in Burnie. Many politicians from both the left and right political spectrum have spoken out against the idea that police should use snipers to handle school shooters!

However the Leader of the Australian Liberal Party and Head of Opposition, Julie Bishop has spoken her honest opinion on the entire subject.

“It is truly horrifying that police had to end the situation from escalating further by the use of a police sniper. The fact this had to be done during a school massacre is truly sad.”

“But we have to understand the situation that was going on at the time during the shooting. The student basically ran to the library in his school and held everyone hostage while wearing a homemade suicide vest.”

“Had any of the authorities decided to march into the library then the whole place would’ve been blown to kingdom come. There was no other option on how to handle the shooter.”

“That said it makes logical sense why the police in Burnie had to call in a professional police officer who was trained for serious situations such as what happened in Parksland High School.”

“If they hadn’t done so then we would’ve lost more people in Burnie yesterday.”

-The Canberra Times, October 23rd, 2020

“As Director of the CIB, I hereby fully agree with Bishop’s statement on the use of snipers.”

“She is absolutely correct that there was no other option during the hostage situation in the library. The kid literally chosen with his own free will to hold up the place hostage and use a suicide vest. He had no second thoughts on it otherwise he would’ve never went through with his plan on shooting up his school.”

“It is sad that the police of Burnie had to come to such terms, but once again more lives would’ve been lost had they not brought in a police sniper.”

-ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell, October 23rd, 2020

“Despite the fact it is has been 24 years since the Port Arthur Massacre our nation still faces mass shootings despite tough gun laws and regulations. Crazy people are still able to get their hands on guns when they aren’t supposed to.”

“In fact to be fair a decade prior to the 2010’s, the possibility of a mass school shooting happening in our nation was considered implausible.”

“We need to figure out what is truly going on and how to combat it.”

-Australian Senator James McGrath (Liberal National Party), October 23rd, 2020

“We should also look at the possibility that the shooter behind the massacre in Burnie may of been radicalized by the Hamas Caliphate or perhaps a member of it. It wouldn’t be surprising that the Hamas Caliphate want to get into our very school system and brainwash our youths with their nutty propaganda.”

-Australian Senator Peter Costello (Australian Liberal Party), October 23rd, 2020

“I won’t disagree with my colleague Costello, as it is very possible that the Hamas Caliphate may of radicalized Ian Pinestone into a killing machine. But to be fairly honest I think that he had to of snapped at some point.”

“Evidence shows that Ian been bullied much of his life ever since he moved from Broken Hill in New South Wales to Burnie, Tasmania when he was just 10 years old. His uncle told authorities that even up to the day Ian went on his rampage he still truly missed his home in Broken Hill.”

“Further evidence I have gathered is that Ian had never met his father in his entire life and only knew that his dad was a Lebanese immigrant who migrated to Australia in 1979. However sadly his father was a lady’s man and slept with many women and was addicted to sex, so his mother Grace Pinestone basically left him when she was 5 months pregnant with Ian.”

“Bear in mind not having a father in your life doesn’t automatically results in you going crazy later on, but it can be sadly a factor that can lay the foundations for disaster. And the same can be said with divorce between parents or the child never knowing his or her mother.”

“Furthermore Ian’s mother died of leukemia when he was 12 years old and he never recovered from it so he had to live with his uncle which surely was a huge turning point in his life.”

“Losing your parent at a young age can lead to devastating effects to the brain and mentality of a person especially a child or teenager.”

“And last but not least once again Ian Pinestone was always constantly bullied by many people at his school for being considered gay because he enjoyed fashion designer magazines and enjoyed creating dresses resembling those that rich fashion models would wear. He was also constantly called a “anthrofag” which in the anthro community and fandom is considered an offensive insult since it basically is calling someone a zoophile, which are people who engage in sexual activity with animals.”

“As disgusting that is, the thing is the anthro community never supports bestiality and is in fact entirely against it even though it sadly has a tiny small minority of those who engage in such sickening acts. But that said it is quite sad to hear that a fandom is being constantly viewed as a community full of animal molesters when in reality almost the majority aren’t.”

“To compare this to everyone in Parliament, it is basically has disturbing similarities to how the Nazis depicted Jews and other Non-Aryans as bloodsucking monsters when in reality almost none of them were and most of them were just regular people with regular lives.”

“So as a result being constantly called a “anthrofag” probably emotionally made Ian unstable to point he was going to snap.”

“But honestly what may of made Ian finally snap was when his cousin Fiona Pinestone was killed in action in Saudi Arabia while fighting against the Hamas Caliphate. This is in my opinion what led to Ian ultimately deciding to go on a rampage at his school, due to the fact Fiona and Ian had a close relationship that was seen like that of a brother and sister despite the fact they were cousins.”

“So as a result he lost another important person he loved and cared about in his life, and this basically led to him deciding to enact what he believed was justifiable revenge against the people who've hurt him throughout his life.”

“This being said I believe that bullying had also played as a major factor in the Parksland High School Massacre, and as a result we the nation of Australia need make it mandatory for public to be aware of the horrific consequences done by bullying.”

“If we want to have less of our schools getting shot up then we got to crack down hard on bullying in schools. This includes public and private schools. If we do not do this we are just allowing ourselves to see another horrific school shooting months from now.”

-Australian Senator Wyatt Roy (Australian Liberal Party), October 23rd, 2020

“I agree fully with Senator Roy, this is a national bullying problem rather than a gun problem. It should also be stated that religious cults and terrorist organizations basically pray on victims of bullying and depressed people since they can easily manipulate them.[1]

“So as a result we need to also make mandatory PSA’s on cults and terrorist groups recruiting depressed people and victims of bullying. That way the Australian people will wake up and realize the true consequences of this.”

-Australian Senator Penny Wong (Australian Labor Party), October 23rd, 2020


[1] - In OTL currently right now terrorist groups such as ISIS use tactics on recruiting new members by basically going after victims of bullying and mentally depressed people. And not just ISIS is doing this but what is more disturbing that the alt-right (which in general should be considered a terrorist group along with Antifa) is basically using the SAME tactics that ISIS does to recruit people to their movement by going after victims of bullying and mentally depressed people. That said and explained this update to my TL is basically explaining on what really needs to be done in US and Western countries if we want to have less shootings and terrorist attacks.
“Penny Wong and Wyatt Roy are correct. We have to stop this before this gets worse.”

“Since I could’ve very well ended up like Ian did had I never been brought back on the correct path. I could’ve ended up like a terrorist or a school shooter.”

“And I don’t want people ending up like this. It is the thing I will not allow to happen as I am Director of the CIB, since it truly gets me to my core on how emotionally it effects me on so many levels since I relate to each of these victims and brainwashed people.”

-ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell, October 23rd, 2020


-The Torrington Post, October 23rd, 2020

A new popular trend in music has become widely popular among teens and young adults across Alice Springs.

Apparently people have become calling it by the name of “futura”, which apparently looks somewhat like that of electro, house, and funk.

-ABC News 24/7, October 25th, 2020

Futura is a genre of electronic music combining many elements from that of house, funk, electro, and sometimes even disco. The instruments mostly required to produce music of the genre usually required the usage of drum machines, fingerboards, Fairlight CMI computers, electronic keyboards (usually those that were fit and specifically made for playing electro-theme beats), bass synthesizer, and a sampler. Sometimes vocals were included in such “songs” which required the usage of specific microphones along with electronic voice modifiers.

When it came to vocals in futura, basically singers would sing in a electronic voice somewhat how one would sound like if they were a computer program, robot, cyborg, or android, however the voices were still made to be somewhat heard as if it was half normal to that of regular human speech.

The music genre of futura traces its origins to Alice Springs in the year of 2020 during which at the time the local community’s young LGBT population basically as a way for teenage and young adult people in the LGBT community to listen to alternative genres of music in nightclubs (when it came to anyone who was 18 years or older) or night-garages (basically like nightclubs but held within people’s garages to which many teenagers under 18 often did due to not allowing access into nightclubs).

Surprisingly the inventor of futura, Will Verman was in fact heterosexual and ended up inventing after fiddling around with his music equipment in his own garage one day until he heard interesting “futuristic” sounds to which he gained a quick liking to. Being 17 at time of his invention he quickly shared it with everyone at his high school to which instantly he ended up becoming popular among the LGBT student population in his town. However Verman still doesn’t understand or know as to why the LGBT community were the first ones to pick up the genre since futura wasn’t aimed at any specific audience.

Eventually throughout the 2020’s the genre spread from Australia to South America to which it became a success in Brazil creating a totally new sub-genre named
Brazilian futura or commonly called by as “eBrasilia”. As futura became popular across Oceania it resulted in it become liked by the mainstream audience especially from those who were fans of funk, electro, and house.

-Futura - Infopedia, June 20th, 2080


-ABC World News 24/7, October 26th, 2020

WE have gotten word that the military has completely overthrown the entire government of Fiji! Currently we have no word of what happening to any of the ANZC embassies!

-ABC World News 24/7, October 26th, 2020

“I have a fucking bad feeling something is going on in Fiji.”

-ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell, October 26th, 2020

-ABC World News 24/7, October 26th, 2020

WE have gotten word that the military has completely overthrown the entire government of Fiji! Currently we have no word of what happening to any of the ANZC embassies!

-ABC World News 24/7, October 26th, 2020

“I have a fucking bad feeling something is going on in Fiji.”

-ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell, October 26th, 2020

"First a school shooting, and now this? Damn. It seems like every time we turn around there's always something bad happening on our turf. I hope whoever took over the island has a good explanation for this; if this turns out to be another plot by either the Hamas Caliphate or the Christian Patriots, heads are going to roll."

- An Australian poster on the SOO forum, October 26th, 2020
“They’re killing the Indo-Fijians, people with Indo-Fijian ancestry, and even natives who happen to have relations with them.”

“Prime Minister you got to stop this we need to liberate Fiji from chaos!”

-Telephone conversation between Australian Ambassador John Feakes (Ambassador to Fiji) and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard (Australian Labor Party), October 26th, 2020

“Australians right now I have gotten word from one of our ambassadors in Fiji, that the new military regime that has occurred last night is conducting genocide against the Indo-Fijian population of Fiji.”

“As the Prime Minister of Australia and as an Australian I will not standby and allow such acts of evil to occur especially in a nation that is very geographically close to us.”

“That being said the Federal Parliament of Australia this morning has voted in favor of declaring war on Fiji with the possible help of our New Zealander, Hawaiian, Samoan, and Papuan allies.”

“Within 24 hours we demand that the newly installed military regime cease their terror against the Indo-Fijian people or they will be met with the might of our military.”

“Refusal to abide by our demands will result in a declaration of war and we will have no choice but to liberate Fiji from authoritarianism.”

-Televised statement made by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard (Australian Labor Party), October 27th, 2020
Hawaii, New Zealand, Papua, Samoa, Micronesia, and Vanuatu have withdrawn their embassies from Suva.

-The Hilo Daily Post, October 27th, 2020

Brazil condemns Fiji for it acts of genocide against the Indo-Fijian people and announces full support for Australia’s declaration of war against Fiji.

-NBBC World News, October 27th, 2020

Socialist Siberia denounces Australia in LoN for its “threats of war” against Fiji saying that is an act of imperialism.

-The Australian, October 27th, 2020

“Oh why of course… Because surely the Russians never engaged in imperialism when they colonized and genocided the natives in Siberia. Let’s not forget to mention the millions of Ukrainians that were killed in the Holodomor.”

“That never happened either…”


-ANZC: CIB Louis Richard Howery-Morrell’s response to Socialist Siberia’s statement at the LoN, October 27th, 2020

“I agree with Director Howery-Morrell, the Soviet Siberian government are truly hypocrites since they are responsible for what happened in the Holodomor. Surely today no such justice has been made for the Ukrainian people and for the lives lost during the years of famine that lead to even cannibalism.”

-Australian Senator Penny Wong (Australian Labor Party), October 27th, 2020
Newly installed military regime of Fiji has responded to the Australian government by saying it will come to it’s demands if Australia accepts an alternative.

And this alternative happens to be allowing Fiji to deport Indo-Fijians back to India or the Union Interim Parliament as it is now called.

-NBBC World News 24/7, October 27th, 2020

“Gillard if we accept that alternative then logically we’ll have to deport much of entire population in Australia back to Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Due to the fact we aren’t native to Australia since only the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders are.”

“We shouldn’t even accept such a evil alternative. Our country of Australia is better than this.”

-Telephone message sent to the Australian PM from ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell, October 27th, 2020


-Sky News Australia, October 27th, 2020
Newly installed military regime of Fiji has responded to the Australian government by saying it will come to it’s demands if Australia accepts an alternative.

And this alternative happens to be allowing Fiji to deport Indo-Fijians back to India or the Union Interim Parliament as it is now called.

-NBBC World News 24/7, October 27th, 2020

“Gillard if we accept that alternative then logically we’ll have to deport much of entire population in Australia back to Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Due to the fact we aren’t native to Australia since only the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders are.”

“We shouldn’t even accept such a evil alternative. Our country of Australia is better than this.”

-Telephone message sent to the Australian PM from ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell, October 27th, 2020


-Sky News Australia, October 27th, 2020

Looks like there will be war, then. The Nazis of Fiji are REALLY asking to get their asses handed to them.
Fiji refuses to respond to Australia’s demands. Since 24 hours have passed war has been declared on Fiji.

-ABC News 24/7, October 28th, 2020

ANZC Air Force engaging in battle against Fijian Air Force in the territorial waters around Fiji. We have already have a couple naval ships in the Fijian territorial waters, but without the lack of our aircraft carriers at the moment we will have to wait for a week until the ANZS Pele arrives from Yemen to Fiji if we are lucky. If not we may have to wait two weeks for it to arrive to launch a military invasion into Fiji.

-Sky News Australia, October 29th, 2020

Chile orders the their active ships the Chipana, Casma, Aquiles, Capitán Prat, and Almirante Latorre to assist the ANZC in their war against Fiji.

-The Newcastle Herald, October 29th, 2020

THE HAMAS CALIPHATE ARE 12 MILES FROM RIYADH! The remaining royal family of Saudi Arabia has fled to Egypt!

-NBBC World News, October 29th, 2020


Civil unrest breaks out on the island of Rotuma as the few Fijian military stationed there are getting arrested in massive numbers. Shocking footage of military men fleeing from angry native residents as they get pelted with glass bottles, soda cans, rocks, bricks, and even bullets.

-SBS News, October 29th, 2020

“Rotuma for the Rotumans!”

“For centuries Rotuma has been a melting pot between Polynesians, Melanesians, and Micronesians. But it was us Polynesians who may of came from Samoa or Tonga who settled this land before anyone.”

“Our native language bears similarities to Samoan and Tongan than it does with Fijian.”

“But now it is time for us to go independent at last, no more will we continue living under the rule of Fiji for we are not Fijian, we are Rotuman.”

“May God bless Rotuma!”

-Garaj Maraf Solomone, October 29th, 2020

United Chiefdom of Rotuma has been declared by the inhabitants of Rotuma.

-The Courier-Mail, October 30th, 2020

The largest village on Rotuma, Ahau has been proclaimed the capital of Rotuma.

-ABC News, October 30th, 2020

Australia, Hawaii, Chile, Papua, Micronesia, Kiribati, East Timor, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Vanuatu, Samoa, New Zealand, Nauru, and Brazil recognize Rotuma’s independence.

-NBBC World News, October 30th, 2020

Belau recognizes Rotuma’s independence.

-Palauan Sun, October 30th, 2020

Japanese government of Sapporo recognizes Rotuma as a nation.

-Japan Times, October 30th, 2020
Fiji refuses to respond to Australia’s demands. Since 24 hours have passed war has been declared on Fiji.

-ABC News 24/7, October 28th, 2020

ANZC Air Force engaging in battle against Fijian Air Force in the territorial waters around Fiji. We have already have a couple naval ships in the Fijian territorial waters, but without the lack of our aircraft carriers at the moment we will have to wait for a week until the ANZS Pele arrives from Yemen to Fiji if we are lucky. If not we may have to wait two weeks for it to arrive to launch a military invasion into Fiji.

-Sky News Australia, October 29th, 2020

Chile orders the their active ships the Chipana, Casma, Aquiles, Capitán Prat, and Almirante Latorre to assist the ANZC in their war against Fiji.

-The Newcastle Herald, October 29th, 2020

THE HAMAS CALIPHATE ARE 12 MILES FROM RIYADH! The remaining royal family of Saudi Arabia has fled to Egypt!

-NBBC World News, October 29th, 2020


Civil unrest breaks out on the island of Rotuma as the few Fijian military stationed there are getting arrested in massive numbers. Shocking footage of military men fleeing from angry native residents as they get pelted with glass bottles, soda cans, rocks, bricks, and even bullets.

-SBS News, October 29th, 2020

“Rotuma for the Rotumans!”

“For centuries Rotuma has been a melting pot between Polynesians, Melanesians, and Micronesians. But it was us Polynesians who may of came from Samoa or Tonga who settled this land before anyone.”

“Our native language bears similarities to Samoan and Tongan than it does with Fijian.”

“But now it is time for us to go independent at last, no more will we continue living under the rule of Fiji for we are not Fijian, we are Rotuman.”

“May God bless Rotuma!”

-Garaj Maraf Solomone, October 29th, 2020

United Chiefdom of Rotuma has been declared by the inhabitants of Rotuma.

-The Courier-Mail, October 30th, 2020

The largest village on Rotuma, Ahau has been proclaimed the capital of Rotuma.

-ABC News, October 30th, 2020

Australia, Hawaii, Chile, Papua, Micronesia, Kiribati, East Timor, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Vanuatu, Samoa, New Zealand, Nauru, and Brazil recognize Rotuma’s independence.

-NBBC World News, October 30th, 2020

Belau recognizes Rotuma’s independence.

-Palauan Sun, October 30th, 2020

Japanese government of Sapporo recognizes Rotuma as a nation.

-Japan Times, October 30th, 2020

Well, that was rather anti-climatic. I was kinda expecting a huge battle between the ANZC and Fiji, but it later turns out that the inhabitants of the island ended up defeating the military regime all by themselves...which, if anything, deserves a mention in the TL's Crowning Moment of Awesome page. Rotuma forever!
Leader of the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) and former Fijian prime minister, Sitiveni Rabuka declares himself “president for life” after being the one behind the coup.

-NBBC World News, October 31st, 2020

ANZC Air Force begins to bomb military bases in Fiji!

-ABC News, October 31st, 2020

“Sir, what are you wearing?”

“It’s Halloween! This year I’m a zombie.”

“Well I have to say that your makeup is spot-on.”

“Thank you, I was up all night preparing for it.”

“But you do realize you have a meeting later today with Colombian government officials.”

“Well aware of it.”

“Then why did you make yourself look like a zombie?”

“Because I’m in the Halloween spirit.”

“But the Colombians will think you look fucking weird.”

“So? I don’t care.”

-Conversation between ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell, October 31st, 2020

“Señor Howery-Morrell-”

Mr. Howery-Morrell-

"Feliz Halloween."

Happy Halloween.

"Ah. Veo que decidiste vestirte este año para eso".

Ah. I see you decided to dress up this year for it.

"Lo hago todos los años."

I do it every year.

"De todos modos estamos aquí para discutir sobre Pedro López".

Anyways we are here to discuss on Pedro Lopez.

"Muy bien, vamos a terminar con esta reunión".

Very well, let’s get this meeting over with.

-Conversation between ANZC: CIB Director Louis Richard Howery-Morrell and Colombian government officials in Antofagasta, Chile, October 31st, 2020